Bible quiz on Acts chapter 9

In-Depth Bible Quiz on Acts Chapter 9 with Answers (Acts 9 quiz)

Welcome to this enlightening Bible study exercise! In this post, we delve into the rich tapestry of the Acts of the Apostles, focusing specifically on Chapter 9. This chapter marks an important point in the New Testament, featuring the dramatic conversion of Saul and the powerful deeds of Peter. Through a series of fifty carefully curated questions, we will explore the depth and breadth of this powerful chapter. Whether you’re a Bible scholar, a devout believer seeking to deepen your understanding, or simply someone intrigued by the stories that have shaped civilizations, this Bible quiz on Acts Chapter 9 offers a unique journey into the heart of the Scriptures.

[Related: In-Depth Bible Quiz on Acts Chapter 8 with Answers (Acts 8 quiz)]

Questions to 1 to 50

Question 1: Who was Saul breathing out threatenings and slaughter against in the beginning of Acts Chapter 9?

A. The disciples of the Lord  

B. The Roman Empire  

C. The Sanhedrin  

D. The Gentiles  

E. The Pharisees

Question 2: Where was Saul heading when he had his dramatic encounter with Jesus?

A. Jerusalem  

B. Damascus  

C. Galilee  

D. Rome  

E. Corinth

Question 3: What did Saul see on the road to Damascus?

A. A cross  

B. A great light  

C. An angel  

D. A vision of the future  

E. A burning bush

Question 4: What happened to Saul’s companions during his encounter with Jesus?

A. They saw the light but didn’t hear the voice  

B. They heard the voice but didn’t see the light  

C. They fled in fear  

D. They were blinded as well  

E. They didn’t witness anything

Question 5: After his encounter with Jesus, what happened to Saul?

A. He became blind  

B. He became deaf  

C. He became mute  

D. He became paralyzed  

E. He lost his memory

Question 6: Who was instructed by the Lord in a vision to find Saul?

A. Peter  

B. James  

C. Ananias  

D. Barnabas  

E. Stephen

Question 7: How did Ananias initially react to the Lord’s command to seek out Saul?

A. He immediately obeyed  

B. He expressed fear and doubt  

C. He refused and ran away  

D. He questioned the Lord’s wisdom  

E. He asked for a sign

Question 8: What did the Lord say Saul was chosen to do?

A. To bring His name before the Gentiles  

B. To bring His name before the Pharisees  

C. To bring His name before the Jews  

D. To bring His name before the Sanhedrin  

E. To bring His name before the Romans

Question 9: What did Ananias do when he found Saul?

A. He healed him of his blindness  

B. He scolded him for his past actions  

C. He baptized him immediately  

D. He took him to the apostles  

E. He shared a meal with him

Question 10: After Saul had received his sight, what did he do immediately?

A. He ate and drank  

B. He preached Christ in the synagogues  

C. He left for Jerusalem  

D. He returned to his home  

E. He went into seclusion to pray

Question 11: What was the name of the street where Saul was staying in Damascus?

A. Straight Street

B. Broad Street

C. Narrow Street

D. Market Street

E. Damascus Street

Question 12: Who did the Lord say would suffer for His name’s sake?

A. Ananias

B. Saul

C. The disciples

D. The Jews

E. The Gentiles

Question 13: What specifically did Saul’s sight-restoring miracle involve?

A. His eyes were opened

B. He was touched by Ananias

C. He was baptized

D. Scales fell from his eyes

E. He saw a vision of Jesus

Question 14: How did the Jews in Damascus react to Saul’s preaching?

A. They were confused

B. They were overjoyed

C. They plotted to kill him

D. They converted in large numbers

E. They ignored him

Question 15: How did Saul escape from those who plotted to kill him in Damascus?

A. He fought his way out

B. He disguised himself

C. He was lowered in a basket through the city wall

D. He was protected by Roman soldiers

E. He was hidden by his followers

Question 16: When Saul went to Jerusalem after his conversion, who was the only apostle who initially trusted him?

