This John 15 quiz features 25 thought-provoking questions carefully crafted to cover all the verses in the chapter.
Each question is followed by five possible answers, giving you ample opportunity to challenge your knowledge and understanding of John chapter 15.
Keep in mind, this Bible quiz on John chapter 15 is meant to be tricky, so ensure you cross-reference with John 15 in the KJV Bible to validate your answers at the end of the entire questions.
All right, let’s dive into the deep waters of John 15!
[ALSO READ: The Book of John Summary by Chapter (1-21): Very Concise and Comprehensive]
Bible Quiz On John Chapter 15
John 15 Quiz Questions
Here is a 25-question quiz based on John Chapter 15 from the KJV.
John 15 Questions
Question 1: In John 15:1, how does Jesus describe Himself?
a. The true vine
b. The good shepherd
c. The light of the world
d. The bread of life
e. The way, the truth, and the life
Question 2: According to John 15:2, what does the Father do to every branch in Jesus that does not bear fruit?
a. He prunes it
b. He lifts it up
c. He takes it away
d. He nurtures it
e. He forgives it
Question 3: True or False: In John 15:3, Jesus tells His disciples that they are already clean because of the word He has spoken to them.
a. True
b. False
c. Partially true
d. Not mentioned
e. Misinterpreted
Question 4: Fill in the blank: In John 15:4, Jesus advises His disciples to “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye __ in me.”
a. Abide
b. Believe
c. Work
d. Follow
e. Trust
Question 5: In John 15:5, Jesus emphasizes the importance of abiding in Him. What does He say about the one who abides in Him and He in them?
a. They will be blessed
b. They will bear much fruit
c. They will be saved
d. They will have eternal life
e. They will know the truth
Question 6: According to John 15:6, what happens to the branches that do not abide in Jesus?
a. They wither
b. They are burned
c. They are replanted
d. They are restored
e. They are forgiven
Question 7: Multiple Response: In John 15:7, Jesus makes a promise about prayer. What conditions does He state for prayers to be answered?
a. Abiding in Him
b. His words abiding in them
c. Asking in His name
d. Believing in Him
e. Keeping His commandments
Question 8: In John 15:8, how does Jesus say His Father is glorified?
a. By their faith
b. By their love
c. That they bear much fruit
d. By their unity
e. By their witness
Question 9: Negative Question: In John 15:9, Jesus speaks of the Father’s love for Him and His love for the disciples. Which of the following did He NOT say?
a. “As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you.”
b. “Continue ye in my love.”
c. “Love one another as I have loved you.”
d. “Abide in my love.”
e. “If you keep my commandments, you shall abide in my love.”
Question 10: According to John 15:10, what is the condition for abiding in Jesus’ love?
a. Keeping His commandments
b. Believing in Him
c. Loving one another
d. Bearing fruit
e. Praying faithfully
Question 11: Fill in the blank: In John 15:11, Jesus said, “These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your __ might be full.”
a. Faith
b. Hearts
c. Love
d. Joy
e. Lives
Question 12: In John 15:12, what commandment does Jesus give to His disciples?
a. To abide in Him
b. To love one another as He has loved them
c. To keep His commandments
d. To bear fruit
e. To believe in the Father
Question 13: True or False: In John 15:13, Jesus says, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”
a. True
b. False
c. Partially true
d. Not mentioned
e. Misinterpreted
Question 14: According to John 15:14, who does Jesus call His friends?
a. Those who do whatever He commands them
b. Those who believe in Him
c. Those who love one another
d. Those who bear fruit
e. Those who have faith
Question 15: In John 15:15, Jesus mentions a transition from servants to friends. What is the reason for this change?
a. Because servants do not know their master’s business
b. Because they have kept His commandments
c. Because of their faith
d. Because they have believed in Him
e. Because they have loved one another
Question 16: Multiple Response: In John 15:16, what does Jesus say about the disciples’ role and their relationship with the Father?
a. Jesus chose and appointed them
b. They should go and bear fruit
c. Their fruit should remain
d. Whatever they ask the Father in Jesus’ name, He may give them
e. They are to love one another
Question 17: According to John 15:17, what command does Jesus reiterate to His disciples?
