Genesis 3 Quiz

The Ultimate Genesis 3 Quiz with Answers

This comprehensive Genesis 3 Quiz is a Bible study tool designed to challenge your understanding and interpretation of the third chapter of Genesis from the King James Version (KJV).

From the cunning serpent’s dialogue with Eve to the moment Adam and Eve are sent out from the Garden of Eden, each question in this quiz probes the intricate details of this chapter.

Each of the 30 tricky questions will test your recall and comprehension of the chapter. Get ready to test yourself!

Read: Genesis 3 summary or take a quiz on the previous chapter

Genesis 3 Quiz Questions

Question 1:
What does the serpent question to the woman at the beginning of Genesis 3?
A. The existence of God
B. God’s instruction
C. The concept of sin
D. The origin of mankind
E. The abundance of fruit in the Garden

Question 2:
According to Genesis 3:2-3, what were Adam and Eve specifically commanded not to do?
A. Eat the fruit of the tree of life
B. Speak to the serpent
C. Eat the fruit of the tree in the middle of the Garden
D. Swim in the river of Eden
E. Plant their own garden

Question 3:
How does the serpent twist the consequence of eating from the tree of knowledge in Genesis 3:4?
A. He says they will be banished from Eden
B. He says they will gain wisdom
C. He says they will become as gods
D. He says they will not surely die
E. He says they will grow stronger

Question 4:
According to Genesis 3:6, what made the tree of knowledge desirable to Eve?
A. Its height
B. Its fruits looked delicious
C. It was desirable to make one wise
D. Its beautiful flowers
E. It was the tallest tree in the Garden

Question 5:
Who was the first person to partake of the fruit of the tree of knowledge?
A. Adam
B. Eve
C. The serpent
D. Cain
E. Abel

Question 6:
In Genesis 3:7, after their eyes were opened, what did Adam and Eve realize?
A. They could see the future
B. They were naked
C. They were hungry
D. They could speak the serpent’s language
E. They can hide themselves

Question 7:
In Genesis 3:8, where did Adam and Eve hide when they heard the voice of God?
A. Behind the tree of knowledge
B. In the river of Eden
C. In a cave
D. Among the trees of the garden
E. Under a bush

Question 8:
What did Adam and Eve use to cover themselves in Genesis 3:7?
A. Leaves of the tree of knowledge
B. Fig leaves
C. Animal skins
D. Clay from the river
E. Palm fronds

Question 9:
How does God address Adam when He couldn’t find him in Genesis 3:9?
A. “Adam, where are you?”
B. “Adam, why are you hiding?”
C. “Adam, who told you to hide?”
D. “Adam, come to me!”
E. “Adam, did you eat the fruit?”

Question 10:
What reason did Adam give God for hiding in Genesis 3:10?
A. He was afraid because he had sinned
B. He was ashamed because he was naked
C. He was afraid because he was naked
D. He was hiding from the serpent
E. He was afraid because he heard God’s voice

Question 11:
In Genesis 3:11, what question does God ask Adam about his newfound knowledge?
A. “Who told you that you were naked?”
B. “Did you eat from the forbidden tree?”
C. “Do you know the difference between good and evil?”
D. “Why did you listen to the serpent?”
E. “Why did you hide from me?”

Question 12:
In his response to God, who does Adam indirectly blame for his disobedience in Genesis 3:12?
A. Eve
B. The serpent
C. God
D. Himself
E. The tree of knowledge

Question 13:
According to Genesis 3:13, what did Eve say deceived her?
A. The fruit of the tree
B. Adam
C. Her own desire for wisdom
D. The serpent
E. The beauty of the garden

Question 14:
In Genesis 3:15, whose heel does God say the serpent will bruise?
A. Adam’s
B. Eve’s
C. The seed of the woman
D. God’s
E. All men’s

Question 15:
What lasting enmity does God establish in Genesis 3:15?
A. Between Adam and Eve
B. Between the serpent and Eve
C. Between man and animals
D. Between man and God
E. Between the serpent and Eve’s offspring

Question 16:
In Genesis 3:16, what consequence did God give to the woman?
A. Banishment from the garden
B. Enmity with the serpent
C. Increased pain in childbirth
D. The task of tilling the ground
E. The responsibility of raising children

