Welcome to our deep-dive Bible quiz on Acts chapter 14! This chapter takes us on a thrilling journey with the apostles Paul and Barnabas, as they continue spreading the word of God and performing miracles, often in the face of intense adversity.
In this blog post, we’ll be challenging your knowledge of these profound events with a series of tricky questions. Don’t worry if some of them seem difficult at first – they’re designed to make you think and dive deeper into the scripture for a more profound understanding.
Remember, the goal isn’t just to get the right answer but to engage with the scripture, explore its depth, and emerge with a greater understanding of its teachings. Enjoy the journey, and let’s start the quiz!
[Related: Acts Chapter 13 McQ and Answers]
Bible Quiz on Acts Chapter 14
Acts Chapter 14 Questions
Question 1:
In Acts 14:1, what specific action did Paul and Barnabas take in the synagogue that led to the conversion of many Jews and Greeks?
a. They performed miracles
b. They spoke so that a great multitude believed
c. They argued with the synagogue leaders
d. They brought gifts
e. They recited the entire Torah
Question 2:
According to Acts 14:2, who were responsible for stirring up the Gentiles and poisoning their minds against the brethren?
a. The unbelieving Jews
b. The Roman soldiers
c. The Pharisees
d. The Sadducees
e. The Greeks
Question 3:
In Acts 14:3, God granted Paul and Barnabas the ability to perform signs and wonders. What was the main reason for this?
a. To prove their divinity
b. To show that they were prophets
c. To scare away the unbelieving Jews
d. To provide evidence of the grace of God
e. To attract more followers
Question 4:
Who were the people that attempted to stone Paul and Barnabas in Acts 14:5?
a. The Greeks
b. The Romans
c. Both the Gentiles and Jews, with their rulers
d. The disciples
e. The Sadducees
Question 5:
What did Paul and Barnabas do when they became aware of the plot to stone them as described in Acts 14:6?
a. They stood their ground and faced their attackers
b. They fled to Lystra and Derbe, cities of Lycaonia
c. They called down fire from heaven
d. They appealed to the Roman authorities
e. They hid in the synagogue
Question 6:
In Acts 14:7, what did Paul and Barnabas continue to do despite the threats and plots against them?
a. They continued preaching the gospel
b. They started to gather an army
c. They hid in people’s homes
d. They returned to Jerusalem
e. They prayed for their enemies
Question 7:
According to Acts 14:8, where was the man who was impotent in his feet, being a cripple from his mother’s womb, seated when Paul healed him?
a. At the synagogue entrance
b. By the river
c. In his home
d. On the streets of Lystra
e. In the town’s square
Question 8:
In Acts 14:9, what did Paul perceive about the man impotent in his feet?
a. That he was a prophet
b. That he had been crippled since birth
c. That he had faith to be healed
d. That he was pretending to be crippled
e. That he was a wealthy man
Question 9:
In Acts 14:10, what did Paul command the impotent man to do, leading to his healing?
a. “Take up your bed and walk”
b. “Stand upright on thy feet”
c. “Go to the temple and offer a sacrifice”
d. “Go and sin no more”
e. “Wash in the river seven times”
Question 10:
According to Acts 14:11, what did the people of Lystra think when they saw the man who had been crippled walking?
a. They thought Paul and Barnabas were ordinary men
b. They believed Paul and Barnabas were gods in human form
c. They were afraid and begged Paul and Barnabas to leave their city
d. They thought the man was pretending before
e. They did not notice the miracle
Question 11:
In Acts 14:12, what names did the people of Lystra give to Paul and Barnabas?
a. Moses and Aaron
b. Jupiter and Mercury
c. Zeus and Hermes
d. Apollo and Dionysus
e. David and Solomon
Question 12:
In Acts 14:13, who brought oxen and garlands unto the gates and wanted to do sacrifice with the people?
a. The priest of Jupiter
b. The governor of Lystra
c. The high priest of Jerusalem
d. The disciples of Paul and Barnabas
e. The Roman soldiers
Question 13:
According to Acts 14:14, how did Paul and Barnabas react when they heard of the sacrifices prepared for them?
a. They sat down and wept
b. They were angry and shouted at the people
c. They ran among the people, rending their clothes
d. They blessed the people and accepted the sacrifices
e. They quietly left the city
Question 14:
In Acts 14:15, to what does Paul direct the people of Lystra as the true object of worship?
