Matthew 20 Quiz

Comprehensive Matthew 20 Quiz with Answers: Test Your Knowledge!

This Matthew 20 quiz features 20 thought-provoking questions carefully crafted to cover all the verses in the chapter.

Each question is followed by five possible answers, giving you ample opportunity to challenge your knowledge and understanding of this Matthew chapter 20.

Keep in mind, this Bible quiz on Matthew Chapter 20 is meant to be tricky, so ensure you cross-reference with Matthew 20 in the KJV Bible to validate your answers at the end of the entire questions.

All right, let’s dive into the deep waters of Matthew 20!

(Also: Take a quiz on Matthew Chapter 19)

Matthew 20 Quiz Questions

Question 1

Who was hired early in the morning to work in the vineyard?
a) Fishermen
b) Tax collectors
c) Labourers
d) Soldiers
e) Scribes

Question 2

How much did the householder agree to pay the early morning labourers for their day’s work?
a) Two denarii
b) Five denarii
c) Ten denarii
d) A penny
e) A talent

Question 3

What time did the householder go out the third time to hire more labourers?
a) Noon
b) The third hour
c) The sixth hour
d) The ninth hour
e) The eleventh hour

Question 4

What reason did the householder give for hiring workers at the eleventh hour?
a) They were the strongest
b) No one had hired them
c) They were the cheapest
d) They were relatives
e) They had special skills

Question 5

At the end of the day, how did the householder instruct his steward to pay the labourers?
a) According to their strength
b) Based on their experience
c) From the last hired to the first
d) From the first hired to the last
e) Equally, without considering hours worked

Question 6

Which group of labourers murmured against the householder about their wages?
a) The ones hired at noon
b) The ones hired at the third hour
c) The ones hired at the sixth hour
d) The ones hired at the eleventh hour
e) The ones hired first thing in the morning

Question 7

What did the householder say he wished to do with what is his own?
a) Invest it
b) Share it
c) Give it away
d) Do good with it
e) Do what he wills with it

Question 8

How does the householder describe his own goodness in relation to the wages?
a) As a burden
b) As a right
c) As a gift
d) As an evil
e) As a necessity

Question 9

In Matthew 20:16, how is the kingdom of heaven likened?
a) As the last being first and the first last
b) As a treasure in a field
c) As a mustard seed
d) As a net cast into the sea
e) As leaven hidden in meal

Question 10

What prophecy did Jesus reveal to his twelve disciples as they went up to Jerusalem?
a) That He would be crowned king
b) That they would all receive great riches
c) That He would be betrayed, mocked, and crucified
d) That He would establish an earthly kingdom
e) That He would be welcomed with open arms

Question 11

Which mother approached Jesus with a request for her two sons?
a) Mary Magdalene
b) Joanna
c) Mary, mother of James
d) Salome
e) Elizabeth

Question 12

What specific places did the mother want for her two sons in Jesus’ kingdom?
a) At the gate and the treasury
b) At the footstool of Jesus
c) His right and left hand
d) In the inner chamber
e) By the riverside

Question 13

How did Jesus respond to the request in question 12
a) Granted it immediately
b) Said they must first be baptized
c) Said it wasn’t His to give
d) Asked them to reconsider
e) Challenged them with a task

Question 14

After receiving their sight, what did the blind men do?
a) They went to the temple to give thanks
b) They followed Jesus
c) They returned to their families
d) They became disciples
e) They spread news of Him throughout Jericho

Question 15

When the ten heard of the request made for the two brothers, how did they feel?
a) Joyful
b) Indifferent
c) Motivated
d) Indignant
e) Supportive

Question 16

What does Jesus say about the Gentile rulers in their exercise of authority?
a) They are fair and just
b) They lord it over the people
c) They are God’s chosen instruments
d) They serve with humility
e) They are wise in their judgments

Question 17

Jesus said that whoever desires to be great among you shall be your __.
a) Leader
b) Servant
c) Mentor
d) Guide
e) Master

Question 18

What reason did Jesus give for coming into the world?
a) To rule the nations
b) To be served by mankind
c) To serve and give His life a ransom for many
d) To perform miracles
e) To judge the world

Question 19

What was the householder’s response when the first workers complained about their wages?
a) “You agreed to the penny.”
b) “You have been lazy.”
c) “I will pay you more next time.”
d) “I owe you nothing.”
e) “The last shall be first.”

