Matthew 2 Quiz

Comprehensive Matthew 2 Quiz with Answers

This Matthew 2 quiz features 40 thought-provoking questions carefully crafted to cover all the verses in Matthew Chapter 2.

Each question is followed by five possible answers, giving you ample opportunity to challenge your knowledge and understanding of the chapter. Moreover, we’ve provided the correct answers to all the questions, complete with explanations and the corresponding Bible verses, at the end of the quiz questions.

Keep in mind, this Bible quiz on Matthew Chapter 2 is meant to be tricky, so ensure you cross-reference with Matthew 2 in the KJV Bible to validate your answers at the end.

All right, let’s dive into the deep waters of Matthew 2!

(Also: Take a quiz on Matthew Chapter 1)

Matthew 2 Quiz Questions

Question 1:

Aside from Matthew chapter 2, which book and chapter of the New Testament discusses the visitation of the Wise Men to the Infant Jesus?
A. Mark 1
B. Luke 2
C. John 2
D. Matthew 3
E. None

Question 2:

After Jesus was born, where did the wise men from the east go to first?
A. Nazareth
B. Bethlehem
C. Jerusalem
D. Galilee
E. Samaria

Question 3:

Who wanted to know where Christ was born?
A. The shepherds
B. The wise men
C. The priests
D. King Herod
E. The scribes

Question 4:

To whom did Herod gather all the chief priests and scribes to inquire about the birthplace of Christ?
A. His soldiers
B. His family
C. Himself
D. The people of Jerusalem
E. The wise men

Question 5:

Where, according to the prophecies, was Christ to be born?
A. Nazareth
B. Bethlehem of Judaea
C. Jerusalem
D. Galilee
E. Capernaum

Question 6:

Which prophet’s words are quoted in Matthew 2 regarding the birthplace of Christ?
A. Jeremiah
B. Malachi
C. Micah
D. Isaiah
E. Daniel

Question 7:

What did Herod do after hearing from the chief priests and scribes?
A. He immediately went to Bethlehem.
B. He ignored the prophecy.
C. He called the wise men secretly.
D. He announced the birth in his kingdom.
E. He ordered an immediate celebration.

Question 8:

What specific detail did King Herod inquire of the wise men?
A. The gifts they brought
B. The number of wise men
C. The exact time the star appeared
D. The route they took
E. The prophecies about Jesus

Question 9:

What did Herod tell the wise men after learning about the star’s appearance?
A. To bring the child to him
B. To stay in Jerusalem
C. To avoid Bethlehem
D. To go and search diligently for the young child
E. To return home and not seek the child

Question 10:

After hearing King Herod, where did the wise men go?
A. They stayed in Jerusalem.
B. They went to Nazareth.
C. They returned home.
D. They went directly to Bethlehem.
E. They went into hiding.

Question 11:

The star that the wise men had seen in the east, where did it finally come to stand?
A. Over the temple in Jerusalem
B. Above King Herod’s palace
C. Over the place where Jesus was
D. Over the shepherd’s fields
E. At the Jordan river

Question 12:

Upon seeing the star stop, how did the wise men feel?
A. Worried
B. Confused
C. Indifferent
D. Exhausted
E. Joyful

Question 13:

Which of these was NOT a gift presented by the wise men to Jesus?
A. Silver
B. Gold
C. Frankincense
D. Myrrh
E. Olive oil

Question 14:

After the wise men visited Jesus, how were they warned not to return to Herod?
A. By a messenger from Mary and Joseph
B. By an angel in a vision
C. By a dream
D. By the high priest
E. By the star’s changed course

Question 15:

After the wise men departed, who appeared to Joseph in a dream, instructing him to flee to Egypt?
A. Gabriel
B. Michael
C. An unnamed angel of the Lord
D. The Spirit of God
E. Prophet Isaiah

Question 16:

Why was Joseph told to flee to Egypt with Mary and Jesus?
A. Because of a famine in Bethlehem
B. To fulfill a prophecy
C. Because King Herod was seeking to destroy the child
D. To visit relatives in Egypt
E. To spread Jesus’ teachings

Question 17:

Which Old Testament prophecy states, “Out of Egypt have I called my son”?
A. Isaiah 11:1
B. Jeremiah 31:15
C. Hosea 11:1
D. Micah 5:2
E. Zechariah 9:9