a. The living God who made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things therein
b. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
c. The God of the Jews
d. The God of Paul and Barnabas
e. The Holy Spirit
Question 15:
What message did Paul and Barnabas convey about God in Acts 14:17?
a. God is the one true king
b. God left himself not without witness, in that he did good, and gave rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons
c. God punishes the wicked and rewards the good
d. God commands everyone to be baptized
e. God will come again to judge the world
Question 16:
In Acts 14:18, despite Paul and Barnabas’ efforts to dissuade the crowd from sacrificing to them, what was the crowd’s reaction?
a. They stopped immediately and apologized
b. They went ahead with the sacrifice
c. They stoned Paul and Barnabas
d. With these sayings scarce restrained they the people, that they had not done sacrifice unto them
e. They converted to Christianity on the spot
Question 17:
According to Acts 14:19, who came from Antioch and Iconium and persuaded the people against Paul?
a. Certain Jews
b. Roman soldiers
c. A group of Pharisees
d. Followers of John the Baptist
e. Disciples of Peter
Question 18:
In Acts 14:19, what was done to Paul that left him for dead?
a. He was stoned
b. He was crucified
c. He was thrown into a lion’s den
d. He was flogged
e. He was thrown into a fiery furnace
Question 19:
What miraculous event occurs in Acts 14:20 after Paul is stoned and dragged out of the city?
a. Paul ascends into heaven
b. Paul is raised from the dead by an angel
c. As the disciples stood around him, he rose up and came into the city
d. Paul’s wounds are healed instantly
e. The people who stoned Paul are struck blind
Question 20:
According to Acts 14:21, after escaping from Lystra, where did Paul and Barnabas go to preach the gospel?
a. Derbe
b. Rome
c. Jerusalem
d. Antioch
e. Damascus
Question 21:
In Acts 14:22, what do Paul and Barnabas tell the disciples about entering the kingdom of God?
a. It can only be achieved through faith alone
b. It requires a great deal of wealth
c. Only the Jews can enter the kingdom of God
d. We must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God
e. It requires the performance of miracles
Question 22:
According to Acts 14:23, what did Paul and Barnabas do in every church before they left?
a. They ordained elders
b. They collected offerings
c. They wrote letters to the apostles in Jerusalem
d. They performed miracles
e. They held a feast
Question 23:
In Acts 14:24, Paul and Barnabas went through which region after they had preached the word in Derbe and had taught many?
a. Pisidia
b. Galatia
c. Jerusalem
d. Macedonia
e. Asia
Question 24:
According to Acts 14:25, where did they speak the word of the Lord after passing throughout Pisidia?
a. Attalia
b. Jerusalem
c. Lystra
d. Antioch
e. Rome
Question 25:
In Acts 14:26, from where had they been recommended to the grace of God for the work which they fulfilled?
a. From Lystra
b. From Antioch
c. From Jerusalem
d. From Rome
e. From Derbe
Question 26:
In Acts 14:27, when they were gathered with the church, what did Paul and Barnabas declare?
a. The miracles they had performed
b. The tribulations they had faced
c. All that God had done with them, and how he had opened the door of faith unto the Gentiles
d. Their plan to visit Rome
e. Their intention to write a letter to the Corinthians
Question 27:
Finally, in Acts 14:28, how long did Paul and Barnabas continue in Antioch?
a. A week
b. Three months
c. A year
d. Seven years
e. It does not specify
Question 28:
What did Paul and Barnabas do to stop the people of Lystra from offering sacrifices to them in Acts 14:14?
a. They prayed to God to stop them
b. They ran among the people, rending their clothes
c. They hid until the people left
d. They accepted the sacrifices but did not eat them
e. They spoke in tongues to confuse the crowd
Question 29:
In Acts 14:15, Paul and Barnabas urged the people to turn away from vanities and towards what?
a. The living God
b. The teachings of Jesus
c. The law of Moses
d. The traditions of their ancestors
e. The Roman gods
Question 30:
In Acts 14:16, Paul and Barnabas reminded the people that in past generations God allowed all nations to walk in their own ways, but what did He not leave himself without?
a. Witness
b. Prophets
c. Commandments
d. Sacrifices
e. Miracles
Question 31:
Which city did Paul and Barnabas escape to after they found out about the plot to use stones against them in Acts 14:6?
