Signs of Prayerlessness

12 Signs of Prayerlessness Revealed: No. 10 is the Most Common

Have you ever felt disconnected, as if your spiritual Wi-Fi suddenly dropped, leaving you in a silent void? There are moments in life when our soul’s wireless connection to God seems to lose signal strength, subtly leading us into a state of prayerlessness, often without us even realizing it. Understanding the signs of prayerlessnes can illuminate the path back to meaningful conversations with God. In this article, we shall delve into these often unnoticed signs and unmask the potential hindrances to a meaningful prayer life. Could we be prayerless without even knowing it? Let’s find out.

[Related article: Understanding 7 Root Causes of Prayerlessness: Why We Struggle to Pray.]

12 Signs of Prayerlessness

Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines.

Robert H. Schuller

1. Lack of Faith in the Power of Prayer

We all experience trials and tribulations. It’s during these times when the power of prayer shines the brightest, offering a beacon of hope amidst the darkest storms. But when we lose faith in the efficacy of prayer, we risk diminishing this life-transforming power. Skepticism towards prayer can lead us to overlook its potential to provide solutions to our problems.

One unmistakable sign of prayerlessness is a lack of belief in the power of prayer. You might find yourself neglecting to pray during difficult or stressful times, choosing to rely on your own strength instead of seeking help from God through prayer. This is an indicator of prayerlessness.

Whenever you discover this in your Christian life, consider revisiting passages of the scriptures that affirm the power of prayer, like Mark 11:24, and remember instances where prayer has brought peace, resolution, or clarity to your life.

2. Neglecting to Pray for Others

The power of prayer extends beyond personal needs, reaching into the lives of those around us. It creates a chain of spiritual support.

If you find that your prayers are exclusively self-focused, or that you’re neglecting to pray for others, this might be a sign of prayerlessness. It’s a call to reorient your prayer life to be more inclusive and empathetic. Prayer can help you deepen your compassion, share in the joys and sorrows of others, and foster a community of spiritual support.

Reflect on passages like 1 Timothy 2:1, which encourages prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving for all people. Remember that extending your prayers to others is not only an act of love but also a powerful testament of faith.

3. Inability to Find the Right Words or Language to Express Oneself in Prayer

Prayer is a deeply personal conversation between you and your God. It’s a dialogue that transcends worldly languages and is rooted in authenticity and sincerity. However, there are times when finding the right words or language to express your innermost thoughts and feelings becomes a challenge. This struggle could indicate a symptom of prayerlessness.

This inability doesn’t mean that your feelings or thoughts are invalid. Rather, it signifies a potential disconnection in your spiritual communication. You might find comfort in knowing that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, translating our wordless sighs and unspoken thoughts into divine dialogue, as described in Romans 8:26. So, don’t let your struggle with words hinder you from praying.

Most of the time, this inability to find the right words in prayer occurs when one isn’t familiar enough with the word of God or when one doesn’t pray regularly. Hence, it can also be an indicator of prayerlessness.

4. A Sense of Guilt or Shame about Your Prayer Habits or Lack Thereof

Feelings of guilt or shame about prayer habits, or lack thereof, are strong indicators of prayerlessness. Shame may manifest when you compare your prayer habits to others or when you don’t pray as often as you think you should. Guilt might surface if you believe that you’re not praying “enough” as you are required to.

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to prayer. Your conversation with your God is unique to you. Instead of dwelling in guilt or shame, use these feelings as stepping stones towards a richer prayer life. Recognize these emotions, and then take practical steps to improve your prayer habits.

In the Book of Matthew 6:6, it is mentioned that prayer is an intimate and personal act, not a performance to be judged. Let go of guilt and shame and embrace the freedom of authentic prayer. Nevertheless, these feelings can be a sign that you aren’t as prayerful as you should be.

5. Lack of Peace and Joy: Dependence on God

Peace and joy are spiritual fruits that grow in the garden of our connection with God. Prayer is the nurturing water that helps these fruits thrive. When we find ourselves lacking inward peace and joy, it may be a sign that we’re drifting from our prayer life, reducing our dependence on God.

One key sign of prayerlessness is the inability to find tranquility in moments of turmoil or the lack of joy even in victories. In a life filled with ups and downs, prayer serves as an anchor, providing serenity amidst chaos, and joy amidst despair.

Recall Philippians 4:6-7, a verse that reminds us to turn our anxieties into prayers, allowing the peace of God to guard our hearts and minds.

6. Lack of Spiritual Growth and Discernment: Lack of Fruitfulness

Discernment and spiritual growth are like signposts along our spiritual journey. They help us understand where we’re heading and how far we’ve come. When we stop seeing these signposts, when our spiritual growth stagnates, or when we lose our spiritual discernment, it could be due to prayerlessness.

A lack of fruitfulness in our Christian life might seem like a dry spell. We might feel distant from God or think we’re not making any progress. However, these moments also offer opportunities to reconnect with our prayer life.

Remember the parable of the sower in Matthew 13:3-9, emphasizing the importance of good soil for seeds to bear fruit. In a similar vein, a consistent and sincere prayer life nurtures the soil of our spiritual life, making our heart receptive to the word of God, allowing us to bear fruit in our Christian life. Thus, fruitlessness and stunted spiritual growth are signs of prayerlessness.

Do you want to know the things that can hinder your spiritual growth? Consider reading this article.

7. Under Satan’s Oppression

The spiritual realm is more than just our connection with God. It also involves forces working tirelessly to derail our spiritual journey. One of the signs of prayerlessness can be the feeling of being under Satan’s oppression.

