John 11 Quiz

Comprehensive John 11 Quiz with Answers: How Well Do You Know the Gospel of John?

This John 11 quiz features 25 thought-provoking questions carefully crafted to cover all the verses in the chapter.

Each question is followed by five possible answers, giving you ample opportunity to challenge your knowledge and understanding of John chapter 11.

Keep in mind, this Bible quiz on John chapter 11 is meant to be tricky, so ensure you cross-reference with John 11 in the KJV Bible to validate your answers at the end of the entire questions.

All right, let’s dive into the deep waters of John 11!

[ALSO READ: The Book of John Summary by Chapter (1-21): Very Concise and Comprehensive]

John 11 Quiz Questions

Here is a 25-question quiz based on John Chapter 11 from the KJV.

John 11 Questions

Question 1: In John 11:1, who was sick?

a. The man blind from the womb
b. Mary
c. Martha
d. Simon
e. None of the above

Question 2: Where did the sick man, live according to John 11:1?

a. Jerusalem
b. Galilee
c. Nazareth
d. Bethany
e. Bethlehem

Question 3: True or False: According to John 11:2, it was Martha who anointed the Lord with ointment and wiped his feet with her hair.

a. True
b. False
c. Partially true
d. Not mentioned
e. Misinterpreted

Question 4: In John 11:3, who sent a message to Jesus about Lazarus being sick?

a. Lazarus’ friends
b. Mary and Martha
c. The disciples
d. The Pharisees
e. The people of Bethany

Question 5: Fill in the blank: According to John 11:4, Jesus said, “This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified __.”

a. By it
b. Through it
c. In it
d. Alongside it
e. Because of it

Question 6: How did Jesus feel about Martha, her sister, and Lazarus, as stated in John 11:5?

a. He loved them
b. He was indifferent towards them
c. He admired them
d. He was pleased with them
e. He pitied them

Question 7: Multiple Response: In John 11:6, after hearing that Lazarus was sick, what did Jesus do?

a. He immediately went to Bethany
b. He stayed two days longer
c. He wept
d. He sent a message to Lazarus’ family
e. He performed a miracle where he was

Question 8: In John 11:7, where did Jesus propose to go again after the two days?

a. Galilee
b. Judea
c. Bethany
d. Jerusalem
e. Nazareth

Question 9: Negative Question: In John 11:8, the disciples cautioned Jesus against going to Judea for all reasons EXCEPT:

a. The Jews there had recently tried to stone him
b. The journey was dangerous
c. They didn’t believe Lazarus was sick
d. They feared for Jesus’ safety
e. They suggested it was not yet time

Question 10: In John 11:9-10, what analogy did Jesus use when responding to His disciples’ concerns about going to Judea?

a. Shepherd and sheep
b. Sower and seed
c. Light of day and darkness of night
d. Vine and branches
e. Salt of the earth

Question 11: Fill in the blank: In John 11:11, Jesus said to his disciples, “Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may __ him out of sleep.”

a. Awaken
b. Raise
c. Rouse
d. Deliver
e. Rescue

Question 12: In John 11:12, what did the disciples think Jesus meant by saying Lazarus was sleeping?

a. He was resting peacefully
b. He was in a coma
c. He was dead
d. He was recovering
e. He was meditating

Question 13: True or False: In John 11:13, Jesus was speaking of Lazarus’ literal sleep, not his death.

a. True
b. False
c. Partially true
d. Not mentioned
e. Misinterpreted

Question 14: According to John 11:14, how did Jesus finally tell the disciples about Lazarus’ condition?

a. He is sick
b. He is dead
c. He is in danger
d. He is recovering
e. He is waiting

Question 15: In John 11:15, why did Jesus say he was glad for the disciples’ sake that he was not there to heal Lazarus?

a. That they might believe
b. To teach them a lesson
c. Because they needed to have faith
d. To show his power
e. To fulfill prophecy

