Luke 8 Quiz

Comprehensive Luke 8 Quiz with Answers: How Well Do You Know the Gospel of Luke?

This Luke 8 quiz features 30 thought-provoking questions carefully crafted to cover all the verses in the chapter.

Each question is followed by five possible answers, giving you ample opportunity to challenge your knowledge and understanding of this Luke chapter 8.

Keep in mind, this Bible quiz on Luke chapter 8 is meant to be tricky, so ensure you cross-reference with Luke 8 in the KJV Bible to validate your answers at the end of the entire questions.

All right, let’s dive into the deep waters of Luke 8!

[ALSO READ: The Book of Luke Summary by Chapter (1-24)]

Luke 8 Quiz Questions

Here is a 30-question quiz based on Luke Chapter 8 from the KJV.

Luke 8 Questions

Question 1: What did the women who had been healed of evil spirits do for Jesus?

a) They preached alongside Him
b) They ministered unto Him of their substance
c) They wrote down His teachings
d) They poured perfume on His feet and cleaned it with their hairs
e) They questioned Him constantly

Question 2: In the Parable of the Sower, what happened to the seed that fell by the wayside?

a) It grew into a large tree
b) Birds ate it
c) It yielded a hundredfold crop
d) It withered away
e) It was trampled by passersby

Question 3: What did the seed on the rock represent in the Parable of the Sower?

a) Those who receive the word with joy but fall away in times of temptation
b) Those who are rich and prosperous
c) Those who never hear the word
d) Those who bear good fruits
e) Those who are indifferent to the word

Question 4: Who are Jesus’ mother and brothers, according to Him?

a) Mary, James, and John
b) Those who give Him shelter
c) Those who offer Him food and drink
d) Those who do the will of His Father
e) His disciples and apostles

Question 5: What happened when Jesus and His disciples sailed to the country of the Gadarenes?

a) They encountered a violent storm
b) They were welcomed with a feast
c) They met a man possessed with many devils
d) They were turned away by the local authorities
e) Jesus performed the miracle of walking on water

Question 6: What did the man from Gadarenes, who was possessed, wear?

a) Rich robes
b) Clothes made of camel’s hair
c) Nothing
d) A crown
e) Tattered rags

Question 7: How did the devils that were cast out of the man from the Gadarenes plead with Jesus?

a) To send them into the abyss
b) To send them back to hell
c) To let them enter a herd of swine
d) To give them another human host
e) To set them free without conditions

Question 8: After the possessed man was healed, what did he want to do?

a) He wanted to leave the city
b) He wanted to become a Pharisee
c) He wanted to join Jesus and His disciples
d) He wanted to rebuild his home
e) He wanted to go into the wilderness and meditate

Question 9: How did the people of the Gadarenes react after the healing of the possessed man?

a) They celebrated with a feast
b) They were indifferent
c) They were filled with joy
d) They asked Jesus to depart from them
e) They started following Jesus

Question 10: Who interrupted Jesus as He was on His way to heal the daughter of Jairus?

a) A blind man
b) A Roman centurion
c) A woman with an issue of blood
d) A group of Pharisees
e) Tax collectors

Question 11: For how many years had the woman with the issue of blood been suffering?

a) 3 years
b) 7 years
c) 12 years
d) 15 years
e) 20 years

Question 12: How was the woman with the blood issue healed?

a) By washing in a river
b) By touching the hem of Jesus’ garment
c) By eating a special fruit
d) By saying a particular prayer
e) By using a medicinal ointment

Question 13: When Jesus arrived at Jairus’ house, what did He say about Jairus’ daughter?

a) “She is not dead, but sleepeth.”
b) “She has already been healed.”
c) “It is too late to help her.”
d) “She will rise again in the resurrection.”
e) “She has gone to a better place.”

