Luke 9 Quiz

Comprehensive Luke 9 Quiz with Answers: How Well Do You Know the Gospel of Luke?

This Luke 9 quiz features 30 thought-provoking questions carefully crafted to cover all the verses in the chapter.

Each question is followed by five possible answers, giving you ample opportunity to challenge your knowledge and understanding of this Luke chapter 9.

Keep in mind, this Bible quiz on Luke chapter 9 is meant to be tricky, so ensure you cross-reference with Luke 9 in the KJV Bible to validate your answers at the end of the entire questions.

All right, let’s dive into the deep waters of Luke 9!

Luke 9 Quiz Questions

Here is a 30-question quiz based on Luke Chapter 9 from the KJV.

Luke 9 Questions

Question 1:

What did Jesus give the twelve when He called them together?
a) A scroll
b) New robes
c) Five loaves and two fishes
d) Power and authority over all devils
e) A staff each

Question 2:

To which region did Jesus send the twelve to preach the Kingdom of God?
a) Judea
b) Samaria
c) Jerusalem
d) Decapolis
e) Throughout the towns

Question 3:

True or False: The twelve were allowed to take staves on their journey.
a) True
b) False

Question 4:

What were the disciples instructed NOT to take on their journey?
a) Bread
b) Money
c) Meat
d) Two coats apiece
e) All of the above

Question 5:

Herod said of Jesus: “John have I beheaded: but who is this…?”
a) Man
b) Prophet
c) King
d) Of whom I hear such things
e) Disciple

Question 6:

Which of the following did the apostles NOT do when they returned?
a) They told Him all that they had done
b) They rested a while
c) They went to a desert place
d) They questioned Jesus’ authority
e) They ate with Him

Question 7:

The people followed Jesus to:
a) A city
b) A mountain
c) A desert place
d) The seaside
e) The temple

Question 8:

Complete the sentence: “Give ye them to eat. And they said, We have no more but _.”
a) Bread and water
b) Fishes and wine
c) Five loaves and two fishes
d) Manna from heaven
e) A few baskets

Question 9:

What did Jesus do before feeding the five thousand?
a) Sang a hymn
b) Rebuked the disciples
c) Prayed and thanked God
d) Asked the people to sit in groups of fifty
e) Told a parable

Question 10:

How many baskets of fragments remained after feeding the multitude?
a) Three
b) Seven
c) Twelve
d) Fifty
e) Five

Question 11:

Jesus asked: “Whom say the people that I am?” What was NOT one of the answers?
a) Elijah
b) John the Baptist
c) One of the old prophets
d) Moses
e) Peter

Question 12:

Who said, “The Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected… and be slain, and be raised the third day”?
a) Peter
b) John
c) Jesus
d) One of the Pharisees
e) A voice from heaven

Question 13:

Which of the following is NOT a requirement Jesus mentioned for those who want to follow Him?
a) Deny himself
b) Take up his cross daily
c) Abandon his family
d) Follow Him
e) Lose his life for Jesus’ sake

Question 14:

Who were present with Jesus during the transfiguration?
a) Moses and Elijah
b) Abraham and Isaac
c) John the Baptist and Isaiah
d) Adam and Eve
e) David and Solomon

Question 15:

True or False: The disciples were able to cure the boy with the unclean spirit while Jesus was on the mount.
a) True
b) False

Question 16:

Which town did NOT receive Jesus because His face was as though He would go to Jerusalem?
a) A village of the Samaritans
b) Capernaum
c) Bethany
d) Jericho
e) Nazareth

Question 17:

When someone wanted to first bury their father before following Jesus, how did Jesus respond?
a) “Wait for me in Jerusalem.”
b) “Let the dead bury their dead.”
c) “Go and do what you must.”
d) “Your faith has saved you.”
e) “You are not fit for the Kingdom.”