Question 17:
What was the man’s punishment for his disobedience in Genesis 3:17?
A. He would die that day
B. He was banished from the garden
C. He would work the ground for his food
D. He would become a servant to the woman
E. He would live in constant fear

Question 18:
According to Genesis 3:18, what will the ground produce as a result of the curse?
A. No fruit
B. Thorns and thistles
C. Only enough food for survival
D. Poisonous plants
E. Less bountiful harvests

Question 19:
What will man eat as a result of the curse, according to Genesis 3:19?
A. The fruit of the garden
B. The herbs of the field
C. The dust of the ground
D. The animals of the earth
E. Bread by the sweat of his brow

Question 20:
What is the final action God takes in Genesis chapter 3?
A. He sends Adam and Eve out of the Garden
B. He places cherubims to guard the Garden of Eden
C. He causes thorns and thistles to grow
D. He curses the serpent
E. He clothes Adam and Eve

Question 21:
According to Genesis 3:20, why was Eve named as she was?
A. She was the first woman
B. She was created from Adam’s rib
C. She was the mother of all living
D. She was made in God’s image
E. She was the first to sin

Question 22:
What does God make for Adam and Eve in Genesis 3:21?
A. A new garden
B. Coats of skins
C. A shelter from the elements
D. Tools for farming
E. A map to navigate outside the garden

Question 23:
In Genesis 3:22, what does God acknowledge man has become like?
A. The beasts of the field
B. One of the heavenly beings
C. God Himself
D. The angels
E. The tree of knowledge

Question 24:
What specific knowledge does man now possess according to Genesis 3:22?
A. Immortality
B. The knowledge of all things
C. The ability to create life
D. The knowledge of good and evil
E. The ability to speak all languages

Question 25:
What was God’s concern if man ate from the tree of life after eating from the tree of knowledge?
A. Man would become too powerful
B. Man would live forever
C. Man would be able to create new life
D. Man would be able to control nature
E. Man would know the secrets of the universe

Question 26:
According to Genesis 3:23, why did God send man out of the Garden of Eden?
A. To learn humility
B. To prevent him from eating from the tree of life
C. To punish him for his disobedience
D. To till the ground from whence he was taken
E. To wander the earth as a nomad

Question 27:
What action signifies man’s banishment from the garden in Genesis 3:24?
A. God’s verbal command
B. The appearance of the Saraphins
C. The flaming sword that turned every way
D. The closing of the garden’s gates
E. The death of the serpent

Question 28:
Who or what did God place at the east of the Garden of Eden after expelling man?
A. A great mountain
B. A flaming sword
C. Cherubims
D. Saraphins
E. A wall of fire

Question 29:
What was the purpose of the flaming sword that God placed at the Garden of Eden?
A. To destroy the garden
B. To keep the way of the tree of life
C. To serve as a reminder of man’s sin
D. To deter any animals from entering the garden
E. To signal the location of the garden to man

Question 30:
In the aftermath of man’s fall, where was the Tree of Life located?
A. In the center of the Garden of Eden
B. At the east of the Garden of Eden
C. Outside the Garden of Eden
D. On a mountain top
E. Beside the river in the Garden of Eden

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Answers to Bible Quiz on Genesis Chapter 3

Answer to Question 1
B. God’s instruction
Explanation: In Genesis 3:1, the serpent questioned the woman about God’s command not to eat from any tree in the garden.

Answer to Question 2
C. Eat the fruit of the tree in the middle of the Garden
Explanation: According to Genesis 3:2-3, Adam and Eve were specifically commanded not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which is described as being in the middle of the garden.

Answer to Question 3
D. He says they will not surely die
Explanation: The serpent, in Genesis 3:4, contradicted God’s command by telling the woman that she would not surely die if she ate the fruit.

Answer to Question 4
C. It was desirable to make one wise
Explanation: In Genesis 3:6, it was the desire for wisdom, and the fruit was desirable for gaining it, that tempted Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge.

Answer to Question 5
B. Eve
Explanation: Genesis 3:6 indicates that Eve was the first to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge, and then she gave some to Adam.