Question 14: Who did Jesus allow to enter the room where Jairus’ daughter lay?

a) All the mourners
b) Only Jairus and his wife
c) Peter, James, John, and the parents
d) All His disciples
e) Only Mary Magdalene

Question 15: What did Jesus instruct to be given to Jairus’ daughter after she was raised from the dead?

a) A new dress
b) A cup of wine
c) Meat
d) Something to eat
e) Holy water

Question 16: When Jesus cast out the devils from the man in the Gadarenes, into what did the devils go?

a) A flock of birds
b) A herd of swine
c) A pack of wild dogs
d) A group of Pharisees
e) Into the sea directly

Question 17: In the Parable of the Sower, the thorns that grew with the seed represent what?

a) The cares, riches, and pleasures of life
b) The joy of the Lord
c) The foundation of faith
d) The Holy Spirit
e) Angels watching over us

Question 18: How should one light a

candle, according to Jesus?
a) To put it under a bed
b) To hide it in a closet
c) To set it on a candlestick
d) To light it during the day
e) To use it only during special festivals

Question 19: What did Jesus say about those who hear the word of God?

a) “Blessed are they who do not hear.”
b) “Hearing they might not understand.”
c) “They should keep it a secret.”
d) “Let them shout it from the rooftops.”
e) “Blessed are those who hear the word of God, and keep it.”

Question 20: How did the people react when they saw the formerly possessed man of Gadarenes sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind?

a) They were afraid
b) They rejoiced
c) They were indifferent
d) They were skeptical
e) They threw a party in his honor

Question 21: How much faith did the woman with the issue of blood have regarding her healing?

a) She doubted but still approached Jesus
b) She believed touching Jesus’ clothes would heal her
c) She thought Jesus might curse her
d) She had no faith but was desperate
e) She believed only if Jesus spoke the words, she would be healed

Question 22: What did the people say when they found Jairus’ daughter alive?

a) “This is surely a prophet!”
b) “She was never really dead.”
c) “We knew this would happen.”
d) “Her spirit has returned!”
e) “This is the work of sorcery.”

Question 23: How did the disciples react during the storm when they were with Jesus on the ship?

a) They remained calm and prayed
b) They jumped off the ship
c) They woke up Jesus in fear
d) They sang hymns
e) They tried to control the ship on their own

Question 24: Why did Jesus ask, “Who touched me?” when the woman with the blood issue touched His garment?

a) He felt power go out of Him
b) He saw her in the crowd
c) He wanted to embarrass her
d) He was testing His disciples
e) He was curious about who was in the crowd

Question 25: How many demons did the possessed man in Gadarenes claim to have?

a) One
b) Seven
c) Twelve
d) Hundreds
e) Legion

Question 26: How did Jesus respond to the storm when He was awakened by His disciples?

a) “Why did you wake me?”
b) “O ye of little faith.”
c) “Peace, be still.”
d) “This storm is a sign from God.”
e) “Let us go back to shore.”

Question 27: What did Jesus say is the true family of a person?

a) Their biological relatives
b) Those who live in the same house
c) Those who have the same profession
d) Those who do God’s will
e) Those who attend the same synagogue

Question 28: When Jesus spoke in parables, who was given the knowledge to understand the mysteries of the kingdom of God?

a) Only the Pharisees
b) Everyone who heard Him
c) Only His disciples
d) Only the rich and powerful
e) Only those who were pure in heart

Question 29: In the Parable of the Sower, what did the seed on the good ground do?

a) It withered away quickly
b) It was choked by thorns
c) It was eaten by birds
d) It bore fruit a hundredfold
e) It turned into a large tree

Question 30: Why did the herd of swine run violently down a steep place after the devils entered them?

a) They were heading to the city
b) They wanted to scare the townspeople
c) They were being chased by shepherds
d) They ran into the lake and were drowned
e) They were heading to a feast


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Answers to Luke 8 Quiz Questions

Here are the answers with explanations based on Luke Chapter 8 from the KJV:

Answers to Luke 8 Questions

Question 1: b) They ministered unto Him of their substance
Explanation: Several women, including Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Susanna, ministered unto Jesus of their substance (Luke 8:2-3).

Question 2: b) Birds ate it
Explanation: In the Parable of the Sower, the seed that fell by the wayside was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it (Luke 8:5).

Question 3: a) Those who receive the word with joy but fall away in times of temptation
Explanation: The seed on the rock represents those who, when they hear, receive the word with joy but have no root. In time of temptation, they fall away (Luke 8:13).

