This Exodus 31 quiz features 25 thought-provoking questions carefully crafted to cover all the verses in the chapter.
Each question is followed by five possible answers, giving you ample opportunity to challenge your knowledge and understanding of this Exodus chapter 31.
Keep in mind, this Bible quiz on Exodus chapter 31 is meant to be tricky, so ensure you cross-reference with Exodus 31 in the KJV Bible to validate your answers at the end of the entire questions.
All right, let’s dive into the deep waters of Exodus 31!
[ALSO READ: The Book of Exodus Summary by Chapter (1-40): Concise and Comprehensive]
Bible Quiz On Exodus Chapter 31
Exodus 31 Quiz Questions
Here is a 25-question quiz based on Exodus Chapter 31 from the KJV.
Exodus 31 Questions
Question 1 (Exodus 31:1-5): Who did God call by name to be the chief artisan for the tabernacle?
- A) Bezaleel
- B) Aholiab
- C) Hur
- D) Eleazar
- E) Ithamar
Question 2 (Exodus 31:2-3): What tribe was Bezaleel from?
- A) Judah
- B) Levi
- C) Benjamin
- D) Ephraim
- E) Issachar
Question 3 (Exodus 31:3-5): With what skills did God fill Bezaleel?
- A) Wisdom, understanding, and knowledge
- B) Strength, endurance, and diligence
- C) Leadership, teaching, and preaching
- D) Prophecy, healing, and miracle-working
- E) Singing, playing instruments, and composing music
Question 4 (Exodus 31:6): Who was appointed as Bezaleel’s assistant?
- A) Aholiab
- B) Hur
- C) Eleazar
- D) Korah
- E) Gershon
Question 5 (Exodus 31:6): What tribe was Aholiab from?
- A) Dan
- B) Naphtali
- C) Gad
- D) Asher
- E) Zebulun
Question 6 (Exodus 31:7-11): What were Bezaleel and Aholiab specifically instructed to make?
- A) The Ark, the table, the lampstand, and the altar of incense
- B) The garments for the priests, the ephod, and the breastplate
- C) The tabernacle, the altar of burnt offering, and the laver
- D) All of the above
- E) The walls of the tabernacle and the veil
Question 7 (Exodus 31:12-13): What reason did God give for observing the Sabbath?
- A) As a sign between Him and the children of Israel forever
- B) To rest from labor and remembrance of the seventh day of creation
- C) To remember the creation and victory over the Egyptians
- D) To prepare for holy days and wars
- E) As a day of fasting and prayer
Question 8 (Exodus 31:14): What was the penalty for profaning the Sabbath?
- A) Exile
- B) Fines
- C) Sacrifices
- D) Death
- E) Public shaming
Question 9 (Exodus 31:15): How many days of work and rest were prescribed for the Sabbath?
- A) Six days of work and one day of rest
- B) Five days of work and two days of rest
- C) Seven days of work and one day of rest
- D) Four days of work and three days of rest
- E) Continuous work with no rest
Question 10 (Exodus 31:16-17): What did the Sabbath serve as between God and the children of Israel?
- A) A covenant
- B) A memorial
- C) A commandment
- D) A blessing
- E) A test of faith
Question 11 (Exodus 31:18): What did God give to Moses upon the completion of their conversation on Mount Sinai?
- A) The Ten Commandments
- B) Two tablets of testimony
- C) A rod
- D) A scroll
- E) A crown
Question 12 (Exodus 31:18): How were the tablets described?
- A) Written with the finger of God
- B) Made of gold
- C) Engraved by Moses
- D) Made of stone
- E) Covered in blue cloth
Question 13 (Exodus 31:13): What did the observance of the Sabbath signify about the children of Israel?
- A) That they were God’s chosen people
- B) That they were blessed among nations
- C) That they were a holy priesthood
- D) That they were sanctified by God
- E) That they were under the law
Question 14 (Exodus 31:4-5): What types of work was Bezaleel skilled in?
- A) Working in gold, silver, and brass
- B) Cutting stones and carving wood
- C) Both of the above
- D) Weaving fabrics
- E) Preparing sacrifices
Question 15 (Exodus 31:7): What was the specific purpose of the Ark of the Testimony?
