This Genesis 26 quiz is intended to be highly challenging, inviting you to consider the chapter’s events and characters in detail.
As before, each question is followed by five potential answers, labeled alphabetically. You are therefore expected to choose only one option as the correct answer.
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Genesis 26 Quiz Questions
Question 1:
Where was Isaac living when the famine occurred?
A. Gerar
B. Egypt
C. Beersheba
D. Hebron
E. The Bible does not specify
Question 2:
Who appeared to Isaac and told him not to go down to Egypt?
A. An angel of the Lord
B. Abraham
C. God
D. A prophet
E. None of the above
Question 3:
What did God promise Isaac?
A. He would be a stranger in a foreign land
B. He would have as many descendants as the stars
C. He would inherit all these lands
D. His descendants would be slaves for 400 years
E. None of the above
Question 4:
Why did God bless Isaac?
A. Because of Isaac’s faith
B. Because of Abraham’s obedience
C. Because of a covenant He made with Isaac
D. The Bible does not specify
E. All of the above
Question 5:
How did Isaac describe his relationship with Rebekah when the men of Gerar asked him?
A. She is my sister
B. She is my wife
C. She is my cousin
D. She is my servant
E. None of the above
Question 6:
Which king discovered the truth about Isaac and Rebekah’s relationship, and how did he find out?
A. Abimelech, by a vision in a dream
B. Pharaoh, by the plague upon his household
C. Abimelech, by looking out of a window and seeing Isaac showing endearment to Rebekah
D. Abimelech, by asking his servants
E. None of the above
Question 7:
What was Abimelech’s decree regarding Isaac and Rebekah?
A. Anyone who touches Isaac or Rebekah will be put to death
B. Isaac and Rebekah were to be expelled from Gerar
C. Isaac and Rebekah were made honorary citizens of Gerar
D. Anyone who touches Isaac or Rebekah will be enslaved
E. None of the above
Question 8:
Why did Isaac move from Gerar to the Valley of Gerar?
A. Because there was a famine
B. Because he had a disagreement with Abimelech
C. Because the herdsmen of Gerar had strife with Isaac’s herdsmen about the wells
D. Because God told him to do so
E. All of the above
Question 9:
What did Isaac do when the herdsmen of Gerar claimed the well he dug as their own?
A. He fought them
B. He gave the well to them and dug another well
C. He complained to Abimelech
D. He asked God to intervene
E. None of the above
Question 10:
How many wells did Isaac’s servants dig in the Valley of Gerar, and what were they called?
A. One well, called Rehoboth
B. Two wells, called Esek and Sitnah
C. Three wells, called Esek, Sitnah, and Rehoboth
D. Four wells but the Bible said nothing about their names
E. None of the above
Question 11:
Where did Isaac go after he left the Valley of Gerar?
A. He went to Egypt
B. He went to Beersheba
C. He went to Canaan
D. He went back to Gerar
E. None of the above
Question 12:
Who appeared to Isaac the night he arrived in Beersheba?
A. Abraham
B. God
C. An angel of the Lord
D. Abimelech
E. None of the above
Question 13:
Which of these characters does NOT appear in Genesis Chapter 26?
A. God
B. Isaac
C. Rebekah
D. Abraham
E. All of these characters appear in the chapter
Question 14:
Who came to Isaac from Gerar and why?
A. Abimelech and his friend Ahuzzath, along with Phichol the commander of his army, because they saw that the Lord was with Isaac
B. The herdsmen of Gerar, to apologize for their earlier strife
C. Pharaoh and his officials, to establish a treaty
D. No one came to Isaac from Gerar
E. Abimelech and the herdsmen of Gerar, to apologize for their earlier strife
Question 15:
What agreement did Isaac and Abimelech make?
A. They agreed to live in peace and not harm each other
B. They agreed to share the wells of water in Gerar
C. They agreed to become allies in warfare
D. Isaac agreed to return to Gerar
E. None of the above
Question 16:
Which of these phrases is repeated twice in Genesis Chapter 26?
A. “The LORD was with Isaac”
B. “Isaac sowed in that land”
C. “And the man waxed great”
D. “Abimelech, king of the Philistines”
E. None of the above
Question 17:
What did Isaac name the well his servants dug on the day he made a feast for Abimelech and his companions?
A. Beersheba
B. Esek
C. Sitnah
D. Rehoboth
E. The Bible does not specify
Question 18:
Who are the Hittite women that Esau married?
A. Judith and Basemath
B. Leah and Rachel
C. Hagar and Keturah
D. Sarah and Rebekah
E. None of the above
Question 19:
How did Isaac and Rebekah feel about Esau’s marriages?
A. They were pleased
B. They were indifferent
C. They were grieved
D. They were praised God
E. None of the above
Question 20:
Where did Esau’s wives originally come from?
A. From Egypt
B. From Canaan
C. From Haran
D. From Gerar
E. The Bible does not specify
Question 21:
What is the primary conflict in Genesis Chapter 26?
A. The conflict between Isaac and Abimelech
B. The conflict between Isaac and the herdsmen of Gerar over the wells
C. The conflict between Isaac and Esau over his Hittite wives
D. The conflict between Isaac and Rebekah over Esau’s marriages
E. All of the above
Question 22:
What was Isaac’s response when his servants told him they had found water?
A. He named the well Shebah
B. He praised God
C. He shared the news with Abimelech
D. He told Esau to take his wives and leave
E. The Bible does not specify
Question 23:
What does the name “Rehoboth” mean?
