Bible quiz on Acts chapter 4

Bible Quiz on Acts Chapter 4 with Answers.

Welcome to our ultimate Bible quiz on Acts chapter 4! If you’re a Bible enthusiast or just someone looking to test your knowledge of this powerful chapter, you’re in for an exciting challenge. Acts Chapter 4 chronicles the boldness of Peter and John, the growing number of believers, and the early church’s communal lifestyle – all while facing threats from religious leaders.

But how well do you truly know this interesting chapter? Our carefully crafted 45-question Bible quiz on Acts chapter 4 will not only test your memory but also deepen your understanding of these powerful chapter. Each question comes with five multiple-choice options, and we’ve included detailed explanations with scripture citations to help you learn as you go.

So, are you ready to put your Acts Chapter 4 knowledge to the test? Grab your Bible (KJV version), take a deep breath, and let’s dive into this journey of discovery and spiritual growth!

[Related article: Bible Quiz on Acts Chapter 3]

Questions 1 To 45

Question 1. In Acts 4:1, who came upon Peter and John as they were speaking to the people?
a. The Sadducees
b. The Pharisees
c. The Essenes
d. The Zealots
e. The Sanhedrin

Question 2. According to Acts 4:2, what were the religious leaders particularly upset about?
a. Peter and John were preaching without permission
b. They were preaching through Jesus the resurrection from the dead
c. They were collecting money from the people
d. They were causing a disturbance in the temple
e. They were claiming to be the Messiah

Question 3. In Acts 4:3, what action did the religious leaders take against Peter and John?
a. They debated with them
b. They ignored them
c. They stopped them
d. They reported them to the Roman authorities
e. They put them in hold until the next day

Question 4. Acts 4:4 mentions the number of men who believed after Peter and John’s preaching. How many were there?
a. About 120
b. About 500
c. About 3,000
d. About 5,000
e. About 10,000

Question 5. In Acts 4:5, who gathered together in Jerusalem?
a. The believers
b. The apostles
c. Their rulers, elders, and scribes
d. The Roman soldiers
e. The Gentiles

Question 6. Who was mentioned as the high priest in Acts 4:6?
a. Caiaphas
b. Annas
c. Gamaliel
d. Zechariah
e. Annaias

Question 7. According to Acts 4:7, what question did they ask Peter and John?
a. By what authority do you speak?
b. Who gave you permission to preach here?
c. Are you followers of Jesus?
d. By what name have you done this?
e. How can you preach about the resurrection?

Question 8. In Acts 4:8, who was said to have filled Peter?
a. The Holy Spirit
b. Jesus Christ
c. The Father
d. The apostles
e. The high priest

Question 9. Acts 4:9 mentions an event where a man was healed. What was the man’s condition before the healing?
a. Blindness
b. Deafness
c. Leprosy
d. Demon possession
e. Lameness

Question 10. In Acts 4:10, Peter credits the healing to whom?
a. John
b. The Holy Spirit
c. God the Father
d. Jesus Christ
e. The faith of the healed man

Question 11. According to Acts 4:11, Jesus is referred to as what type of stone?
a. The cornerstone
b. The foundation stone
c. The stumbling stone
d. The stone rejected by the builders
e. The capstone

Question 12. Acts 4:12 states that salvation is found in whom?
a. Peter
b. John
c. The apostles
d. No other name under heaven
e. The high priest

Question 13. In Acts 4:13, what did the religious leaders perceive about Peter and John?
a. That they were educated men
b. That they were unlearned and ignorant men
c. That they were powerful men
d. That they were part of the Sanhedrin
e. That they were false prophets

Question 14. In Acts 4:14, what did the religious leaders have trouble denying?
a. The boldness of Peter and John
b. The prophecy of Jesus’ resurrection
c. The miracle that had taken place
d. The teachings of the apostles
e. The authority of the high priest

Question 15. According to Acts 4:15, where did the council send Peter and John to deliberate?
a. Outside the council chamber
b. To a separate room
c. To the prison
d. To the temple
e. To the synagogue

Question 16. In Acts 4:16, what dilemma did the religious leaders face regarding the miracle?
a. They couldn’t explain it
b. They couldn’t punish the apostles for it
c. They couldn’t deny it
d. They couldn’t replicate it
e. They couldn’t attribute it to God

Question 17. What did the religious leaders decide to do with Peter and John in Acts 4:17?
a. Release them without punishment
b. Imprison them
c. Forbid them to speak or teach in the name of Jesus
d. Send them to Rome for trial
e. Excommunicate them from the synagogue

Question 18. In Acts 4:18, what did the religious leaders specifically command Peter and John not to do?
a. Preach
b. Teach
c. Perform miracles
d. Speak or teach in the name of Jesus
e. Gather with other believers

