Bible quiz on Acts chapter 20 ( Acts 20 quiz)

Comprehensive Bible Quiz on Acts Chapter 20 with Answers (Acts 20 Quiz)

Welcome to our comprehensive Bible Quiz on Acts Chapter 20. This chapter is a significant part of the Book of Acts, offering a detailed account of Apostle Paul’s farewell speech to the Ephesian elders and his continued travels. The Acts 20 Quiz is designed to test your knowledge, stimulate your memory, and help you explore this chapter in an engaging way.

Unravel the intricate details of Paul’s journey, his emotional farewell, and the teachings he imparted in Acts Chapter 20. From the miracle of Eutychus’ revival to the poignant parting words of Paul, this quiz is sure to challenge even those well-acquainted with this scripture.

Whether you’re a Bible scholar, a student of theology, or simply someone who enjoys studying scripture, this Acts Chapter 20 Quiz offers an opportunity to engage with the text at a deeper level. As you navigate these 50 carefully crafted questions, you’ll find yourself journeying alongside Paul, revisiting his teachings, and gaining new insights into Acts Chapter 20.

Ready to put your knowledge to the test? Let’s begin!

[Related: Acts 19 Quiz]

Acts 20 Questions

Question 1: In Acts 20:1, where did Paul go after the uproar ceased?
A. Corinth
B. Galatia
C. Thessalonica
D. Macedonia
E. Ephesus

Question 2: In verse 2, how did Paul strengthen the disciples in the various regions?
A. By sharing food
B. Through monetary support
C. By performing miracles
D. Through exhortation
E. By teaching them the Scriptures

Question 3: What region did Paul arrive in after passing through Macedonia in Acts 20:2?
A. Asia
B. Greece
C. Jerusalem
D. Galatia
E. Samaria

Question 4: How long did Paul stay in Greece according to Acts 20:3?
A. 1 month
B. 3 months
C. 6 months
D. 12 months
E. 18 months

Question 5: What was the reason Paul decided to return through Macedonia in Acts 20:3?
A. To visit friends
B. To avoid the Jews’ plot against him
C. To collect funds for the poor
D. To establish new churches
E. To attend a religious festival

Question 6: In Acts 20:4, which of these men did NOT accompany Paul?
A. Sopater
B. Aristarchus
C. Secundus
D. Gaius
E. Matthias

Question 7: In Acts 20:5, who went ahead and waited for Paul at Troas?
A. Sopater and Tychicus
B. Timothy and Trophimus
C. Gaius and Aristarchus
D. Secundus and Timothy
E. Aristarchus and Secundus

Question 8: According to Acts 20:6, how long did it take for Paul and his company to sail from Philippi to Troas after the days of unleavened bread?
A. Three days
B. Five days
C. Seven days
D. Ten days
E. Twelve days

Question 9: In Acts 20:7, on which day did the disciples come together to break bread?
A. Sabbath
B. First day of the week
C. Second day of the week
D. Fourth day of the week
E. Seventh day of the week

Question 10: What was Paul doing when the disciples gathered to break bread in Acts 20:7?
A. Eating with them
B. Preaching to them
C. Praying for them
D. Healing the sick
E. Teaching them a new song

Question 11: In Acts 20:8, how many lamps were in the upper chamber where the disciples were gathered?
A. Three
B. Five
C. Many
D. None
E. Fifteen

Question 12: What was the name of the young man who fell from the third loft during Paul’s preaching in Acts 20:9?
A. Eutychus
B. Timothy
C. Trophimus
D. Silas
E. Alexander

Question 13: What caused Eutychus to fall in Acts 20:9?
A. He was pushed
B. He tripped
C. He was sleepy
D. The floor gave way
E. He was startled

Question 14: What was the outcome of Eutychus’ fall in Acts 20:9?
A. He was unharmed
B. He was injured
C. He was taken up dead
D. He was paralyzed
E. He regained consciousness on his own

Question 15: Who did Paul say was still alive after Eutychus fell from the window in Acts 20:10?
A. His spirit
B. His soul
C. His faith
D. His hope
E. His consciousness

Question 16: In Acts 20:11, what did Paul do after Eutychus was taken up alive?
A. He resumed preaching
B. He broke bread and ate
C. He prayed fervently
D. He left for Macedonia
E. He healed other people

Question 17: What time did Paul depart after the incident with Eutychus according to Acts 20:11?
A. Midnight
B. Dawn
C. Morning
D. Noon
E. Evening

Question 18: In Acts 20:13, who sailed to Assos intending to take Paul onboard there?
A. Timothy and Luke
B. The disciples
C. Silas and Barnabas
D. Aquila and Priscilla
E. The people of Troas

Question 19: Why did Paul choose to go by land to Assos in Acts 20:13?
A. To avoid the sea
B. To meditate and pray
C. To meet with other believers
D. It is not specified
E. To visit a friend

