Lessons from Acts 5

14 Inspiring Lessons from Acts 5: Applying Acts 5 to Your Daily Life

In the vast ocean of wisdom that is the Bible, the Book of Acts stands as a beacon, guiding us through the early days of the Christian church. Among its many chapters, Acts 5 shines brightly, offering timeless lessons that can profoundly impact our daily lives. In this article, we’ll delve into these “Lessons from Acts 5,” exploring their depth and discovering how we can apply them in our daily lives as Christians.

Test your knowledge of this chapter with this In-Depth Bible Quiz on Acts Chapter 5 with Answers.

14 Lessons from Acts 5

Lesson 1: The Danger of Being Privy to Evil

Acts 5:2 and Acts 5:8-9 tell us that both Ananias and Sapphira were involved in their sin. The scriptures says, “his wife also being privy to it…”. This is a clear example of being privy to evil, which Romans 1:32 warns us against. It’s not just the person who commits a sin who is guilty, but also those who approve and support it.

This lesson is a powerful reminder for us in our daily lives. We must be careful not only to avoid committing sins ourselves, but also to avoid supporting or condoning sinful actions in others. This can be challenging, especially when the people involved are close to us. But as followers of Christ, we are called to stand for truth and righteousness, even when it’s difficult. By doing so, we can help to create a culture of integrity and accountability in our communities.

Lesson 2: The Consequences of Partial Obedience

Ananias’s action in Acts 5:2 provides a stark example of partial obedience. He and his wife sold their property and gave part of the money to the apostles, but they kept some for themselves. While it might seem like they were still being generous, their action was actually a form of disobedience because they lied about the amount they received from the sale.

This story teaches us that partial obedience is equivalent to absolute disobedience in God’s eyes. In our daily lives, we might be tempted to obey God halfway, picking and choosing the commands we want to follow. But this story reminds us that God values complete obedience. Whether it’s being honest in our business dealings, loving our neighbors, or serving in our communities, we are called to fully obey God’s commands, not just the ones that are convenient for us.

Lesson 3: The Importance of Giving the Devil No Chance

Acts 5:3 provides a sobering example of what can happen when we allow the devil to influence our actions. In this verse, Peter tells Ananias that Satan has filled his heart, leading him to lie to the Holy Spirit. This incident echoes a similar situation in John 13:2, where it is mentioned that the devil had already prompted Judas Iscariot to betray Jesus. Both instances serve as stark reminders of the destructive influence the devil can have when given an opportunity.

In our daily lives, we might encounter situations where we are tempted to compromise our integrity, be it through dishonesty, selfishness, or other forms of wrongdoing. These actions, while they may seem insignificant at the time, can provide the devil with a foothold in our lives, as warned in Ephesians 4:27.

The lesson from Acts 5, reinforced by the example of Judas in John 13:2, underscores the importance of vigilance and guidance of our heart diligently. We are encouraged to resist the devil’s attempts to sway us from the path of righteousness.

Lesson 4: The Danger of Harbouring Sin

Acts 5:4 provides a clear warning about the danger of harbouring sin in our lives. Peter asked Ananias, “why has though conceived this thing in thine heart?”

In our daily lives, we might be tempted to harbour small sins, thinking they are harmless. But this story reminds us that even small sins can have big consequences. Harbouring sin can lead us down a slippery slope, distancing us from God and leading us into more significant wrongdoing.

Read: Uncovering the Truths About Sin: Insights You Can’t Afford to Miss.

Lesson 5: The Seriousness of Lying to God

In Acts 5:4, Ananias and Sapphira lied not just to the apostles, but to God Himself. This act of deceit resulted in severe consequences, demonstrating the seriousness of lying to the Holy spirit. It might seem impossible to lie to an all-knowing God, but when we are dishonest in our actions or fail to live up to our commitments, we are essentially being untruthful to God.

This lesson is a powerful reminder for us in our daily lives. Honesty and integrity should be the cornerstones of our character as followers of Christ. When we make a promise, we should keep it. When we are entrusted with a task, we should carry it out faithfully. By living truthfully in all aspects of our lives, we honor God and reflect His truth to those around us.

Lesson 6: The Danger of Ignorance

Acts 5:7 presents a poignant lesson about Sapphira, who, due to her ignorance of her husband’s death, ended up sharing in his grim fate. If Sapphira had been aware of the truth, she might have chosen a different path.

This lesson is a call to be aware of the teachings and lessons from the Bible. The Bible is rich with stories of people’s experiences with God, their triumphs, and their failures. By studying these stories, we can learn valuable lessons that can guide our actions and decisions.

However, Sapphira’s story shows us what can happen when we don’t learn from the past. Her ignorance of the truth or event led to her downfall. This serves as a stark reminder for us to not repeat the mistakes of the past. We need to learn from the experiences of others and use that knowledge to guide our actions.

So, we must ask ourselves: Are we making an effort to learn from the past? Are we studying the Word of God and applying its lessons in our lives? Since Judas failed by transgression, wouldn’t you like not fail?

Lesson 7: The True Gain of Profitable Sin

Ananias and Sapphira thought they could get away with keeping some of the money for themselves. They believed they could profit from their sin. But they were wrong. Their lie led to their deaths, a harsh reminder of the wages of sin. This story echoes the downfalls of Adam in the Garden of Eden and Achan in the land. They, too, thought they could profit from sin, but it led to their undoing.

