Romans 4 Quiz

Comprehensive Romans 4 Quiz with Answers: How Well Do You Know the Book of Romans?

This Romans 4 quiz features 20 thought-provoking questions carefully crafted to cover all the verses in the chapter.

Each question is followed by five possible answers, giving you ample opportunity to challenge your knowledge and understanding of Romans chapter 4.

Keep in mind, this Bible quiz on Romans chapter 4 is meant to be tricky, so ensure you cross-reference with Romans 4 in the KJV Bible to validate your answers at the end of the entire questions.

All right, let’s dive into the deep waters of Romans 4!

[ALSO READ: The Book of Romans Summary by Chapter (1-16): Very Concise and Comprehensive]

Romans 4 Quiz Questions

Here is a 20-question quiz based on Romans Chapter 4 from the KJV.

Romans 4 Questions

Question 1: Who does Paul refer to as an example to illustrate justification by faith in Romans 4:1?

  • A) Moses
  • B) Abraham
  • C) David
  • D) Isaac
  • E) Jacob

Question 2: Fill in the blank: “For if Abraham were justified by _, he hath whereof to glory; but not before God.” (Romans 4:2)

  • A) Works
  • B) Law
  • C) Faith
  • D) Grace
  • E) Sacrifice

Question 3: In Romans 4:3, whose faith was counted for righteousness?

  • A) Moses
  • B) Abraham
  • C) David
  • D) Isaac
  • E) Jacob

Question 4: According to Romans 4:4, to whom is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt?

  • A) The one who works
  • B) The believer
  • C) The law-keeper
  • D) The prophet
  • E) The teacher

Question 5: How is righteousness imputed to the one who does not work but believes, as stated in Romans 4:5?

  • A) Through the law
  • B) By grace
  • C) Through faith
  • D) By works
  • E) Through sacrifice

Question 6: In Romans 4:6, who also describes the blessedness of the man to whom God imputes righteousness without works?

  • A) Moses
  • B) David
  • C) The prophets
  • D) Jesus
  • E) The apostles

Question 7: What does Paul quote David as saying is blessed in Romans 4:7-8?

  • A) The man to whom the Lord will not impute sin
  • B) The keeper of the law
  • C) The giver of alms
  • D) The doer of good deeds
  • E) The teacher of wisdom

Question 8: In Romans 4:9, whose blessedness is Paul discussing?

  • A) The Jews only
  • B) The Gentiles only
  • C) Both Jews and Gentiles
  • D) The believers in Rome
  • E) The apostles

Question 9: How was righteousness accounted to Abraham, as mentioned in Romans 4:10?

  • A) In circumcision
  • B) In uncircumcision
  • C) Through the law
  • D) By works
  • E) Through sacrifice

Question 10: What did Abraham receive as a sign of righteousness, according to Romans 4:11?

  • A) The tablets of the law
  • B) Circumcision
  • C) The promise of land
  • D) A burning bush
  • E) A crown of righteousness

Question 11: To whom is Abraham the father, as stated in Romans 4:11-12?

  • A) Those who are of the law
  • B) Those who are of the circumcision only
  • C) Those who are of faith
  • D) Those who walk in the steps of faith
  • E) Both C and D

Question 12: According to Romans 4:13, what was the promise to Abraham and his seed through?

  • A) The law
  • B) The righteousness of faith
  • C) Works
  • D) Observance of rituals
  • E) Inheritance

Question 13: Why is the law not of faith, as mentioned in Romans 4:14?

  • A) Because the law brings wrath
  • B) Because faith voids the law
  • C) Because the law is based on works
  • D) Because faith is a gift
  • E) Because the law is obsolete

Question 14: What would happen if the inheritance were of the law, according to Romans 4:14?

  • A) Faith would be void
  • B) The promise would be of none effect
  • C) Grace would abound
  • D) Righteousness would be by works
  • E) The law would be fulfilled

Question 15: What does Paul say about where there is no law in Romans 4:15?

  • A) There is chaos
  • B) There is freedom
  • C) There is no transgression
  • D) There is grace
  • E) There is peace

Question 16: Therefore, the promise is of what, as stated in Romans 4:16?

  • A) Faith
  • B) Works
  • C) Grace
  • D) Law
  • E) Obedience

Question 17: Who did Abraham believe in to become the father of many nations, according to Romans 4:17?

  • A) God
  • B) Himself
  • C) The prophets
  • D) The law
  • E) His works

Question 18: Against what did Abraham believe, as mentioned in Romans 4:18?

  • A) Hope
  • B) The law
  • C) God’s promise
  • D) Hopelessness
  • E) Reality

Question 19: What did Abraham not consider about his body, as stated in Romans 4:19?

  • A) Its strength
  • B) Its age
  • C) Its health
  • D) Its appearance
  • E) Its capabilities

Question 20: What did Abraham not stagger at through unbelief, as mentioned in Romans 4:20?

  • A) The promise of God
  • B) The challenges he faced
  • C) The law
  • D) His own doubts
  • E) The disbelief of others

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Answers to Romans 4 Quiz Questions

Here are the answers with explanations based on Romans Chapter 4 from the KJV:

Answers to Romans 4 Questions

Answer to Question 1: B) Abraham
Explanation: Paul uses Abraham as an example to illustrate justification by faith in Romans 4:1. Abraham is a key figure in Judaism, known for his faith in God. Paul’s reference to Abraham serves to emphasize that righteousness comes through faith, not through adherence to the law or lineage.

