Bible quiz on Acts chapter 3

Bible Quiz on Acts Chapter 3. Test Your Knowledge with These 60 Questions!

Welcome to our comprehensive bible quiz on Acts chapter 3! If you’re looking to test your knowledge on this third chapter of the book of Acts, you’ve come to the right place. This quiz is designed to challenge your understanding and deepen your appreciation of the miraculous events and powerful messages found in Acts chapter 3. From the healing of the lame beggar to Peter’s passionate sermon, our 60-question quiz covers every verse, providing a thorough and enjoyable learning experience. So, grab your Bible, and let’s dive into this engaging bible quiz on Acts chapter 3! 

[Related article: Bible Quiz on Acts Chapter 2]


Question 1. What time of day did Peter and John go up to the temple to pray?

A. Morning
B. Noon
C. Afternoon
D. Evening
E. Midnight

Question 2. Who did Peter and John encounter at the temple gate called Beautiful?

A. A lame beggar
B. A blind man
C. A tax collector
D. A Roman centurion
E. A Pharisee

Question 3. What did the lame beggar ask Peter and John for?

A. Healing
B. Food
C. Alms
D. Guidance
E. Shelter

Question 4. What did Peter say to the lame beggar before healing him?

A. “Rise up and walk.”
B. “Your faith has made you well.”
C. “Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.”
D. “The Lord will provide.”
E. “Take up thy bed, and walk.”

Question 5. How did the lame beggar react after being healed?

A. He praised God quietly
B. He was speechless
C. He doubted the miracle
D. He walked away without saying anything
E. He stood up, walked, and entered the temple, leaping and praising God

Question 6. How did the people at the temple react to the beggar’s healing?

A. They were astonished
B. They were skeptical
C. They were indifferent
D. They were angry
E. They ignored the miracle

Question 7. To whom did Peter attribute the healing of the lame beggar?

A. Himself
B. John
C. The Holy Spirit
D. Jesus Christ
E. An angel

Question 8. In his sermon, which prophet did Peter say foretold the coming of Jesus?

A. Isaiah
B. Jeremiah
C. Daniel
D. Ezekiel
E. Moses

Question 9. According to Peter, who was responsible for Jesus’ death?

A. Pontius Pilate
B. King Herod
C. The Sanhedrin
D. The Romans
E. The people of Israel

Question 10. What did Peter call the people to do in response to his sermon?

A. Repent
B. Offer sacrifices
C. Build a new temple
D. Overthrow the Roman government
E. Establish a new priesthood

Question 11. What term did Peter use to describe Jesus in his sermon?

A. The Son of Man
B. The Messiah
C. The Lamb of God
D. The Prince of Peace
E. The Holy One

Question 12. Which Old Testament figure did Peter say Jesus would fulfill the promise made to?

A. Abraham
B. Isaac
C. Jacob
D. David
E. Solomon

Question 13. What did Peter say would happen if the people repented?

A. Their sins would be blotted out
B. They would receive material blessings
C. They would have political freedom
D. They would be protected from their enemies
E. They would become priests

Question 14. Which event did Peter say Jesus was in heaven waiting for?

A. The destruction of the temple
B. The conversion of the Gentiles
C. The times of refreshing
D. The second coming
E. The final judgment

Question 15. According to Peter, who would God send to the people after Jesus?

A. Another prophet like Moses
B. The Holy Spirit
C. A new king
D. A military leader
E. A heavenly messenger

Question 16. How long had the man been lame from his mother’s womb?

A. Since birth
B. 7 years
C. 12 years
D. 20 years
E. 40 years

Question 17. What did Peter tell the lame man to do after healing him?

A. Remain seated
B. Spread the gospel
C. Show himself to the priests
D. Give thanks to God
E. Take up his bed and walk

Question 18. Where did the healed man hold on to Peter and John?

A. Their hands
B. Their clothes
C. Their feet
D. Their shoulders
E. Their arms

Question 19. After the healing, where did the people gather around Peter, John, and the healed man?

A. The Beautiful gate
B. Solomon’s porch
C. The Court of the Gentiles
D. The outer court
E. The Holy of Holies

Question 20. How did Peter address the people during his sermon?

A. Men of Israel
B. People of God
C. Brothers and sisters
D. Fellow believers
E. Children of Abraham

Question 21. What did Peter say God did with Jesus after he was crucified?

