Exodus 27 Quiz

Comprehensive Exodus 27 Quiz with Answers: How Well Do You Know the Book of Exodus?

This Exodus 27 quiz features 25 thought-provoking questions carefully crafted to cover all the verses in the chapter.

Each question is followed by five possible answers, giving you ample opportunity to challenge your knowledge and understanding of this Exodus chapter 27.

Keep in mind, this Bible quiz on Exodus chapter 27 is meant to be tricky, so ensure you cross-reference with Exodus 27 in the KJV Bible to validate your answers at the end of the entire questions.

All right, let’s dive into the deep waters of Exodus 27!

[ALSO READ: The Book of Exodus Summary by Chapter (1-40): Concise and Comprehensive]

Exodus 27 Quiz Questions

Here is a 25-question quiz based on Exodus Chapter 27 from the KJV.

Exodus 27 Questions

Question 1: What were the dimensions of the altar of burnt offering?

  • A) 5 cubits long, 5 cubits wide, 3 cubits high
  • B) 4 cubits long, 4 cubits wide, 2 cubits high
  • C) 3 cubits long, 3 cubits wide, 2 cubits high
  • D) 7 cubits long, 7 cubits wide, 4 cubits high
  • E) 6 cubits long, 6 cubits wide, 3 cubits high

Question 2: What material was the altar of burnt offering to be made from?

  • A) Gold
  • B) Bronze
  • C) Silver
  • D) Wood
  • E) Iron

Question 3: What was to be put at each of the four corners of the altar?

  • A) Horns
  • B) Cherubim
  • C) Rings
  • D) Lamps
  • E) Bells

Question 4: How was the altar to be made hollow?

  • A) With boards
  • B) With stones
  • C) With clay
  • D) With bronze
  • E) With fabric

Question 5: What items were to be made for the altar?

  • A) Pots, shovels, basins, forks, and firepans
  • B) Lamps, candlesticks, curtains, and rods
  • C) Bells, whistles, trumpets, and harps
  • D) Bowls, cups, dishes, and spoons
  • E) Vases, urns, chalices, and censers

Question 6: What material were the utensils of the altar to be made from?

  • A) Gold
  • B) Silver
  • C) Bronze
  • D) Wood
  • E) Iron

Question 7: How was the altar to be transported?

  • A) On a cart
  • B) With staves through rings
  • C) Carried by hand
  • D) On the backs of animals
  • E) By floating down the river

Question 8: What were the dimensions of the court of the tabernacle?

  • A) 50 cubits long and 25 cubits wide
  • B) 100 cubits long and 50 cubits wide
  • C) 75 cubits long and 35 cubits wide
  • D) 30 cubits long and 15 cubits wide
  • E) 40 cubits long and 20 cubits wide

Question 9: What material were the hangings for the court to be made from?

  • A) Fine twined linen
  • B) Goats’ hair
  • C) Rams’ skins dyed red
  • D) Badgers’ skins
  • E) Silk

Question 10: What was the height of the hangings for the court?

  • A) 5 cubits
  • B) 10 cubits
  • C) 7 cubits
  • D) 8 cubits
  • E) 6 cubits

Question 11: What material were the pillars of the court to be overlaid with?

  • A) Gold
  • B) Silver
  • C) Bronze
  • D) Iron
  • E) Copper

Question 12: What material were the hooks and fillets of the pillars to be made from?

  • A) Gold
  • B) Silver
  • C) Bronze
  • D) Iron
  • E) Lead

Question 13: What was to be the length of the hangings on the west side of the court?

  • A) 50 cubits
  • B) 25 cubits
  • C) 75 cubits
  • D) 40 cubits
  • E) 60 cubits

Question 14: What was the width of the hangings on the east side toward the sunrise?

  • A) 50 cubits
  • B) 25 cubits
  • C) 20 cubits
  • D) 30 cubits
  • E) 15 cubits

Question 15: What were the dimensions of the gate of the court?

  • A) 20 cubits wide and 5 cubits high
  • B) 15 cubits wide and 7 cubits high
  • C) 30 cubits wide and 10 cubits high
  • D) 25 cubits wide and 8 cubits high
  • E) 10 cubits wide and 4 cubits high

Question 16: What colors were to be used in the embroidery of the gate of the court?