Question 19. According to Acts 4:19, what was Peter and John’s response to the religious leaders’ command?
a. They agreed to stop speaking about Jesus
b. They asked for more time to consider their decision
c. They said they must obey God rather than men
d. They refused to answer the religious leaders
e. They questioned the religious leaders’ authority

Question 20. In Acts 4:20, what reason did Peter and John give for their inability to stop speaking about Jesus?
a. They were commanded by Jesus to preach
b. They feared divine punishment
c. They were compelled by the Holy Spirit
d. They could not help but speak the things they had seen and heard
e. They believed it was their duty as apostles

Question 21. In Acts 4:21, how did the religious leaders respond to Peter and John’s declaration?
a. They imprisoned them
b. They threatened them further
c. They let them go
d. They expelled them from the temple
e. They debated with them

Question 22. According to Acts 4:22, how old was the man on whom the miracle of healing was performed?
a. Over 20 years old
b. Over 30 years old
c. Over 40 years old
d. Over 50 years old
e. Over 60 years old

Question 23. In Acts 4:23, to whom did Peter and John go after their release?
a. Their own company
b. The temple
c. The Sanhedrin
d. The Roman authorities
e. The Gentiles

Question 24. Acts 4:24 records the believers lifting up their voice to God. What title did they use to address Him?
a. Almighty God
b. Father
c. Lord
d. King of Kings
e. Creator

Question 25. According to Acts 4:25, who was the author of the scripture the believers quoted in their prayer?
a. Moses
b. David
c. Isaiah
d. Daniel
e. Jeremiah

Question 26. In Acts 4:26, which two earthly authorities are mentioned in the believers’ prayer?
a. Herod and Pilate
b. Caesar and Herod
c. Caiaphas and Annas
d. The Pharisees and the Sadducees
e. The Romans and the Greeks

Question 27. According to Acts 4:27, who was gathered together against Jesus in Jerusalem?
a. The Gentiles and the people of Israel
b. The Pharisees and the Sadducees
c. The Romans and the Greeks
d. The religious leaders and the Roman authorities
e. The believers and the apostles

Question 28. In Acts 4:28, what did the believers say God’s hand and counsel predestinated to occur?
a. The preaching of the apostles
b. The gathering of the believers
c. The resurrection of Jesus
d. The crucifixion of Jesus
e. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit

Question 29. According to Acts 4:29, what did the believers ask God to grant them in their prayer?
a. Protection from persecution
b. Boldness to speak His Word
c. Miraculous signs and wonders
d. Wisdom and understanding
e. Unity among the believers

Question 30. In Acts 4:30, the believers asked for God to stretch out His hand to perform what two things?
a. Healings and miracles
b. Signs and wonders
c. Deliverance and protection
d. Preaching and teaching
e. Comfort and peace

Question 31. According to Acts 4:31, what happened when the believers finished praying?
a. The religious leaders arrested them
b. They spoke in tongues
c. They saw a vision of Jesus
d. The place was shaken
e. They received a prophetic message

Question 32. In Acts 4:31, after the place was shaken, what did the believers do?
a. They praised God
b. They fled the area
c. They spoke the Word of God with boldness
d. They healed the sick and performed miracles
e. They continued in prayer and worship

Question 33. According to Acts 4:32, what was the condition of the multitude of believers?
a. They were of one heart and one soul
b. They were divided by doctrine
c. They were fearful of persecution
d. They were focused on individual needs
e. They were scattered throughout the city

Question 34. In Acts 4:33, what did the apostles give witness to with great power?
a. The crucifixion of Jesus
b. The resurrection of Jesus Christ
c. The signs and wonders they performed
d. The teachings of Jesus
e. The prophecies about the Messiah

Question 35. In Acts 4:35, what did the believers do with the proceeds from selling their possessions and goods?
a. They kept it for themselves
b. They gave it to the apostles
c. They distributed it to the poor
d. They used it to build a new church
e. They donated it to the temple

Question 36. According to Acts 4:36, who was also called Barnabas by the apostles?
a. Joses
b. Silas
c. Ananias
d. Matthias
e. Timothy

Question 37. In Acts 4:36, what was the meaning of the name Barnabas?
a. Son of consolation
b. Son of righteousness
c. Son of faith
d. Son of wisdom
e. Son of courage

Question 38. What was Barnabas’ tribe according to Acts 4:36?
a. Judah
b. Benjamite
c. Simeonite
d. Levite
e. Ephraimite

Question 39. In Acts 4:37, what did Barnabas do with the money he received from selling his land?
a. He kept it for himself
b. He gave it to the apostles
c. He distributed it to the poor
d. He used it to build a new church
e. He donated it to the temple

Question 40. According to Acts 4:37, where was the land that Barnabas sold located?
a. In Jerusalem
b. In Galilee
c. In Samaria
d. In Judea
e. In Cyprus

