Genesis 30 Quiz

Comprehensive Genesis 30 Quiz with Answers

Genesis Chapter 30 brings us deeper into the story of Jacob and his growing family. This Genesis 30 Quiz will delve into each detail of the chapter with 25 insightful and challenging questions designed to test your knowledge and understanding. The answers are located at the end of the quiz for your convenience.

This quiz isn’t for the faint-hearted, the questions are intentionally complex to inspire deep thought and consideration. It’s the perfect tool for individual study, group bible studies, or even a friendly challenge among fellow Bible students. So, let’s dig deep into Genesis Chapter 30 and see how well you can navigate the twists and turns of this chapter!

[Take a quiz on the previous chapter.]

Genesis 30 Quiz Questions

Question 1:

When Rachel envied her sister Leah for bearing children, what did she exclaim to Jacob?
A. “Give me children or else I die.”
B. “Why have you forsaken me?”
C. “The Lord has closed my womb.”
D. “Am I in God’s stead?”
E. None of the above

Question 2:

Upon the birth of Dan, what was Rachel’s peculiar claim?
A. “God has judged me.”
B. “God has hearkened to my voice.”
C. “I have wrestled mightily and prevailed.”
D. “God has given me an inheritance.”
E. None of the above

Question 3:

What did Reuben, Leah’s son, find in the field during wheat harvest, and what was it believed to have?
A. Olives; properties of strength
B. Grapes; healing properties
C. Mandrakes; fertility properties
D. Figs; properties of wisdom
E. None of the above

Question 4:

How did Leah respond to Rachel’s request for Reuben brought from the field?
A. She immediately handed them over.
B. She bartered a night with Jacob for the mandrakes.
C. She refused and kept them for herself.
D. She sought Jacob’s opinion on the matter.
E. None of the above

Question 5:

When Leah bore Issachar, what was the metaphor she used to describe her relationship with Jacob?
A. A hired servant
B. A bountiful harvest
C. A finely-tuned harp
D. A fruitful vineyard
E. None of the above

Question 6:

Upon the birth of Zebulun, Leah’s sixth son, what was Leah’s declaration?
A. “God hath endued me with a good dowry”
B. “Now will my husband dwell with me”
C. “The Lord hath seen my affliction”
D. “Surely my husband will honor me now”
E. None of the above

Question 7:

Who was the only daughter mentioned in Genesis Chapter 30 and to whom was she born?
A. Dinah, daughter of Rachel
B. Dinah, daughter of Leah
C. Dinah, daughter of Bilhah
D. Dinah, daughter of Zilpah
E. None of the above

Question 8:

How did Jacob respond when Laban asked him what his wages should be?
A. Jacob asked for sheep and goats
B. Jacob asked for gold and silver
C. Jacob asked for freedom to return home
D. Jacob asked for Laban’s younger daughter
E. None of the above

Question 9:

What was the unusual method Jacob used to increase his own flocks at the expense of Laban’s?
A. He separated the speckled and spotted sheep and goats
B. He placed striped rods in front of the flocks
C. He prayed to God to bless his flocks
D. He took the strongest of Laban’s flocks
E. None of the above

Question 10:

By the end of Genesis Chapter 30, what had become of Jacob’s status?
A. He became very wealthy with large flocks, maidservants, manservants, camels, and donkeys
B. He was still serving Laban, tending his flocks
C. He returned to his father’s house with nothing
D. He remained an ordinary shepherd, with a modest flock
E. None of the above

Question 11:

What distinct characteristic did Jacob choose for the lambs that he would take as wages from Laban?
A. Those that were pure white
B. Those that were spotted and speckled
C. Those that were the strongest and healthiest
D. Those that were the smallest
E. None of the above

Question 12:

What was the immediate reaction of the cattle when they conceived before the rods Jacob placed?
A. They bore cattle striped, speckled, and spotted
B. They bore cattle strong and healthy
C. They bore cattle weak and frail
D. They bore cattle that were pure white
E. None of the above

Question 13:

