This Mark 12 quiz features 30 thought-provoking questions carefully crafted to cover all the verses in the chapter.
Each question is followed by five possible answers, giving you ample opportunity to challenge your knowledge and understanding of this Mark chapter 12.
Keep in mind, this Bible quiz on Mark chapter 12 is meant to be tricky, so ensure you cross-reference with Mark 12 in the KJV Bible to validate your answers at the end of the entire questions.
All right, let’s dive into the deep waters of Mark 12!
(Also: Take a quiz on Mark chapter 11)
Bible Quiz on Mark Chapter 12
Mark 12 Quiz Questions
Question 1:
In the parable at the beginning of Mark 12, who did the man send to the husbandmen to receive the fruit of the vineyard?
a) His servants
b) His wife
c) His sons
d) His neighbors
e) His soldiers
Question 2:
Which son of the vineyard owner was killed by the husbandmen?
a) His eldest son
b) His youngest son
c) His only son
d) His adopted son
e) His stepson
Question 3:
Fill in the blank: “The stone which the builders rejected is become the _.”
a) Cornerstone
b) Foundation
c) Stumbling block
d) Key
e) Miracle
Question 4:
Who sought to lay hold on Jesus after he told the parable of the vineyard owner, but feared the people?
a) The Pharisees
b) The Sadducees
c) The scribes
d) The Herodians
e) The Romans
Question 5:
True or False: Jesus said to give to God the things that are God’s and to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s.
a) True
b) False
Question 6:
Which group did not believe in the resurrection and questioned Jesus about it?
a) The Pharisees
b) The Sadducees
c) The Herodians
d) The Zealots
e) The Essenes
Question 7:
According to Jesus, when people rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage but are like what?
a) Children
b) Servants
c) Angels
d) Birds
e) Prophets
Question 8:
In Mark 12:29, Jesus cites a famous Old Testament verse. What does it start with?
a) “Honor thy father and mother…”
b) “Thou shalt not kill…”
c) “The Lord is my shepherd…”
d) “Hear, O Israel…”
e) “Blessed is the man…”
Question 9:
What is the first commandment of all, according to Jesus?
a) Love thy neighbor as thyself
b) Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart
c) Thou shalt not steal
d) Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy
e) Thou shalt not bear false witness
Question 10:
Fill in the blank: “And to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbor as _.”
a) Himself
b) His brother
c) His family
d) His friend
e) His life
Question 11:
Which of the following is NOT something Jesus mentioned about the scribes?
a) They make long prayers
b) They will receive greater damnation
c) They love to wear long clothing
d) They are the light of the world
e) They devour widows’ houses
Question 12:
Where did Jesus see the poor widow casting her two mites?
a) Into the river
b) Into the treasury
c) Into the altar
d) Into the market
e) Into a pouch
Question 13:
How much money did the poor widow contribute to the treasury, according to Jesus?
a) More than all
b) The least amount
c) A significant amount
d) An average amount
e) The exact amount required
Question 14:
What does Jesus say about the widow’s two mites?
a) She has given more than all the rich
b) She shouldn’t have given her last pennies
c) She was foolish in her giving
d) She would be blessed tenfold
e) She should have given more
Question 15:
When asked about the greatest commandment, what did Jesus reply with?
a) A parable
b) A prophecy
c) A scripture from the Old Testament
d) A new commandment
e) A prayer
Question 16:
In reference to David, Jesus asked: “If David then call him __, how is he then his son?”
a) Prophet
b) Messiah
c) Lord
d) His son
e) King
Question 17:
What did Jesus say scribes like to receive in the marketplaces?
a) Tithes
b) Salutations
c) Gifts
d) Sacrifices
e) Praises
Question 18:
According to Jesus, what will happen to those scribes who devour widows’ houses and for a pretense make long prayers?
a) They will be praised
b) They will receive greater riches
c) They will be rebuked by the elders
d) They will have a special place in heaven
e) They will receive greater damnation
Question 19:
Where was Jesus sitting when he saw how the people cast money into the treasury?
a) By the altar
b) By the entrance
c) Opposite the treasury
d) On the temple steps
e) In the courtyard
Question 20:
True or False: The scribes were commended by Jesus for their generosity.
a) True
b) False
Question 21:
Which of the following is NOT something Jesus said about the scribes’ actions?
a) They walk in long robes
b) They like greetings in the marketplaces
c) They offer the most in the treasuryd) They have the best seats in the synagogues
e) They take advantage of widows
Question 22:
What did Jesus say about the widow’s offering in relation to her livelihood?
a) She gave a fraction of her livelihood
b) She gave from her surplus
c) She gave all of her livelihood
d) She gave what she could spare
e) She gave reluctantly
Question 23:
Which group tried to trap Jesus with a question about paying taxes to Caesar?
a) The Pharisees and the Herodians
b) The Sadducees
c) The Zealots
d) The Essenes
e) The scribes
Question 24:
What was the question the Sadducees posed to Jesus regarding marriage at the resurrection?
a) Who will be married in heaven?
b) Is there marriage in heaven?
c) If a woman had seven husbands, whose wife will she be in the resurrection?
d) Can people get married after the resurrection?
e) Is it better to be married or single in heaven?