a. Lystra
b. Derbe
c. Antioch
d. Iconium
e. Jerusalem
Question 32:
In Acts 14:21, where did Paul and Barnabas go to preach the gospel after they had preached to that city and had taught many?
a. Derbe
b. Lystra
c. Iconium
d. Antioch
e. Jerusalem
Question 33:
In Acts 14:23, what did they do with prayer and fasting when they had ordained elders in every church?
a. They commended them to the Lord
b. They asked for donations
c. They performed miracles
d. They gave a lengthy sermon
e. They translated the scriptures
Question 34:
In Acts 14:27, when they had gathered the church together, they reported all that God had done with them and that He had opened the door of faith to whom?
a. The Jews
b. The Gentiles
c. The Romans
d. The Samaritans
e. The Greeks
Question 35:
In Acts 14:19, who stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, thinking he was dead?
a. The Jews from Antioch and Iconium
b. The people of Lystra
c. The disciples of Paul and Barnabas
d. The Roman soldiers
e. The Pharisees
Question 36:
What did the people of Lystra do when they saw the impotent man walking in Acts 14:11?
a. They thanked Paul and Barnabas
b. They lifted up their voices, saying in the speech of Lycaonia, The gods are come down to us in the likeness of men
c. They stoned Paul and Barnabas
d. They asked Paul and Barnabas to leave the city
e. They reported Paul and Barnabas to the Roman authorities
Question 37:
In Acts 14:13, the priest of which god, brought oxen and garlands to the gates, and would have done sacrifice with the people?
a. Zeus
b. Jupiter
c. Apollo
d. Hermes
e. Dionysus
Question 38:
In Acts 14:17, Paul and Barnabas reminded the people of Lystra that God did not leave himself without a witness in that he did good and gave what from heaven?
a. Blessings
b. Rain and fruitful seasons
c. Manna
d. Commandments
e. Angels
Question 39:
According to Acts 14:20, who stood round about Paul after he was stoned and left for dead outside the city?
a. The Jews from Antioch and Iconium
b. The disciples
c. The people of Lystra
d. The Romans
e. The Pharisees
Question 40:
In Acts 14:22, Paul and Barnabas confirmed the souls of the disciples, and exhorted them to continue in what?
a. The faith
b. Their journey
c. Their prayers
d. Their sacrifices
e. Their studies
Question 41:
In Acts 14:25, Paul and Barnabas spoke the word of the Lord in which city before going down to Attalia?
a. Antioch
b. Lystra
c. Perga
d. Iconium
e. Derbe
Question 42:
According to Acts 14:15, Paul and Barnabas directed the people to turn from vanities unto which God?
a. The God who answers by fire
b. The God who parted the Red Sea
c. The God who made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things that are therein
d. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
e. The God who raised Jesus from the dead
Question 43:
Which unusual event occurred in Lystra according to Acts 14:8-10?
a. A voice from heaven spoke to the people
b. An earthquake shook the city
c. A man impotent in his feet was healed
d. A great light blinded the people
e. Water was turned into wine
Question 44:
Who is referred to as the apostles in Acts 14:14?
a. Peter and John
b. James and John
c. Paul and Barnabas
d. Matthew and Thomas
e. Andrew and Philip
Question 45:
What was the reaction of the people when Paul and Barnabas refused the sacrifices prepared for them in Acts 14:18-19?
a. They praised Paul and Barnabas
b. They stoned Paul and left him for dead
c. They repented and were baptized
d. They chased Paul and Barnabas out of the city
e. They ignored Paul and Barnabas
Question 46:
After returning to Antioch in Acts 14:26-27, what did Paul and Barnabas do with the church there?
a. They rebuked the church
b. They gathered the church together, they rehearsed all that God had done with them
c. They left the church to go back to Jerusalem
d. They ordained new elders in the church
e. They asked the church for financial support
Question 47:
According to Acts 14:20, after being stoned in Lystra, where did Paul go the next day with Barnabas?
a. Derbe
b. Antioch
c. Perga
d. Iconium
e. Jerusalem
Question 48:
In Acts 14:23, after ordaining elders in every church, what did Paul and Barnabas do?
a. They left immediately for Jerusalem
b. They had prayed with fasting
c. They gave a long sermon
d. They wrote letters to other churches
e. They collected offerings for the poor
Question 49:
In Acts 14:28, what did Paul and Barnabas do after returning to Antioch?
