This 1 Corinthians 12 quiz features 20 thought-provoking questions carefully crafted to cover all the verses in the chapter.
Each question is followed by five possible answers, giving you ample opportunity to challenge your knowledge and understanding of 1 Corinthians chapter 12.
1 Corinthians 12 Quiz Questions
Question 1: According to the teaching in 1 Corinthians 12, what was the Apostle Paul’s stance on the believers’ awareness of spiritual gifts?
A. He encouraged complete reliance on spiritual leaders for understanding.
B. He preferred that they remain uninformed about spiritual gifts.
C. He wished for them to be knowledgeable about spiritual gifts.
D. He was indifferent to their understanding of spiritual gifts.
E. He instructed them to focus only on traditional teachings.
Question 2: How were people led before they came to faith, according to Paul? (1 Corinthians 12:2)
A. By the scriptures
B. By their own wisdom
C. By idols
D. By false prophets
E. By the Spirit
Question 3: What is the test of speaking by the Spirit of God regarding Jesus? (1 Corinthians 12:3)
A. No one can say Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Ghost
B. Everyone who denies Jesus speaks by the Spirit
C. Only the righteous can say Jesus is Lord
D. Only the apostles can declare Jesus is Lord
E. Anyone can say Jesus is Lord if they truly believe
Question 4: How are the varieties of gifts described? (1 Corinthians 12:4)
A. As gifts of the law
B. As talents and skills
C. As the same for everyone
D. As diverse, but from the same Spirit
E. As earned rewards
Question 5: What analogy does Paul use to describe the diversity and unity within the church? (1 Corinthians 12:12)
A. A vine and branches
B. A building and its foundation
C. A body with many parts
D. A family
E. A kingdom
Question 6: Why does Paul say the foot cannot say it does not belong to the body? (1 Corinthians 12:15)
A. Because it performs essential functions
B. Because it is not a hand
C. Because all parts are needed for the body to function
D. Because it does not have the same honor as the hand
E. Because it is jealous of the hand
Question 7: What does Paul say about the parts of the body that seem to be weaker? (1 Corinthians 12:22)
A. They are less important
B. They are indispensable
C. They should strive to be stronger
D. They are not necessary
E. They are to be honored less
Question 8: How should the members of the body react to one member suffering or being honored? (1 Corinthians 12:26)
A. By seeking their own benefit
B. By ignoring the suffering or honor
C. All the members suffer or are honored together
D. By trying to surpass the honored member
E. By leaving the suffering member behind
Question 9: What are some of the roles mentioned that God has appointed in the church? (1 Corinthians 12:28)
A. Apostles, prophets, teachers
B. Miracles, gifts of healings
C. Helps, governments, diversities of tongues
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
Question 10: Does Paul indicate that all believers will speak in tongues? (1 Corinthians 12:30)
A. Yes, without exception
B. No, not all speak with tongues
C. Only the most spiritual will speak in tongues
D. Only apostles speak in tongues
E. Speaking in tongues is not mentioned
Question 11: What is Paul’s rhetorical question about the function of all members? (1 Corinthians 12:29)
A. Are all apostles?
B. Are all prophets?
C. Are all teachers?
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
Question 12: What does Paul encourage the Corinthians to earnestly desire? (1 Corinthians 12:31)
A. The higher gifts
B. Wealth and prosperity
C. A place of honor in the church
D. To speak in tongues more than others
E. Personal salvation
Question 13: What greater way does Paul say he will show the Corinthians? (1 Corinthians 12:31)
A. The way of righteousness
B. The way of the law
C. A more excellent way
D. The way of the apostles
E. The way of faith
Question 14: How does Paul describe the distribution of spiritual gifts? (1 Corinthians 12:11)
A. As decided by the church leaders
B. According to one’s faith
C. As the Spirit wills
D. Based on one’s desire
E. According to one’s lineage
Question 15: What is necessary for someone to declare Jesus is Lord? (1 Corinthians 12:3)
A. A deep understanding of the law
B. Baptism in water
C. Speaking in tongues
D. The Holy Ghost
E. Apostolic succession
Question 16: For what purpose are the varieties of operations given? (1 Corinthians 12:6)
A. To show the power of human will
B. To benefit the individual
C. To compete with one another
D. To profit withal
E. To build up other religions
Question 17: What does Paul emphasize about the importance of each part of the body? (1 Corinthians 12:21)
A. The head cannot say to the feet, “I have no need of thee”
B. The eyes can function without the hands
C. The heart is more important than the lungs
D. The ears are unnecessary for the body
E. Only the speaking parts of the body are important
Question 18: How does Paul describe God’s composition of the body? (1 Corinthians 12:24)
A. As randomly assembled
B. According to human standards
C. Giving greater honor to the part that lacked
D. Preferring the spiritual over the physical
E. Based on strength and wisdom
Question 19: What is the outcome of the body being composed by God in such a way? (1 Corinthians 12:25)
A. There may be division in the body
B. That there should be no schism in the body
C. That the strong may lead the weak
D. To highlight the importance of the soul
E. To make some members more important
Question 20: According to Paul, how are the members of the body of Christ baptized? (1 Corinthians 12:13)
A. By water only
B. By fire
C. By the Holy Ghost
D. In the name of Jesus only
E. By the apostles
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Answers to 1 Corinthians 12 Quiz Questions
Question 1: According to the teaching in 1 Corinthians 12, what was the Apostle Paul’s stance on the believers’ awareness of spiritual gifts?
