Matthew 15 Quiz

Comprehensive Matthew 15 Quiz with Answers: Test Your Knowledge!

This Matthew 15 quiz features 25 thought-provoking questions carefully crafted to cover all the verses in the chapter.

Each question is followed by five possible answers, giving you ample opportunity to challenge your knowledge and understanding of this Matthew chapter 15.

Keep in mind, this Bible quiz on Matthew Chapter 15 is meant to be tricky, so ensure you cross-reference with Matthew 15 in the KJV Bible to validate your answers at the end of the entire questions.

All right, let’s dive into the deep waters of Matthew 15!

(Also: Take a quiz on Matthew Chapter 14)

Matthew 15 Quiz Questions

Question 1:

Which group approached Jesus, criticizing the disciples for not washing their hands before eating?
a) The Pharisees
b) The Sadducees
c) The Scribes
d) A and B
e) A and C

Question 2:

In response to their criticism, Jesus said, “Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your…?”
a) Pride and arrogance
b) Misunderstanding
c) Tradition
d) Greed
e) Hypocrisy

Question 3:

Jesus quoted Isaiah to describe the Pharisees, saying their worship was in vain because they teach what as doctrines?
a) The commandments of men
b) The ideas of the scribes
c) The prophecies of old
d) The thoughts of the wise
e) The words of the prophets

Question 4:

To what did Jesus compare the Pharisees when he told the disciples to let them alone?
a) Fishes without scales
b) Sheep without a shepherd
c) Blind leaders of the blind
d) Trees without fruits
e) White washed wall

Question 5:

Jesus mentioned that out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, and adulteries. Which of the following did he NOT mention in the same context?
a) Blasphemies
b) Kindness
c) Thefts
d) Fornications
e) False witness

Question 6:

From where did a woman approach Jesus, pleading for him to heal her daughter?
a) Samaria
b) Tyre and Sidon
c) Galilee
d) Jerusalem
e) Judea

Question 7:

How did Jesus describe the Canaanite woman’s faith?
a) Weak and fleeting
b) Steadfast and unyielding
c) Great
d) Like a mustard seed
e) As deep as the oceans

Question 8:

Before the feeding of the 4,000, for how many days did the multitude stay with Jesus?
a) One day
b) Two days
c) Three days
d) Four days
e) Seven days

Question 9:

How many baskets full of leftovers did the disciples collect after feeding the 4,000?
a) Five
b) Seven
c) Twelve
d) Two
e) Nine

Question 10:

Where did Jesus go after dismissing the multitude following the feeding of the 4,000?
a) Into a house to rest
b) Into the mountains to pray
c) Into the coasts of Magdala
d) Onto a ship to sail to another region
e) Into Jerusalem to speak with the Pharisees

Question 11:

How did Jesus respond initially to the Canaanite woman’s plea to heal her daughter?
a) He said she was not of His fold.
b) He said her faith has healed her daughter.
c) He answered her not a word.
d) He asked her to prove her faith.
e) He immediately healed her daughter.

Question 12:

When the disciples urged Jesus to send the Canaanite woman away, what was his reply?
a) “I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”
b) “All are welcome in the kingdom of God.”
c) “Let her faith determine her fate.”
d) “I shall heal all who come to me.”
e) “Her kind is not welcome here.”

Question 13:

How did the Canaanite woman address Jesus when she approached him?
a) Rabbi
b) Prophet of the Most High
c) Lord, Son of David
d) Master
e) Messiah of Israel

Question 14:

What was Jesus’ response to the Canaanite woman when she said, “…yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table”?
a) “You should not test the Lord.”
b) “O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt.”
c) “Why do you compare yourself to dogs?”
d) “Your daughter shall be healed.”
e) “You have spoken out of turn.”

