This Genesis 1 quiz is interesting and challenging. It is perfect for Bible scholars and curious Christians alike.
You are welcome to this enriching and challenging quiz on the first chapter of Genesis!
The Book of Genesis is not only the first book of the Bible but also the foundation upon which the rest of the scriptures are built. Genesis Chapter 1 is particularly remarkable as it details the creation of the universe in a captivating manner.
The questions are designed to be thought-provoking and to encourage you to look deeper into the scriptures. So, get your Bible ready, take a deep breath, and embark on this enlightening journey through the first chapter of Genesis.
Read: Genesis 1 Summary: Concise and Comprehensive
Table of Contents
Genesis 1 Quiz Questions
Question 1
What was the first action of God mentioned in Genesis 1?
A) He created light
B) He created the heavens
C) He divided the waters
D) He created the earth
E) He moved upon the face of the waters
Question 2
What is the first way the state of the earth was described in Genesis 1?
A) Barren
B) Without form
C) Empty
D) Dark
E) Nonexistent
Question 3
In Genesis 1, what was the spirit of God said to be doing or did?
A) Came suddenly as a mighty rushing wind
B) Breath of life
C) Moving upon the face of the waters
D) Said, “let there be light”
E) Called things that were not as though they are
Question 4
Which day was the firmament created in Genesis 1?
A) Day 1
B) Day 2
C) Day 3
D) Day 4
E) Day 5
Question 5
What did God call the firmament?
A) Sky
B) Heaven
C) Earth
D) Waters
E) Expanse
Question 6
How many times is the phrase “And God said” used in Genesis 1?
A) 8
B) 9
C) 10
D) 11
E) 7
Question 7
In Genesis 1, what did God gather together to create dry land?
A) The waters under the heaven
B) The earth under the waters
C) The seas under the heaven
D) The firmament above the waters
E) The heaven
Question 8
What is the first thing God sees as good?
A) Light
B) Land
C) Sea
D) Firmament
E) Creatures
Question 9
What did God create on the fourth day?
A) Animals
B) Man
C) Grass
D) Lights
E) The sea
Question 10
In Genesis 1, which of the following did God NOT set in the firmament?
A) The moon
B) The stars
C) The sun
D) Clouds
E) None of the above
Question 11
On which day did God create the living creatures?
A) Day 3
B) Day 5
C) Day 4
D) Day 1
E) Day 2
Question 12
What was the purpose of the lights in the firmament according to Genesis 1?
A) To give light upon the earth
B) To divide the day from the night
C) For signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years
D) To illuminate the waters
E) All of the above
Question 13
How many times is the word ‘created’ used in Genesis 1?
A) 5
B) 7
C) 6
D) 4
E) 8
Question 14
What did God command the waters to bring forth abundantly?
A) Trees
B) Moving creatures
C) Ice
D) Grass
E) None of the above
Question 15
Which type of creature was not mentioned being created on the fifth day in Genesis 1?
A) Whales
B) Fowls
C) Creeping things
D) Winged birds
E) Fish
Question 16
What did God create after creating living creatures?
A) Seas
B) Lights in the firmament
C) Man
D) Fruit trees
E) Grass
Question 17
In whose image did God create man in Genesis 1?
A) His own image
B) The image of the angels
C) The image of the creatures
D) The image of the earth
E) The image of the heavens
Question 18
What dominion was man given when created according to Genesis 1?
A) Over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth
B) Over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air
C) Over the cattle, and over all the earth
D) Over the plants and trees
E) All of the above
Question 19
Which of the following did God not bless on the day they were created?
A) The whales and every living creature in the waters
B) The fowl that may fly above the earth
C) The fruit trees yielding fruit
D) The lights in the firmament
E) The cattle and every beast of the earth
Question 20
What did God provide for man’s food according to Genesis 1?
A) Every herb bearing seed
B) Every tree yielding fruit
C) The fish of the sea
D) A and B
E) All of the above
Question 21
How many times does the word ‘day’ appear in Genesis 1?
A) 5
B) 6
C) 7
D) 8
E) 9
Question 22
What did God say after creating man in His own image?
A) “Let us create man in our image”
B) “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth”
C) “It is good”
D) “Have dominion over the fish of the sea”
E) “Let there be light”
Question 23
Which of the following is not a type of light mentioned in Genesis 1?
A) Greater light
B) Lesser light
C) Stars
D) Lantern
E) Dividing light
Question 24
What phrase is repeated at the end of each day of creation in Genesis 1?
A) “And the evening and the morning were the … day.”
B) “And God saw that it was good.”
C) “And God blessed them.”
D) “Let there be light.”
E) “And God created…”
Question 25
What did God see when He looked at everything He had made on the sixth day?