  • A) Blue, purple, and scarlet
  • B) Black, white, and gray
  • C) Red, yellow, and green
  • D) Silver, gold, and bronze
  • E) Orange, violet, and indigo

Question 17: What was the oil for the lamp to be made from?

  • A) Olive oil
  • B) Palm oil
  • C) Sunflower oil
  • D) Almond oil
  • E) Canola oil

Question 18: Who was to tend the lamps outside the veil of the Testimony?

  • A) Moses
  • B) Aaron and his sons
  • C) The Levites
  • D) The High Priest
  • E) The sons of Korah

Question 19: How often were the lamps to be tended?

  • A) Continually
  • B) Once a week
  • C) Every Sabbath
  • D) Twice a day
  • E) Only at night

Question 20: What was the purpose of the oil for the light?

  • A) To keep the lamp burning perpetually
  • B) For anointing the priests
  • C) For cooking in the tabernacle
  • D) As a fragrance
  • E) For healing

Question 21: In what part of the tabernacle were the lamps to be set up?

  • A) In the Holy of Holies
  • B) Outside the tabernacle
  • C) In the Most Holy Place
  • D) In the outer court
  • E) In the Holy Place

Question 22: What time of day were the lamps to be lit?

  • A) In the morning
  • B) At noon
  • C) In the evening
  • D) At midnight
  • E) At twilight

Question 23: Who was responsible for ensuring the lamps were lit at the correct time?

  • A) The High Priest
  • B) Aaron and his sons
  • C) The sons of Levi
  • D) The congregation of Israel
  • E) Moses

Question 24: How long was this lamp lighting practice to be observed?

  • A) For forty years
  • B) Throughout their generations
  • C) Until entering the Promised Land
  • D) For one year
  • E) During the lifetime of Moses

Question 25: What is the symbolic significance of the perpetual lamp in the tabernacle?

  • A) God’s unending provision
  • B) The light of God’s law
  • C) The presence of God among His people
  • D) The eternal nature of God’s covenant
  • E) The path to enlightenment

Exodus 28 Quiz
Exodus 26 Quiz
Exodus 25 Quiz
Exodus 24 Quiz
Exodus 23 Quiz

Answers to Exodus 27 Quiz Questions

Here are the answers with explanations based on Exodus Chapter 27 from the KJV:

Answers to Exodus 27 Questions


  • Answer: A) 5 cubits long, 5 cubits wide, 3 cubits high
  • Explanation: The dimensions of the altar of burnt offering were 5 cubits long, 5 cubits wide, and 3 cubits high. This is specified in Exodus 27:1, which gives detailed instructions for the construction of the altar.


  • Answer: B) Bronze
  • Explanation: The altar of burnt offering was to be made from bronze. As stated in Exodus 27:2, the material chosen for the altar was significant for its durability and symbolic meanings.


  • Answer: A) Horns
  • Explanation: Horns were to be put at each of the four corners of the altar. This detail is provided in Exodus 27:2, where the design of the altar includes these protrusions, which had both functional and symbolic significance.


  • Answer: A) With boards
  • Explanation: The altar was to be made hollow with boards. Exodus 27:8 describes the construction method for the altar, which was to be hollow and made from acacia wood overlaid with bronze.


  • Answer: A) Pots, shovels, basins, forks, and firepans
  • Explanation: The items to be made for the altar included pots, shovels, basins, forks, and firepans. These utensils, listed in Exodus 27:3, were necessary for the various functions and rituals associated with the altar.


  • Answer: C) Bronze
  • Explanation: The utensils of the altar were to be made from bronze. As mentioned in Exodus 27:3, bronze was the chosen material for these items, consistent with the construction of the altar itself.


  • Answer: B) With staves through rings
  • Explanation: The altar was to be transported with staves through rings. Exodus 27:6-7 describes the inclusion of rings and staves, made of acacia wood overlaid with bronze, for carrying the altar.


  • Answer: B) 100 cubits long and 50 cubits wide
  • Explanation: The dimensions of the court of the tabernacle were 100 cubits long and 50 cubits wide. These measurements are given in Exodus 27:9, outlining the size of the enclosed area around the tabernacle.