A. Raised him from the dead
B. Sent him to preach to the spirits in prison
C. Took him to heaven on a chariot of fire
D. Made him ruler over the nations
E. Gave him authority to judge the living and the dead

Question 22. According to Peter, in whose name can people receive salvation?

A. Moses
B. David
C. John the Baptist
D. Jesus Christ
E. Elijah

Question 23. Which Old Testament passage did Peter quote to show that Jesus’ suffering was foretold?

A. Psalm 22
B. Isaiah 53
C. Genesis 3:15
D. Zechariah 12:10
E. Daniel 9:26

Question 24. What did Peter say God would do for the people if they repented and turned to him?

A. Send times of refreshing
B. Give them a new heart
C. Make them a holy nation
D. Restore their land
E. Grant them eternal life

Question 25. What prophecy did Peter say Jesus would fulfill when he returns?

A. The restoration of all things
B. The destruction of the wicked
C. The establishment of a new covenant
D. The gathering of the exiles
E. The resurrection of the dead

Question 26. According to Peter, what will happen to those who do not listen to the prophet like Moses?

A. They will be forgiven
B. They will be cut off from the people
C. They will be given another chance
D. They will be sent into exile
E. They will face a famine

Question 27. Which Old Testament figure did Peter say the people were the children of?

A. Adam
B. Noah
C. Abraham
D. Moses
E. David

Question 28. What covenant did Peter remind the people of during his sermon?

A. The Mosaic covenant
B. The Abrahamic covenant
C. The Davidic covenant
D. The Noahic covenant
E. The new covenant

Question 29. To whom did Peter say God sent Jesus first?

A. The Gentiles
B. The people of Israel
C. The Samaritans
D. The Romans
E. The Greeks

Question 30. What was the purpose of sending Jesus first to the people of Israel, according to Peter?

A. To condemn them for their sins
B. To establish his kingdom on earth
C. To bless them by turning them away from their iniquities
D. To gather them for war against their enemies
E. To teach them new commandments

Question 31. What did Peter say was the reason the people acted in ignorance during Jesus’ crucifixion?

A. They did not know the Scriptures
B. They were misled by false prophets
C. They were afraid of the Roman authorities
D. God’s predetermined plan required it
E. They did not recognize Jesus as the Messiah

Question 32. Who did Peter say disowned Jesus in the presence of Pilate?

A. The chief priests
B. The people of Israel
C. The Roman soldiers
D. The disciples
E. The Pharisees

Question 33. How did Peter describe the one whom the people had disowned?

A. The Righteous One
B. The King of the Jews
C. The Son of God
D. The Prince of Peace
E. The Light of the World

Question 34. Who did Peter say God glorified in the healing of the lame man?

A. Peter and John
B. The lame man himself
C. The apostles
D. The prophets
E. His servant Jesus

Question 35. What did Peter say the faith that comes through Jesus had given the healed man?

A. Complete healing
B. A new purpose in life
C. A place in God’s kingdom
D. The gift of the Holy Spirit
E. Eternal life

Question 36. What did Peter say the people’s ancestors had done to the prophets?

A. Listened to them
B. Honored them
C. Persecuted them
D. Made them leaders
E. Built monuments for them

Question 37. Who did Peter say announced the coming of the Righteous One?

A. The angels
B. John the Baptist
C. The apostles
D. The prophets
E. The scribes

Question 38. Who did Peter say the people betrayed and murdered?

A. John the Baptist
B. The apostles
C. The prophets
D. The Righteous One
E. The high priest

Question 39. How did Peter describe the people’s relationship with the prophets and the covenant God made with their ancestors?

A. They were not part of it
B. They were the heirs
C. They had rejected it
D. They were the guardians
E. They were the judges

Question 40. What did Peter say was the reason God raised up Jesus and sent him to bless the people?

A. To give them wealth and prosperity
B. To show them signs and wonders
C. To establish a new priesthood
D. To turn them from their wicked ways
E. To gather them into a new land

Question 41. What did Peter call the time when God would restore everything?

A. The time of redemption
B. The age to come
C. The day of the Lord
D. The times of refreshing
E. The final judgment

Question 42. Which of the following did Peter NOT mention during his sermon in Acts 3?

A. The healing of the lame man
B. The crucifixion of Jesus
C. The resurrection of Jesus
D. The birth of Jesus
E. The promise made to Abraham

Question 43. In his sermon, which person did Peter say would come before Jesus’ return?