A. The LORD has made room for us
B. The well of the oath
C. Contentious
D. Hatred
E. The Bible does not specify
Question 24:
In which verse is the phrase “we saw certainly that the LORD was with thee” found?
A. Verse 26
B. Verse 28
C. Verse 15
D. Verse 10
E. The phrase is not found in Genesis Chapter 26
Question 25:
What significant event in Isaac’s life is NOT mentioned in Genesis Chapter 26?
A. The birth of his sons, Esau and Jacob
B. The treaty with Abimelech
C. The dispute over the wells
D. His marriage to Rebekah
E. All of these events are mentioned
Thank you for participating in this in-depth study of Genesis Chapter 26! These challenging questions aim to stimulate thoughtful study and rich conversation.
[Consider taking a quiz on the next chapter]
Answers to Genesis 26 Quiz Questions
Answer 1:
A) Gerar
Explanation: Genesis 26:1 states that there was a famine in the land, besides the first famine that was in the days of Abraham. And Isaac went to Abimelech, king of the Philistines, in Gerar.
Answer 2:
C) God
Explanation: Genesis 26:2 records that the LORD appeared to Isaac and said, “Do not go down to Egypt; live in the land where I tell you to live.”
Answer 3:
C) He would inherit all these lands
Explanation: Genesis 26:3-4 tells us that God promised Isaac that he would give him and his descendants all the lands where he resided and would make his offspring as numerous as the stars in the sky.
Answer 4:
B) Because of Abraham’s obedience
Explanation: Genesis 26:5 states that God blessed Isaac because Abraham obeyed God and did everything He required – His commands, decrees, and instructions.
Answer 5:
A) She is my sister
Explanation: Genesis 26:7 reveals that when the men of the place asked him about his wife, he said, “She is my sister,” for he feared to say, “She is my wife,” thinking, “lest the men of the place should kill me for Rebekah, because she is attractive in appearance.”
Answer 6:
C) Abimelech, by looking out of a window and seeing Isaac showing endearment to Rebekah
Explanation: Genesis 26:8 mentions that when he had been there a long time, Abimelech king of the Philistines looked out of a window and saw Isaac laughing with Rebekah his wife.
Answer 7:
A) Anyone who touches Isaac or Rebekah will be put to death
Explanation: Genesis 26:11 tells us that Abimelech ordered his people that anyone who harms Isaac or his wife Rebekah will be put to death.
Answer 8:
C) Because the herdsmen of Gerar had strife with Isaac’s herdsmen about the wells
Explanation: Genesis 26:20 mentions that Isaac’s servants dig a well in the valley and disputed with the herdsmen of Gerar.
Answer 9:
B) He gave the well to them and dug another well
Explanation: Genesis 26:20-22 states that the herdsmen of Gerar quarreled with Isaac’s herdsmen about the water of the well, so he called the name of the well Esek and moved on to dig another well.
Answer 10:
C) Three wells, called Esek, Sitnah, and Rehoboth
Explanation: Genesis 26:19-22 mentions that Isaac’s servants dug three wells, named Esek, Sitnah, and Rehoboth.
Answer 11:
B) He went to Beersheba
Explanation: Genesis 26:23 says that Isaac went up from there to Beersheba.
Answer 12:
B) God
Explanation: Genesis 26:24 records that the LORD appeared to Isaac the same night and said, “I am the God of Abraham your father. Fear not, for I am with you and will bless you and multiply your offspring for my servant Abraham’s sake.”
Answer 13:
D) Abraham
Explanation: Abraham does not appear in Genesis Chapter 26.
Answer 14:
A) Abimelech and his friend Ahuzzath, along with Phichol the commander of his army, because they saw that the Lord was with Isaac
Explanation: Genesis 26:26-28 mentions that Abimelech, accompanied by his adviser Ahuzzath and Phichol the commander of his army, visited Isaac because they saw that the LORD was with Isaac.
Answer 15:
A) They agreed to live in peace and not harm each other
Explanation: Genesis 26:28-31 records that Isaac and Abimelech made an oath to do each other no harm.
Answer 16:
E) None of the above
Explanation: None of these phrases is repeated twice in Genesis Chapter 26.
Answer 17:
A) Beersheba
Explanation: Genesis 26:33 tells us that Isaac named the well Shebah, therefore the name of the city is Beersheba to this day.
Answer 18:
A) Judith and Basemath
Explanation: Genesis 26:34 mentions that Esau married Judith the daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and Basemath the daughter of Elon the Hittite.
Answer 19:
C) They were grieved
Explanation: Genesis 26:35 tells us that Esau’s wives were a source of grief to Isaac and Rebekah.
Answer 20:
B) From Canaan
Explanation: Genesis 26:34 states that Esau’s Hittite wives, Judith and Basemath, were from Canaan.
Answer 21:
B) The conflict between Isaac and the herdsmen of Gerar over the wells
Explanation: Genesis 26:20-22 details the conflict between Isaac and the herdsmen of Gerar over the wells.
Answer 22:
E) The Bible does not specify
Explanation: Genesis 26 does not specify Isaac’s response when his servants found water.
Answer 23:
A) The LORD has made room for us
Explanation: Genesis 26:22 states that Isaac named the well Rehoboth, saying, “For now the LORD has made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land.”
Answer 24:
B) Verse 28
Explanation: Genesis 26:28 contains the phrase “we saw certainly that the LORD was with thee.”
Answer 25:
A) The birth of his sons, Esau and Jacob
Explanation: The birth of Isaac’s sons, Esau and Jacob, is not mentioned in Genesis Chapter 26. This event is covered in Genesis Chapter 25.