This John 2 quiz features 30 thought-provoking questions carefully crafted to cover all the verses in the chapter.
Each question is followed by five possible answers, giving you ample opportunity to challenge your knowledge and understanding of this John chapter 2.
Keep in mind, this Bible quiz on John chapter 2 is meant to be tricky, so ensure you cross-reference with John 2 in the KJV Bible to validate your answers at the end of the entire questions.
All right, let’s dive into the deep waters of John 2!
[ALSO READ: The Book of John Summary by Chapter (1-21): Very Concise and Comprehensive]
Bible Quiz On John Chapter 2
John 2 Quiz Questions
Here is a 30-question quiz based on John Chapter 2 from the KJV.
John 2 Questions
- Where did the wedding take place that Jesus attended?
a. Jerusalem
b. Nazareth
c. Capernaum
d. Cana - Who informed Jesus that the wine had run out?
a. The disciples
b. The bridegroom
c. His mother
d. The servants - What did Jesus initially say in response to being informed about the wine shortage?
a. “Fill the jars with water.”
b. “Why do you involve me?”
c. “It is not yet my time.”
d. Both b and c - How many stone water jars were there for ceremonial washing?
a. Three
b. Six
c. Seven
d. Twelve - How much could each jar hold?
a. 5 to 10 gallons
b. 10 to 20 gallons
c. 20 to 30 gallons
d. 30 to 40 gallons - What did Jesus ask the servants to do with the jars?
a. Break them
b. Hide them
c. Fill them with water
d. Empty them - After the water was turned into wine, who tasted it first?
a. Jesus
b. The disciples
c. The bridegroom
d. The master of the banquet - What did the master of the banquet say about the wine?
a. It was sour
b. It was the best he had tasted
c. Usually, people serve the best wine first
d. Both b and c - What did Jesus do in the temple courts?
a. Preached
b. Drove out merchants and overturned tables
c. Prayed
d. Taught the children - What animals did he drive out of the temple?
a. Sheep and cattle
b. Doves and pigeons
c. Goats and lambs
d. Both a and b - What did Jesus say to those who were selling doves?
a. “Stop making my Father’s house a place of prayer.”
b. “Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father’s house into a market!”
c. “It is written, ‘My house shall be a house of teaching.'”
d. “You have made my Father’s house a den of robbers.” - What did the disciples remember after witnessing this?
a. “Zeal for your house will consume me.”
b. “My Father’s house is a house of prayer.”
c. “You shall not make my Father’s house a marketplace.”
d. “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.” - What sign did the Jews demand of Jesus to show his authority for his actions in the temple?
a. Walking on water
b. Healing the blind
c. Raising the temple in three days
d. Feeding the five thousand - What was Jesus referring to when he mentioned raising the temple in three days?
a. The physical temple in Jerusalem
b. His own body
c. The spiritual body of believers
d. The kingdom of God - After Jesus was raised from the dead, what did the disciples believe?
a. The Old Testament
b. The words of the Pharisees
c. The words Jesus spoke
d. The rumors about Jesus - While in Jerusalem during the Passover Festival, many people believed in Jesus because they saw what?
a. His humility
b. His debates with the Pharisees
c. The signs he was performing
d. His prayers - Why did Jesus not entrust himself to them?
a. He did not need human testimony
b. He knew what was in each person
c. They were not true believers
d. Both a and b - At the wedding, how did Jesus’ mother refer to Him when speaking to the servants?
a. My son
b. The Messiah
c. The teacher
d. Whatever he tells you, do it - This miraculous sign at Cana in Galilee was the __ sign Jesus performed.
a. First
b. Second
c. Third
d. Last - After this sign, what did the disciples believe in?
a. The signs
b. The scriptures
c. Jesus
d. The prophecies - The Passover of the Jews was _.
a. Beginning
b. Near
c. Over
d. Not mentioned - What did Jesus use to drive out the merchants from the temple?
a. A rod
b. His voice
c. A whip made of cords
d. The power of prayer - What did Jesus say regarding the temple’s destruction and raising it?
a. Destroy this temple, and I will rebuild it in a week.
b. Destroy this temple, and in three months it will be raised.
c. Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.
d. You destroy this temple, and I will show you a sign. - Who said, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?”
a. The Pharisees
b. The disciples
c. The Jews
d. The priests - Who realized later that Jesus was talking about his body when he mentioned the temple?
a. The Pharisees
b. The Jews
c. The disciples
d. The crowd - How did the master of the banquet describe the usual order of serving wine at weddings?
a. The worst wine is served first.
b. The best wine is served in the middle.
c. People usually serve the best wine first and then the cheaper wine.
d. The wine’s order doesn’t matter. - What was Jesus’ primary purpose for doing the miraculous signs in Jerusalem?
a. To gain followers
b. To show his power
c. To reveal his glory
d. To challenge the religious leaders - When Jesus performed signs in Jerusalem, many saw the signs and believed in his _.
a. Words
b. Name
c. Prophecies
d. Disciples - The reason Jesus did not need human testimony about mankind was that _.
a. He did not care about human opinions.
b. He knew what was in each person.
c. He only trusted the disciples.
d. He had angels to inform him. - The beginning of Jesus’ signs that revealed his glory and made the disciples believe was at _.
a. Jerusalem
b. Nazareth
c. Capernaum
d. Cana
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Answers to John 2 Quiz Questions
Here are the answers with explanations based on John Chapter 2 from the KJV:
Answers to John 2 Questions
Answer to question 1: d. Cana
The wedding Jesus attended was in Cana.