Question 18:

What does it mean to “put his hand to the plough and looking back” according to Jesus?
a) To rest after hard work
b) To reconsider a decision
c) To be fit for the Kingdom of God
d) To not be fit for the Kingdom of God
e) To repent from sins

Question 19:

“Except” Question: Which of the following DID Jesus NOT say in Luke 9 about following Him?
a) “Let the dead bury their dead.”
b) “No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”
c) “He that is not against us is for us.”
d) “He that is not with me is against me.”
e) “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.”

Question 20:

Multiple Response (Select All That Apply): Which of the following disciples were mentioned by name in Luke 9?
a) Matthew
b) James
c) John
d) Peter
e) Andrew

Question 21:

To whom did Jesus give the power and authority to cure diseases?
a) The seventy
b) His twelve disciples
c) All believers
d) The Pharisees
e) The multitude

Question 22:

What was Herod’s relation to John?
a) He beheaded him
b) He baptized him
c) He was his disciple
d) He healed him
e) He was his cousin

Question 23:

After feeding the five thousand, where did Jesus go?
a) To a desert place
b) Into a ship
c) Into a mountain to pray
d) To Jerusalem
e) To Nazareth

Question 24:

What came after Jesus prayed at the transfiguration?
a) He was tempted by the devil
b) The appearance of his countenance changed
c) He walked on water
d) He turned water into wine
e) He healed the sick

Question 25:

How did the disciples react to seeing Moses and Elijah with Jesus?
a) They worshiped them
b) They rebuked them
c) They offered to make three tabernacles
d) They ran away in fear
e) They asked them for guidance

Question 26:

How did the father of the boy with the unclean spirit describe the spirit’s effect on his son?
a) It made him mute
b) It made him leap with joy
c) It made him prophesy
d) It tore him and hardly departed from him
e) It gave him strength

Question 27:

What did Jesus predict would be delivered into the hands of men?
a) The scriptures
b) The kingdom of God
c) The Son of man
d) The Holy Spirit
e) The disciples

Question 28:

Who wanted to call fire down from heaven to consume the Samaritans?
a) James and John
b) Peter and Matthew
c) Andrew and Philip
d) Judas and Thaddeus
e) Simon the Zealot and Bartholomew

Question 29:

Which of these did Jesus NOT say about discipleship in Luke 9?
a) It’s a journey of prosperity
b) One must deny himself
c) It may mean having nowhere to lay one’s head
d) It requires taking up one’s cross daily
e) It requires unwavering commitment

Question 30:

What overshadowed Jesus, Peter, John, and James during the transfiguration?
a) A bright light
b) A dove
c) A cloud
d) The Holy Spirit as tongues of fire
e) The voice of God

Note: These questions are based on Luke 9 from the KJV version of the Bible. You are encouraged to refer to the chapter for detailed answers and further study!


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Answers to Luke 9 Quiz Questions

Here are the answers with explanations based on Luke Chapter 9 from the KJV:

Answers to Luke 9 Questions

Question 1:

Answer: d) Power and authority over all devils
Explanation: Jesus gave the twelve disciples power and authority over all devils and to cure diseases.
Citation: Luke 9:1

Question 2:

Answer: e) Throughout the towns
Explanation: Jesus sent the disciples to preach the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick throughout the towns.
Citation: Luke 9:2

Question 3:

Answer: b) False
Explanation: The disciples were instructed not to take a staff.
Citation: Luke 9:3

Question 4:

Answer: e) All of the above
Explanation: Jesus instructed the disciples not to take anything for their journey, including bread, money, and two coats apiece.
Citation: Luke 9:3

Question 5:

Answer: d) Of whom I hear such things
Explanation: Herod was perplexed about Jesus and wanted to see Him.
Citation: Luke 9:9

Question 6:

Answer: d) They questioned Jesus’ authority
Explanation: The disciples reported to Jesus what they had done, but there’s no mention of them questioning His authority.
Citation: Luke 9:10

Question 7:

Answer: c) A desert place
Explanation: The people followed Jesus into a desert place.
Citation: Luke 9:10