- A) To store the Ten Commandments
- B) To represent the presence of God
- C) To be a place of sacrifice
- D) To hold the manna and Aaron’s rod
- E) To lead the people through the wilderness
Question 16 (Exodus 31:8-9): What was the lampstand (menorah) made of?
- A) Gold
- B) Bronze
- C) Silver
- D) Brass
- E) Iron
Question 17 (Exodus 31:10): What were the holy garments for Aaron made for?
- A) Glory and beauty
- B) Protection in battle
- C) Daily wear
- D) Festivals and celebrations
- E) Mourning and penance
Question 18 (Exodus 31:16): What was the duration for the observance of the Sabbaths?
- A) Throughout their generations
- B) Until the coming of the Messiah
- C) For forty years in the wilderness
- D) Until the construction of the temple
- E) During the lifetime of Moses
Question 19 (Exodus 31:17): How did God describe His rest on the seventh day?
- A) As a day of complete rest
- B) As a time of reflection
- C) As a day He was refreshed
- D) As a day of celebration
- E) As a day of sanctification
Question 20 (Exodus 31:18): What material were the tablets of testimony made from?
- A) Stone
- B) Wood
- C) Clay
- D) Metal
- E) Papyrus
Question 21 (Exodus 31:3): What was the significance of Bezaleel being filled with the spirit of God?
- A) It signified divine approval
- B) It represented prophetic ability
- C) It indicated his role as a leader
- D) It was a sign of wisdom and skill
- E) It was necessary for performing miracles
Question 22 (Exodus 31:6): What does the appointment of Aholiab and other skilled men imply about the construction of the tabernacle?
- A) It required a community effort
- B) It was a task for the elite
- C) It was guided by divine inspiration
- D) It was a symbol of unity among tribes
- E) It showed the importance of craftsmanship
Question 23 (Exodus 31:14): Why was the penalty for breaking the Sabbath so severe?
- A) To maintain order and discipline
- B) It was a sign of a covenantal relationship with God
- C) To prevent idolatry
- D) As a reminder of God’s creation
- E) To distinguish Israel from other nations
Question 24 (Exodus 31:12): What did keeping the Sabbaths ensure for the children of Israel?
- A) Victory in battles
- B) Prosperity in the land
- C) They were sanctified by God
- D) Continuous protection from enemies
- E) Fertility and abundant harvests
Question 25 (Exodus 31:15): What does the concept of Sabbath rest teach about work and rest in the biblical context?
- A) The importance of balance in life
- B) The priority of spiritual over physical activities
- C) The sanctity of labor
- D) The need for periodic rest and rejuvenation
- E) The requirement for ritual cleanliness
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Answers to Exodus 31 Quiz Questions
Here are the answers with explanations based on Exodus Chapter 31 from the KJV:
Answers to Exodus 31 Questions
- Answer: A) Bezaleel
- Explanation: God called Bezaleel by name to be the chief artisan for the tabernacle. Exodus 31:1-5 details God’s selection of Bezaleel, highlighting his appointed role in the construction of the tabernacle.
- Answer: A) Judah
- Explanation: Bezaleel was from the tribe of Judah. This is specified in Exodus 31:2-3, indicating his tribal affiliation and the importance of his role in the tabernacle’s construction.
- Answer: A) Wisdom, understanding, and knowledge in all manner of workmanship
- Explanation: God filled Bezaleel with wisdom, understanding, and knowledge in all manner of workmanship. Exodus 31:3-5 describes these skills, emphasizing that they were divinely bestowed to enable Bezaleel to carry out his work for the tabernacle.
- Answer: A) Aholiab
- Explanation: Aholiab was appointed as Bezaleel’s assistant. According to Exodus 31:6, Aholiab was chosen to help Bezaleel in the artistic and construction work for the tabernacle.
- Answer: A) Dan
- Explanation: Aholiab was from the tribe of Dan. This tribal association is mentioned in Exodus 31:6, highlighting the inclusion of diverse tribal representations in the tabernacle’s construction.
- Answer: D) All of the above
- Explanation: Bezaleel and Aholiab were instructed to make the Ark, the table, the lampstand, the altar of incense, the garments for the priests, the ephod, the breastplate, the tabernacle, the altar of burnt offering, and the laver. Exodus 31:7-11 encompasses all these items, indicating the extensive work involved in creating the tabernacle and its contents.
