Bible quiz on Acts chapter 17 (Acts 17 quiz)

The Ultimate Bible Quiz on Acts Chapter 17 with Answers (Acts 17 Quiz)

Welcome to our comprehensive Bible quiz on Acts chapter 17. This chapter of the Bible, rich with dramatic narratives and profound theological discourses, provides an excellent backdrop for a challenging and enlightening quiz.

Our Bible quiz on Acts chapter 17 is designed not just as a test of your knowledge but also as an engaging tool to deepen your understanding of these key New Testament chapter. As you navigate through these meticulously crafted questions, you’ll find yourself in the midst of Paul’s stirring debates in Thessalonica, Berea, and Athens.

[Related: Acts chapter 16]

So, are you ready to dive deeper into Acts chapter 17? Get ready to challenge yourself, expand your knowledge, and deepen your faith. Let’s begin the journey.

Bible Quiz on Acts Chapter 17 (Acts 17 Quiz)

Acts 17 Questions

Question 1:
In Acts 17:1, where did Paul and Silas go after passing through Amphipolis and Apollonia?
A. Philippi
B. Antioch
C. Thessalonica
D. Berea
E. Athens

Question 2:
What type of synagogue did Paul visit for three Sabbath days in Acts 17:2?
A. A Roman synagogue
B. A Samaritan synagogue
C. A Jewish synagogue
D. A Galilean synagogue
E. A Gentile synagogue

Question 3:
In Acts 17:3, what was Paul’s reasoning to the people about Christ?
A. That Christ should have ascended
B. That Christ should have performed miracles
C. That Christ should have suffered
D. That Christ should have been a king
E. That Christ should have been a priest

Question 4:
In Acts 17:4, who were persuaded and joined Paul and Silas?
A. A multitude of Jews
B. A multitude of the Greeks
C. A great number of religious leaders
D. A multitude of Roman citizens
E. A great number of the Samaritans

Question 5:
In Acts 17:5, who did the Jews take unto them?
A. Certain evil men
B. Certain noble men
C. Certain devout men
D. Certain lewd fellows
E. Certain religious leaders

Question 6:
In Acts 17:6, who were said to have turned the world upside down?
A. The Romans
B. The Jews
C. The Greeks
D. Paul and Silas
E. The disciples

Question 7:
In Acts 17:7, against whom did they all do contrary?
A. The emperor
B. The high priest
C. The Pharisees
D. The decrees of Caesar
E. The rulers of the synagogue

Question 8:
According to Acts 17:8, who was troubled when they heard these things?
A. The Jews and the Greeks
B. The people and the rulers of the city
C. The disciples
D. The Roman officials
E. The Pharisees

Question 9:
What was the name of the man that offered his house to Paul and Silas in Acts 17:9?
A. Sosthenes
B. Jason
C. Stephanas
D. Crispus
E. Gaius

Question 10:
Where did the brethren immediately send Paul and Silas by night in Acts 17:10?
A. To Athens
B. To Jerusalem
C. To Antioch
D. To Berea
E. To Thessalonica

Question 11:
In Acts 17:11, how were the Bereans more noble than those in Thessalonica?
A. They received the word with readiness of mind
B. They helped Paul and Silas escape
C. They studied the scriptures daily
D. They were wealthier
E. They had a larger synagogue

Question 12:
What did the Bereans do to confirm Paul’s teachings according to Acts 17:11?
A. They asked the high priest
B. They searched the scriptures daily
C. They prayed for divine revelation
D. They conducted a council
E. They asked the Roman governor

Question 13:
Who believed as a result of Paul’s preaching in Berea according to Acts 17:12?
A. Only the Greeks
B. Only the Jews
C. Many Jews and honorable Greek women and men
D. Only the men

Question 14:
In Acts 17:13, what did the Jews from Thessalonica do when they learned that Paul was preaching in Berea?
A. They sent a letter of protest
B. They came there causing a stir
C. They prayed for Paul’s safety
D. They ignored the news
E. They sent gifts to the Bereans