A. Elijah
B. Enoch
C. Moses
D. John the Baptist
E. A prophet like Moses

Question 44. Who did Peter say would speak whatever God commands him to?

A. A prophet like Moses
B. The apostles
C. The high priest
D. The king
E. The elders

Question 45. What did Peter say would happen if someone did not listen to the words of the prophet like Moses?

A. They would be blessed
B. They would face no consequences
C. They would be cut off from the people
D. They would be excommunicated
E. They would be imprisoned

Question 46. To whom did Peter say all the prophets bear witness?

A. Moses
B. Abraham
C. David
D. The apostles
E. Jesus

Question 47. What did Peter say everyone who believes in Jesus would receive?

A. Forgiveness of sins
B. Healing from diseases
C. Wealth and prosperity
D. Protection from enemies
E. Visions and dreams

Question 48. According to Peter, who was the first to receive the promise of the blessing?

A. Adam and Eve
B. Noah and his family
C. The people of Israel
D. Abraham and his descendants
E. The apostles

Question 49. What did Peter say the purpose of the blessing was?

A. To enable the people to perform miracles
B. To make the people wealthy and successful
C. To bring about the end of the world
D. To turn the people from their wicked ways
E. To fulfill all the prophecies

Question 50. According to Peter’s sermon, who is the ultimate source of the healing of the lame man?

A. Peter and John
B. The faith of the lame man
C. The Holy Spirit
D. The name of Jesus
E. The power of God

Question 51. What important lesson can be learned from Peter and John’s encounter with the lame man?

A. The power of giving material wealth
B. The importance of humility
C. The transformative power of faith in Jesus’ name
D. The significance of obeying religious rituals
E. The value of social status

Question 52. What does Peter’s sermon in Acts 3 teach us about recognizing and fulfilling prophecy?

A. Prophecy is irrelevant to our faith
B. Prophecy can only be understood by religious leaders
C. The importance of being aware of and understanding biblical prophecies
D. Prophecies are only meant for the people of the past
E. Prophecies are never fulfilled

Question 53. In his sermon, Peter emphasized repentance. What lesson can we learn from this?

A. Repentance is not necessary for believers
B. The importance of repentance and turning away from our sins to receive forgiveness
C. Repentance is only for non-believers
D. Repentance is a one-time event
E. Repentance is solely about feeling guilty

Question 54. What can we learn from Peter and John’s boldness in proclaiming Jesus’ name despite the challenges they faced?

A. Avoid difficult situations
B. Boldness in sharing the message of Jesus is essential for believers
C. Believers should only share their faith in safe environments
D. Boldness is only for religious leaders
E. Boldness in faith is not important

Question 55. What lesson can we learn from the healed man’s reaction after receiving healing from Peter and John?

A. He should have been more reserved in his response
B. He should have sought material wealth
C. The importance of giving thanks and praise to God for the blessings we receive
D. He should have focused on himself
E. The healing was not significant

Question 56. What can we learn from the way Peter and John used the healing miracle as an opportunity to share the Gospel?

A. Believers should seize opportunities to share the Gospel when they arise
B. Believers should not talk about their faith in public places
C. Miracles should be kept secret
D. People should only focus on the physical healing
E. Sharing the Gospel is optional

Question 57. How does Peter’s sermon in Acts 3 demonstrate the importance of knowing and understanding Scripture?

A. Peter’s sermon shows that knowing Scripture is not important
B. Peter’s sermon indicates that only religious leaders should know Scripture
C. Peter’s sermon demonstrates the importance of Scripture in conveying God’s message and plan of salvation
D. Peter’s sermon suggests that Scripture is outdated
E. Peter’s sermon teaches that Scripture is only for certain people

Question 58. What lesson can we learn from the fact that Peter and John, despite being ordinary men without formal education, were used by God to perform a miraculous healing?

A. God can only use formally educated people
B. Ordinary people cannot be used by God
C. God can use anyone who is willing and faithful, regardless of their background or education
D. Miracles are only for certain people
E. Ordinary people should not attempt to serve God

Question 59. What lesson can we learn from Peter’s emphasis on the fulfillment of prophecy in his sermon?

A. The fulfillment of prophecy is not relevant to our faith
B. The fulfillment of prophecy should be ignored
C. Recognizing the fulfillment of prophecy can strengthen our faith and understanding of God’s plan
D. Prophecies are only for the people of the past
E. Prophecies are too difficult to understand

Question 60. In Acts 3, Peter emphasizes the importance of repentance in order to experience times of refreshing from the Lord. What can we learn from this?