- Answer: A) As a sign between Him and the children of Israel forever
- Explanation: God gave the reason for observing the Sabbath as a sign between Him and the children of Israel forever. Exodus 31:12-13 explains that the Sabbath was a perpetual covenant and a sign of sanctification.
- Answer: D) Death
- Explanation: The penalty for profaning the Sabbath was death. Exodus 31:14 specifies this severe punishment, underscoring the importance of observing the Sabbath as a sacred day.
- Answer: A) Six days of work and one day of rest
- Explanation: The prescribed pattern for the Sabbath was six days of work and one day of rest. Exodus 31:15 outlines this weekly cycle, establishing the rhythm of work and rest in the Israelite community.
- Answer: A) A covenant
- Explanation: The Sabbath served as a covenant between God and the children of Israel. As stated in Exodus 31:16-17, the Sabbath was a sign of the covenant and a reminder of God’s creation and rest on the seventh day.
- Answer: B) Two tablets of testimony
- Explanation: God gave Moses two tablets of testimony upon the completion of their conversation on Mount Sinai. Exodus 31:18 describes this moment, marking the end of their meeting with the giving of the tablets.
- Answer: A) Written with the finger of God
- Explanation: The tablets were described as being written with the finger of God. This description in Exodus 31:18 highlights the divine origin of the commandments inscribed on the tablets.
- Answer: D) That they were sanctified by God
- Explanation: The observance of the Sabbath signified that the children of Israel were sanctified by God. Exodus 31:13 emphasizes that the Sabbath was a sign of their special relationship with God and their set-apart status as His people.
- Answer: C) Both of the above
- Explanation: Bezaleel was skilled in working in gold, silver, and brass, and in cutting stones and carving wood. Exodus 31:4-5 details his expertise in these areas, indicating his proficiency in a variety of artistic and construction tasks.
- Answer: A) To store the Ten Commandments
- Explanation: The specific purpose of the Ark of the Testimony was to store the Ten Commandments. As mentioned in Exodus 31:7, the Ark was designed to house the tablets of testimony, symbolizing God’s covenant with Israel.
- Answer: A) Gold
- Explanation: The lampstand (menorah) was made of gold. This detail is provided in Exodus 31:8-9, specifying the material used for this important item in the tabernacle.
- Answer: A) Glory and beauty
- Explanation: The holy garments for Aaron were made for glory and beauty. Exodus 31:10 highlights the purpose of these garments, emphasizing their ornamental and symbolic significance in the priestly role.
- Answer: A) Throughout their generations
- Explanation: The duration for the observance of the Sabbaths was throughout their generations. Exodus 31:16 indicates the perpetual nature of the Sabbath observance, making it a lasting practice for the Israelites.
- Answer: C) As a day He was refreshed
- Explanation: God described His rest on the seventh day as a time when He was refreshed. Exodus 31:17 uses this language to convey the rejuvenating aspect of the Sabbath rest.
- Answer: A) Stone
- Explanation: The tablets of testimony were made from stone. This material is mentioned in Exodus 31:18, specifying the composition of the tablets that held the commandments.
- Answer: D) It was a sign of wisdom and skill
- Explanation: The significance of Bezaleel being filled with the spirit of God was that it signified divine endowment of wisdom and skill. Exodus 31:3 underlines this divine empowerment, necessary for the craftsmanship required in the tabernacle’s construction.
- Answer: A) It required a community effort
- Explanation: The appointment of Aholiab and other skilled men implies that the construction of the tabernacle required a community effort. Exodus 31:6 highlights the collective participation and diverse skills needed for this significant task.
- Answer: B) It was a sign of a covenantal relationship with God
- Explanation: The severity of the penalty for breaking the Sabbath was because it was a sign of a covenantal relationship with God. Exodus 31:14 emphasizes the importance of the Sabbath in maintaining this special relationship.
- Answer: C) They were sanctified by God
- Explanation: Keeping the Sabbaths ensured that the children of Israel were sanctified by God. As stated in Exodus 31:12-13, the observance of the Sabbath was a sign of their sanctification and special status as God’s chosen people.
- Answer: D) The need for periodic rest and rejuvenation
- Explanation: The concept of Sabbath rest teaches the importance of balancing work and rest, highlighting the need for periodic rest and rejuvenation. This principle, presented in Exodus 31:15, underscores the biblical understanding of rest as essential for spiritual and physical well-being.