What did Jacob do with the stronger cattle during breeding season?
A. He set the rods before them to ensure they bore strong offspring
B. He separated them from Laban’s flock
C. He didn’t place the rods before them
D. He sent them away to a different location
E. None of the above

Question 14:

What was the outcome of the night Leah spent with Jacob in exchange for the mandrakes?
A. Leah conceived Issachar
B. Leah conceived Zebulun
C. Leah conceived Dinah
D. Nothing significant happened
E. None of the above

Question 15:

What was one of the last phrases Leah used to describe God’s blessings upon the birth of her last son?
A. “God hath given me my wages”
B. “The Lord hath remembered me”
C. “A troop cometh”
D. “I have prevailed”
E. None of the above

Question 16:

What did Rachel name her second son and what was the meaning of this name?
A. Benjamin – “The Lord shall add to me another son”
B. Benjamin – “Son of my right hand”
C. Benjamin – “God has given me my wages”
D. Benjamin – “Now will my husband dwell with me”
E. None of the above

Question 17:

What part did the mandrakes play in the story of Genesis Chapter 30?
A. Rachel used them as a charm to become fertile
B. Leah traded them with Rachel for a night with Jacob
C. Jacob used them to increase his flocks
D. They were a gift from Laban to Jacob
E. None of the above

Question 18:

What was the name of the second son that Rachel’s maid Bilhah bore to Jacob?
A. Naphtali
B. Dan
C. Asher
D. Gad
E. None of the above

Question 19:

When Jacob placed peeled rods before the flocks, what did he hope to achieve?
A. Influence the physical attributes of the offspring
B. Create a barrier between his and Laban’s flocks
C. Scare away any predators
D. Mark the strongest animals for himself
E. None of the above

Question 20:

How did Jacob describe the manner in which God took away Laban’s cattle and gave them to him?
A. Through strength and cunning
B. Through a dream with divine guidance
C. Through prayer and righteousness
D. Through swift action and trickery
E. None of the above

Question 21:

Which son did Leah consider as God’s endowment of a good dowry?
A. Gad
B. Asher
C. Zebulun
D. Issachar
E. None of the above

Question 22:

How did Laban initially react when Jacob asked him for wages to leave?
A. He tried to convince Jacob to stay
B. He accused Jacob of deceit
C. He agreed immediately
D. He asked Jacob to set his own terms
E. None of the above

Question 23:

What phrase did Leah use upon the birth of her son Gad?
A. “A troop cometh.”
B. “Blessed am I.”
C. “Happy am I.”
D. “God has heard my plea.”
E. None of the above

Question 24:

What did Jacob do with the feeble cattle of Laban’s flock during breeding season?
A. He placed peeled rods before them
B. He separated them from his own flocks
C. He took them as part of his wages
D. He didn’t place the rods before them
E. None of the above

Question 25:

What state did Genesis Chapter 30 leave Jacob in?
A. In service of Laban
B. In disagreement with Laban
C. As a prosperous man with large flocks and servants
D. As a shepherd of meager means
E. None of the above

[Take a quiz on the next chapter]

Answers to Genesis 30 Quiz Questions

Answer 1:
A) “Give me children or else I die.”
Explanation: In Genesis 30:1, Rachel expresses her deep distress and desperation to Jacob, exclaiming, “Give me children, or I’ll die!”

Answer 2:
A) “God has judged me.”
Explanation: Genesis 30:6 records Rachel’s statement upon the birth of Dan, “God has judged me.”

Answer 3:
C) Mandrakes; fertility properties
Explanation: Genesis 30:14 mentions that Reuben, Leah’s son, found mandrakes in the field during the wheat harvest. Mandrakes were believed to have fertility properties.

Answer 4:
B) She bartered a night with Jacob for the mandrakes.
Explanation: Genesis 30:15 recounts that Leah agreed to let Rachel have some mandrakes in exchange for a night with Jacob.

Answer 5:
A) A hired servant
Explanation: Genesis 30:18 recounts Leah saying, “God has rewarded me for giving my servant to my husband,” when she bore Issachar, implying a metaphor of a hired servant.