Question 18:

What might the gift of gold from the wise men signify?
A. Jesus’ royal lineage
B. The economic status of Mary and Joseph
C. A bribe for King Herod
D. The value of Jesus’ teachings
E. The streets of heaven

Question 19:

Herod’s order to kill the infants in Bethlehem fulfilled the words of which prophet?
A. Amos
B. Hosea
C. Joel
D. Micah
E. Jeremiah

Question 20:

Why did the wise men bring gifts when they visited Jesus?
A. They were customary birthday gifts
B. They were meant for Mary and Joseph
C. They symbolized Jesus’ future roles and death
D. They were to fund Jesus’ ministry
E. It was a customary tribute to royalty

Question 21:

Upon returning from Egypt, why did Joseph not settle in Judea?
A. Because of the high taxes
B. Because he was afraid of Archelaus, who reigned after Herod.
C. Because Mary didn’t want to
D. Because Bethlehem had no water
E. Because he couldn’t find work

Question 22:

Instead of settling in Judea, where did Joseph and his family go?
A. Samaria
B. The coasts of Tyre and Sidon
C. Galilee
D. Jericho
E. Jordan

Question 23:

In which city of Galilee did Joseph finally settle with Mary and Jesus?
A. Capernaum
B. Tiberias
C. Nazareth
D. Cana
E. Nain

Question 24:

The decision of Joseph to dwell in Nazareth fulfilled the prophecies that Jesus would be called what?
A. The Galilean
B. The Tiberian
C. The Prophet
D. The Nazarene
E. The Bethlehemite

Question 25:

Which of the following events is NOT described in Matthew 2?
A. The visit of the shepherds
B. The visit of the wise men
C. The killing of infants by Herod
D. Joseph’s flight to Egypt
E. Joseph settling in Nazareth

Question 26:

Which of the following best describes King Herod’s initial reaction to hearing about the birth of Jesus?
A. Excitement
B. Indifference
C. Curiosity
D. Joy
E. Troubled

Question 27:

Who confirmed to Herod that Bethlehem would be the birthplace of the Christ, based on prophecies?
A. The wise men
B. The scribes and chief priests
C. The shepherds
D. The angels
E. The townspeople of Jerusalem

Question 28:

According to the prophecy, what would the ruler from Bethlehem do?
A. Overthrow Roman rule
B. Build the Second Temple
C. Rule over Israel
D. Establish a new religion
E. Lead a rebellion

Question 29:

Which of the following is NOT a title or description given to Jesus in Matthew 2?
A. King of the Jews
B. Governor
C. Prince of Peace
D. The young child
E. Nazarene

Question 30:

While the wise men followed the star to find Jesus, what did it do to indicate Jesus’ location?
A. Brightened considerably
B. Split into three separate stars
C. Moved in a zig-zag pattern
D. Stood still over where the he was
E. Faded away and then reappeared

Question 31:

When warned by God in a dream, where did the wise men go instead of returning to Herod?
A. Back to their own country
B. To Nazareth
C. Stayed in Bethlehem
D. To the temple in Jerusalem
E. To King Herod’s enemies

Question 32:

Which event led to the death of numerous infants in Bethlehem?
A. A natural disaster
B. A prophecy about the firstborn
C. Herod’s anger at being deceived by the wise men
D. A widespread illness
E. A command from the Roman emperor

Question 33:

For approximately how long did the Holy Family stay in Egypt before returning?
A. A few days
B. About two years
C. Seven years
D. A month
E. Until Jesus’ bar mitzvah

Question 34:

In Joseph’s dream after Herod’s death, what was he told?
A. To stay in Egypt as it’s safer
B. To move to the heart of Jerusalem
C. To go to the land of Israel
D. To travel further east
E. To seek refuge in the temple

Question 35:

Why did Joseph fear going to Judea after returning from Egypt?
A. Because the journey was too long
B. Because he had enemies there
C. Because of the ruler Archelaus
D. Because there was a famine in Judea
E. Because he had lost his way

Question 36:

What relation was Archelaus to Herod?
A. His son
B. His brother
C. His nephew
D. His father
E. No relation, just a namesake

Question 37:

The family’s move to Nazareth in Galilee fulfilled which type of prophecies?
A. That he would be a priest
B. That he would be a Nazarene
C. That he would be a miracle worker
D. That he would be a carpenter
E. That he would walk on water

Question 38:

How many times did Joseph receive guidance in dreams in Matthew 2?
A. Once
B. Twice
C. Thrice
D. Four times
E. Five times

Question 39:

What part of Israel is Bethlehem located in?
A. Northern
B. Eastern
C. Western
D. Central
E. Southern

Question 40:

Which of the following is NOT a reason why Herod felt threatened by the birth of Jesus?
A. Jesus was prophesied to be a ruler
B. The wise men gave gifts to Jesus and not him
C. The entire Jerusalem was troubled by the news
D. The wise men sought the newborn king
E. The star indicated a significant birth

There you have it, a comprehensive and tricky quiz on Matthew chapter 2! Below are the answers.

(Also: Take a quiz on Matthew Chapter 3)

Answers to Matthew 2 Quiz Questions

Answer 1:
E. None
The visitation of the Wise Men to the Infant Jesus is only discussed in detail in the Book of Matthew, chapter 2. The other Gospels do not provide an account of this event.

Answer 2:
C. Jerusalem
In Matthew 2:1-2, the Wise Men from the east went to Jerusalem first, asking, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”

Answer 3:
D. King Herod
King Herod, upon hearing of the birth of a new “king of the Jews” from the Wise Men, wanted to know where Christ was born to ensure his rule wasn’t threatened.

Answer 4:
C. Himself
In Matthew 2:4, King Herod gathered all the chief priests and scribes to inquire for himself where Christ was to be born.

Answer 5:
B. Bethlehem of Judaea
Prophecies, as noted in the scriptures, predicted that Christ would be born in Bethlehem of Judaea (Micah 5:2).

Answer 6:
C. Micah
The prophecy regarding the birthplace of Christ comes from Micah 5:2, and it’s quoted in Matthew 2:6.

Answer 7:
C. He called the wise men secretly.
After hearing from the chief priests and scribes, King Herod secretly called the Wise Men to determine from them the exact time the star had appeared (Matthew 2:7).

Answer 8:
C. The exact time the star appeared
King Herod was keen to determine when the star had appeared because this would give him an indication of the age of the child. He wanted to find and eliminate any potential threat to his throne.

Answer 9:
D. To go and search diligently for the young child
In Matthew 2:8, Herod told the Wise Men to go to Bethlehem and search diligently for the young child, and when they had found him, to bring word back to him so that he might also come and worship him (although his real intentions were different).

Answer 10:
D. They went directly to Bethlehem.
After hearing the king, the Wise Men went to Bethlehem because that’s where the star led them and where the prophecies stated Jesus would be born (Matthew 2:9).

Answer 11:
C. Over the place where Jesus was
The star that the Wise Men saw in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where Jesus was (Matthew 2:9).

Answer 12:
E. Joyful
When the Wise Men saw the star stop, they were overjoyed (Matthew 2:10).

Answer 13:
A. Silver
The Wise Men presented Jesus with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh (Matthew 2:11). Silver is not mentioned.

Answer 14:
C. By a dream
The Wise Men were warned in a dream not to return to Herod after they visited Jesus (Matthew 2:12).

Answer 15:
C. An unnamed angel of the Lord
After the Wise Men had departed, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and told him to flee to Egypt with Mary and Jesus (Matthew 2:13).

Answer 16:
C. Because King Herod was seeking to destroy the child
Joseph was told to flee to Egypt with Mary and Jesus because Herod was seeking to kill the child (Matthew 2:13).

Answer 17:
C. Hosea 11:1
The prophecy “Out of Egypt have I called my son” is from Hosea 11:1 and is cited in Matthew 2:15.

Answer 18:
A. Jesus’ royal lineage
The gift of gold from the Wise Men is traditionally interpreted to signify Jesus’ royal lineage, as gold is a gift fit for a king.

Answer 19:
E. Jeremiah
Herod’s order to kill all boys in Bethlehem who were two years old and under fulfilled the words of the prophet Jeremiah: “A voice is heard in Ramah, mourning and great weeping, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more” (Jeremiah 31:15; Matthew 2:17-18).