A. Repentance is not related to experiencing God’s presence
B. Repentance is a one-time event
C. Genuine repentance opens the door for God’s blessings and refreshing presence in our lives
D. Repentance should only be practiced by non-believers
E. Refreshing experiences from the Lord are not important


1. C. Afternoon (Acts 3:1)
2. A. A lame beggar (Acts 3:2)
3. C. Alms (Acts 3:3)
4. C. “Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.” (Acts 3:6)
5. E. He stood up, walked, and entered the temple, leaping and praising God (Acts 3:8)
6. A. They were astonished (Acts 3:10)
7. D. Jesus Christ (Acts 3:12)
8. E. Moses (Acts 3:22)
9. E. The people of Israel (Acts 3:13-15)
10. A. Repent (Acts 3:19)
11. E. The Holy One (Acts 3:14)
12. A. Abraham (Acts 3:25)
13. A. Their sins would be blotted out (Acts 3:19)
14. C. The times of refreshing (Acts 3:20-21)
15. A. Another prophet like Moses (Acts 3:22)
16. A. Since birth (Acts 3:2)
17. E. Take up his bed and walk (Acts 3:6)
18. E. Their arms (Acts 3:11)
19. B. Solomon’s porch (Acts 3:11)
20. A. Men of Israel (Acts 3:12)
21. A. Raised him from the dead (Acts 3:15)
22. D. Jesus Christ (Acts 3:16)
23. B. Isaiah 53 (Acts 3:18)
24. A. Send times of refreshing (Acts 3:19)
25. A. The restoration of all things (Acts 3:21)
26. B. They will be cut off from the people (Acts 3:23)
27. C. Abraham (Acts 3:25)
28. B. The Abrahamic covenant (Acts 3:25)
29. B. The people of Israel (Acts 3:26)
30. C. To bless them by turning them away from their iniquities (Acts 3:26)
31. D. God’s predetermined plan required it (Acts 3:17-18)
32. B. The people of Israel (Acts 3:13-14)
33. A. The Righteous One (Acts 3:14)
34. E. His servant Jesus (Acts 3:13)
35. A. Complete healing (Acts 3:16)
36. C. Persecuted them (Acts 3:24)
37. D. The prophets (Acts 3:18)
38. D. The Righteous One (Acts 3:14)
39. B. They were the heirs (Acts 3:25)
40. D. To turn them from their wicked ways (Acts 3:26)
41. D. The times of refreshing (Acts 3:19)
42. D. The birth of Jesus (Acts 3 does not mention the birth of Jesus)
43. E. A prophet like Moses (Acts 3:22)
44. A. A prophet like Moses (Acts 3:22)
45. C. They would be cut off from the people (Acts 3:23)
46. E. Jesus (Acts 3:18)
47. A. Forgiveness of sins (Acts 3:19)
48. D. Abraham and his descendants (Acts 3:25)
49. D. To turn the people from their wicked ways (Acts 3:26)
50. E. The power of God (Acts 3:12)
51. C. The transformative power of faith in Jesus’ name (Acts 3:6-8)
52. C. The importance of being aware of and understanding biblical prophecies (Acts 3:18, 21-26)
53. B. The importance of repentance and turning away from our sins to receive forgiveness (Acts 3:19)
54. B. Boldness in sharing the message of Jesus is essential for believers (Acts 3:12-26)
55. C. The importance of giving thanks and praise to God for the blessings we receive (Acts 3:8-9)
56. A. Believers should seize opportunities to share the Gospel when they arise (Acts 3:12-26)
57. C. Peter’s sermon demonstrates the importance of Scripture in conveying God’s message and plan of salvation (Acts 3:12-26)
58. C. God can use anyone who is willing and faithful, regardless of their background or education (Acts 3:1-10)
59. C. Recognizing the fulfillment of prophecy can strengthen our faith and understanding of God’s plan (Acts 3:18, 21-26)
60. C. Genuine repentance opens the door for God’s blessings and refreshing presence in our lives (Acts 3:19)


Remember, the Acts of the Apostles reveals the impact of the Gospel on the lives of ordinary people, just like you and me. It demonstrates how God can use anyone who is willing and faithful, regardless of their background or education, to accomplish extraordinary things.

[You can read also: 7 Steps of Repentance: Reconcile with God with this Easy-to-Follow Guide]

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Stay blessed and keep on learning!

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