Question 16: Multiple Response: In John 11:16, which disciple encouraged others to go with Jesus to Judea and face possible death?

a. Peter
b. John
c. Thomas
d. Judas
e. Matthew

Question 17: According to John 11:17, how many days had Lazarus been in the tomb when Jesus arrived in Bethany?

a. Three days
b. Four days
c. Five days
d. Seven days
e. Two days

Question 18: In John 11:18, how far was Bethany from Jerusalem?

a. About fifteen furlongs
b. About five miles
c. About ten miles
d. About two furlongs
e. About twenty furlongs

Question 19: John 11:19 mentions many Jews came to Martha and Mary to comfort them. What was the reason for their visit?

a. To mourn Lazarus
b. To celebrate his life
c. To offer support
d. To pray for them
e. To witness a miracle

Question 20: In John 11:20, who came out to meet Jesus, while the other sister stayed at home?

a. Mary
b. Martha
c. The disciples
d. The Jews
e. The neighbors

Question 21: Fill in the blank: In John 11:21, Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not __.”

a. Died
b. Suffered
c. Been buried
d. Been sick
e. Lost hope

Question 22: According to John 11:22, what did Martha express her belief in regarding Jesus?

a. That he could raise the dead
b. That God would give whatever Jesus asked
c. That Lazarus would rise again
d. That Jesus was the Messiah
e. That miracles could still happen

Question 23: In John 11:23, what did Jesus tell Martha about her brother?

a. He would live again
b. He was in a better place
c. He was at peace
d. He would be remembered
e. He was with God

Question 24: According to John 11:24, what did Martha say she knew about the resurrection?

a. That it would happen at the last day
b. That Lazarus would rise again
c. That Jesus had the power to resurrect
d. That the dead would live
e. That it was a metaphor

Question 25: True or False: In John 11:25-26, Jesus declares, “I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.”

a. True
b. False
c. Partially true
d. Not mentioned
e. Misinterpreted

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John 13 Quiz
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Answers to John 11 Quiz Questions

Here are the answers with explanations based on John Chapter 11 from the KJV:

Answers to John 11 Questions

Question 1: In John 11:1, who was sick?

Answer: e. None of the above

Explanation: John 11:1 refers to Lazarus being sick, who is not listed in the options provided.

Question 2: Where did the sick man, live according to John 11:1?

Answer: d. Bethany

Explanation: Lazarus, the sick man mentioned in John 11:1, lived in Bethany.

Question 3: True or False: According to John 11:2, it was Martha who anointed the Lord with ointment and wiped his feet with her hair.

Answer: b. False

Explanation: John 11:2 mentions that it was Mary who anointed the Lord with ointment and wiped His feet with her hair, not Martha.

Question 4: In John 11:3, who sent a message to Jesus about Lazarus being sick?

Answer: b. Mary and Martha

Explanation: Mary and Martha sent a message to Jesus about their brother Lazarus being sick, as stated in John 11:3.

Question 5: Fill in the blank: According to John 11:4, Jesus said, “This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified __.”

Answer: a. By it

Explanation: In John 11:4, Jesus said that the sickness was for the glory of God, so that the Son of God might be glorified by it.

Question 6: How did Jesus feel about Martha, her sister, and Lazarus, as stated in John 11:5?

Answer: a. He loved them

Explanation: John 11:5 states that Jesus loved Martha, her sister, and Lazarus.

Question 7: Multiple Response: In John 11:6, after hearing that Lazarus was sick, what did Jesus do?

Answer: b. He stayed two days longer

Explanation: After hearing about Lazarus’ sickness, Jesus stayed where He was for two more days, as mentioned in John 11:6.

Question 8: In John 11:7, where did Jesus propose to go again after the two days?

Answer: c. Bethany

Explanation: In John 11:7, after two days, Jesus proposed to go back to Bethany.