Question 20

What did the blind men address Jesus as when they cried out to Him?
a) Rabbi
b) Teacher
c) Prophet of Nazareth
d) Son of David
e) Miracle worker

Thank you for participating in our Matthew 20 quiz! We hope this quiz has brought you closer to the Word and has illuminated the teachings of Matthew 20 for you. Blessings!

(AlsoTest your knowledge on Matthew Chapter 21)

Answers to Matthew 20 Quiz Questions

Answer 1
c) Labourers
Explanation: In Matthew 20:1-16, Jesus tells the parable of the workers in the vineyard. In this parable, a householder went out early in the morning to hire labourers for his vineyard.

Answer 2
d) A penny
Explanation: The householder agreed to pay the early morning labourers a penny for their day’s work, as mentioned in Matthew 20:2.

Answer 3:
d) The ninth hour
Explanation: In Matthew 20:5, the householder went out again the third time and it was the ninth hour when he hired more laborers for his vineyard.

Answer 4
b) No one had hired them
Explanation: When asked why they stood idle all day, the workers responded that no one had hired them, which is mentioned in Matthew 20:7.

Answer 5
c) From the last hired to the first
Explanation: The householder instructed his steward to pay the labourers, starting from the last hired to the first (Matthew 20:8).

Answer 6
e) The ones hired first thing in the morning
Explanation: The labourers who were hired early in the morning murmured against the householder because they received the same wage as those who worked for only an hour (Matthew 20:11-12).

Answer 7
e) Do what he wills with it
Explanation: The householder told the murmuring labourers that he wishes to do what he wills with what is his own, as mentioned in Matthew 20:15.

Answer 8
a) As a burden
Explanation: This answer is not directly stated in the parable. The householder asks, “Is your eye evil because I am good?” (Matthew 20:15). The closest interpretation would be that the labourers saw his goodness as a burden to them because they believed they deserved more.

Answer 9
a) As the last being first and the first last
Explanation: In Matthew 20:16, Jesus concluded the parable by saying, “So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.”

Answer 10
c) That He would be betrayed, mocked, and crucified
Explanation: In Matthew 20:17-19, Jesus took the twelve disciples apart and told them that He would be betrayed to the chief priests and scribes, and they would condemn Him to death. They would mock, scourge, and crucify Him, and the third day He would rise again.

Answer 11
d) Salome
Explanation: According to Matthew 20:20-21, the mother of Zebedee’s sons (commonly identified as Salome) came to Jesus with her sons, making a request for them.

Answer 12
c) His right and left hand
Explanation: The mother of Zebedee’s sons requested that her sons might sit, one on Jesus’ right hand and the other on the left, in His kingdom (Matthew 20:21).

Answer 13
c) Said it wasn’t His to give
Explanation: Jesus responded that the places at His right and left hand were not His to give, but it would be for those for whom it was prepared by His Father (Matthew 20:23).

Answer 14
b) They followed Jesus
Explanation: After receiving their sight, the blind men followed Jesus, as mentioned in Matthew 20:34.

Answer 15
d) Indignant
Explanation: When the ten heard of the request made by the mother of Zebedee’s sons for her two sons, they were moved with indignation against the two brothers (Matthew 20:24).

Answer 16
b) They lord it over the people
Explanation: Jesus mentioned that the Gentile rulers exercise dominion over their subjects and that their great ones exercise authority over them, implying they “lord it over” the people (Matthew 20:25).

Answer 17
b) Servant
Explanation: Jesus taught that whoever desires to be great among them shall be their servant (Matthew 20:26).

Answer 18
c) To serve and give His life a ransom for many
Explanation: Jesus said that the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many (Matthew 20:28).

Answer 19
a) “You agreed to the penny.”
Explanation: When the first workers complained about their wages, the householder reminded them, “Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for a penny?” (Matthew 20:13).

Answer 20
d) Son of David
Explanation: The blind men cried out, saying, “Have mercy on us, O Lord, Son of David!” (Matthew 20:30-31).

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