Answer to Question 2: A) Works
Explanation: Romans 4:2 states, “For if Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to glory; but not before God.” This verse highlights the idea that if Abraham had been justified by his own actions or good deeds (works), he could boast about it. However, before God, such boasting is meaningless because God’s justification is based on faith, not on human works.

Answer to Question 3: B) Abraham
Explanation: In Romans 4:3, Paul refers to Genesis 15:6, where it is said of Abraham, “And he believed in the Lord; and he counted it to him for righteousness.” This signifies that Abraham’s faith, rather than his actions, was credited to him as righteousness, underscoring the principle of justification by faith.

Answer to Question 4: A) The one who works
Explanation: Romans 4:4 discusses the concept of earning a reward. It states that to the one who works, the reward is not considered a gift of grace but something owed as a debt. This contrasts with the idea of grace, which is a gift from God not earned by human effort.

Answer to Question 5: C) Through faith
Explanation: In Romans 4:5, Paul explains that righteousness is imputed to the person who does not work (i.e., does not rely on their own deeds for salvation) but believes in God who justifies the ungodly. This righteousness is a result of faith, not of works.

Answer to Question 6: B) David
Explanation: Romans 4:6 refers to David, another key figure in Jewish history, who also spoke of the blessedness of the person to whom God credits righteousness apart from works. Paul quotes Psalm 32 to show that this concept of grace is not new but rooted in the Jewish scriptures.

Answer to Question 7: A) The man to whom the Lord will not impute sin
Explanation: In Romans 4:7-8, Paul quotes David, saying, “Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.” This highlights the blessed state of those whose sins are forgiven and not counted against them by God.

Answer to Question 8: C) Both Jews and Gentiles
Explanation: In Romans 4:9, Paul is discussing the blessedness of faith and righteousness apart from works, applicable to both Jews and Gentiles. He emphasizes that this blessedness is not exclusive to the circumcised (Jews) but also available to the uncircumcised (Gentiles) through faith.

Answer to Question 9: B) In uncircumcision
Explanation: Romans 4:10 clarifies that righteousness was accounted to Abraham not after he was circumcised but while he was still uncircumcised. This indicates that the promise of God was based on faith, not on the physical sign of circumcision, making Abraham the father of all who believe, regardless of circumcision.

Answer to Question 10: B) Circumcision
Explanation: According to Romans 4:11, Abraham received circumcision as a sign and seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had while still uncircumcised. This signified that he would be the father of all who believe without being circumcised, showing that righteousness comes through faith, not merely through physical signs or rituals.

Answer to Question 11: E) Both C and D
Explanation: Romans 4:11-12 states that Abraham is the father of all who believe without circumcision (those who have faith) and also the father of the circumcised (those who not only are circumcised but also walk in the steps of faith that Abraham had). This establishes Abraham as a spiritual father to both groups, united by faith rather than physical circumcision.

Answer to Question 12: B) The righteousness of faith
Explanation: Romans 4:13 emphasizes that the promise to Abraham and his descendants was through the righteousness of faith, not through the law. This promise referred to Abraham becoming the heir of the world, a promise realized through faith and not by adherence to the law.

Answer to Question 13: C) Because the law is based on works
Explanation: In Romans 4:14, Paul asserts that the law is not of faith; rather, it is based on works. The law prescribes actions and rituals to be followed, which are works-based. In contrast, faith is about trusting and believing in God’s promise, not about performing specific works or rituals.

Answer to Question 14: B) The promise would be of none effect
Explanation: Romans 4:14 states that if the inheritance (the promise to Abraham) were based on the law, then faith would be meaningless, and the promise itself would be nullified. This is because the law works on the principle of earning through actions, which is contrary to the principle of faith.

Answer to Question 15: C) There is no transgression
Explanation: Romans 4:15 explains that where there is no law, there is no transgression. This means that in the absence of a specific law or command, there can be no violation or breaking of the law. Transgression is defined by the existence of a law to transgress against.

Answer to Question 16: C) Grace
Explanation: Romans 4:16 states that the promise comes by grace so that it may be guaranteed to all Abraham’s offspring, not only to those who are of the law but also to those who have the faith of Abraham. Grace here is emphasized as the basis for the promise, ensuring that it is a gift from God, not something earned.

Answer to Question 17: A) God
Explanation: In Romans 4:17, Abraham’s faith in God is highlighted. He believed in God who gives life to the dead and calls into existence things that do not exist. Abraham’s faith in God’s power and promise made him the father of many nations, in line with what was spoken, “So shall your offspring be.”

Answer to Question 18: D) Hopelessness
Explanation: Romans 4:18 states that against hope, Abraham believed in hope. This means that even when there was no reason for hope, Abraham still hoped and believed in God’s promise. His faith was not based on visible circumstances but on God’s word.

Answer to Question 19: B) Its age
Explanation: According to Romans 4:19, Abraham did not consider his own body now dead (since he was about a hundred years old) nor the deadness of Sarah’s womb. This highlights Abraham’s faith, which did not waver despite the physical impossibility of having a child at his and Sarah’s advanced ages.

Answer to Question 20: A) The promise of God
Explanation: Romans 4:20 states that Abraham did not waver in unbelief regarding the promise of God. Instead, he was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God. His unwavering faith was centered on the reliability and faithfulness of God’s promise.

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