Question 41. What was the purpose of Barnabas’ actions in Acts 4:37?
a. To gain favor with the apostles
b. To demonstrate his commitment to the early church
c. To show off his wealth
d. To fulfill a vow he made to God
e. To make a statement against materialism

Question 42. In Acts 4, how did the religious leaders try to suppress the message of Jesus?
a. By arresting Peter and John
b. By forbidding them to speak or teach in the name of Jesus
c. By threatening them with further punishment
d. By trying to discredit their miracles
e. By all of the above

Question 43. What was the primary message that Peter and John preached in Acts 4?
a. The teachings of Jesus
b. The resurrection of Jesus Christ
c. The coming kingdom of God
d. The importance of faith in God
e. The need for repentance

Question 44. What was the result of the believers’ prayer for boldness in Acts 4?
a. The place where they were gathered was shaken
b. They were filled with the Holy Spirit
c. They spoke the Word of God with boldness
d. They performed signs and wonders
e. All of the above

Question 45. In Acts 4, what was the significance of the religious leaders’ inability to deny the miracle performed by Peter and John?
a. It showed that God’s power was greater than their authority
b. It demonstrated the truth of the apostles’ message
c. It revealed the religious leaders’ hypocrisy
d. It validated the faith of the early believers
e. All of the above

Answers To Questions 1 To 45

1: Answer – a. The Sadducees
Explanation: The Sadducees, along with the priests and the captain of the temple, came upon Peter and John as they were speaking to the people (Acts 4:1).

2: Answer – b. They were preaching through Jesus the resurrection from the dead
Explanation: According to Acts 4:2, the religious leaders were particularly upset because Peter and John were preaching through Jesus the resurrection from the dead.

3: Answer – e. They put them in hold until the next day
Explanation: As per Acts 4:3, the religious leaders put Peter and John in hold until the next day.

4: Answer – d. About 5,000
Explanation: As mentioned in Acts 4:4, the number of men who believed after Peter and John’s preaching was about 5,000.

5: Answer – c. Their rulers, elders, and scribes
Explanation: Acts 4:5 mentions that their rulers, elders, and scribes, along with Annas the high priest, Caiaphas, John, and Alexander, and as many as were of the kindred of the high priest, gathered together in Jerusalem.

6: Answer – b. Annas
Explanation: Acts 4:6 names Annas as the high priest at the time of Peter and John’s trial.

7: Answer – d. By what name have you done this?
Explanation: The religious leaders asked Peter and John, “By what name have you done this?” (Acts 4:7)

8: Answer – a. The Holy Spirit
Explanation: Acts 4:8 specifies that Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit when he answered the religious leaders.

9: Answer – e. Lame from birth
Explanation: According to Acts 4:9, the man who was healed had been lame from his mother’s womb.

10: Answer – d. Jesus Christ
Explanation: In Acts 4:10, Peter credits the healing of the lame man to the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

11: Answer – d. The stone rejected by the builders
Explanation: Acts 4:11 refers to Jesus as the stone which was rejected by the builders, which is become the head of the corner.

12: Answer – d. No other name under heaven
Explanation: Acts 4:12 states that salvation is found in no other name under heaven, specifying the name of Jesus Christ.

13: Answer – b. That they were unlearned and ignorant men
Explanation: In Acts 4:13, the religious leaders perceived Peter and John as unlearned and ignorant men, yet they marveled at their boldness and acknowledged that they had been with Jesus.

14: Answer – c. The miracle that had taken place
Explanation: As per Acts 4:14, the religious leaders found themselves unable to deny the miracle as the man who had been healed was standing with them.

15: Answer – a. Outside the council chamber
Explanation: According to Acts 4:15, the council decided to confer among themselves, indicating that Peter and John were sent outside the council chamber.

16: Answer – c. They couldn’t deny it
Explanation: The religious leaders were faced with a dilemma in Acts 4:16. They couldn’t deny the miracle that had occurred because it was known to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

17: Answer – c. Forbid them to speak or teach in the name of Jesus
Explanation: In Acts 4:17, the religious leaders decided to threaten Peter and John, commanding them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus.

18: Answer – d. Speak or teach in the name of Jesus
Explanation: According to Acts 4:18, the religious leaders specifically commanded Peter and John not to speak or teach in the name of Jesus.

19: Answer – c. They said they must obey God rather than men
Explanation: As per Acts 4:19, Peter and John responded to the religious leaders’ command by saying, “Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye.”

20: Answer – d. They could not help but speak the things they had seen and heard
Explanation: In Acts 4:20, Peter and John explained their inability to stop speaking about Jesus by saying, “For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.”

21: Answer – c. They let them go
Explanation: In Acts 4:21, the religious leaders let them go, finding nothing how they might punish them, because of the people.