Answer 20:
E. It was a customary tribute to royalty
The gifts brought by the Wise Men – gold, frankincense, and myrrh – are traditionally interpreted as royal gifts, symbolizing Jesus’ kingship, priesthood, and eventual death. Bringing gifts to a king was a customary tribute in many cultures.

Answer 21:
B. Because he was afraid of Archelaus, who reigned after Herod.
Joseph, having been warned in a dream, did not settle in Judea because he was afraid of Archelaus, who was reigning in Judea after the death of his father Herod (Matthew 2:22).

Answer 22:
C. Galilee
After being warned in a dream, Joseph withdrew to the district of Galilee instead of settling in Judea (Matthew 2:22).

Answer 23:
C. Nazareth
Joseph settled with his family in the town of Nazareth in Galilee (Matthew 2:23).

Answer 24:
D. The Nazarene
The decision for Joseph to live in Nazareth was to fulfill what the prophets had said, “He will be called a Nazarene” (Matthew 2:23).

Answer 25:
A. The visit of the shepherds
The visit of the shepherds is described in Luke’s gospel, not in Matthew 2. Matthew 2 covers the events surrounding the visit of the Wise Men, Herod’s massacre of the infants, the flight to Egypt, and the family’s return to Nazareth.

Answer 26:
E. Troubled
Matthew 2:3 states, “When King Herod heard this he was disturbed,” indicating that he was troubled or unsettled by the news of the birth of the “king of the Jews.”

Answer 27:
B. The scribes and chief priests
When Herod wanted to ascertain the birthplace of the Christ, he gathered all the chief priests and scribes who informed him that the Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem, as written in prophecy (Matthew 2:4-6).

Answer 28:
C. Rule over Israel
The prophecy in Micah 5:2, which is quoted in Matthew 2:6, states, “But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.”

Answer 29:
C. Prince of Peace
In Matthew 2, Jesus is referred to in various ways, but “Prince of Peace” is not among them. The title “Prince of Peace” comes from Isaiah 9:6.

Answer 30:
D. Stood still over where the he was
The star the Wise Men followed went ahead of them and stopped over the place where Jesus was (Matthew 2:9).

Answer 31:
A. Back to their own country
After being warned by God in a dream, the wise men departed for their own country by another way, avoiding Herod (Matthew 2:12).

Answer 32:
C. Herod’s anger at being deceived by the wise men
King Herod, in his fury at being deceived by the wise men, ordered the massacre of all male infants in Bethlehem aged two and under (Matthew 2:16).

Answer 33:
B. About two years
While the exact duration of the Holy Family’s stay in Egypt isn’t specified in the Bible, Herod’s command to kill male infants two years old and under, based on the wise men’s report of the star’s appearance, suggests they could have been in Egypt for up to two years.

Answer 34:
C. To go to the land of Israel
After Herod’s death, an angel appeared in a dream to Joseph and told him to take the child and his mother and go to the land of Israel (Matthew 2:19-20).

Answer 35:
C. Because of the ruler Archelaus
Joseph feared going to Judea because he heard that Archelaus was reigning there in place of his father Herod (Matthew 2:22).

Answer 36:
A. His son
Archelaus was the son of Herod the Great and succeeded him as ruler of Judea (Matthew 2:22).

Answer 37:
B. That he would be a Nazarene
The family’s move to Nazareth fulfilled the prophecies that Jesus would be called a Nazarene (Matthew 2:23).

Answer 38:
D. Four times
Joseph received guidance in dreams four times in Matthew 2:

  1. To flee to Egypt (Matthew 2:13)
  2. To return to Israel after Herod’s death (Matthew 2:19-20)
  3. Not to settle in Judea because of Archelaus (Matthew 2:22)
  4. To divert to Nazareth in Galilee (implied in Matthew 2:22-23).

Answer 39:
E. Southern
Bethlehem is located in the southern part of Israel, near Jerusalem in the Judean hills.

Answer 40:
B. The wise men gave gifts to Jesus and not him
The main reasons for Herod’s sense of threat were the prophecies about a new ruler, the disturbance in Jerusalem, and the significance of the star, among others. There’s no indication in Matthew 2 that Herod felt threatened because the wise men gave gifts to Jesus and not to him.

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