A. Peter

B. James

C. John

D. Matthew

E. Barnabas

Question 17: In Jerusalem, what did Saul do that caused the Grecians to plot to kill him?

A. He criticized their philosophy

B. He preached boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus

C. He challenged their religious leaders

D. He caused a riot

E. He converted many of their followers

Question 18: Where did the brethren bring Saul for his safety after they learned of the plot to kill him?

A. Damascus

B. Antioch

C. Galilee

D. Caesarea

E. Tarsus

Question 19: Who was healed from paralysis and had been bedridden for eight years?

A. Simon

B. Ananias

C. Aeneas

D. The lame man

E. Barnabas

Question 20: In Joppa, who died and was raised from the dead by Peter?

A. Tabitha

B. Ananias

C. Lydia

D. Mary

E. Priscilla

Question 21: In Saul’s encounter with the Lord, what was the specific question Jesus asked him?

A. Why persecutest thou me?

B. Why are you on this road?

C. Why do you not believe?

D. Why are you against my disciples?

E. Why have you fallen to the ground?

Question 22: When Ananias addressed Saul, what title did he use?

A. Brother

B. Sir

C. Saul

D. Persecutor

E. Chosen One

Question 23: After being healed, Saul spent several days with whom in Damascus?

A. The disciples

B. Ananias

C. The Pharisees

D. The Jews

E. The Gentiles

Question 24: When Saul was preaching in the synagogues, what was his main argument about Jesus?

A. That He was the Son of God

B. That He was a prophet

C. That He was crucified

D. That He was resurrected

E. That He was born of a virgin

Question 25: How did the followers of Saul help him escape the city of Damascus?

A. They bribed the city guards

B. They created a diversion

C. They smuggled him out in a cart

D. They dug a tunnel

E. They let him down by the wall in a basket

Question 26: What is the alternative name for Dorcas?

A. Lydia

B. Martha

C. Tabitha

D. Mary

E. Salome

Question 27: Which disciple did Saul attempt to join in Jerusalem?

A. The disciples of John the Baptist

B. The disciples of Jesus

C. The disciples of Ananias

D. The disciples of Peter

E. The disciples of Barnabas

Question 28: How did the disciples react when Saul attempted to join them?

A. They embraced him

B. They were all afraid of him

C. They welcomed him with open arms

D. They questioned his conversion

E. They ignored him

Question 29: What was the reaction of the church throughout all Judaea, Galilee, and Samaria when they had peace and were edified?

A. They continued in the fear of the Lord

B. They increased in number

C. They were filled with joy

D. They praised God

E. They started evangelizing

Question 30: Who did Peter find in Lydda?

A. A bedridden man named Aeneas

B. A woman named Tabitha

C. A group of believers praying

D. A man named Simon, a tanner

E. A group of Jews discussing Jesus.

Question 31: What was the profession of Simon, with whom Peter lodged in Joppa?

A. A tanner

B. A fisherman

C. A tentmaker

D. A blacksmith

E. A carpenter

Question 32: What did Saul argue in the synagogues that confounded the Jews in Damascus?

A. That Jesus was the Son of God

B. That Jesus was a prophet

C. That Jesus was the promised Messiah

D. That the law was fulfilled in Jesus

E. That the kingdom of God had come

Question 33: How long did Saul stay with the disciples in Damascus after his conversion?

A. Several days

B. A week

C. A month

D. A year

E. Three years

Question 34: After Saul’s conversion, what was the reaction of the people when they heard him preach in the synagogues?

A. They were amazed

B. They rejoiced

C. They were angry

D. They were confused

E. They dismissed him

Question 35: Who did Saul meet first when he arrived in Jerusalem?

A. The apostles

B. The disciples

C. Ananias

D. Barnabas

E. Peter

Question 36: What did Saul do that provoked the Grecians to take counsel to slay him?