22: Answer – c. Over 40 years old
Explanation: According to Acts 4:22, the man who was healed was over forty years old.

23: Answer – a. Their own company
Explanation: As per Acts 4:23, after their release, Peter and John went to their own company and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said to them.

24: Answer – c. Lord
Explanation: In Acts 4:24, the believers lifted their voice to God with one accord and said, “Lord, thou art God, which hast made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all that in them is.”

25: Answer – b. David
Explanation: According to Acts 4:25, the scripture the believers quoted in their prayer was authored by David.

26: Answer – a. Herod and Pilate
Explanation: In Acts 4:26, the believers mentioned Herod and Pilate in their prayer, noting how they gathered together against the Lord and against his Christ.

27: Answer – a. The Gentiles and the people of Israel
Explanation: Acts 4:27 states that in Jerusalem, both the Gentiles and the people of Israel gathered together against Jesus.

28: Answer – d. The crucifixion of Jesus
Explanation: In Acts 4:28, the believers proclaimed that God’s hand and counsel had predestinated the crucifixion of Jesus to occur.

29: Answer – b. Boldness to speak His Word
Explanation: As per Acts 4:29, the believers asked God to grant them boldness to speak His Word in the face of threats and persecution.

30: Answer – b. Signs and wonders
Explanation: According to Acts 4:30, the believers asked God to stretch out His hand to perform signs and wonders through the name of His holy child Jesus.

31: Answer – d. The place was shaken
Explanation: In Acts 4:31, when the believers had finished praying, the place where they were assembled together was shaken.

32: Answer – c. They spoke the Word
Explanation: After the place was shaken, the believers were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the Word of God with boldness (Acts 4:31).

33: Answer – a. They were of one heart and one soul
Explanation: Acts 4:32 describes the early Christian community as being of “one heart and one soul,” highlighting their unity and shared commitment to the teachings of Jesus.

34: Answer – b. The resurrection of Jesus Christ
Explanation: In Acts 4:33, it’s stated that “With great power, the apostles were giving their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.” Therefore, the apostles were primarily bearing witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

35: Answer – b. They gave it to the apostles
Explanation: In Acts 4:35, it is mentioned that the believers laid the proceeds from selling their possessions and goods at the apostles’ feet, which means they gave it to the apostles.

36: Answer – a. Joses
Explanation: As per Acts 4:36, the apostles also called Joses by the name Barnabas.

37: Answer – a. Son of consolation
Explanation: According to Acts 4:36, Barnabas means “Son of consolation.”

Question 38: Answer – d. Levite
Explanation: Acts 4:36 describes Barnabas as a Levite, which refers to his lineage from the tribe of Levi, one of the twelve tribes of Israel.

39: Answer – b. He gave it to the apostles
Explanation: In Acts 4:37, Barnabas sold a field that he owned, brought the money, and laid it at the apostles’ feet, meaning he gave it to the apostles.

40: Answer – e. In Cyprus
Explanation: In Acts 4:36, it is mentioned that Barnabas was a native of Cyprus. Though the text does not specifically state where the land was, it is often inferred that it might have been in Cyprus, given Barnabas’ connection to the place.

41: Answer – b. To demonstrate his commitment to the early church
Explanation: While the Bible does not explicitly state Barnabas’ motivations, his act of selling his land and giving the money to the apostles aligns with the overall context of Acts 4, showing the believers’ commitment to the early church and their practice of sharing everything they had.

42: Answer – e. By all of the above
Explanation: In Acts 4, the religious leaders tried to suppress the message of Jesus through all of the methods mentioned, including arresting Peter and John, forbidding them from speaking in Jesus’ name, threatening them with further punishment, and trying to discredit their miracles.

43: Answer – b. The resurrection of Jesus Christ
Explanation: The primary message that Peter and John preached in Acts 4 was the resurrection of Jesus Christ, asserting that Jesus was the cornerstone of salvation.

44: Answer – e. All of the above
Explanation: In response to the believers’ prayer for boldness in Acts 4, the place where they were gathered was shaken, they were filled with the Holy Spirit, they spoke the Word of God with boldness, and they performed signs and wonders.

45: Answer – e. All of the above
Explanation: The religious leaders’ inability to deny the miracle performed by Peter and John in Acts 4 demonstrated God’s power, confirmed the truth of the apostles’ message, revealed the religious leaders’ hypocrisy, and validated the faith of the early believers.


Having gone through the above 45-question Bible quiz on Acts chapter 4, I hope you really enjoyed it and I believe it also deepened your understanding of the chapter.

[Related article: Bible quiz on Acts chapter 5]

Do well to test yourself also on other passages of the scripture and don’t forget to share to your friends and loved ones.

May God’s grace be with you!

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