If you’re searching for a challenging Bible quiz on Acts Chapter 24, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve meticulously crafted this quiz to test your knowledge, stimulate your learning, and deepen your understanding of this chapter in the Acts of the Apostles.
Our McQ questions on Acts Chapter 24 are structured to ensure a comprehensive coverage of the chapter. You’ll find questions exploring the myriad themes presented in the chapter, from Paul’s defense before Felix to the deeper insights into the early Christian community.
Are you ready? Let’s begin the Acts Chapter 24 quiz. Enjoy the journey!
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Bible Quiz on Acts Chapter 24 (Acts 24 Quiz)
Acts 24 Quiz Questions
Question 1
In Acts 24:1, after how many days did Ananias, the high priest, descend with the elders, and with a certain orator named Tertullus?
A. Three days
B. Five days
C. Seven days
D. Nine days
E. Twelve days
Question 2
Which orator accompanied Ananias and the elders to the governor in Acts 24:1?
A. Gaius
B. Tertullus
C. Sosthenes
D. Demetrius
E. Apollos
Question 3
In Acts 24:2, what did Tertullus begin to do when he was called forth?
A. He started to pray to God for mercy
B. He began to accuse Paul before the governor
C. He began to weep in the presence of everyone
D. He started to prophesy
E. He started praising the governor
Question 4
According to Acts 24:3, in what way did Tertullus describe the peace enjoyed by the nation?
A. By thy providence
B. By thy wisdom
C. By thy justice
D. By thy power
E. By thy grace
Question 5
What did Tertullus and the nation of Jews accept according to Acts 24:3?
A. The gospel of Christ
B. The peace and prosperity
C. The judgment of Felix
D. The accusations against Paul
E. In all places and with all thankfulness
Question 6
What does Tertullus suggest would be tedious in Acts 24:4?
A. To argue the case
B. To be further heard
C. To accept Paul’s doctrine
D. To hear Paul’s testimony
E. To continue the trials
Question 7
What did Tertullus accuse Paul of being in Acts 24:5?
A. A blasphemer
B. A profit of deceit
C. A pestilent fellow
D. A false prophet
E. A heretic
Question 8
According to Tertullus in Acts 24:5, what sect did Paul belong to?
A. The sect of the Pharisees
B. The sect of the Sadducees
C. The sect of the Nazarenes
D. The sect of the Essenes
E. The sect of the Galileans
Question 9
What accusation did Tertullus make against Paul regarding the temple in Acts 24:6?
A. He accused Paul of stealing from the temple
B. He accused Paul of preaching against the temple
C. He accused Paul of polluting the temple
D. He accused Paul of destroying the temple
E. He accused Paul of disrespecting the temple
Question 10
In Acts 24:7, who is referred to as “the chief captain Lysias”?
A. The governor
B. Ananias
C. Tertullus
D. Paul
E. The high priest
Question 11
According to Tertullus’ speech in Acts 24:8, by whom did he suggest that Paul should have been judged?
A. By the law of the Jews
B. By the high priest Ananias
C. By the governor
D. By the chief captain Lysias
E. By the elders
Question 12
In Acts 24:9, who also assented to Tertullus’ accusation, affirming that these things were so?
A. The Jews
B. The Gentiles
C. The disciples
D. The Pharisees
E. The Sadducees
Question 13
In Acts 24:10, when did Paul answer for himself?
A. After a few days
B. After Tertullus’ accusations
C. When the governor beckoned unto him
D. When the high priest allowed him to speak
E. After praying and fasting
Question 14
In Acts 24:10, how did Paul describe Felix’s time as judge over the nation?
A. As just
B. As corrupt
C. As long
D. As short
E. As commendable
Question 15
In Acts 24:11, Paul says that it was how many days since he went up to Jerusalem to worship?
A. Five days
B. Seven days
C. Nine days
D. Twelve days
E. Fifteen days
Question 16
What was Paul not found doing in the temple according to Acts 24:12?
A. Praying
B. Disputing with any man
C. Preaching the gospel
D. Raising a crowd
E. Collecting offerings
Question 17
According to Acts 24:13, what could the Jews not prove?
A. Paul’s testimony
B. Paul’s faith in Christ
C. The accusations whereof they now accused Paul
D. The resurrection of Jesus Christ
E. The miracles performed by Paul
Question 18
In Acts 24:14, what does Paul confess about the way which the Jews called heresy?
A. That he was misled
B. That he was the leader of the sect
C. That he worshipped the God of his fathers
D. That he had converted many Jews
E. That he was trying to change the law
Question 19
According to Acts 24:15, in what did Paul have hope towards God?
A. That there shall be a resurrection of the dead
B. That he shall be released from prison
C. That the Jews will accept Christ
D. That the temple will be rebuilt
E. That he will see Christ return in his lifetime
Question 20
What does Paul strive to have always, as stated in Acts 24:16?
A. Faith in Christ
B. A good conscience toward God, and toward men
C. Wisdom to understand the scriptures
D. Strength to endure persecution
E. Boldness to preach the gospel
Question 21
After how many years did Paul return to Jerusalem to bring alms to his nation, and offerings according to Acts 24:17?