Question 8:

Answer: c) Five loaves and two fishes
Explanation: The disciples mentioned that they only had five loaves and two fishes, unless they went and bought more food.
Citation: Luke 9:13

Question 9:

Answer: d) Asked the people to sit in groups of fifty
Explanation: Jesus asked the disciples to make the people sit down in groups of fifty before distributing the food.
Citation: Luke 9:14

Question 10:

Answer: c) Twelve
Explanation: Twelve baskets of fragments remained after feeding the five thousand.
Citation: Luke 9:17

Question 11:

Answer: e) Peter
Explanation: The people thought Jesus was either John the Baptist, Elijah, or one of the old prophets, but not Peter.
Citation: Luke 9:18-19

Question 12:

Answer: c) Jesus
Explanation: Jesus mentioned the sufferings, rejection, death, and resurrection of the Son of man.
Citation: Luke 9:22

Question 13:

Answer: c) Abandon his family
Explanation: Jesus spoke of self-denial, taking up the cross daily, and following Him.
Citation: Luke 9:23

Question 14:

Answer: a) Moses and Elijah
Explanation: During the transfiguration, Moses and Elijah appeared in glory with Jesus.
Citation: Luke 9:30

Question 15:

Answer: b) False
Explanation: The disciples could not cure the boy with the unclean spirit.
Citation: Luke 9:40

Question 16:

Answer: a) A village of the Samaritans
Explanation: A village of the Samaritans did not receive Jesus because His face was set towards Jerusalem.
Citation: Luke 9:52-53

Question 17:

Answer: b) “Let the dead bury their dead.”
Explanation: Jesus emphasized the urgency and priority of proclaiming the Kingdom of God.
Citation: Luke 9:60

Question 18:

Answer: d) To not be fit for the Kingdom of God
Explanation: Jesus mentioned that anyone who looks back after putting his hand to the plough is not fit for the Kingdom of God.
Citation: Luke 9:62

Question 19:

Answer: d) “He that is not with me is against me.”
Explanation: This particular statement is not in Luke 9, but can be found in Luke 11:23.
Citation: Luke 11:23

Question 20:

Answer: b) James, c) John, d) Peter
Explanation: These disciples are specifically mentioned in Luke 9, especially in the context of the transfiguration.
Citation: Luke 9:28, 54

Question 21:

Answer: b) His twelve disciples
Explanation: Jesus gave power and authority to his twelve disciples to cure diseases.
Citation: Luke 9:1

Question 22:

Answer: a) He beheaded him
Explanation: Herod beheaded John the Baptist.
Citation: Luke 9:9

Question 23:

Answer: c) Into a mountain to pray
Explanation: After feeding the five thousand, Jesus went into a mountain to pray.
Citation: Luke 9:28

Question 24:

Answer: b) The appearance of his countenance changed
Explanation: As Jesus prayed, the appearance of his countenance was altered.
Citation: Luke 9:29

Question 25:

Answer: c) They offered to make three tabernacles
Explanation: Peter offered to make three tabernacles: one for Jesus, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.
Citation: Luke 9:33

Question 26:

Answer: d) It tore him and hardly departed from him
Explanation: The father described the spirit’s violent effect on his son.
Citation: Luke 9:39

Question 27:

Answer: c) The Son of man
Explanation: Jesus predicted that the Son of man would be delivered into the hands of men.
Citation: Luke 9:44

Question 28:

Answer: a) James and John
Explanation: James and John, referred to as the “sons of thunder,” wanted to call fire down from heaven.
Citation: Luke 9:54

Question 29:

Answer: a) It’s a journey of prosperity
Explanation: Jesus highlighted the challenges of discipleship but did not describe it as a journey of prosperity in this chapter.
Citation: Luke 9:57-62

Question 30:

Answer: c) A cloud
Explanation: A cloud overshadowed them during the transfiguration, and they feared as they entered into the cloud.
Citation: Luke 9:34

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