Question 15:

How did Jesus heal many that came unto him when he went up into a mountain and sat down there?
a) By speaking the word of healing
b) By having them touch the hem of his garment
c) By laying his hands on each of them
d) By anointing them with oil
e) By casting out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick

Question 16:

After seeing the miracles performed by Jesus, the multitude did what?
a) Feared him
b) Glorified the God of Israel
c) Asked him to leave their region
d) Demanded more signs
e) Brought more sick people to him

Question 17:

Before feeding the 4,000, Jesus expressed concern for the multitude because:
a) They were arguing amongst themselves.
b) They were becoming faithless.
c) They were wandering away.
d) They haven’t eaten for three days
e) They were not understanding his teachings.

Question 18:

How many loaves of bread did the disciples have during the feeding of the 4,000?
a) Five
b) Seven
c) Twelve
d) Two
e) Ten

Question 19:

The Pharisees and Sadducees came to Jesus and did what, seeking to challenge him?
a) Questioned him about the Sabbath
b) Asked for a sign from heaven
c) Questioned his lineage
d) Accused him of blasphemy
e) Tested his knowledge of the scriptures

Question 20:

When the disciples crossed over to the other side after the feeding of the 4,000, what did they forget to bring?
a) Their nets
b) Their cloaks
c) Bread
d) Money
e) Fishing tools

Question 21:

To whom was Jesus referring when He said, “Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up”?
a) The Pharisees
b) His disciples
c) The Canaanite woman
d) The multitude
e) The Sadducees

Question 22:

When Jesus spoke of what defiles a man, where did He say defilement comes from?
a) The hands
b) The mind
c) The mouth
d) The feet
e) The heart

Question 23:

Which of the following did Jesus NOT list as one of the things that come out of the mouth and defile a man?
a) Idolatries
b) False witness
c) Adulteries
d) Murders
e) Greed

Question 24:

After His encounter with the Canaanite woman, where did Jesus depart to?
a) The coasts of Tyre and Sidon
b) Jerusalem
c) The sea of Galilee
d) Decapolis
e) The coasts of Magdala

Question 25:

When Jesus healed the lame, blind, dumb, maimed, and many others, where did He put them?
a) At the feet of the disciples
b) By the Sea of Galilee
c) At the foot of the mountain
d) At his feet
e) In the midst of the multitude

Question 26:

What was the reaction of the multitude when they saw the mute speaking, the maimed whole, and the lame walking?
a) They were indifferent.
b) They questioned Jesus’ authority.
c) They glorified the God of Israel.
d) They accused Jesus of witchcraft.
e) They left in disbelief.

Question 27:

When the disciples were asked about the number of loaves they had for the feeding of the 4,000, what did they reply?
a) “We have none.”
b) “We have but two.”
c) “We have five and two fishes.”
d) “We have seven, and a few little fishes.”
e) “We have twelve baskets.”

Question 28:

After the feeding of the 4,000, what did Jesus do with the multitude?
a) He sent them to their homes.
b) He led them to Jerusalem.
c) He asked them to spread the word.
d) He taught them more parables.
e) He baptized them.

Question 29:

When Jesus and His disciples came to the other side, which territory did they enter?
a) The coasts of Magdala
b) The region of Caesarea Philippi
c) The land of Judea
d) The coasts of Tyre and Sidon
e) The coasts of Galilee

Question 30:

How did Jesus respond when the Pharisees asked Him for a sign from heaven?
a) He told them the only sign would be the sign of Jonah.
b) He showed them a miracle on the spot.
c) He rebuked them and departed.
d) He said they would receive no sign.
e) He told them to look around and see the signs already given.

(AlsoTest your knowledge on Matthew Chapter 16)

Answers to Matthew 15 Quiz Questions

Answer 1:
e) A and C
In Matthew 15:1-2, it’s mentioned that the scribes and Pharisees from Jerusalem approached Jesus and questioned him about the disciples not washing their hands.

Answer 2:
c) Tradition
Jesus responded in Matthew 15:3 by asking, “Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?”

Answer 3:
a) The commandments of men
In Matthew 15:9, Jesus quoted Isaiah, saying, “But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.”

Answer 4:
c) Blind leaders of the blind
Matthew 15:14 mentions Jesus telling his disciples to let the Pharisees alone because they are “blind leaders of the blind.”