A. Three years
B. Five years
C. Seven years
D. Nine years
E. Twelve years
Question 22
In Acts 24:18, in what state was Paul found in the temple?
A. In a state of prayer
B. Purified, neither with multitude nor with tumult
C. In a state of fasting
D. In a state of dispute with the Jews
E. In a state of preaching the gospel
Question 23
In Acts 24:19, who were absent when Paul was before the council?
A. The Jews of Asia
B. The Jews of Jerusalem
C. The high priest and the elders
D. The Romans
E. The Pharisees and Sadducees
Question 24
According to Acts 24:20, what should those who were present when Paul was before the council be able to do?
A. Accuse him
B. Defend him
C. Testify about his actions
D. Confirm his teachings
E. Explain the law
Question 25
What did Paul say about the one voice in Acts 24:21?
A. That it spoke against him
B. That it spoke the truth
C. That it cried standing among them
D. That it professed the resurrection
E. That it prophesied of Christ’s return
Question 26
According to Acts 24:22, what did Felix have a more perfect knowledge of?
A. The gospel of Christ
B. The law of Moses
C. The way of the Nazarenes
D. The plot against Paul
E. The situation in Jerusalem
Question 27
What did Felix command the centurion to do regarding Paul in Acts 24:23?
A. To keep Paul
B. To free Paul
C. To guard Paul
D. To beat Paul
E. To take Paul to Rome
Question 28
In Acts 24:24, who accompanied Felix when he came with his wife Drusilla, which was a Jewess?
A. The high priest
B. The centurion
C. Paul
D. Tertullus
E. The elders
Question 29
In Acts 24:24, what did Paul reason about?
A. His journey to Rome
B. The resurrection of the dead
C. The gospel of Christ
D. Righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come
E. The law and the prophets
Question 30
How did Felix react when Paul reasoned about righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come in Acts 24:25?
A. He was converted
B. He was afraid
C. He was angry
D. He was indifferent
E. He was confused
Question 31
What did Felix hope for that made him send for Paul often and commune with him according to Acts 24:26?
A. To learn about the gospel
B. To gain knowledge of Jewish customs
C. That Paul should give him money
D. To understand the prophecy of the scriptures
E. To be purified by Paul’s teachings
Question 32
After how many years did Porcius Festus come into Felix’ room, as mentioned in Acts 24:27?
A. One year
B. Two years
C. Three years
D. Four years
E. Five years
Question 33
What did Felix do with Paul when Porcius Festus came into his room according to Acts 24:27?
A. He set Paul free
B. He left Paul bound
C. He handed Paul over to Festus
D. He sent Paul to Rome
E. He presented Paul to the council
Question 34
Why did Felix leave Paul bound according to Acts 24:27?
A. To please the Jews
B. Because of the accusations against Paul
C. To uphold the law of Rome
D. Because he did not believe in Paul’s teachings
E. To keep Paul safe from harm
Question 35
According to Acts 24:15, who will be resurrected?
A. Only the righteous
B. Only the believers
C. Only the Jews
D. Only those who have not sinned
E. Both the just and the unjust
Question 36
In Acts 24:24, who was Drusilla?
A. A servant in Felix’s house
B. Felix’s wife
C. Paul’s sister
D. A disciple of Paul
E. A high priestess in the temple
Question 37
What did Paul believe according to the Way, as stated in Acts 24:14?
A. All things which are written in the law and in the prophets
B. The teachings of the Pharisees
C. His own interpretation of the scriptures
D. The revelations given to him by Christ
E. The traditions of his ancestors
Question 38
In Acts 24:11, why did Paul go up to Jerusalem?
A. To face his accusers
B. To preach the gospel
C. To worship
D. To dispute with the Pharisees
E. To meet with the apostles
Question 39
What did Tertullus accuse Paul of doing throughout the world in Acts 24:5?
A. Preaching the resurrection of the dead
B. Teaching against the law
C. Stirring up sedition among the Jews
D. Converting Gentiles to Judaism
E. Claiming to be the Christ
Question 40
In Acts 24:6, how did Tertullus accuse Paul of profaning the temple?
A. By preaching against the law of Moses
B. By bringing Gentiles into the temple
C. By disputing with the priests
D. By teaching the gospel in the temple
E. By performing miracles in the temple
Question 41
Who commanded Paul to be kept and gave him liberty in Acts 24:23?
A. The high priest
B. The chief captain Lysias
C. The governor Felix
D. Tertullus
E. The centurion
Question 42
What did Tertullus call Felix in Acts 24:3?
A. A just judge
B. A noble governor
C. A merciful ruler
D. A wise leader
E. A revered authority
Question 43
According to Acts 24:13, what challenge did Paul present to his accusers?
A. To prove the things they accused him of
B. To debate him on the scriptures
C. To demonstrate their understanding of the law
D. To show their faith in Christ
E. To produce witnesses against him
Question 44
How did Paul describe his worship of God in Acts 24:14?