a. They went to the temple to pray
b. They went to Jerusalem to meet the other apostles
c. They abode long time with the disciples
d. They wrote letters to the churches they had visited
e. They started planning their next missionary journey
Question 50:
In Acts 14:22, Paul and Barnabas taught the disciples that we must enter the kingdom of God through what?
a. Much prayer and fasting
b. Being born again
c. Belief in Jesus Christ
d. Much tribulation
e. Keeping all the commandments
Question 1: b. They spoke so that a great multitude believed – Acts 14:1
Question 2: a. The unbelieving Jews – Acts 14:2
Question 3: d. To provide evidence of the grace of God – Acts 14:3
Question 4: c. Both the Gentiles and Jews, with their rulers – Acts 14:5
Question 5: b. They fled to Lystra and Derbe, cities of Lycaonia – Acts 14:6
Question 6: a. They continued preaching the gospel – Acts 14:7
Question 7: d. On the streets of Lystra – Acts 14:8
Question 8: c. That he had faith to be healed – Acts 14:9
Question 9: b. “Stand upright on thy feet” – Acts 14:10
Question 10: b. They believed Paul and Barnabas were gods in human form – Acts 14:11
Question 11: b. Jupiter and Mercury – Acts 14:12
Question 12: a. The priest of Jupiter – Acts 14:13
Question 13: c. They ran among the people, rending their clothes – Acts 14:14
Question 14: a. The living God who made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things therein – Acts 14:15
Question 15: b. God left himself not without witness, in that he did good, and gave rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons – Acts 14:17
Question 16: d. With these sayings scarce restrained they the people, that they had not done sacrifice unto them – Acts 14:18
Question 17: a. Certain Jews – Acts 14:19
Question 18: a. He was stoned – Acts 14:19
Question 19: c. As the disciples stood around him, he rose up and came into the city – Acts 14:20
Question 20: a. Derbe – Acts 14:21
Question 21: d. We must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God – Acts 14:22
Question 22: a. They ordained elders – Acts 14:23
Question 23: a. Pisidia – Acts 14:24
Question 24: a. Attalia – Acts 14:25
Question 25: b. From Antioch – Acts 14:26
Question 26: c – All that God had done with them, and how he had opened the door of faith unto the Gentiles (Acts 14:27)
Question 27: e – It does not specify (Acts 14:28)
Question 28: b – They ran among the people, rending their clothes (Acts 14:14)
Question 29: a – The living God (Acts 14:15)
Question 30: a – Witness (Acts 14:16)
Question 31: a – Lystra (Acts 14:6)
Question 32: a – Derbe (Acts 14:21)
Question 33: a – They commended them to the Lord (Acts 14:23)
Question 34: b – The Gentiles (Acts 14:27)
Question 35: a – The Jews from Antioch and Iconium (Acts 14:19)
Question 36: b – They lifted up their voices, saying in the speech of Lycaonia, The gods are come down to us in the likeness of men (Acts 14:11)
Question 37: b – Jupiter (Acts 14:13)
Question 38: b – Rain and fruitful seasons (Acts 14:17)
Question 39: b – The disciples (Acts 14:20)
Question 40: a – The faith (Acts 14:22)
Question 41: c – Perga (Acts 14:25)
Question 42: c – The God who made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things that are therein (Acts 14:15)
Question 43: c – A man impotent in his feet was healed (Acts 14:8-10)
Question 44: c – Paul and Barnabas (Acts 14:14)
Question 45: b – They stoned Paul and left him for dead (Acts 14:19)
Question 46: b – They gathered the church together, they rehearsed all that God had done with them (Acts 14:27)
Question 47: a – Derbe (Acts 14:20)
Question 48: b – They had prayed with fasting (Acts 14:23)
Question 49: c – They abode long time with the disciples (Acts 14:28)
Question 50: d – Much tribulation (Acts 14:22)
Thank you for participating in our deep-dive Bible quiz on Acts Chapter 14. We hope these questions encouraged you to delve deeper into the scripture and reflect on the significant events and teachings of this chapter. Remember, every exploration of the scripture enriches our understanding and brings us closer to the timeless wisdom contained within. Continue to challenge yourself, seek answers, and nurture your faith. Stay blessed!