Question 9: Negative Question: In John 11:8, the disciples cautioned Jesus against going to Judea for all reasons EXCEPT:

Answer: c. They didn’t believe Lazarus was sick

Explanation: The disciples cautioned Jesus against going to Judea for reasons including danger and the Jews’ previous attempts to stone Him, but not because they didn’t believe Lazarus was sick.

Question 10: In John 11:9-10, what analogy did Jesus use when responding to His disciples’ concerns about going to Judea?

Answer: c. Light of day and darkness of night

Explanation: In John 11:9-10, Jesus used the analogy of the light of day and the darkness of night in response to His disciples’ concerns.

Question 11: Fill in the blank: In John 11:11, Jesus said to his disciples, “Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may __ him out of sleep.”

Answer: a. Awaken

Explanation: In John 11:11, Jesus said He was going to awaken Lazarus from sleep.

Question 12: In John 11:12, what did the disciples think Jesus meant by saying Lazarus was sleeping?

Answer: d. He was recovering

Explanation: The disciples thought that Lazarus sleeping meant he was recovering, as mentioned in John 11:12.

Question 13: True or False: In John 11:13, Jesus was speaking of Lazarus’ literal sleep, not his death.

Answer: b. False

Explanation: It’s false; in John 11:13, Jesus was speaking of Lazarus’ death metaphorically as sleep.

Question 14: According to John 11:14, how did Jesus finally tell the disciples about Lazarus’ condition?

Answer: b. He is dead

Explanation: Jesus explicitly told His disciples in John 11:14 that Lazarus was dead.

Question 15: In John 11:15, why did Jesus say he was glad for the disciples’ sake that he was not there to heal Lazarus?

Answer: a. That they might believe

Explanation: Jesus expressed in John 11:15 that He was glad for the disciples’ sake that He was not there, so that they might believe.

Question 16: Multiple Response: In John 11:16, which disciple encouraged others to go with Jesus to

Judea and face possible death?
Answer: c. Thomas

Explanation: Thomas, in John 11:16, encouraged the other disciples to go with Jesus to Judea.

Question 17: According to John 11:17, how many days had Lazarus been in the tomb when Jesus arrived in Bethany?

Answer: b. Four days

Explanation: Lazarus had been in the tomb for four days when Jesus arrived in Bethany, as stated in John 11:17.

Question 18: In John 11:18, how far was Bethany from Jerusalem?

Answer: a. About fifteen furlongs

Explanation: Bethany was about fifteen furlongs away from Jerusalem, as mentioned in John 11:18.

Question 19: John 11:19 mentions many Jews came to Martha and Mary to comfort them. What was the reason for their visit?

Answer: a. To mourn Lazarus

Explanation: Many Jews came to Martha and Mary to mourn Lazarus and comfort them, as stated in John 11:19.

Question 20: In John 11:20, who came out to meet Jesus, while the other sister stayed at home?

Answer: b. Martha

Explanation: Martha came out to meet Jesus while Mary stayed at home, as described in John 11:20.

Question 21: Fill in the blank: In John 11:21, Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not __.”

Answer: a. Died

Explanation: Martha expressed to Jesus in John 11:21 that if He had been there, her brother would not have died.

Question 22: According to John 11:22, what did Martha express her belief in regarding Jesus?

Answer: b. That God would give whatever Jesus asked

Explanation: Martha expressed her belief in John 11:22 that God would grant whatever Jesus asked.

Question 23: In John 11:23, what did Jesus tell Martha about her brother?

Answer: a. He would live again

Explanation: Jesus told Martha in John 11:23 that her brother Lazarus would live again.

Question 24: According to John 11:24, what did Martha say she knew about the resurrection?

Answer: a. That it would happen at the last day

Explanation: Martha stated in John 11:24 that she knew the resurrection would happen at the last day.

Question 25: True or False: In John 11:25-26, Jesus declares, “I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.”

Answer: a. True

Explanation: It’s true that in John 11:25-26, Jesus declares, “I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.”

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