Answer to Question 6
B. They were naked
Explanation: After eating the fruit, Genesis 3:7 records that the eyes of Adam and Eve were opened and they realized that they were naked.

Answer to Question 7
D. Among the trees of the garden
Explanation: Genesis 3:8 shows that Adam and Eve hid themselves among the trees of the garden after they heard the voice of God walking in the garden.

Answer to Question 8
B. Fig leaves
Explanation: In Genesis 3:7, after realizing their nakedness, Adam and Eve sewed together fig leaves to cover themselves.

Answer to Question 9
A. “Adam, where are you?”
Explanation: Genesis 3:9 records God’s call to Adam after he hid, asking him, “Where are you?”

Answer to Question 10
C. He was afraid because he was naked
Explanation: In Genesis 3:10, Adam tells God that he hid because he was afraid since he was naked.

Answer to Question 11
A. “Who told you that you were naked?”
Explanation: God asked Adam in Genesis 3:11, “Who told you that you were naked?”, questioning how he gained this knowledge.

Answer to Question 12
C. God
Explanation: Adam indirectly blames God in Genesis 3:12, by pointing out that the woman whom God provided as a companion gave him the fruit.

Answer to Question 13
D. The serpent
Explanation: In Genesis 3:13, Eve tells God that the serpent deceived her into eating the fruit.

Answer to Question 14
C. The seed of the woman
Explanation: Genesis 3:15 prophesies that the serpent will bruise the heel of the woman’s offspring, referring to the future Messiah, Jesus.

Answer to Question 15
E. Between the serpent and Eve’s offspring
Explanation: In Genesis 3:15, God established lasting enmity between the serpent and the woman’s offspring.

Answer to Question 16
C. Increased pain in childbirth
Explanation: As a consequence of her sin, Genesis 3:16 records that God increased the woman’s pain in childbirth.

Answer to Question 17
C. He would work the ground for his food
Explanation: God’s punishment for Adam in Genesis 3:17 was that he would toil and work the ground for his food.

Answer to Question 18
B. Thorns and thistles
Explanation: In Genesis 3:18, as a result of the curse, the ground would produce thorns and thistles.

Answer to Question 19
E. Bread by the sweat of his brow
Explanation: According to Genesis 3:19, as a result of the curse, man would eat bread by the sweat of his brow, indicating a life of toil and hardship.

Answer to Question 20
B. He places cherubims to guard the Garden of Eden
Explanation: In Genesis 3:24, the final action God takes in Genesis chapter 3 is placing cherubims and a flaming sword to guard the way to the tree of life.

Answer to Question 21
C. She was the mother of all living
Explanation: According to Genesis 3:20, Adam named his wife Eve because she would become the mother of all the living.

Answer to Question 22
B. Coats of skins
Explanation: Genesis 3:21 says that God made garments of skins for Adam and Eve, which implies the first instance of animal sacrifice for the atonement of sin.

Answer to Question 23
C. God Himself
Explanation: In Genesis 3:22, God acknowledges that man has become like Him, knowing good and evil.

Answer to Question 24
D. The knowledge of good and evil
Explanation: According to Genesis 3:22, man now possesses the knowledge of good and evil.

Answer to Question 25
B. Man would live forever
Explanation: God’s concern in Genesis 3:22 is that if man also ate from the tree of life, he would live forever.

Answer to Question 26
D. To till the ground from whence he was taken
Explanation: In Genesis 3:23, God sends man out of the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he was taken.

Answer to Question 27
C. The flaming sword that turned every way
Explanation: The flaming sword turning every way in Genesis 3:24 symbolizes man’s banishment from the garden.

Answer to Question 28
C. Cherubims
Explanation: According to Genesis 3:24, after expelling man, God placed cherubims at the east of the Garden of Eden.

Answer to Question 29
B. To keep the way of the tree of life
Explanation: According to Genesis 3:24, the flaming sword was placed at the Garden of Eden to guard the way to the tree of life and prevent man from accessing it.

Answer to Question 30
A. In the center of the Garden of Eden
Explanation: The Bible doesn’t specifically state where the Tree of Life was after man’s expulsion, but originally it was in the center of the Garden of Eden according to Genesis 2:9. After man’s fall, access to it was guarded by cherubims and a flaming sword (Genesis 3:24).

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