John 2:1: “On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee.”
Answer to question 2: c. His mother
It was Jesus’ mother who informed him about the wine running out.
John 2:3: “When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, ‘They have no more wine.'”
Answer to question 3: d. Both b and c
Jesus’ initial response was both questioning why he was being involved and mentioning that his hour had not yet come.
John 2:4: “Woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.”
Answer to question 4: b. Six
There were six stone water jars for ceremonial washing.
John 2:6: “Nearby stood six stone water jars, the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing…”
Answer to question 5: a. 10 to 20 gallons
Each jar could hold between 20 and 30 “litra,” which is roughly translated to 10 to 20 gallons.
John 2:6: “…each holding from twenty to thirty gallons.”
Answer to question 6: c. Fill them with water
Jesus instructed the servants to fill the jars with water.
John 2:7: “Jesus said to the servants, ‘Fill the jars with water’; so they filled them to the brim.”
Answer to question 7: d. The master of the banquet
It was the master of the banquet who first tasted the water turned wine.
John 2:9: “…and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine.”
Answer to question 8: d. Both b and c
The master of the banquet mentioned that the wine was good and remarked about the unusual order of serving wines.
John 2:10: “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.”
Answer to question 9: b. Drove out merchants and overturned tables
Jesus drove out the merchants and overturned tables in the temple courts.
John 2:15: “So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables.”
Answer to question 10: d. Both a and b
Jesus drove out the sheep, cattle, and also had a message for those selling doves.
John 2:14-16
Answer to question 11: b. “Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father’s house into a market!”
Jesus expressed his indignation towards those turning the temple into a marketplace, especially addressing those selling doves.
John 2:16: “To those who sold doves he said, ‘Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father’s house into a market!'”
Answer to question 12: a. “Zeal for your house will consume me.”
The disciples remembered a scripture that said, “Zeal for your house will consume me.”
John 2:17: “His disciples remembered that it is written: ‘Zeal for your house will consume me.'”
Answer to question 13: c. Raising the temple in three days
The Jews asked for a sign, and Jesus spoke of raising the temple in three days.
John 2:18-19: “The Jews then responded to him, ‘What sign can you show us to prove your authority to do all this?’ Jesus answered them, ‘Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.'”
Answer to question 14: b. His own body
Jesus was referring to his own body when he spoke of raising the temple.
John 2:21: “But the temple he had spoken of was his body.”
Answer to question 15: c. The words Jesus spoke
After his resurrection, the disciples believed the words that Jesus had spoken.
John 2:22: “After he was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled what he had said. Then they believed the scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken.”
Answer to question 16: c. The signs he was performing
Many believed in Jesus when they saw the miraculous signs he performed.
John 2:23: “Now while he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Festival, many people saw the signs he was performing and believed in his name.”
Answer to question 17: d. Both a and b
Jesus did not entrust himself to them because he knew all people and did not need human testimony.
John 2:24-25: “But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all people. He did not need any testimony about mankind, for he knew what was in each person.”
Answer to question 18: d. Whatever he tells you, do it
Mary, Jesus’ mother, referred to him in this manner when speaking to the servants.
John 2:5: “His mother said to the servants, ‘Do whatever he tells you.'”
Answer to question 19: a. First
This sign at Cana was the first of the signs Jesus did.
John 2:11: “What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.”
Answer to question 20: c. Jesus
The disciples believed in Jesus after this sign.
John 2:11
Answer to question 21: b. Near
The Passover of the Jews was near when Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
John 2:13: “When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem.”
Answer to question 22: c. A whip made of cords
Jesus used a whip made of cords to drive out the merchants.
John 2:15: “So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts…”
Answer to question 23: c. Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.
Jesus challenged them with this statement when asked for a sign.
John 2:19
Answer to question 24: c. The Jews
The Jews responded with incredulity about Jesus’ claim to raise the temple in three days.
John 2:20: “The Jews replied, ‘It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?'”
Answer to question 25: c. The disciples
The disciples understood later that Jesus was referring to his own body.
John 2:22
Answer to question 26: c. People usually serve the best wine first and then the cheaper wine.
The master of the banquet observed this common practice in his comment.
John 2:10
Answer to question 27: c. To reveal his glory
Jesus did the signs to reveal his glory.
John 2:11: “What Jesus did here in Cana of Galilee was the first of the signs through which he revealed his glory…”
Answer to question 28: a. At the Passover Festival
Many believed in Jesus during the Passover Festival in Jerusalem.
John 2:23
Answer to question 29: b. Trust
The word ‘entrust’ is used to describe Jesus’ reservations towards the people.
John 2:24
Answer to question 30: b. Water turned into wine
This miraculous event took place at the wedding in Cana.
John 2:9
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