A. According to the way which they call a sect
B. In the spirit and in truth
C. In the tradition of his fathers
D. With all his heart, soul, and mind
E. In fear and trembling
Question 45
In Acts 24:16, what did Paul claim to always strive to have?
A. A perfect understanding of the law
B. A heart full of love for all people
C. A clear vision of God’s will
D. A conscience without offense toward God and men
E. A steadfast faith in Christ
Question 46
In Acts 24:20, who did Paul suggest should be asked about his actions?
A. The Jews from Asia
B. The Jews of Jerusalem
C. The elders and the high priest
D. The council before whom he stood
E. The disciples who were with him
Question 47
In Acts 24:22, what did Felix adjourn the proceedings to wait for?
A. Paul’s witnesses
B. More information about the Way
C. The chief captain
D. A sign from God
E. The high priest’s decision
Question 48
What was Felix’s reaction to Paul’s reasoning about righteousness, self-control, and the coming judgment in Acts 24:25?
A. He believed and was baptized
B. He was angry and ordered Paul away
C. He trembled and said he would hear Paul later
D. He laughed and dismissed Paul’s words
E. He was confused and asked Paul to explain further
Question 49
What did Paul discuss when he was called to Felix in Acts 24:26?
A. His vision on the road to Damascus
B. His teachings about Christ
C. The law and the prophets
D. Righteousness, self-control, and the coming judgment
E. The customs and controversies of the Jews
Question 50
What did Felix do when Porcius Festus succeeded him according to Acts 24:27?
A. He released Paul
B. He handed over Paul to Festus
C. He left Paul in prison
D. He appealed to Rome about Paul
E. He instructed Festus about Paul’s case
Answers to Acts 24 Quiz Questions
1. B – Five days (Acts 24:1)
2. B – Tertullus (Acts 24:1)
3. B – He began to accuse Paul (Acts 24:2)
4. A – By thy providence (Acts 24:3)
5. E – In all places and with all thankfulness (Acts 24:3)
6. B – To be further heard (Acts 24:4)
7. C – A pestilent fellow (Acts 24:5)
8. C – The sect of the Nazarenes (Acts 24:5)
9. C – He accused Paul of polluting the temple (Acts 24:6)
10. D – Paul (Acts 24:7)
11. D – By the chief captain Lysias (Acts 24:8)
12. A – The Jews (Acts 24:9)
13. C – When the governor beckoned unto him (Acts 24:10)
14. C – As long (Acts 24:10)
15. A – Twelve days (Acts 24:11)
16. B – Disputing with any man (Acts 24:12)
17. C – The accusations whereof they now accused Paul (Acts 24:13)
18. C – That he worshipped the God of his fathers (Acts 24:14)
19. A – That there shall be a resurrection of the dead (Acts 24:15)
20. B – A good conscience toward God, and toward men (Acts 24:16)
21. C – Seven years (Acts 24:17)
22. B – Purified, neither with multitude nor with tumult (Acts 24:18)
23. A – The Jews of Asia (Acts 24:19)
24. A – Accuse him (Acts 24:20)
25. C – That it cried standing among them (Acts 24:21)
26. C – The way of the Nazarenes (Acts 24:22)
27. A – To keep Paul (Acts 24:23)
28. C – Paul (Acts 24:24)
29. D – Righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come (Acts 24:24)
30. B – He was afraid (Acts 24:25)
31. C – That Paul should give him money (Acts 24:26)
32. B – Two years (Acts 24:27)
33. B – He left Paul bound (Acts 24:27)
34. A – To please the Jews (Acts 24:27)
35. E – Both the just and the unjust (Acts 24:15)
36. B – Felix’s wife (Acts 24:24)
37. A – All things which are written in the law and in the prophets (Acts 24:14)
38. C – To worship (Acts 24:11)
39. C – Stirring up sedition among the Jews (Acts 24:5)
40. B – By bringing Gentiles into the temple (Acts 24:6)
41. C – The governor Felix (Acts 24:23)
42. B – A noble governor (Acts 24:3)
43. A – To prove the things they accused him of (Acts 24:13)
44. A – According to the way which they call a sect (Acts 24:14)
45. D – A conscience without offense toward God and men (Acts 24:16)
46. A – The Jews from Asia (Acts 24:20)
47. C – The chief captain (Acts 24:22)
48. C – He trembled and said he would hear Paul later (Acts 24:25)
49. D – Righteousness, self-control, and the coming judgment (Acts 24:26)
50. C – He left Paul in prison (Acts 24:27)
And there we have it – a comprehensive Bible quiz on Acts Chapter 24. We trust you found this engaging, thought-provoking, and, above all, enriching. Whether you’re looking to deepen your understanding of the scripture, revise for a Bible study group, or simply challenge your biblical knowledge, we hope our Acts 24 quiz has served its purpose. Remember, the key to mastering the scripture is consistent study and reflection. So, keep revisiting these questions and delve deeper into the Bible. Until next time, continue exploring the scriptures and growing in your spiritual journey.
God’s grace!