Question 25:
What did Jesus say about the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in relation to the resurrection?
a) He is the God of the dead
b) He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living
c) He is indifferent to the living and the dead
d) He is the God of those who believe in the resurrection
e) He is the God of mysteries
Question 26:
Who approached Jesus to say that he had answered well, prompting a discussion on the most important commandment?
a) A Pharisee
b) A Sadducee
c) A Herodian
d) A scribe
e) A disciple
Question 27:
According to Jesus, what two commandments are greater than all burnt offerings and sacrifices?
a) Honoring parents and keeping the Sabbath
b) Not stealing and not lying
c) Loving God and loving your neighbor
d) Not coveting and not committing adultery
e) Being merciful and being pure in heart
Question 28:
After Jesus’ discussion about the greatest commandments, what did the scribe say to him?
a) That he was blasphemous
b) That he spoke well and truly
c) That he was misguided
d) That he should leave the temple
e) That he should be the high priest
Question 29:
How did Jesus respond to the scribe’s acknowledgment of the truth about the greatest commandments?
a) He rebuked him
b) He said he was not far from the kingdom of God
c) He blessed him
d) He said he was still lost
e) He asked him to follow him
Question 30:
After the discussion about the greatest commandments, who dared to ask Jesus any more questions?
a) No one
b) The Pharisees
c) The Sadducees
d) The disciples
e) The common people
(Also: Take a quiz on Mark Chapter 13)
Answers to Mark 12 Quiz Questions
1. Answer: a) His servants
Explanation: The vineyard owner first sent his servants to the tenants to get his share of the fruit.
Verse: Mark 12:2
2. Answer: c) His only son
Explanation: The vineyard owner sent his only son, thinking they would respect him, but they killed him.
Verse: Mark 12:6
3. Answer: a) Cornerstone
Explanation: Jesus referred to himself as the cornerstone that the builders rejected, which becomes a crucial part of the foundation.
Verse: Mark 12:10
4. Answer: a) The Pharisees
Explanation: After Jesus told the parable, the Pharisees sought to arrest him but didn’t because they were afraid of the crowd.
Verse: Mark 12:12
5. Answer: a) True
Explanation: Jesus advised to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.
Verse: Mark 12:17
6. Answer: b) The Sadducees
Explanation: The Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to Jesus with a question about marriage after resurrection.
Verse: Mark 12:18
7. Answer: c) Angels
Explanation: In the resurrection, people neither marry nor are given in marriage but are like angels in heaven.
Verse: Mark 12:25
8. Answer: d) “Hear, O Israel…”
Explanation: Jesus cites the Shema, an important Jewish prayer.
Verse: Mark 12:29
9. Answer: b) Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart
Explanation: Jesus mentioned this as the most important commandment.
Verse: Mark 12:30
10. Answer: a) Himself
Explanation: Jesus emphasizes the importance of loving one’s neighbor as oneself.
Verse: Mark 12:31
11. Answer: d) They are the light of the world
Explanation: This is not mentioned in Mark 12. The other options describe some of the scribes’ behaviors.
Verse: Mark 12:38-40
12. Answer: b) Into the treasury
Explanation: The poor widow put her two mites into the temple treasury.
Verse: Mark 12:42
13. Answer: a) More than all
Explanation: Jesus said she put in more than all those contributing to the treasury because she gave all she had.
Verse: Mark 12:43
14. Answer: a) She has given more than all the rich
Explanation: Jesus said she gave all she had to live on, which is more than what the rich gave out of their wealth.
Verse: Mark 12:44
15. Answer: c) A scripture from the Old Testament
Explanation: Jesus quotes the Shema from the Old Testament.
Verse: Mark 12:29-30
16. Answer: c) Lord
Explanation: David himself calls the Messiah “Lord,” so how can the Messiah be his son?
Verse: Mark 12:37
17. Answer: b) Salutations
Explanation: Jesus said the scribes like to walk around in long robes and like greetings in the marketplaces.
Verse: Mark 12:38
18. Answer: e) They will receive greater damnation
Explanation: Because of their actions, these scribes will face greater condemnation.
Verse: Mark 12:40
19. Answer: c) Opposite the treasury
Explanation: Jesus sat down opposite the treasury and watched people putting money into it.
Verse: Mark 12:41
20. Answer: b) False
Explanation: Jesus criticized the scribes for their showy displays and said they would be judged.
Verse: Mark 12:38-40
21. Answer: c) They offer the most in the treasury
Explanation: This is not mentioned in the chapter. Jesus does, however, mention their other behaviors.
Verse: Mark 12:38-40
22. Answer: c) She gave all of her livelihood
Explanation: The widow gave everything she had, all she had to live on.
Verse: Mark 12:44
23. Answer: a) The Pharisees and the Herodians
Explanation: The Pharisees and the Herodians tried to trap Jesus with a question about taxes.
Verse: Mark 12:13
24. Answer: c) If a woman had seven husbands, whose wife will she be in the resurrection?
Explanation: The Sadducees posed this hypothetical scenario to challenge Jesus on the idea of resurrection.
Verse: Mark 12:23
25. Answer: b) He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living
Explanation: Jesus affirmed the living nature of God and the reality of the resurrection.
Verse: Mark 12:27
26. Answer: d) A scribe
Explanation: A scribe came up to Jesus and discussed the commandments with him.
Verse: Mark 12:28
27. Answer: c) Loving God and loving your neighbor
Explanation: Jesus highlighted these two commandments as being greater than all sacrifices and offerings.
Verse: Mark 12:33
28. Answer: b) That he spoke well and truly
Explanation: The scribe acknowledged the truth in Jesus’ words.
Verse: Mark 12:32
29. Answer: b) He said he was not far from the kingdom of God
Explanation: Jesus commended the scribe’s understanding.
Verse: Mark 12:34
30. Answer: a) No one
Explanation: After that, no one dared to ask him any more questions.
Verse: Mark 12:34
I hope this helps you understand Mark 12 better! God’s grace!