Answer 5:
b) Kindness
Jesus lists several evil things that come out of the heart in Matthew 15:19. Kindness is not one of them.

Answer 6:
b) Tyre and Sidon
A Canaanite woman from the coasts of Tyre and Sidon approached Jesus to plead for her daughter’s healing as per Matthew 15:22.

Answer 7:
c) Great
In Matthew 15:28, Jesus acknowledged the Canaanite woman’s faith, saying, “O woman, great is thy faith.”

Answer 8:
c) Three days
Before feeding the 4,000, the multitude stayed with Jesus for three days according to Matthew 15:32.

Answer 9:
b) Seven
Matthew 15:37 mentions that after feeding the 4,000, the disciples took up seven baskets full of fragments.

Answer 10:
c) Into the coasts of Magdala
Matthew 15:39 says that after sending away the multitude, Jesus took ship and came into the coasts of Magdala.

Answer 11:
c) He answered her not a word.
In Matthew 15:23, when the Canaanite woman initially pleaded with Jesus to heal her daughter, “He answered her not a word.”

Answer 12:
a) “I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”
This response is found in Matthew 15:24 when the disciples urged Jesus to send the woman away.

Answer 13:
c) Lord, Son of David
Matthew 15:22 mentions the Canaanite woman crying out to Jesus and addressing Him as “O Lord, thou Son of David.”

Answer 14:
b) “O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt.”
After the Canaanite woman made her remark about the dogs and crumbs in Matthew 15:27, Jesus responded with these words in Matthew 15:28.

Answer 15:
e) By casting out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick.
Matthew 15:30 describes that “great multitudes came unto him, having with them those that were lame, blind, dumb, maimed, and many others, and cast them down at Jesus’ feet; and he healed them.”

Answer 16:
b) Glorified the God of Israel
According to Matthew 15:31, after witnessing Jesus’s miracles, “the multitude wondered, when they saw the dumb to speak, the maimed to be whole, the lame to walk, and the blind to see: and they glorified the God of Israel.”

Answer 17:
d) They haven’t eaten for three days
Jesus expressed his concern in Matthew 15:32, saying, “I have compassion on the multitude because they continue with me now three days and have nothing to eat.”

Answer 18:
b) Seven
In the feeding of the 4,000, as described in Matthew 15:34, the disciples had seven loaves of bread.

Answer 19:
b) Asked for a sign from heaven
Matthew 16:1 tells us that the Pharisees and Sadducees approached Jesus, testing Him, and asked if He would show them a sign from heaven.

Answer 20:
c) Bread
In Matthew 16:5, when the disciples went to the other side, they realized they had forgotten to bring bread.

Answer 21:
a) The Pharisees
In Matthew 15:13-14, Jesus was referring to the Pharisees when He said this statement.

Answer 22:
e) The heart
In Matthew 15:18, Jesus said, “But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.”

Answer 23:
e) Greed
In Matthew 15:19, Jesus lists several things that defile a person. Greed is not among them.

Answer 24:
d) Decapolis
After His encounter with the Canaanite woman, Jesus departed to the coasts of Decapolis as mentioned in Matthew 15:29.

Answer 25:
d) At his feet
Matthew 15:30 states that they cast the sick at Jesus’ feet, and he healed them.

Answer 26:
c) They glorified the God of Israel.
According to Matthew 15:31, after witnessing the miracles, the multitudes glorified the God of Israel.

Answer 27:
d) “We have seven, and a few little fishes.”
In Matthew 15:34, when Jesus asked the disciples about the loaves they had, they replied with this statement.

Answer 28:
a) He sent them to their homes.
After feeding the 4,000, Jesus sent away the multitude according to Matthew 15:39.

Answer 29:
a) The coasts of Magdala
Matthew 15:39 states that after feeding the 4,000, Jesus took ship and came into the coasts of Magdala.

Answer 30:
a) He told them the only sign would be the sign of Jonah.
In Matthew 16:4, Jesus responded to the Pharisees and Sadducees by saying, “A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas.” He then left them and departed.

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