a. To abide in His love
b. To bear fruit
c. To love one another
d. To keep His commandments
e. To believe in the Father
Question 18: In John 15:18, Jesus warns His disciples about the world’s reaction to them. What does He say?
a. The world will love them
b. The world will hate them
c. The world will accept them
d. The world will ignore them
e. The world will challenge them
Question 19: John 15:19 mentions a distinction between the disciples and the world. What is this distinction?
a. They are not of the world
b. They are chosen out of the world
c. They are above the world
d. They are sent into the world
e. They are enlightened compared to the world
Question 20: In John 15:20, what does Jesus remind the disciples about a servant’s relationship with their master?
a. A servant is not greater than his master
b. A servant must follow his master
c. A servant will be treated like his master
d. A servant must obey his master
e. A servant will inherit his master’s wealth
Question 21: Fill in the blank: In John 15:21, Jesus explains the reason for the world’s hatred, saying, “But all these things will they do unto you for my name’s sake, because they know not Him that __ me.”
a. Sent
b. Created
c. Guides
d. Loves
e. Saves
Question 22: According to John 15:22, what would have been the condition of the people if Jesus had not come and spoken to them?
a. They would have no sin
b. They would have remained in darkness
c. They would have been lost
d. They would have been forgiven
e. They would have been ignorant
Question 23: In John 15:23, what does Jesus say about the person who hates Him?
a. They also hate the Father
b. They are condemned
c. They will not bear fruit
d. They are in darkness
e. They cannot be His disciple
Question 24: According to John 15:24, what added to the sin of those who hated Jesus and the Father?
a. Their unbelief
b. The miracles that Jesus did among them
c. Their betrayal
d. Their lack of love
e. Their disobedience
Question 25: True or False: In John 15:25, Jesus refers to the fulfillment of the law through the hatred they showed Him.
a. True
b. False
c. Partially true
d. Not mentioned
e. Misinterpreted
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Answers to John 15 Quiz Questions
Here are the answers with explanations based on John Chapter 15 from the KJV:
Answers to John 15 Questions
Question 1: In John 15:1, how does Jesus describe Himself?
Answer: a. The true vine
Explanation: Jesus describes Himself as the true vine in John 15:1.
Question 2: According to John 15:2, what does the Father do to every branch in Jesus that does not bear fruit?
Answer: c. He takes it away
Explanation: The Father takes away every branch in Jesus that does not bear fruit, as stated in John 15:2.
Question 3: True or False: In John 15:3, Jesus tells His disciples that they are already clean because of the word He has spoken to them.
Answer: a. True
Explanation: It’s true that in John 15:3, Jesus tells His disciples they are already clean because of the word He has spoken to them.
Question 4: Fill in the blank: In John 15:4, Jesus advises His disciples to “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye __ in me.”
Answer: a. Abide
Explanation: Jesus advises His disciples to “Abide in me, and I in you…” in John 15:4.
Question 5: In John 15:5, Jesus emphasizes the importance of abiding in Him. What does He say about the one who abides in Him and He in them?
Answer: b. They will bear much fruit
Explanation: Jesus says that those who abide in Him and He in them will bear much fruit, as mentioned in John 15:5.
Question 6: According to John 15:6, what happens to the branches that do not abide in Jesus?
Answer: b. They are burned
Explanation: The branches that do not abide in Jesus are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned, as stated in John 15:6.
Question 7: Multiple Response: In John 15:7, Jesus makes a promise about prayer. What conditions does He state for prayers to be answered?
Answer: a. Abiding in Him and b. His words abiding in them
Explanation: Jesus states that if His disciples abide in Him and His words abide in them, they can ask what they wish and it will be done for them, as mentioned in John 15:7.
Question 8: In John 15:8, how does Jesus say His Father is glorified?
Answer: c. That they bear much fruit
Explanation: Jesus says His Father is glorified when His disciples bear much fruit, as noted in John 15:8.
Question 9: Negative Question: In John 15:9, Jesus speaks of the Father’s love for Him and His love for the disciples. Which of the following did He NOT say?
