Genesis 40 Quiz

Comprehensive Genesis 40 Quiz with Answers: Test Your Knowledge!

This Genesis 40 quiz is designed to test your capacity to remember subtle details and understand the rich complexity of this significant chapter. The questions will challenge your memory and understanding of the chapter.

If you believe you’ve mastered Genesis 40 and you’re prepared to put your knowledge to the test, let’s begin this captivating Genesis 40 quiz. Without further ado, let’s start your challenge.

[You can also test your knowledge on chapter 39!]

Genesis 40 Quiz Questions

Question 1
Who were the two officers of Pharaoh that offended their lord?

A) The chief butler and the chief cspti
B) The chief guard and the chief baker
C) The chief baker and the chief magician
D) The chief advisor and the chief cook
E) None of the above

Question 2
Where were these two officers placed after they offended Pharaoh?

A) In the palace
B) In the prison
C) In a foreign land
D) In Potiphar’s house
E) None of the above

Question 3
Who was responsible for these two officers while they were in prison?

A) Pharaoh
B) The chief of the prison
C) Potiphar
D) Joseph
E) None of the above

Question 4
How long did the two officers see their respective dreams?

A) After a night
B) After a week
C) After a month
D) After a year
E) After a few days

Question 5
Why were the two officers sad when Joseph came to them in the morning?

A) They were punished by the prison keeper
B) They were missing their families
C) There was no interpreter your their dreams
D) They were ill
E) None of the above

Question 6
What was in the uppermost basket in the dream of one of them?

A) All manner of baked goods for Pharaoh
B) All manner of fruits for Pharaoh
C) All manner of vegetables for Pharaoh
D) All manner of meats for Pharaoh
E) None of the above

Question 7
What was the chief butler’s dream?

A) He saw a burning bush
B) He saw a vine with three branches
C) He saw three baskets of bread on his head
D) He saw seven skinny cows eating seven fat cows
E) None of the above

Question 8
In the dream of one them, what happened after the vine brought forth ripe grapes?

A) He took the grapes and gave them to Pharaoh
B) He took the grapes and made them into fresh wine
C) He ate the grapes
D) The grapes were eaten by birds
E) None of the above

Question 9
After interpreting their dreams, what did Joseph ask the chief butler to show him?

A) Kindness
B) Respect
C) Gratitude
D) Loyalty
E) None of the above

Question 10
What favor did Joseph ask of the butler?

A) To mention him to Pharaoh
B) To help him escape from the prison
C) To give him some of his wine
D) To interpret his own dream
E) None of the above

Question 11
What was the chief baker’s dream?

A) He saw three white baskets on his head
B) He saw three baskets of bread on his head
C) He saw a burning bush
D) He saw seven skinny cows eating seven fat cows
E) None of the above

Question 12
What did Joseph say was the interpretation of the butler’s dream?

A) He would be released from prison in three days
B) He would die in three days
C) He would become Pharaoh in three days
D) He would meet his family in three days
E) None of the above

Question 13
What did Joseph say was the interpretation of the baker’s dream?

A) He would be released from prison in three days
B) He would be hanged in three days and birds would eat his flesh
C) He would become Pharaoh in three days
D) He would meet his family in three days
E) None of the above

Question 14
What happened on the third day?

A) Pharaoh went to visit the prison
B) Pharaoh was assassinated
C) Pharaoh pardoned all the prisoners
D) It was Pharaoh’s birthday
E) None of the above

Question 15
Where was Pharaoh’s cup placed in the butler’s dream?

A) On a table
B) In Pharaoh’s hand
C) In the butler’s hand
D) On the vine
E) None of the above

Question 16
What was the chief butler’s response when Joseph asked him to remember him before Pharaoh?

A) He agreed
B) He refused
C) He did not answer
D) He said he would try his best
E) The Bible doesn’t mention his response

Question 17
What was the outcome for the chief butler after he was restored to his position?

A) He forgot about Joseph
B) He immediately told Pharaoh about Joseph
C) He helped Joseph escape from prison
D) He visited Joseph in prison
E) None of the above

Question 18
What did Joseph say the three branches in the butler’s dream represented?

A) Three days
B) Three years
C) Three months
D) Three weeks
E) None of the above

Question 19
The dreams of the chief butler and the chief baker occurred in the same night. True or false?

A) True
B) False

Question 20
How did Joseph know that the chief butler and the chief baker were troubled when he saw them?

A) They told him
B) He guessed
C) He saw their sad countenances
D) He heard them talking to each other
E) None of the above

Question 21
Where did the chief butler press the grapes into in his dream?

A) Into a cup
B) Into a jug
C) Into a bowl
D) Into a barrel
E) None of the above

Question 22
What did Joseph ask from God before interpreting the dreams?

A) Wisdom
B) Freedom
C) Strength
D) Nothing is mentioned
E) Blessing

Question 23
When Joseph told the chief baker his dream’s interpretation, how did the baker react?

