Luke 18 Quiz

Comprehensive Luke 18 Quiz with Answers: How Well Do You Know the Gospel of Luke?

This Luke 18 quiz features 30 thought-provoking questions carefully crafted to cover all the verses in the chapter.

Each question is followed by five possible answers, giving you ample opportunity to challenge your knowledge and understanding of this Luke chapter 18.

Keep in mind, this Bible quiz on Luke chapter 18 is meant to be tricky, so ensure you cross-reference with Luke 18 in the KJV Bible to validate your answers at the end of the entire questions.

All right, let’s dive into the deep waters of Luke 18!

[ALSO READ: The Book of Luke Summary by Chapter (1-24)]

Luke 18 Quiz Questions

Here is a 30-question quiz based on Luke Chapter 18 from the KJV.

Luke 18 Questions

Question 1: In the parable of the unjust judge, how does Jesus describe the city where the judge resides?

a. A great city
b. A corrupt city
c. A small village
d. A righteous city
e. An unknown place

Question 2: What did the widow in the parable of the unjust judge want?

a. Money
b. Protection
c. Justice
d. Vengeance
e. A favor

Question 3: What was the unjust judge’s initial reaction to the widow’s plea?

a. He ignored her
b. He helped her immediately
c. He was confused
d. He refused but later agreed
e. He laughed at her

Question 4: In the parable of the Pharisee and the publican, what did the Pharisee thank God for in his prayer?

a. His wealth
b. Not being like other men
c. His righteousness
d. The food
e. His health

Question 5: What specific types of people did the Pharisee mention he was not like in his prayer?

a. Murderers, thieves
b. Unjust, adulterers
c. Gentiles, Samaritans
d. Priests, Levites
e. Soldiers, tax collectors

Question 6: Fill in the blank: “And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a __.”

a. Sinner
b. Lost soul
c. Broken man
d. Humble servant
e. Weak spirit

Question 7: In the story of the little children being brought to Jesus, who initially rebuked those bringing the children?

a. The Pharisees
b. Jesus’ disciples
c. The parents
d. The crowd
e. The teachers of the law

Question 8: True or False: Jesus was displeased with the little children being brought to him.

a. True
b. False

Question 9: Who, according to Jesus, shall not enter into the kingdom of God?

a. The rich
b. The proud
c. The unjust
d. Those who do not receive the kingdom of God as a little child
e. The adulterers

Question 10: How does Jesus refer to the Kingdom of God in the context of receiving it like a child?

a. As a treasure
b. As a precious stone
c. As a mustard seed
d. As a hidden mystery
e. As a heavenly gift

Question 11: When a certain ruler asked Jesus about eternal life, what did he call Jesus?

a. Rabbi
b. Master
c. Lord
d. Teacher
e. Prophet

Question 12: In response to the ruler’s question, what did Jesus ask him?

a. Why he wants eternal life
b. Why he called him good
c. If he knows the commandments
d. If he has faith
e. If he is ready to follow him

Question 13: What commandment did Jesus not mention when listing them off to the rich young ruler?

a. Thou shalt not kill
b. Honor thy father and thy mother
c. Thou shalt not bear false witness
d. Thou shalt not covet
e. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy

Question 14: What was the ruler’s response to Jesus’ listing of the commandments?

a. He walked away sad
b. He was confused
c. He said he had kept them from his youth
d. He asked what else he needed to do
e. He thanked Jesus

Question 15: What did Jesus tell the ruler he still lacked?

a. Faith
b. Love
c. Hope
d. Selling all that he had and giving to the poor
e. Following Him

Question 16: What was the ruler’s reaction to Jesus’ instruction to sell all he had and give to the poor?

a. He agreed happily
b. He was very sorrowful
c. He was angry
d. He was confused
e. He walked away in disbelief

Question 17: In Jesus’ commentary on the rich entering the kingdom of God, what did he say was easier than a rich man entering the kingdom of God?

a. A camel going through the eye of a needle
b. Finding a pearl of great price
c. Finding a treasure hidden in a field
d. A poor man entering the kingdom of God
e. Finding the straight and narrow way

Question 18: After hearing Jesus’ commentary on the rich and the kingdom of God, what did the disciples ask him?

a. Who then can be saved?
b. What must we do to be saved?
c. Are we also rich?
d. Is it possible for the rich to be saved?
e. Should we sell all that we have?

Question 19: What did Jesus say about the things that are impossible with men?

a. They are also impossible with God
b. They are possible with God
c. They are not worth pursuing
d. They should be avoided
e. They are misleading

Question 20: Peter mentioned that the disciples had left all and followed Jesus. What did he ask Jesus?

a. What shall we have?
b. Is that enough to enter the kingdom of God?
c. Did we do the right thing?
d. Will we be saved?
e. Will we be rich in heaven?

Question 21: What did Jesus promise to those who have left house, parents, or children for the kingdom of God’s sake?

a. They shall receive manifold more in this present time
b. They shall find treasures in heaven
c. They shall be given positions of power
d. They shall be honored
e. They shall be remembered

Question 22: What is one of the things that Jesus said would be received manifold more in this present time, along with persecutions?

a. Lands
b. Houses
c. Family
d. Wealth
e. Honor

Question 23: What did Jesus take the twelve disciples aside privately to tell them?

a. About the kingdom of God
b. About his upcoming death and resurrection
c. About the end times
d. About the commandments
e. About their mission

Question 24: In the prophecy of his death and resurrection, how did Jesus describe the things that would happen to him?

a. Exciting and joyous
b. Challenging but necessary
c. As things hid from them
d. As a fulfillment of prophecy
e. As a test of faith

Question 25: Who was the blind man sitting by the wayside near Jericho?

a. Bartimaeus
b. Lazarus
c. Jairus
d. Zacchaeus
e. Simon

Question 26: What did the blind man near Jericho cry out when he heard the multitude pass by?

a. Help me!
b. Have mercy on me!
c. Who goes there?
d. What is happening?
e. Blessed be the Lord!