A. He disputed with them

B. He converted many of their followers

C. He rebuked them openly

D. He preached Jesus in their synagogues

E. He spoke ill of their gods

Question 37: To where was Saul sent after the Grecians plotted to kill him?

A. Tarsus

B. Antioch

C. Damascus

D. Caesarea

E. Jerusalem

Question 38: Who did Peter heal in Lydda, causing all that saw him to turn to the Lord?

A. Aeneas

B. Simon

C. Tabitha

D. Ananias

E. Saul

Question 39: In Joppa, what did Tabitha excel in doing?

A. Preaching

B. Praying

C. Healing

D. Good works and almsdeeds

E. Prophecying

Question 40: Who was summoned to Joppa after the death of Tabitha?

A. Saul

B. Ananias

C. Barnabas

D. Peter

E. Aeneas

Question 41: What time of day did Saul have his encounter with the Lord on the road to Damascus?

A. Morning

B. Noon

C. Afternoon

D. Evening

E. Midnight

Question 42: When Ananias was hesitant to meet Saul, how did the Lord describe Saul’s future suffering?

A. Saul will suffer many things

B. Saul will suffer as he made others suffer

C. Saul will suffer for my name’s sake

D. Saul will suffer, but I will be with him

E. Saul will suffer, but he will not be harmed

Question 43: What was Saul’s condition when Ananias arrived at the house on Straight Street?

A. Saul was praying

B. Saul was sleeping

C. Saul was fasting

D. Saul was reading scripture

E. Saul was weeping

Question 44: When Saul was preaching in Damascus after his conversion, who was he proving is the Christ?

A. Jesus of Nazareth

B. Jesus the son of Mary

C. Jesus the Galilean

D. Jesus the son of God

E. Jesus the Messiah

Question 45: When Saul escaped from Damascus, how did he get past the watchmen at the gates?

A. He was disguised as a merchant

B. He climbed over the wall

C. He was lowered in a basket through an opening in the wall

D. He bribed the watchmen

E. He walked out boldly, unnoticed

Question 46: What made the disciples in Jerusalem finally accept Saul?

A. Saul proved his faith through miracles

B. Saul was introduced by Barnabas

C. Saul showed them his scars from previous persecutions

D. Saul revealed his divine encounter on the road to Damascus

E. Saul recited scripture flawlessly

Question 47: How did Saul leave Jerusalem after the plot against his life was discovered?

A. He was smuggled out at night

B. He left openly in the day

C. He was escorted by Roman soldiers

D. He was taken by ship

E. He left on horseback

Question 48: Who was the first to receive Peter’s ministry after the healing of Aeneas?

A. The disciples in Lydda

B. The people of Joppa

C. The Jews of Jerusalem

D. The Gentiles in Caesarea

E. The widows mourning Tabitha

Question 49: What was the state of the Church after Saul went to Tarsus?

A. They were scattered due to persecution

B. They were in peace, being edified and walking in the fear of the Lord

C. They were growing rapidly in numbers

D. They were suffering from internal disputes

E. They were preparing for an impending famine

Question 50: How was Peter received when he arrived in Joppa after Tabitha’s death?

A. He was greeted with great mourning

B. He was welcomed with joy

C. He was shown the coats and garments Tabitha had made

D. He was asked to leave

E. He was ignored

Answers to Questions 1 to 50

Question 1: Answer: A. The disciples of the Lord. (Acts 9:1)

Question 2: Answer: B. Damascus. (Acts 9:2)

Question 3: Answer: B. A great light. (Acts 9:3)

Question 4: Answer: B. They heard the voice but didn’t see the light. (Acts 9:7)

Question 5: Answer: A. He became blind. (Acts 9:8)

Question 6: Answer: C. Ananias. (Acts 9:10)

Question 7: Answer: B. He expressed fear and doubt. (Acts 9:13-14)