Question 20: In Acts 20:14, where did Paul meet the ship after walking from Troas?
A. Ephesus
B. Assos
C. Mitylene
D. Macedonia
E. Greece

Question 21: In Acts 20:15, where did Paul and his companions sail after leaving Mitylene?
A. Samos
B. Chios
C. Trogyllium
D. Assos
E. Ephesus

Question 22: According to Acts 20:16, why did Paul decide to sail past Ephesus?
A. To avoid meeting the Ephesian elders
B. To save time as he was hurrying to Jerusalem
C. To avoid a plot against him
D. To meet the disciples in Miletus
E. Because of a storm

Question 23: In Acts 20:17, who did Paul call to meet him at Miletus?
A. The disciples from Troas
B. The elders of the church from Ephesus
C. The believers from Corinth
D. The apostles from Jerusalem
E. The Jews from Asia

Question 24: In Acts 20:18, what did Paul remind the Ephesian elders about his time with them?
A. His miracles
B. His humility and tears
C. His teachings
D. His sufferings
E. His companions

Question 25: According to Acts 20:19, what did Paul serve the Lord with?
A. Wisdom and understanding
B. Many signs and wonders
C. Humility of mind and tears and temptations
D. The gift of prophecy
E. Love and patience

Question 26: In Acts 20:20, what did Paul say he kept back from the Ephesian elders?
A. Nothing profitable
B. His sufferings
C. His teachings
D. His future plans
E. His financial support

Question 27: Where did Paul declare the counsel of God according to Acts 20:20?
A. In public and from house to house
B. In synagogues and marketplaces
C. In the temple and on the streets
D. In the city and in the fields
E. In Jerusalem and in Ephesus

Question 28: According to Acts 20:21, to whom did Paul testify repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ?
A. To Jews only
B. To Gentiles only
C. To Jews and Greeks
D. To the Ephesian elders only
E. To the residents of Miletus only

Question 29: In Acts 20:22, Paul was bound in the spirit to go to which location?
A. Ephesus
B. Corinth
C. Jerusalem
D. Rome
E. Athens

Question 30: What did Paul say awaits him in Jerusalem in Acts 20:23?
A. Joy and celebration
B. The Holy Ghost testifies in every city, saying that bonds and afflictions await him
C. The council of elders
D. A great revival
E. A great feast

Question 31: In Acts 20:24, what did Paul consider of no value to himself?
A. His own life
B. His belongings
C. His reputation
D. His freedom
E. His past achievements

Question 32: In Acts 20:25, what does Paul say he knows about the people he was speaking with?
A. They will become leaders in the Church
B. They will face great trials
C. They shall see his face no more
D. They will spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth
E. They will abandon their faith

Question 33: In Acts 20:26, who does Paul declare he is innocent of the blood of?
A. The Jews
B. The Gentiles
C. The Ephesian elders
D. All men
E. The people of Jerusalem

Question 34: According to Acts 20:27, what did Paul not hesitate to proclaim?
A. His own visions
B. The entire will of God
C. The signs and wonders he performed
D. The future of the Church
E. The Gospel of Christ

Question 35: In Acts 20:28, who has God made the overseers to shepherd the church?
A. The apostles
B. The deacons
C. The elders
D. The bishops
E. The disciples

Question 36: According to Acts 20:29, who did Paul warn would come after his departure?
A. False apostles
B. Grievous wolves
C. The Romans
D. The Pharisees
E. The Judaizers

Question 37: In Acts 20:30, from where would men arise speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them?
A. From among the Gentiles
B. From among the Jews
C. From among the elders
D. From among the disciples
E. From among themselves

Question 38: How many years did Paul say he did not cease to warn everyone night and day with tears in Acts 20:31?
A. One year
B. Two years
C. Three years
D. Five years
E. Seven years

Question 39: In Acts 20:32, to whom does Paul commend the elders?
A. To God and to the word of His grace
B. To the Holy Ghost
C. To the apostles in Jerusalem
D. To the Church of Ephesus
E. To Timothy, his disciple

Question 40: According to Acts 20:33, what did Paul say he had not coveted from anyone?
A. Gold or silver
B. Apparel
C. Houses or land
D. Recognition or fame
E. A wife or children

Question 41: In Acts 20:34, Paul mentions his own hands ministered to his necessities and to those who were with him. What does this imply?
A. He worked manual labor jobs
B. He performed miracles
C. He stole to provide for his needs
D. He wrote letters to raise funds
E. He was a skilled craftsman

Question 42: In Acts 20:35, who does Paul reference as saying, “It is more blessed to give than to receive”?
A. Moses
B. Peter
C. Jesus
D. John the Baptist
E. Himself

Question 43: What did Paul do after he finished speaking to the Ephesian elders in Acts 20:36?
A. He left immediately
B. He broke bread and ate
C. He knelt down and prayed with them all
D. He gave them gifts
E. He sang a hymn