Question 15:
According to Acts 17:14, where did the brethren immediately send Paul?
A. As far as to the sea
B. To the synagogue
C. Back to Thessalonica
D. To Jerusalem
E. To the Roman governor

Question 16:
Who stayed behind in Berea when Paul was sent away in Acts 17:14?
A. Silas and Timotheus
B. Barnabas and John Mark
C. Luke and Matthew
D. Peter and John
E. James and Thomas

Question 17:
In Acts 17:15, who did those conducting Paul bring instructions to for when Silas and Timothy should come to him?
A. The Bereans
B. The Athenians
C. The Thessalonians
D. The Jews
E. The Romans

Question 18:
While Paul waited for them in Athens, what did his spirit stir within him when he saw in Acts 17:16?
A. The city wholly given to idolatry
B. The city’s wealth and prosperity
C. The city’s poverty and squalor
D. The city’s ignorance of the Gospel
E. The city’s persecution of Christians

Question 19:
In Acts 17:17, who did Paul dispute with in the synagogue and in the market daily?
A. The Jews and the devout persons
B. The Romans and the Greeks
C. The Pharisees and the Sadducees
D. The disciples and the apostles
E. The priests and the Levites

Question 20:
According to Acts 17:18, who encountered Paul and began to converse with him?
A. Certain philosophers of the Epicureans and the Stoicks
B. The Pharisees and the Sadducees
C. The rulers of the synagogue
D. The Roman officials
E. The Jewish priests

Question 21:
In Acts 17:19, where did they bring Paul to deliver his teachings?
A. The Areopagus
B. The Temple
C. The Roman forum
D. The synagogue
E. The city gates

Question 22:
Acts 17:20 makes reference to certain strange things brought to their ears. What did they want from Paul?
A. That he should stop preaching
B. That he should leave the city
C. That he should be brought to trial
D. That they might know what these things meant
E. That he should write down his teachings

Question 23:
In Acts 17:21, what did all the Athenians and strangers love to spend their time doing?
A. Praying and fasting
B. Making and worshiping idols
C. Either telling or hearing something new
D. Reading and studying the scriptures
E. Debating philosophical ideas

Question 24:
According to Acts 17:22, how did Paul perceive the people of Athens?
A. As too superstitious
B. As very wise
C. As too ignorant
D. As too worldly
E. As too proud

Question 25:
In Acts 17:23, what inscription did Paul mention he had seen on an altar?
A. To the unknown God
B. To Zeus, king of gods
C. To Apollo, the sun god
D. To Dionysus, god of wine
E. To Athena, goddess of wisdom

Question 26:
How did Paul refer to God in Acts 17:24?
A. The God who made the world and everything in it
B. The God who reigns supreme over all
C. The God who judges the world
D. The God who forgives sin
E. The God who chose Israel

Question 27:
According to Acts 17:25, does God need anything from humans?
A. Yes, He needs our faith
B. Yes, He needs our worship
C. Yes, He needs our offerings
D. No, He doesn’t need anything as He gives life to all
E. No, He doesn’t need anything but appreciates our prayers

Question 28:
In Acts 17:26, from one blood, God made all nations to dwell where?
A. In Europe
B. In Israel
C. On all the face of the earth
D. In Asia
E. In the Roman Empire

Question 29:
According to Acts 17:27, why did God create mankind?
A. So they might seek the Lord
B. So they might rule the earth
C. So they might populate the earth
D. So they might establish kingdoms
E. So they might learn from their sins

Question 30:
In Acts 17:28, Paul quotes a line from a poet. Which line is it?
A. “In him we live, and move, and have our being”
B. “For in him we find our purpose and our strength”
C. “In him we find truth and wisdom”
D. “For he is the source of life and love”
E. “In him we find peace and solace”

Question 31:
Acts 17:29 states that we should not think that the Godhead is like unto what?
A. Gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man’s device
B. The animals of the earth
C. The idols of the Greeks
D. The powers of nature
E. The kings and rulers of the earth