Question 8: Answer: A. To bring His name before the Gentiles. (Acts 9:15)

Question 9: Answer: A. He healed him of his blindness. (Acts 9:17)

Question 10: Answer: B. He preached Christ in the synagogues. (Acts 9:20)

Question 11: Answer: A. Straight Street. (Acts 9:11)

Question 12: Answer: B. Saul. (Acts 9:16)

Question 13: Answer: D. Scales fell from his eyes. (Acts 9:18)

Question 14: Answer: C. They plotted to kill him. (Acts 9:23)

Question 15: Answer: C. He was lowered in a basket through the city wall. (Acts 9:25)

Question 16: Answer: E. Barnabas. (Acts 9:27)

Question 17: Answer: B. He preached boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus. (Acts 9:29)

Question 18: Answer: E. Tarsus. (Acts 9:30)

Question 19: Answer: C. Aeneas. (Acts 9:33)

Question 20: Answer: A. Tabitha. (Acts 9:36)

Question 21: Answer: A. Why persecutest thou me? (Acts 9:4)

Question 22: Answer: A. Brother. (Acts 9:17)

Question 23: Answer: A. The disciples. (Acts 9:19)

Question 24: Answer: A. That He was the Son of God. (Acts 9:20)

Question 25: Answer: E. They let him down by the wall in a basket. (Acts 9:25)

Question 26: Answer: C. Tabitha. (Acts 9:36)

Question 27: Answer: B. The disciples of Jesus. (Acts 9:26)

Question 28: Answer: B. They were all afraid of him. (Acts 9:26)

Question 29: Answer: A. They continued in the fear of the Lord. (Acts 9:31)

Question 30: Answer: A. A bedridden man named Aeneas. (Acts 9:33)

Question 31: Answer: A. A tanner. (Acts 9:43)

Question 32: Answer: A. That Jesus was the Son of God. (Acts 9:22)

Question 33: Answer: A. Several days. (Acts 9:19)

Question 34: Answer: A. They were amazed. (Acts 9:21)

Question 35: Answer: D. Barnabas. (Acts 9:27)

Question 36: Answer: A. He disputed with them. (Acts 9:29)

Question 37: Answer: A. Tarsus – Refer to Acts 9:30

Question 38: Answer: A. Aeneas – Refer to Acts 9:33-35

Question 39: Answer: D. Good works and almsdeeds – Refer to Acts 9:36

Question 40: Answer: D. Peter – Refer to Acts 9:38

Question 41: Answer: B. Noon – Refer to Acts 9:9

Question 42: Answer: C. Saul will suffer for my name’s sake – Refer to Acts 9:16

Question 43: Answer: A. Saul was praying – Refer to Acts 9:11

Question 44: Answer: E. Jesus the Messiah – Refer to Acts 9:22

Question 45: Answer: C. He was lowered in a basket through an opening in the wall – Refer to Acts 9:25

Question 46: Answer: B. Saul was introduced by Barnabas – Refer to Acts 9:27

Question 47: Answer: A. He was smuggled out at night – Refer to Acts 9:25

Question 48: Answer: B. The people of Joppa – Refer to Acts 9:42

Question 49: Answer: B. They were in peace, being edified and walking in the fear of the Lord – Refer to Acts 9:31

Question 50: Answer: C. He was shown the coats and garments Tabitha had made – Refer to Acts 9:39


We hope this in-depth Bible quiz on Acts Chapter 8 have enriched your understanding and appreciation of these events in the New Testament. As we’ve journeyed through Saul’s dramatic transformation and Peter’s acts of faith, we’ve delved into not just the events, but the profound spiritual truths that they embody. We trust that these questions have challenged you, enlightened you, and perhaps even inspired you to delve deeper into the Bible’s endless well of wisdom. Remember, the journey of understanding the Bible is a continuous one, offering new insights and revelations with each reading. 

God’s grace! 

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