Question 44: What was the reaction of the Ephesian elders to Paul’s departure in Acts 20:37?
A. They rejoiced
B. They were indifferent
C. They wept sore
D. They were angry
E. They were confused

Question 45: According to Acts 20:38, what made the Ephesian elders particularly sorrowful about Paul’s departure?
A. The fact that they would not see his face anymore
B. The fact that he was going to Jerusalem
C. The fact that he was leaving without a successor
D. The fact that he had suffered so much
E. The fact that he was leaving them in danger

Question 46: In Acts 20:38, the phrase “they should see his face no more” implies what about Paul’s future journeys?
A. He planned to travel to new territories only
B. He would be imprisoned in Jerusalem
C. He would die soon
D. He would be leaving the ministry
E. He would not return to Ephesus

Question 47: In Acts 20:38, what did the Ephesian elders do to Paul before he boarded the ship?
A. They gave him gifts
B. They blessed him
C. They accompanied him unto the ship
D. They tried to persuade him to stay
E. They prayed for him

Question 48: What is implied by the elders accompanying Paul onto the ship in Acts 20:38?
A. It was a sign of respect
B. They were protecting him from enemies
C. They were helping him with his luggage
D. They wanted to delay his departure
E. They were hoping to travel with him

Question 49: Based on Acts 20, what is one of the main themes of Paul’s speech to the Ephesian elders?
A. The importance of faith
B. The need for unity
C. The dangers of false teachers
D. The value of generosity
E. The significance of his own ministry

Question 50: In the entirety of Acts 20, who does Paul refer to as the ultimate overseer of the church?
A. The Holy Ghost
B. Himself, Paul
C. The church elders
D. The apostles
E. God

Answers to Acts 20 Quiz

1: D – Macedonia (Acts 20:1)
2: D – Through exhortation (Acts 20:2)
3: B – Greece (Acts 20:2)
4: B – 3 months (Acts 20:3)
5: B – To avoid the Jews’ plot against him (Acts 20:3)
6: E – Matthias (Acts 20:4)
7: B – Timothy and Trophimus (Acts 20:5)
8: B – Five days (Acts 20:6)
9: B – First day of the week (Acts 20:7)
10: B – Preaching to them (Acts 20:7)
11: C – Many (Acts 20:8)
12: A – Eutychus (Acts 20:9)
13: C – He was sleepy (Acts 20:9)
14: C – He was taken up dead (Acts 20:9)
15: A – His spirit (Acts 20:10)
16: B – He broke bread and ate (Acts 20:11)
17: B – Dawn (Acts 20:11)
18: B – The disciples (Acts 20:13)
19: D – It is not specified (Acts 20:13)
20: B – Assos (Acts 20:14)
21: A – Samos (Acts 20:15)
22: B – To save time as he was hurrying to Jerusalem (Acts 20:16)
23: B – The elders of the church from Ephesus (Acts 20:17)
24: B – His humility and tears (Acts 20:18)
25: C – Humility of mind and tears and temptations (Acts 20:19)
26: A – Nothing profitable (Acts 20:20)
27: A – In public and from house to house (Acts 20:20)
28: C – To Jews and Greeks (Acts 20:21)
29: C – Jerusalem (Acts 20:22)
30: B – The Holy Ghost testifies in every city, saying that bonds and afflictions await him (Acts 20:23)
31: A – His own life (Acts 20:24)
32: C – They shall see his face no more (Acts 20:25)
33: D – All men (Acts 20:26)
34: B – The entire will of God (Acts 20:27)
35: C – The elders (Acts 20:28)
36: B – Grievous wolves (Acts 20:29)
37: E – From among themselves (Acts 20:30)
38: C – Three years (Acts 20:31)
39: A – To God and to the word of His grace (Acts 20:32)
40: A – Gold or silver (Acts 20:33)
41: A – He worked manual labor jobs (Acts 20:34)
42: C – Jesus (Acts 20:35)
43: C – He knelt down and prayed with them all (Acts 20:36)
44: C – They wept sore (Acts 20:37)
45: A – The fact that they would not see his face anymore (Acts 20:38)
46: E – He would not return to Ephesus (Acts 20:38)
47: C – They accompanied him unto the ship (Acts 20:38)
48: A – It was a sign of respect (Acts 20:38)
49: C – The dangers of false teachers (Acts 20:28-31)
50: E – God (Acts 20:28)


We hope you enjoyed going through our Bible Quiz on Acts Chapter 20 and found it both challenging and enlightening. Whether you’re deepening your understanding, preparing for a Bible study, or simply quizzing yourself for personal growth, exploring Acts 20 in such detail allows us to appreciate the profound lessons and narratives embedded within this scripture. Continue to explore the depths of the Bible, and let the teachings of Apostle Paul in Acts Chapter 20 inspire your faith journey.

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