  • Answer: A) Fine twined linen
  • Explanation: The hangings for the court were to be made from fine twined linen. Exodus 27:9 specifies this material, which was used for its quality and appearance in creating the enclosure for the tabernacle.


  • Answer: A) 5 cubits
  • Explanation: The height of the hangings for the court was to be 5 cubits. This is stated in Exodus 27:18, providing the specifications for the linen curtains that formed the perimeter of the tabernacle’s courtyard.


  • Answer: C) Bronze
  • Explanation: The pillars of the court were to be overlaid with bronze. Exodus 27:10-11 describes the pillars that supported the linen hangings, with bronze used for their overlay, complementing the other bronze elements in the tabernacle’s design.


  • Answer: B) Silver
  • Explanation: The hooks and fillets of the pillars were to be made from silver. As mentioned in Exodus 27:10-11, silver was used for these components, adding to the aesthetic and functional aspects of the courtyard pillars.


  • Answer: D) 40 cubits
  • Explanation: The length of the hangings on the west side of the court was to be 40 cubits. This measurement is provided in Exodus 27:12, detailing the specific dimensions for each side of the courtyard.


  • Answer: B) 25 cubits
  • Explanation: The width of the hangings on the east side toward the sunrise was to be 25 cubits. Exodus 27:13-14 outlines the dimensions for this part of the courtyard, which included the gate or entrance.


  • Answer: C) 30 cubits wide and 10 cubits high
  • Explanation: The dimensions of the gate of the court were 30 cubits wide and 10 cubits high. These dimensions are stated in Exodus 27:16

, describing the entrance to the tabernacle’s courtyard.


  • Answer: A) Blue, purple, and scarlet
  • Explanation: The colors to be used in the embroidery of the gate of the court were blue, purple, and scarlet. As detailed in Exodus 27:16, these colors were to be woven into the fabric of the gate, consistent with the color scheme used in other parts of the tabernacle.


  • Answer: A) Olive oil
  • Explanation: The oil for the lamp was to be made from olive oil. Exodus 27:20 specifies the use of pure olive oil for the lampstand, emphasizing the quality and purity required for this purpose.


  • Answer: B) Aaron and his sons
  • Explanation: Aaron and his sons were to tend the lamps outside the veil of the Testimony. As stated in Exodus 27:21, this responsibility was part of their priestly duties, ensuring that the lamps were always burning in the tabernacle.


  • Answer: A) Continually
  • Explanation: The lamps were to be tended continually. Exodus 27:20-21 describes the requirement for the lamps to be kept burning perpetually, symbolizing the constant presence of God among His people.


  • Answer: A) To keep the lamp burning perpetually
  • Explanation: The purpose of the oil for the light was to keep the lamp burning perpetually. This continual burning, as mentioned in Exodus 27:20, was an important aspect of the tabernacle’s function, representing God’s eternal light.


  • Answer: E) In the Holy Place
  • Explanation: The lamps were to be set up in the Holy Place of the tabernacle. Exodus 27:21 specifies their location, which was just outside the veil of the Most Holy Place, where the Ark of the Covenant was kept.


  • Answer: C) In the evening
  • Explanation: The lamps were to be lit in the evening. As indicated in Exodus 27:21, the lighting of the lamps was part of the daily ritual performed by Aaron and his sons, marking the transition from day to night.


  • Answer: B) Aaron and his sons
  • Explanation: Aaron and his sons were responsible for ensuring the lamps were lit at the correct time. This duty is outlined in Exodus 27:21, emphasizing the role of the priests in maintaining the sacred space of the tabernacle.


  • Answer: B) Throughout their generations
  • Explanation: The lamp lighting practice was to be observed throughout their generations. Exodus 27:21 conveys the lasting nature of this command, indicating that it was to be a perpetual practice among the Israelites.


  • Answer: C) The presence of God among His people
  • Explanation: The symbolic significance of the perpetual lamp in the tabernacle is the presence of God among His people. The continually burning lampstand represented the unceasing presence and guidance of God, serving as a reminder of His constant watchfulness and care for the Israelites.

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