Question 32:
In Acts 17:30, what does God command all men everywhere to do?
A. To repent
B. To worship Him
C. To obey His commandments
D. To love their neighbor
E. To spread the gospel

Question 33:
According to Acts 17:31, by what will God judge the world?
A. By the law
B. By the prophets
C. By that man whom he hath ordained
D. By the angels
E. By the apostles

Question 34:
In Acts 17:32, what was the response of some when they heard of the resurrection of the dead?
A. They believed immediately
B. They mocked
C. They were indifferent
D. They were angry
E. They were afraid

Question 35:
Acts 17:33 records Paul’s departure from among them. Who exactly were “them”?
A. The Jews
B. The Romans
C. The Council of the Areopagus
D. The disciples
E. The citizens of Thessalonica

Question 36:
According to Acts 17:34, who joined Paul and believed in his teachings?
A. Certain men, among them Dionysius the Areopagite, and a woman named Damaris
B. Certain women, among them Lydia of Thyatira, and a man named Luke
C. Certain Greeks, among them Apollo and a woman named Priscilla
D. Certain Jews, among them Sosthenes, and a woman named Phoebe
E. Certain Romans, among them Cornelius, and a woman named Tabitha

Question 37:
In Acts 17:15, who were the people that escorted Paul to Athens?
A. Silas and Timothy
B. The Bereans
C. The Thessalonians
D. The Jews from Thessalonica
E. The Greeks

Question 38:
What did Paul observe as he walked around Athens according to Acts 17:23?
A. The city’s wealth and prosperity
B. The city’s architectural prowess
C. The city’s dedication to various idols
D. The city’s lack of faith
E. The city’s oppression of the poor

Question 39:
In Acts 17:27, what does Paul say about God’s proximity to us?
A. He is far away in the heavens
B. He is not far from every one of us
C. He is only close to those who believe
D. He is only present in the synagogue
E. He is only nearby during prayer

Question 40:
Acts 17:30 mentions that God winked at the times of this ignorance. What does this mean?
A. God ignored the ignorance of the people
B. God approved of the people’s ignorance
C. God was unaware of the people’s ignorance
D. God overlooked the people’s ignorance
E. God was amused by the people’s ignorance

Question 41:
According to Acts 17:31, who has God appointed to judge the world in righteousness?
A. The angels
B. The apostles
C. The high priest
D. The man whom he hath ordained
E. The elders of the church

Question 42:
What did Paul say was proof of the future judgment in Acts 17:31?
A. The miracles of Jesus
B. The resurrection of Jesus
C. The teachings of Jesus
D. The prophecies of the Old Testament
E. The creation of the world

Question 43:
How did the people respond when they heard about the resurrection of the dead in Acts 17:32?
A. They all believed
B. Some mocked, and others said they would hear Paul again on this matter
C. They all asked to be baptized
D. They immediately expelled Paul from the city
E. They reported Paul to the Roman authorities

Question 44:
In Acts 17:34, who were some of the people who believed and joined Paul?
A. Barnabas and John Mark
B. Aquila and Priscilla
C. Cornelius and his household
D. Dionysius the Areopagite, and a woman named Damaris
E. Lydia and her household

Question 45:
In Acts 17:23, Paul found an altar with an inscription. What did this inscription signify?
A. The Greek’s dedication to Zeus
B. The Greek’s dedication to the unknown God
C. The Greek’s dedication to multiple gods
D. The Greek’s dedication to the Roman gods
E. The Greek’s dedication to the God of Israel

Question 46:
According to Acts 17:24, where does God dwell?
A. In temples made with hands
B. In the heavens
C. Everywhere and nowhere
D. In Jerusalem
E. He does not dwell in temples made with hands

Question 47:
What does Paul say about God’s relationship with humankind in Acts 17:26?
A. God favors the Jews above all other nations
B. God has determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation
C. God has chosen the Greeks to spread His word
D. God has rejected the Romans because of their idolatry
E. God has predestined some to salvation and others to damnation