If you feel overwhelmed by negative emotions, temptations, or situations that seem to pull you away from your spiritual path, it might be a call to reinforce your prayer life. Prayer equips us with divine strength to resist these oppressive forces. Ephesians 6:18 reminds us to “[pray] in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.”

Resisting Satan’s oppression might feel like a spiritual battle, but remember, prayer is your mighty weapon.

8. The Fading Yearning for Prayer

As humans, our desires and yearnings can be clear indicators of our priorities. In our spiritual journey, a yearning for prayer is a sign of our desire to connect with God. When this yearning starts to fade, it’s often a sign of prayerlessness creeping into our lives.

Feeling indifferent towards prayer or viewing it as a mundane routine rather than a cherished conversation with God may signal that your heart is drifting away from the essence of prayer. But fear not, this realization is also the beginning of revitalizing your prayer life.

Psalm 42:1 beautifully illustrates the soul’s longing for God, just like a deer longs for streams of water. If you’re experiencing a fading yearning for prayer, take a moment to reflect on your spiritual desires. Seek to reignite the spark in your heart, and let your soul yearn for prayer again.

9. The Struggle to Maintain Focus During Prayer

Prayer requires a degree of concentration. It’s an intimate conversation with God where we lay bare our hopes, fears, and dreams. If you constantly find your thoughts drifting during prayer, or struggle to maintain focus, this might be an indication of prayerlessness.

In our busy, distraction-filled world, it’s normal to struggle with focus. However, if this becomes a recurrent theme in your prayer life, it might be time to explore new ways of fostering spiritual concentration. Meditation, finding a serene prayer spot, or setting aside a dedicated prayer time could be potential solutions.

Remember, Matthew 6:6 encourages us to pray in private, free from distractions.

10. Rushed and Superficial Prayer

Our prayers reflect the depth of our relationship with God. If your prayers often feel rushed or superficial—more like ticking off a to-do list rather than an authentic dialogue—it could signify prayerlessness.

Rushed and superficial prayers might seem like you’re going through the motions without fully engaging in the spiritual conversation. This practice may lead to a disconnect, reducing prayer from a rich spiritual experience to a mere task to be completed.

Therefore, when you pray, slow down, dive deeper, and let your prayers be an authentic reflection of your heart’s desires. Remember, prayer is an enviable privilege that you have as a believer. So, you ought not to pray hastily. Take your time!

11. Forgetting to Pray

Our daily lives are filled with countless tasks, duties, and responsibilities. Amidst this hustle and bustle, forgetting to pray can be a common occurrence. However, if this becomes a persistent pattern, it is a sign of prayerlessness.

Forgetting to pray is not merely about missing a step in your daily routine; it can signify a gap in your spiritual connection. As 1 Thessalonians 5:17 encourages us, we should “pray without ceasing,” making prayer an integral part of our lives.

If you find yourself frequently forgetting to pray, consider setting reminders or creating a prayer schedule.

12. Inability to Pray for an Extended Period of Time

Prayer is not bound by time. It’s a spiritual communion that can be as brief as a heartfelt thank you or as long as a night-long vigil. However, if you find it challenging to pray for an extended period of time, it might be a sign of prayerlessness.

The inability to sustain prayer may indicate a need for deepening your spiritual stamina. It’s not about the quantity of time spent in prayer but the quality of your connection with God during that time.

Luke 6:12 tells us how Jesus spent an entire night in prayer before making significant decisions. While we might not be able to dedicate that much time every day, we can aim to gradually increase our prayer duration.

Start by adding a few more minutes each day to your prayer time. Immerse yourself in the presence of God, and let this time of communion nourish your soul.

Bonus: Prayer Seen as a Chore Rather Than a Joy and Privilege

Prayer is more than a spiritual obligation; it’s a joy and a privilege—an opportunity to connect with the creator of all things on a personal level. It’s a dialogue that allows us to bare our souls, express our gratitude, and lay down our worries.

However, if prayer starts to feel like a chore or an obligation rather than this enriching exchange, it could signal prayerlessness. This mindset might rob you of the peace and fulfillment prayer can bring, reducing it to a mere task rather than a profound spiritual exercise.

Similarly, a lack of passion or zeal in your prayers might point to the same issue. Prayer is not just about the words we utter; it’s also about the fervor and intensity with which we approach God.

The story of the persistent widow in Luke 18:1-8 reminds us of the importance of praying fervently and persistently. Rekindle your passion for prayer, approach God with fervor and intensity, and let each prayer be an authentic expression of your faith.


In the end, it’s important to remember that our spiritual journeys are uniquely ours. They are not about perfection, but about sincerity and growth. At times, it’s crucial to pause and reflect: Are we truly present in our prayers, or are we merely going through the motions? Is prayer a chore, or is it a cherished dialogue with our God?

The signs of prayerlessness are not meant to incite guilt but rather to serve as gentle reminders to realign ourselves. We must remember that even in prayerlessness, there is a hidden invitation—an invitation to return to prayer.

As we conclude, the question you must ask yourself is, “Where do I go from here?” This is a call to action for you to reevaluate your prayer life. To begin addressing any signs of prayerlessness you’ve recognized and to take proactive steps towards nurturing your spiritual life.

Are you ready to embrace a richer, more fulfilling prayer life? The journey may not always be easy, but remember, every step you take is a step towards spiritual growth and deeper connection with God.

So, take a moment of introspection today. And then, make a commitment. A commitment to pray, to seek, and to grow. Let’s reclaim the power of prayer!

How can you recognize the signs of becoming prayerless? Share your thoughts in the comments section.

1 thought on “12 Signs of Prayerlessness Revealed: No. 10 is the Most Common”

  1. These are actually our problems. May God help us to turn back to Him and put these to practice to help our spiritual life and make us ready in this Christian race

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