Question 27: What did the people do when the blind man cried out?

a. They helped him
b. They rebuked him
c. They ignored him
d. They brought him to Jesus
e. They praised him

Question 28: True or False: The blind man by the wayside was healed by Jesus.

a. True
b. False

Question 29: What did Zacchaeus do to see Jesus?

a. Asked the crowd to make way
b. Stood on a stone
c. Climbed up into a sycamore tree
d. Jumped to get a glance
e. Sent a servant to fetch Jesus

Question 30: What was Zacchaeus’ profession?

a. A fisherman
b. A publican
c. A priest
d. A scribe
e. A shepherd


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Answers to Luke 18 Quiz Questions

Here are the answers with explanations based on Luke Chapter 18 from the KJV:

Answers to Luke 18 Questions

Question 1:

Answer: e. An unknown place
Explanation: The city is not described in detail in the parable.
Verse: Luke 18:2

Question 2:

Answer: c. Justice
Explanation: The widow wanted the judge to avenge her of her adversary.
Verse: Luke 18:3

Question 3:

Answer: d. He refused but later agreed
Explanation: At first, the judge would not help the widow, but later he did so that she would not trouble him.
Verse: Luke 18:4-5

Question 4:

Answer: b. Not being like other men
Explanation: The Pharisee thanked God that he was not like other men.
Verse: Luke 18:11

Question 5:

Answer: b. Unjust, adulterers
Explanation: The Pharisee said he was not like extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like the publican.
Verse: Luke 18:11

Question 6:

Answer: a. Sinner
Explanation: The publican asked God to be merciful to him, recognizing himself as a sinner.
Verse: Luke 18:13

Question 7:

Answer: b. Jesus’ disciples
Explanation: The disciples rebuked those who brought the children to Jesus.
Verse: Luke 18:15

Question 8:

Answer: b. False
Explanation: Jesus welcomed the little children and said that to such belongs the kingdom of God.
Verse: Luke 18:16

Question 9:

Answer: d. Those who do not receive the kingdom of God as a little child
Explanation: Jesus said that anyone who does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will not enter into it.
Verse: Luke 18:17

Question 10:

Answer: e. As a heavenly gift
Explanation: This answer is inferred, as the kingdom of God is often portrayed as a gift in the scriptures.
Verse: Luke 18:17

Question 11:

Answer: b. Master
Explanation: The ruler addressed Jesus as “Good Master”.
Verse: Luke 18:18

Question 12:

Answer: b. Why he called him good
Explanation: Jesus questioned the ruler about why he called Him good since only God is truly good.
Verse: Luke 18:19

Question 13:

Answer: e. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy
Explanation: This commandment wasn’t mentioned to the ruler.
Verse: Luke 18:20

Question 14:

Answer: c. He said he had kept them from his youth
Explanation: The ruler claimed to have observed all the commandments from his youth.
Verse: Luke 18:21

Question 15:

Answer: d. Selling all that he had and giving to the poor
Explanation: Jesus told the ruler to sell all he had, distribute to the poor, and then he would have treasure in heaven.
Verse: Luke 18:22

Question 16:

Answer: b. He was very sorrowful
Explanation: The ruler was very sorrowful because he was very rich.
Verse: Luke 18:23

Question 17:

Answer: a. A camel going through the eye of a needle
Explanation: Jesus said it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.
Verse: Luke 18:25

Question 18:

Answer: a. Who then can be saved?
Explanation: The disciples asked this in astonishment, wondering who then can be saved.
Verse: Luke 18:26

Question 19:

Answer: b. They are possible with God
Explanation: While some things are impossible with men, they are possible with God.
Verse: Luke 18:27

Question 20:

Answer: a. What shall we have?
Explanation: Peter said they had left all and followed Jesus, then asked what they would have in return.
Verse: Luke 18:28

Question 21:

Answer: a. They shall receive manifold more in this present time
Explanation: Jesus said they would receive many times as much in this age, and in the age to come, eternal life.
Verse: Luke 18:30

Question 22:

Answer: a. Lands
Explanation: They shall receive manifold more in the present time, including houses, and lands.
Verse: Luke 18:30

Question 23:

Answer: b. About his upcoming death and resurrection
Explanation: Jesus told them about the things that would happen to him, including being betrayed, mocked, spat upon, scourged, and killed, and that he would rise the third day.
Verse: Luke 18:31-33

Question 24:

Answer: c. As things hid from them
Explanation: They did not understand these things, and it was hidden from them.
Verse: Luke 18:34

Question 25:

Answer: a. Bartimaeus
Explanation: While the name “Bartimaeus” is specifically mentioned in Mark’s account (Mark 10:46), he is the blind man referred to in Luke 18.
Verse: Luke 18:35 (Cross reference with Mark 10:46)

Question 26:

Answer: b. Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!
Explanation: The blind man cried out to Jesus, recognizing Him as the Son of David and asking for mercy.
Verse: Luke 18:38

Question 27:

Answer: b. They rebuked him
Explanation: The people charged the blind man to hold his peace.
Verse: Luke 18:39

Question 28:

Answer: a. True
Explanation: Jesus asked the blind man what he wanted, and upon his request, granted him his sight.
Verse: Luke 18:41-42

Question 29:

Answer: c. Climbed up into a sycamore tree
Explanation: Zacchaeus climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus because he was of short stature.
Verse: Luke 18:4

Question 30:

Answer: b. A publican
Explanation: Zacchaeus was a chief tax collector, which is referred to as a publican.
Verse: Luke 18:2

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