Question 48:
What philosophical group does Acts 17:18 mention that Paul encountered in Athens?
A. The Cynics and the Sophists
B. The Epicureans and the Stoicks
C. The Platonists and the Aristotelians
D. The Skeptics and the Hedonists
E. The Pythagoreans and the Empiricists

Question 49:
According to Acts 17:29, what should we not think the Godhead is like?
A. Gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man’s device
B. The sun, the moon, or the stars
C. The earthly kings and their kingdoms
D. The animals and the plants
E. The angels and the spirits

Question 50:
In Acts 17:25, what does Paul say about God’s need for service or worship from humans?
A. God requires constant worship and service
B. God is indifferent to worship and service
C. God demands sacrifices and offerings
D. God doesn’t need anything as He Himself gives life and breath to all
E. God is pleased by service but does not require it

Question 51:
According to Acts 17:27, what are humans supposed to do concerning God?
A. They might seek the Lord and perhaps feel after Him and find Him
B. They must obey His commandments without question
C. They must sacrifice to Him regularly
D. They should fear Him and His wrath
E. They should build temples in His honor

Question 52:
What is the purpose of the resurrection of Jesus, according to Acts 17:31?
A. To fulfill the prophecies of the Old Testament
B. To show that God has power over life and death
C. To provide assurance of the future judgment
D. To establish a new covenant with humanity
E. To prove that Jesus was truly the Son of God

Question 53:
In Acts 17:22, how does Paul begin his address to the men of Athens?
A. By criticizing their idolatry
B. By praising their wisdom
C. By acknowledging their religiosity
D. By challenging their philosophies
E. By introducing himself and his mission

Question 54:
According to Acts 17:28, where does Paul say our existence is rooted?
A. In the laws of nature
B. In our own efforts and achievements
C. In Him we live, and move, and have our being
D. In the wisdom of the philosophers
E. In the traditions of our ancestors

Question 55:
What does Acts 17:30 say about the times of ignorance?
A. God condemns them
B. God has overlooked them
C. God has punished them
D. God will restore them
E. God has no knowledge of them

Question 56:
According to Acts 17:26, who has determined the appointed times in history and the boundaries of the lands of people?
A. The rulers and kings
B. The forces of nature
C. The collective will of the people
D. The God who made the world and everything in it
E. The course of destiny

Question 57:
What was the reaction of the Athenians to Paul’s teaching about the resurrection in Acts 17:32?
A. They immediately accepted it
B. They vehemently rejected it
C. They responded with mixed feelings
D. They decided to debate it further
E. They were indifferent to it

Question 58:
Who were the Epicureans and Stoics that Paul encountered in Acts 17:18?
A. Sects of Judaism
B. Roman military groups
C. Greek philosophical schools
D. Groups of craftsmen
E. Political factions in Athens

Question 59:
What was the Athenians’ main pastime according to Acts 17:21?
A. Building temples
B. Engaging in trade
C. Participating in athletic games
D. Spending time in either telling or hearing something new

Question 60:
In Acts 17:15, who were the men who escorted Paul and then returned with a command for Silas and Timothy to come to him as quickly as possible?
A. The believers from Thessalonica
B. The Bereans who studied the Scriptures daily
C. The Jewish leaders who opposed him
D. The Athenian philosophers who wanted to debate with him
E. The men who conducted him were those who had escorted him to Athens

Answers to Acts Chapter 17 Quiz

Question 1: D. Berea (Acts 17:1)

Question 2: C. A Jewish synagogue (Acts 17:2)

Question 3: C. That Christ should have suffered (Acts 17:3)

Question 4: B. A multitude of the Greeks (Acts 17:4)

Question 5: A. Certain evil men (Acts 17:5)

Question 6: D. Paul and Silas (Acts 17:6)

Question 7: D. The decrees of Caesar (Acts 17:7)

Question 8: B. The people and the rulers of the city (Acts 17:8)

Question 9: B. Jason (Acts 17:9)

Question 10: D. To Berea (Acts 17:10)

Question 11: A. They received the word with readiness of mind (Acts 17:11)