Answer 6:
B) “Now will my husband dwell with me”
Explanation: Genesis 30:20 tells us that upon the birth of Zebulun, Leah’s sixth son, Leah declares, “Now will my husband dwell with me.”

Answer 7:
B) Dinah, daughter of Leah
Explanation: Genesis 30:21 states that Leah gave birth to a daughter named Dinah.

Answer 8:
A) Jacob asked for sheep and goats
Explanation: Genesis 30:32 details how Jacob asked to be rewarded with every speckled and spotted sheep and goat as his wages.

Answer 9:
B) He placed striped rods in front of the flocks
Explanation: Genesis 30:37-39 describes how Jacob placed striped rods in front of the flocks when they drank, influencing the appearance of the offspring.

Answer 10:
A) He became very wealthy with large flocks, maidservants, manservants, camels, and donkeys
Explanation: Genesis 30:43 recounts how Jacob became exceedingly prosperous and had large flocks, maidservants and menservants, camels and donkeys.

Answer 11:
B) Those that were spotted and speckled
Explanation: Genesis 30:32 shows Jacob asking for every speckled and spotted sheep, every dark-colored lamb, and the spotted and speckled among the goats.

Answer 12:
A) They bore cattle striped, speckled, and spotted
Explanation: Genesis 30:39 explains that the cattle bred in front of the rods and bore striped, speckled, and spotted offspring.

Answer 13:
A) He set the rods before them to ensure they bore strong offspring
Explanation: Genesis 30:41-42 mentions that whenever the stronger females were in heat, Jacob would place the rods in the troughs in front of them.

Answer 14:
C) Leah conceived Dinah
Explanation: Genesis 30:17-21 recounts that after Leah spent a night with Jacob (which she bartered for with the mandrakes), she conceived and bore a daughter named Dinah.

Answer 15:
A) “God hath given me my wages”
Explanation: In Genesis 30:18, Leah says, “God hath given me my hire (wages)” upon the birth of Issachar.

Answer 16:
B) Benjamin – “Son of my right hand”
Explanation: Genesis 35:18 tells us that Rachel named her second son Benjamin, which means “Son of my right hand.”

Answer 17:
B) Leah traded them with Rachel for a night

with Jacob
Explanation: Genesis 30:14-16 records the exchange between Leah and Rachel, where Leah trades Reuben’s mandrakes for a night with Jacob.

Answer 18:
A) Naphtali
Explanation: Genesis 30:7-8 recounts that Bilhah, Rachel’s maid, bore Jacob a second son, whom Rachel named Naphtali.

Answer 19:
A) Influence the physical attributes of the offspring
Explanation: Genesis 30:37-39 mentions Jacob’s strategy of placing peeled rods before the breeding flocks, intending to influence their offspring’s appearance.

Answer 20:
B) Through a dream with divine guidance
Explanation: Genesis 31:9-12 describes how, in a dream, God showed Jacob that he had taken away all the livestock of Laban and given them to Jacob.

Answer 21:
C) Zebulun
Explanation: Genesis 30:20 recounts Leah considering the birth of Zebulun as God’s endowment of a good dowry to her.

Answer 22:
D) He asked Jacob to set his own terms
Explanation: Genesis 30:28 recounts Laban asking Jacob to name his own price, or set his own terms, after Jacob expresses his intention to go home.

Answer 23:
A) “A troop cometh.”
Explanation: Genesis 30:11 records Leah’s reaction upon the birth of her son Gad. She exclaims, “A troop cometh.”

Answer 24:
D) He didn’t place the rods before them
Explanation: Genesis 30:42 tells us that Jacob did not place the rods before the feeble cattle of Laban’s flock during the breeding season.

Answer 25:
C) As a prosperous man with large flocks and servants
Explanation: Genesis 30:43 leaves us with Jacob as a prosperous man, having grown exceedingly, with large flocks, male and female servants, camels, and donkeys.

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