A) He was afraid
B) He was angry
C) He was happy
D) His reaction is not recorded
E) He was confused

Question 24
What did Pharaoh do to the chief butler and the chief baker on his birthday?

A) He hanged both of them
B) He restored both of them
C) He restored the baker and hanged the butler
D) He restored the butler and hanged the baker
E) None of the above

Question 25
In the chief baker’s dream, who ate the baked goods from the uppermost basket on his head?

A) Pharaoh
B) The chief butler
C) The birds
D) The fellow prisoners
E) None of the above

[Next Chapter: Genesis 41 Quiz]

Answers to Genesis 40 Quiz Questions.

Answer Number 1
E) None of the above
Explanation: According to Genesis 40:1-2, the two officers of Pharaoh who offended their lord were the chief baker and the chief cupbearer, or butler.

Answer Number 2
B) In the prison
Explanation: After they offended Pharaoh, they were placed in prison (Genesis 40:3).

Answer Number 3
D) Joseph
Explanation: Joseph was put in charge of these two officers while they were in prison (Genesis 40:4).

Answer Number 4
E) After a few days
Explanation: Genesis 40:4-5 tells us that after they had been in custody for some time, both the chief cupbearer and the chief baker had a dream on the same night.

Answer Number 5
C) There was no interpreter for their dreams
Explanation: Genesis 40:6-7 tells us that when Joseph saw them the next morning, they were dejected. When he asked Pharaoh’s officials why they were so sad, they replied that they had dreams but no one to interpret them.

Answer Number 6
A) All manner of baked goods for Pharaoh
Explanation: According to Genesis 40:16-17, the chief baker saw in his dream that he had three baskets of bread on his head. In the uppermost basket were all sorts of baked food for Pharaoh.

Answer Number 7
B) He saw a vine with three branches
Explanation: In Genesis 40:9-10, the chief butler told Joseph his dream in which he saw a vine with three branches.

Answer Number 8
B) He took the grapes and made them into fresh wine
Explanation: In the butler’s dream, after the vine brought forth ripe grapes, the chief butler took the grapes and pressed them into Pharaoh’s cup (Genesis 40:11).

Answer Number 9
A) Kindness
Explanation: After interpreting their dreams, Joseph asked the chief butler to show him kindness by mentioning him to Pharaoh (Genesis 40:14).

Answer Number 10
A) To mention him to Pharaoh
Explanation: Joseph asked the chief butler to remember him and mention him to Pharaoh so that he could be released from the prison (Genesis 40:14).

Answer Number 11
B) He saw three baskets of bread on his head
Explanation: The chief baker dreamt that he had three baskets of bread on his head (Genesis 40:16).

Answer Number 12
A) He would be released from prison in three days
Explanation: According to Genesis 40:12-13, Joseph interpreted the butler’s dream to mean that in three days Pharaoh would lift up his head and restore him to his position.

Answer Number 13
B) He would be hanged in three days and birds would eat his flesh
Explanation: Genesis 40:18-19 states that Joseph interpreted the baker’s dream to mean that in three days Pharaoh would lift up his head from him and hang him on a tree, and the birds would eat his flesh.

Answer Number 14
D) It was Pharaoh’s birthday
Explanation: On the third day, it was Pharaoh’s birthday (Genesis 40:20).

Answer Number 15
C) In the butler’s hand
Explanation: According to Genesis 40:11, the chief butler’s dream involved him pressing grapes into Pharaoh’s cup and placing the cup into Pharaoh’s hand.

Answer Number 16
E) The Bible doesn’t mention his response
Explanation: Genesis 40:14-15 records Joseph’s plea to the chief butler but doesn’t document any immediate response from the butler.

Answer Number 17
A) He forgot about Joseph
Explanation: Genesis 40:23 sadly notes that the chief butler did not remember Joseph, but forgot him.

Answer Number 18
A) Three days
Explanation: In Genesis 40:12, Joseph tells the chief butler that the three branches in his dream represent three days.

Answer Number 19
A) True
Explanation: Genesis 40:5 confirms that both the butler and the baker had their dreams on the same night.

Answer Number 20
C) He saw their sad countenances
Explanation: Genesis 40:6-7 indicates that Joseph noticed their troubled expressions and asked them why they were so sad.

Answer Number 21
A) Into a cup
Explanation: In Genesis 40:11, the chief butler dreams of pressing grapes into Pharaoh’s cup.

Answer Number 22
D) Nothing is mentioned
Explanation: The Bible doesn’t mention Joseph asking anything from God before interpreting the dreams in Genesis 40.

Answer Number 23
D) His reaction is not recorded
Explanation: The chief baker’s reaction to his dream’s interpretation is not recorded in Genesis 40.

Answer Number 24
D) He restored the butler and hanged the baker
Explanation: Genesis 40:20-22 tells us that Pharaoh restored the chief butler to his position and hanged the chief baker, just as Joseph had interpreted.

Answer Number 25
C) The birds
Explanation: Genesis 40:17-19 tells us that in the chief baker’s dream, birds were eating the baked goods from the uppermost basket on his head.

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