Question 12: B. They searched the scriptures daily (Acts 17:11)

Question 13: C. Many Jews and honorable Greek women and men (Acts 17:12)

Question 14: B. They came there causing a stir (Acts 17:13)

Question 15: A. As far as to the sea (Acts 17:14)

Question 16: A. Silas and Timotheus (Acts 17:14)

Question 17: B. The Athenians (Acts 17:15)

Question 18: A. The city wholly given to idolatry (Acts 17:16)

Question 19: A. The Jews and the devout persons (Acts 17:17)

Question 20: A. Certain philosophers of the Epicureans and the Stoicks (Acts 17:18)

Question 21: A. The Areopagus (Acts 17:19)

Question 22: D. That they might know what these things meant (Acts 17:20)

Question 23: C. Either telling or hearing something new (Acts 17:21)

Question 24: A. As too superstitious (Acts 17:22)

Question 25: A. To the unknown God (Acts 17:23)

Question 26: A. The God who made the world and everything in it (Acts 17:24)

Question 27: D. No, He doesn’t need anything as He gives life to all (Acts 17:25)

Question 28: C. On all the face of the earth (Acts 17:26)

Question 29: A. So they might seek the Lord (Acts 17:27)

Question 30: A. “In him we live, and move, and have our being” (Acts 17:28)

Question 31: A. Gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man’s device (Acts 17:29)

Question 32: A. To repent (Acts 17:30)

Question 33: C. By that man whom he hath ordained (Acts 17:31)

Question 34: B. They mocked (Acts 17:32)

Question 35: C. The Council of the Areopagus (Acts 17:33)

Question 36: A. Certain men, among them Dionysius the Areopagite, and a woman named Damaris (Acts 17:34)

Question 37: C. The Thessalonians (Acts 17:15)

Question 38: A. The city’s wealth and prosperity (Acts 17:23)

Question 39: B. He is not far from every one of us (Acts 17:27)

Question 40: D. God overlooked the people’s ignorance (Acts 17:30)

Question 41: D. The man whom he hath ordained (Acts 17:31)

Question 42: B. The resurrection of Jesus (Acts 17:31)

Question 43: B. Some mocked, and others said they would hear Paul again on this matter (Acts 17:32)

Question 44: A. Dionysius the Areopagite, and a woman named Damaris (Acts 17:34)

Question 45: A. The Greek’s dedication to the unknown God (Acts 17:23)

Question 46: E. He does not dwell in temples made with hands (Acts 17:24)

Question 47: B. God has determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation (Acts 17:26)

Question 48: B. The Epicureans and the Stoicks (Acts 17:18)

Question 49: A. Gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man’s device (Acts 17:29)

Question 50: D. God doesn’t need anything as He Himself gives life and breath to all (Acts 17:25)

Question 51: A. They might seek the Lord and perhaps feel after Him and find Him (Acts 17:27)

Question 52: C. To provide assurance of the future judgment (Acts 17:31)

Question 53: B. By praising their wisdom (Acts 17:22)

Question 54: C. In Him we live, and move, and have our being (Acts 17:28)

Question 55: B. God has overlooked them (Acts 17:30)

Question 56: D. The God who made the world and everything in it (Acts 17:26)

Question 57: C. They responded with mixed feelings (Acts 17:32)

Question 58: C. Greek philosophical schools (Acts 17:18)

Question 59: D. Spending time in either telling or hearing something new (Acts 17:21)

Question 60: E. The men who conducted him were those who had escorted him to Athens (Acts 17:15


We trust you’ve found our Bible quiz on Acts chapter 17 to be both a challenge and a joy. These sixty questions are designed to bring Acts chapter 17 to life, illuminating the Apostle Paul’s missionary journey and his powerful discourses. Whether you answered all questions correctly or stumbled on a few, the goal is to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of these significant passages in the New Testament. Use this opportunity to revisit Acts chapter 17, reflect on its messages, and continue your journey of faith. Remember, the Bible is not just a book to be read, but a guide to be lived. Keep exploring, keep learning, and keep growing

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