Answer: C. He wished for them to be knowledgeable about spiritual gifts.
Explanation: Paul emphasizes the importance of being informed about spiritual gifts to ensure that the community understands the variety and purpose of the gifts distributed by the Holy Spirit.
Question 2: How were people led before they came to faith, according to Paul? (1 Corinthians 12:2)
Answer: C. By idols
Explanation: Paul mentions that before coming to faith, the believers were led astray by mute idols, indicating their past idolatrous practices.
Question 3: What is the test of speaking by the Spirit of God regarding Jesus? (1 Corinthians 12:3)
Answer: A. No one can say Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Ghost
Explanation: This statement underscores that declaring Jesus as Lord is enabled by the Holy Spirit, thus highlighting the Spirit’s essential role in such confessions of faith.
Question 4: How are the varieties of gifts described? (1 Corinthians 12:4)
Answer: D. As diverse, but from the same Spirit
Explanation: Paul explains that while the spiritual gifts are diverse, they all originate from the same Spirit, illustrating the unity in diversity within the church.
Question 5: What analogy does Paul use to describe the diversity and unity within the church? (1 Corinthians 12:12)
Answer: C. A body with many parts
Explanation: Paul uses the analogy of a body with many parts to describe how the church functions as one entity, though composed of diverse individuals each playing different roles.
Question 6: Why does Paul say the foot cannot say it does not belong to the body? (1 Corinthians 12:15)
Answer: C. Because all parts are needed for the body to function
Explanation: This highlights the theme of interdependence within the church body, emphasizing that every member, regardless of their role, is crucial for the overall functioning.
Question 7: What does Paul say about the parts of the body that seem to be weaker? (1 Corinthians 12:22)
Answer: B. They are indispensable
Explanation: Paul states that the parts of the body which might seem weaker are actually indispensable, stressing the value of every member within the church community.
Question 8: How should the members of the body react to one member suffering or being honored? (1 Corinthians 12:26)
Answer: C. All the members suffer or are honored together
Explanation: Paul promotes a sense of unity and shared experience within the church, indicating that all members should empathize and share in each other’s experiences, whether joyous or painful.
Question 9: What are some of the roles mentioned that God has appointed in the church? (1 Corinthians 12:28)
Answer: D. All of the above
Explanation: Paul lists various roles such as apostles, prophets, teachers, those who perform miracles, those gifted in healing, helping, managing, and diverse tongues as essential for the church’s function.
Question 10: Does Paul indicate that all believers will speak in tongues? (1 Corinthians 12:30)
Answer: B. No, not all speak with tongues
Explanation: Paul explicitly asks rhetorically if all speak with tongues, indicating that not every believer is given this gift, thereby emphasizing the diversity of spiritual gifts.
Question 11: What is Paul’s rhetorical question about the function of all members? (1 Corinthians 12:29)
Answer: D. All of the above
Explanation: By asking if all are apostles, prophets, or teachers, Paul clarifies that not everyone in the church holds the same roles, highlighting the specialization and diversity within the community.
Question 12: What does Paul encourage the Corinthians to earnestly desire? (1 Corinthians 12:31)
Answer: A. The higher gifts
Explanation: Paul urges the Corinthians to seek greater spiritual gifts, though he points out that there is a more excellent way, leading into his discourse on love in the following chapter.
Question 13: What greater way does Paul say he will show the Corinthians? (1 Corinthians 12:31)
Answer: C. A more excellent way
Explanation: After discussing spiritual gifts, Paul transitions to discuss love, which he presents as the greatest and most excellent way, surpassing even the highest spiritual gifts.
Question 14: How does Paul describe the distribution of spiritual gifts? (1 Corinthians 12:11)
Answer: C. As the Spirit wills
Explanation: Paul states that the Holy Spirit distributes spiritual gifts to each individual as He wills, underscoring the sovereignty and discretion of the Spirit in these matters.
Question 15: What is necessary for someone to declare Jesus is Lord? (1 Corinthians 12:3)
Answer: D. The Holy Ghost
Explanation: The declaration that Jesus is Lord is only possible through the Holy Ghost, highlighting the essential role of the Holy Spirit in Christian confession and belief.
Question 16: For what purpose are the varieties of operations given? (1 Corinthians 12:6)
Answer: D. To profit withal
Explanation: The various workings or operations within the church are given for the common good, to benefit the entire community.
Question 17: What does Paul emphasize about the importance of each part of the body? (1 Corinthians 12:21)
Answer: A. The head cannot say to the feet, “I have no need of thee”
Explanation: This emphasizes mutual dependence within the church body, stating that even seemingly more important parts cannot disregard the less noticeable ones.
Question 18: How does Paul describe God’s composition of the body? (1 Corinthians 12:24)
Answer: C. Giving greater honor to the part that lacked
Explanation: God arranges the body in such a way that less honorable parts are given more honor, promoting equality and care within the community.
Question 19: What is the outcome of the body being composed by God in such a way? (1 Corinthians 12:25)
Answer: B. That there should be no schism in the body
Explanation: The divine composition of the church is intended to foster unity and prevent divisions among its members.
Question 20: According to Paul, how are the members of the body of Christ baptized? (1 Corinthians 12:13)
Answer: C. By the Holy Ghost
Explanation: Paul states that all members are baptized into one body by the Holy Ghost, emphasizing the unifying work of the Spirit among believers.
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