Question 4: d) Those who do the will of His Father
Explanation: Jesus states that those who hear the word of God and do it are His mother and His brethren (Luke 8:21).

Question 5: c) They met a man possessed with many devils
Explanation: When Jesus arrived at the country of the Gadarenes, He was met by a certain man out of the city who was possessed with devils (Luke 8:27).

Question 6: c) Nothing
Explanation: The man had worn no clothes for a long time and lived in tombs, not in a house (Luke 8:27).

Question 7: c) To let them enter a herd of swine
Explanation: The devils begged Jesus to allow them to enter into a herd of swine (Luke 8:32).

Question 8: c) He wanted to join Jesus and His disciples
Explanation: The man, after being healed, wanted to be with Jesus, but Jesus sent him away to declare what great things God had done for him (Luke 8:38-39).

Question 9: d) They asked Jesus to depart from them
Explanation: The Gadarenes were taken over by fear and asked Jesus to depart from them (Luke 8:37).

Question 10: c) A woman with an issue of blood
Explanation: A woman having an issue of blood touched the border of Jesus’ garment as He was on His way to Jairus’ house (Luke 8:43-44).

Question 11: c) 12 years
Explanation: The woman had suffered from her ailment for twelve years (Luke 8:43).

Question 12: b) By touching the hem of Jesus’ garment
Explanation: The woman was healed immediately after she touched the border of Jesus’ garment (Luke 8:44).

Question 13: a) “She is not dead, but sleepeth.”
Explanation: Jesus assured the people that the girl was not dead but asleep (Luke 8:52).

Question 14: c) Peter, James, John, and the parents
Explanation: Jesus allowed no one to go in except Peter, James, John, and the parents of the maiden (Luke 8:51).

Question 15: d) Something to eat
Explanation: After the girl was raised, Jesus commanded to give her something to eat (Luke 8:55).

Question 16: b) A herd of swine
Explanation: The devils went out of the man and entered into the swine (Luke 8:33).

Question 17: a) The cares, riches, and pleasures of life
Explanation: The seed that fell among thorns represents those who, when they have heard, go forth and are choked with cares, riches, and pleasures of life (Luke 8:14).

Question 18: c) To set it on a candlestick
Explanation: A candle, when lit, should be placed on a candlestick so that those who enter may see the light (Luke 8:16).

Question 19: e) “Blessed are those who hear the word of God, and keep it.”
Explanation: Jesus emphasizes the importance of not just hearing but keeping the word of God (Luke 8:21).

Question 20: a) They were afraid
Explanation: The sight of the formerly possessed man sitting clothed and in his right mind made the people afraid (Luke 8:35).

Question 21: b) She believed touching Jesus’ clothes would heal her
Explanation: The woman thought that if she could just touch Jesus’ garment, she would be healed (Luke 8:44).

Question 22: d) “Her spirit has returned!”
Explanation: The people exclaimed in astonishment when they saw the girl alive (Luke 8:55).

Question 23: c) They woke up Jesus in fear
Explanation: The disciples, in fear due to the storm, woke up Jesus (Luke 8:24).

Question 24: a) He felt power go out of Him
Explanation: Jesus perceived that virtue had gone out of Him and asked, “Who touched me?” (Luke 8:45-46).

Question 25: e) Legion
Explanation: The man said, “Legion,” because many devils were entered into him (Luke 8:30).

Question 26: c) “Peace, be still.”
Explanation: Jesus rebuked the wind and the raging water, bringing calm (Luke 8:24).

Question 27: d) Those who do God’s will
Explanation: Jesus considers those who hear the word of God and do it as His family (Luke 8:21).

Question 28: c) Only His disciples
Explanation: To His disciples, it was given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but to others, parables were spoken (Luke 8:10).

Question 29: d) It bore fruit a hundredfold
Explanation: The seed on the good ground represents those with an honest and good heart, who having heard the word, keep it and bring forth fruit with patience (Luke 8:15).

Question 30: d) They ran into the lake and were drowned
Explanation: After the devils entered the swine, the herd ran violently down a steep place into the lake and drowned (Luke 8:33).

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