This lesson serves as a warning for us. It’s easy to be tempted by the potential gains of sin. We might think we can lie a little, cheat a little, and still come out ahead. But the truth is, sin always costs more than we expect. It separates us from God and leads to spiritual death. So, we need to ask ourselves: What are we tempted to gain at the expense of our souls? And is it worth the cost?

Read: What sins are we susceptible to regularly committing?

Lesson 8: God is Still Adding

In Acts 5:14, we see a powerful truth – despite all the challenges, the Lord was adding to the church every day. People were coming to know Jesus, and the community of believers was growing. This happened even though the apostles were facing threats and persecution.

This lesson is a source of great encouragement for us. It reminds us that God is still at work, even when we face difficulties. He is still drawing people to Himself. This should inspire us to keep praying for our loved ones who don’t know Jesus yet. We should believe that they, too, can be added to God’s family. So, are we hopeful and persistent in our prayers for others?

Lesson 9: God’s Wonders Through the Insignificant

In verse 15 of Acts 5, we read about something amazing. People were bringing the sick into the streets, hoping that Peter’s shadow might fall on them and they would be healed. Peter’s shadow – something so ordinary and insignificant – was used by God to perform miracles.

This lesson shows us that God can use anything, even the things we consider insignificant, to do great things. It encourages us to believe that God can use us, too, in ways we can’t even imagine. We just need to be willing and available for Him to work through us. So, are we open to God using us in unexpected ways?

Lesson 10: Everyone Can Be Healed

Acts 5:16 brings us a message of hope. It tells us that everyone brought to the apostles was healed. Everyone. This means that no matter the sickness, no matter the condition, healing was possible. This wasn’t just physical healing, but spiritual healing as well. The apostles were able to drive out evil spirits, bringing peace and wholeness to those who were troubled.

This lesson is a reminder for us that healing is available for everyone, including us and our loved ones. No matter what we’re going through, God’s healing power is available to us. We just need to reach out in faith and receive it. So, are we reaching out in faith for our healing?

Lesson 11: Fear of People vs Fear of God

In Acts 5:26,29,39, we see a contrast between the fear of people and the fear of God. The captain with the officers were afraid of the people, lest they should have been stoned. They were worried about how the people would react, what they would think. But the apostles, they feared God. They respected Him and wanted to obey Him more than they feared the consequences from people or leaders.

This lesson teaches us to have the right kind of fear. Not a fear that paralyzes us or makes us afraid of what others might think or do, but a fear that respects and honors God. Sometimes, we sin secretly because we fear that men would see us without considering the fear of Him that sees and knows all things. One who indulges in secret sins fear man more than God.

Let’s cultivate the right fear. A fear that drives us to obey Him, no matter what. So, whose approval are we seeking – God’s or man’s?

Lesson 12: Is Your City Saturated?

In Acts 5:28,42, we see the apostles’ dedication to spreading the gospel. They didn’t stop teaching and preaching about Jesus. They were determined to saturate their city with the Good News. Despite the threats and the persecution, they kept on sharing the message of Jesus’ love and salvation.

This lesson challenges us to consider our own commitment to sharing the gospel. Are we doing our part to saturate our city, our community, our circle of influence with the Good News? Are we sharing the love of Jesus with the people around us? Are we letting our light shine so others can see Jesus in us?

Lesson 13: Rejoicing in Persecution

In Acts 5:41, we see a surprising reaction from the apostles. They had been arrested, threatened, and beaten. Yet, they left rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name of Jesus. This aligns with Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 5:12, where He tells us to rejoice and be glad when we are persecuted for His sake.

This lesson may seem difficult to accept. Rejoice in persecution? But it’s a reminder that our perspective as Christians is different. We can rejoice even in tough times because we know that our suffering is not in vain. It’s for the glory of Jesus. So, are we able to rejoice in the face of persecution?

Lesson 14: The Power of God’s Intervention

One of the most dramatic moments in Acts 5 is the miraculous escape of the apostles from prison. Arrested for preaching about Jesus, they found themselves locked up, their future uncertain. But then, in the middle of the night, an angel of the Lord opened the prison doors and brought them out. This wasn’t just a lucky break; it was a clear demonstration of God’s power and intervention.

This story is more than just an exciting escape; it’s a lesson about the power of God’s intervention. The apostles were in a seemingly hopeless situation, but God stepped in and turned things around. He didn’t just get them out of prison; He also gave them instructions to go and continue preaching in the temple courts.

So, what does this mean for us? This lesson is a powerful reminder that God is able to intervene in our lives, even in the most challenging situations. Whether we’re facing personal struggles, health issues, or difficult circumstances, we can trust in God’s power to intervene.

In our daily lives, we may encounter situations that seem hopeless or beyond our control. But let’s remember the apostles’ miraculous escape. Let’s remember that we serve a God who can open prison doors, part seas, and move mountains. Let’s put our trust in His power and His ability to intervene in our lives. No matter what we’re going through, God is able to turn things around.


As we conclude our exploration of the “Lessons from Acts 5,” it’s clear that this chapter is more than just a historical account. It’s a treasure trove of wisdom, a guide for our spiritual journey, and a mirror reflecting our own strengths and weaknesses.

Read: Lessons from Acts 6

As we apply these lessons in our lives, we can grow closer to God, strengthen our faith, and become better versions of ourselves. Let’s carry these lessons in our hearts and let them guide our steps as we navigate the path of faith.

God’s grace!

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