A) That it was complete
B) That it was very good
C) That man shall not be alone
D) That it was fruitful
E) That it needed more light
Question 26
What term is used to describe the creation of living creatures in Genesis 1?
A) Beget
B) Made
C) Fashioned
D) Produced
E) None of the above
Question 27
Which herb is specifically mentioned in Genesis 1 as being given for meat?
A) Lentils
B) Barley
C) Wheat
D) Herb yielding seed
E) None of the above
Question 28
How many times does the word ‘God’ appear in Genesis 1?
A) 30
B) 31
C) 32
D) 33
E) 35
Question 29
What is the first commandment God gives to living creatures in Genesis 1?
A) “Be fruitful, and multiply.”
B) “Replenish the earth.”
C) “Have dominion over the fish of the sea.”
D) “Let there be light.”
E) “Let the waters bring forth abundantly.”
Question 30
What was the last thing God created in Genesis 1?
A) Man
B) Stars
C) Beasts of the earth
D) Fowls of the air
E) None of the above
Answers to Genesis 1 Quiz
Answer 1
B) He created the heavens
Explanation: In Genesis 1:1, it is stated, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”
Answer 2
B) Without form
Explanation: Genesis 1:2 says, “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep…”
Answer 3
C) Face of the waters
Explanation: In Genesis 1:2, the spirit of God is described as moving upon “the face of the waters.”
Answer 4
B) Day 2
Explanation: According to Genesis 1:6-8, God created the firmament on the second day to divide the waters.
Answer 5
B) Heaven
Explanation: Genesis 1:8 states, “And God called the firmament Heaven.”
Answer 6
C) 10
Explanation: The phrase “And God said” is used 10 times in Genesis 1.
Answer 7
A) The waters under the heaven
Explanation: Genesis 1:9 says, “And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear…”
Answer 8
A) Light
Explanation: In Genesis 1:4, God sees the light that he created, and “God saw the light, that it was good.”
Answer 9
D) Lights in the firmament of the heaven
Explanation: Genesis 1:14-19 describes God creating lights in the firmament of the heaven on the fourth day.
Answer 10
D) Clouds
Explanation: Clouds are not mentioned in Genesis 1. The sun, moon, and stars are mentioned as being set in the firmament in Genesis 1:16-17.
Answer 11
B) Day 5
Explanation: According to Genesis 1:20-23, God created the living creatures on the fifth day.
Answer 12
E) All of the above
Explanation: Genesis 1:14-15 states that the lights in the firmament were made to give light upon the earth, to divide the day from the night, and be for signs, seasons, days, and years.
Answer 13
C) 6
Explanation: The word ‘created’ is used six times in Genesis 1.
Answer 14
B) Moving creatures
Explanation: In Genesis 1:20, God commands the waters to bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life.
Answer 15
C) Creeping things
Explanation: Genesis 1:20-23 mentions the creation of fowls, whales, and other sea creatures on the fifth day, but not creeping things.
Answer 16
C) Man
Explanation: After creating living creatures, Genesis 1:26-27 describes God creating man.
Answer 17
A) His own image
Explanation: Genesis 1:27 states, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”
Answer 18
E) All of the above
Explanation: Genesis 1:26 states, “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”
Answer 19
D) The lights in the firmament
Explanation: While God blessed the living creatures (Genesis 1:22) and mankind (Genesis 1:28), there is no mention of God blessing the lights in the firmament in Genesis 1.
Answer 20
D) A and B
Explanation: Genesis 1:29 says, “And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.”
Answer 21
E) 9
Explanation: The word ‘day’ appears nine times in Genesis 1.
Answer 22
B) “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth”
Explanation: After creating man in His own image, God said, “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it…” (Genesis 1:28).
Answer 23
D) Lanterns
Explanation: Genesis 1 mentions the greater light, lesser light, and stars, but not lanterns.
Answer 24
A) “And the evening and the morning were the … day.”
Explanation: This phrase is repeated at the end of each day of creation in Genesis 1 (e.g., Genesis 1:5, 1:8, 1:13).
Answer 25
B) That it was very good
Explanation: Genesis 1:31 states, “And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.”
Answer 26
B) Made
Explanation: In Genesis 1:25 it is stated, “And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind…”
Answer 27
D) Herb yielding seed
Explanation: Genesis 1:29 mentions, “every herb bearing seed” as being given for meat, without specifying types such as lentils, barley, or wheat.
Answer 28
C) 32
Explanation: The word ‘God’ appears 32 times in Genesis 1.
Answer 29
A) “Be fruitful, and multiply.”
Explanation: In Genesis 1:22, God blessed the living creatures in the waters and the fowls of the air and said to them, “Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.”
Answer 30
A) Man
Explanation: The last thing God created in Genesis 1 was man. This is mentioned in Genesis 1:26-27.