Answer: c. “Love one another as I have loved you.”
Explanation: In John 15:9, Jesus did not say, “Love one another as I have loved you.” He spoke of the Father’s love for Him and His love for the disciples.
Question 10: According to John 15:10, what is the condition for abiding in Jesus’ love?
Answer: a. Keeping His commandments
Explanation: The condition for abiding in Jesus’ love is keeping His commandments, as mentioned in John 15:10.
Question 11: Fill in the blank: In John 15:11, Jesus said, “These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your __ might be full.”
Answer: d. Joy
Explanation: In John 15:11, Jesus said He spoke these things so that His joy might remain in them and that their joy might be full.
Question 12: In John 15:12, what commandment does Jesus give to His disciples?
Answer: b. To love one another as He has loved them
Explanation: Jesus gives the commandment to love one another as He has loved them, as stated in John 15:12.
Question 13: True or False: In John 15:13, Jesus says, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”
Answer: a. True
Explanation: It’s true that in John 15:13, Jesus says, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”
Question 14: According to John 15:14, who does Jesus call His friends?
Answer: a. Those who do whatever He commands them
Explanation: Jesus calls those who do whatever He commands them His friends, as mentioned in John 15:14.
Question 15: In John 15:15, Jesus mentions a transition from servants to friends. What is the reason for this change?
Answer: a. Because servants do not know their master’s business
Explanation: The reason for the change from servants to friends is that servants do not know their master’s business, as Jesus explains in John 15:15.
Question 16: Multiple Response: In John 15:16, what does Jesus say about the disciples’ role and their relationship with the Father?
Answer: a. Jesus chose and appointed them, b. They should go and bear fruit, c. Their fruit should remain, and d. Whatever they ask the Father in Jesus’ name, He may give them
Explanation: Jesus says that He chose and appointed the disciples to go and bear fruit that should remain and that whatever they ask the Father in His name, He may give them, as stated in John 15:16.
Question 17: According to John 15:17, what command does Jesus reiterate to His disciples?
Answer: c. To love one another
Explanation: Jesus reiterates the command to love one another to His disciples, as mentioned in John 15:17.
Question 18: In John 15:18, Jesus warns His disciples about the world’s reaction to them. What does He say?
Answer: b. The world will hate them
Explanation: Jesus warns His disciples that the world will hate them, as noted in John 15:18.
Question 19: John 15:19 mentions a distinction between the disciples and the world. What is this distinction?
Answer: a. They are not of the world and b. They are chosen out of the world
Explanation: The distinction mentioned in John 15:19 is that the disciples are not of the world and are chosen out of the world.
Question 20: In John 15:20, what does Jesus remind the disciples about a servant’s relationship with their master?
Answer: a. A servant is not greater than his master
Explanation: Jesus reminds the disciples in John 15:20 that a servant is not greater than his master.
Question 21: Fill in the blank: In John 15:21, Jesus explains the reason for the world’s hatred, saying, “But all these things will they do unto you for my name’s sake, because they know not Him that __ me.”
Answer: a. Sent
Explanation: In John 15:21, Jesus says, “But all these things will they do unto you for my name’s sake, because they know not Him that sent me.”
Question 22: According to John 15:22, what would have been the condition of the people if Jesus had not come and spoken to them?
Answer: a. They would have no sin
Explanation: If Jesus had not come and spoken to them, they would have no sin, as stated in John 15:22.
Question 23: In John 15:23, what does Jesus say about the person who hates Him?
Answer: a. They also hate the Father
Explanation: Jesus says that anyone who hates Him also hates the Father, as mentioned in John 15:23.
Question 24: According to John 15:24, what added to the sin of those who hated Jesus and the Father?
Answer: b. The miracles that Jesus did among them
Explanation: The sin of those who hated Jesus and the Father was compounded by the miracles that Jesus did among them, as noted in John 15:24.
Question 25: True or False: In John 15:25, Jesus refers to the fulfillment of the law through the hatred they showed Him.
Answer: a. True
Explanation: It’s true that in John 15:25, Jesus refers to the fulfillment of the law through the hatred they showed Him.
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