This Bible Quiz on Exodus Chapter 1-40 features 100 thought-provoking questions carefully crafted to cover almost all the chapters in the book of Exodus.
Each multiple choice question is followed by five possible answers, giving you ample opportunity to challenge your knowledge and understanding of this Book of Exodus Chapter 1-40.
Keep in mind, this Bible Quiz Exodus Chapter 1-40 is meant to be tricky, so ensure you cross-reference with Book of Exodus in the KJV Bible to validate your answers at the end of the entire questions.
All right, let’s dive into the deep waters of the book of Exodus Chapter 1-40!
[ALSO READ: The Book of Exodus Summary by Chapter (1-40): Concise and Comprehensive]
Table of Contents
Bible Quiz Exodus by Chapter
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27, Chapter 28 , Chapter 29, Chapter 30, Chapter 31, Chapter 32, Chapter 33, Chapter 34, Chapter 35, Chapter 36, Chapter 37, Chapter 38, Chapter 39, Chapter 40.
Book of Exodus Quiz
Here are 100 thought-provoking quiz questions related to the Book of Exodus, with each question paired with its corresponding correct answer. Make sure to select an option before reviewing the accurate answer provided below.
100 Bible Quiz on Exodus Chapter 1-40
Question 1: In Exodus 1, what did the new king of Egypt fear about the Israelites and decide to do?
a. Their wealth; confiscate it
b. Their intelligence; suppress it
c. Their number; enslave them
d. Their religion; change it
e. Their land; take it
c. Their number; enslave them
Exodus 1 describes the new king of Egypt’s fear of the growing number of Israelites. He worried they might join Egypt’s enemies in case of war. To control them, he decided to oppress them with burdensome labor, effectively enslaving them.
Question 2: How did the Hebrew midwives, Shiphrah and Puah, respond to Pharaoh’s order to kill the male Hebrew babies in Exodus 1?
a. They obeyed the order
b. They relocated the Hebrew families
c. They ignored the order
d. They negotiated with Pharaoh
e. They switched the babies
c. They ignored the order
In Exodus 1, Shiphrah and Puah, the Hebrew midwives, did not follow Pharaoh’s order to kill the male Hebrew babies at birth. They feared God and let the boys live, later explaining to Pharaoh that the Hebrew women gave birth before the midwives arrived.
Question 3: What was the name of Moses’ father-in-law, the priest of Midian, mentioned in Exodus 2?
a. Aaron
b. Jethro
c. Amram
d. Korah
e. Eleazar
b. Jethro
Exodus 2 introduces Moses’ father-in-law as Jethro, the priest of Midian. Moses met Jethro’s daughter, Zipporah, after fleeing Egypt and eventually married her.
Question 4: In Exodus 3, where did Moses encounter the burning bush and what was God’s instruction to him there?
a. Mount Horeb; to take off his sandals
b. The desert of Zin; to bring water
c. Mount Sinai; to take off his sandals
d. The plains of Moab; to pray
e. The banks of the Nile; to gather staffs
a. Mount Horeb; to take off his sandals
In Exodus 3, Moses encountered the burning bush on Mount Horeb, also known as the mountain of God. God instructed Moses to remove his sandals, as the place where he was standing was holy ground.
Question 5: In Exodus 4, what sign did God give Moses to demonstrate His power to the Israelites?
a. Parting of waters and a pillar of fire
b. Healing the sick and raising the dead
c. Staff turning into a snake
d. Thunder and lightning, and an earthquake
e. Manna from heaven and a cloud guide
c. Staff turning into a snake
In Exodus 4, God gave Moses three signs to prove His authority to the Israelites: Moses’ staff turning into a snake, his hand becoming leprous then healed, and water from the Nile turning to blood when poured on dry land.
Question 6: In Exodus 5, what increased burden did Pharaoh impose on the Israelites after Moses and Aaron’s request to let the people go?
a. Higher taxes and harsh labour in the Egyptians farmland
b. Longer working hours
c. Building two cities
d. Making bricks without straw
e. Constructing monuments
d. Making bricks without straw
In Exodus 5, after Moses and Aaron asked Pharaoh to let the Israelites go, Pharaoh increased their burden by requiring them to make the same number of bricks as before but without providing straw. The Israelites had to gather their own straw while meeting the quota.
Question 7: What did God send as the final plague on Egypt in Exodus 11?
a. Locusts to consume their crops
b. Hail thrown down from heaven
c. Darkness throughout the place where the Egyptians iives
d. Death of the firstborn of the Egyptians
e. Frogs covering the whole rivers and lands
d. Death of the firstborn of the Egyptians
Exodus 11 describes the final plague that God sent on Egypt, which was the death of all the firstborn in Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh who sat on his throne to the firstborn of the captive in the dungeon.
Question 8: In Exodus 12, what were the Israelites instructed to do with the blood of the lamb during the Passover?
a. Sprinkle it on their forehead and lintels
b. Sprinkle it on their doorposts and lintels
c. Pour it on the ground and around their buildings
d. Offer it in the temple of the Egyptians gods
e. Wash their hands with it
b. Sprinkle it on their doorposts and lintels
In Exodus 12, during the Passover, God instructed the Israelites to kill a lamb and use a branch of hyssop to sprinkle its blood on the sides and tops of the doorframes of their houses. This was a sign for God to pass over their homes during the plague of the firstborn.
Question 9: What sea did God part for the Israelites to escape the Egyptians in Exodus 14?
a. Red Sea
b. Dead Sea
c. Mediterranean Sea
d. Sea of Galilee
e. Black Sea
a. Red Sea
In Exodus 14, God parted the Red Sea to provide a path for the Israelites to escape the pursuing Egyptian army. Once the Israelites were safely across, the waters returned and drowned the Egyptian forces.
Question 10: In Exodus 16, what food did God provide for the Israelites in the wilderness?
a. Manna and dates
b. Bread and Quail
c. Fruits and vegetables
d. Lamb and honey
e. Quail and manna
e. Quail and manna
Exodus 16 describes God providing the Israelites with quail in the evening and manna in the morning as sustenance during their journey in the wilderness. Manna was a bread-like substance that appeared on the ground after the dew had gone.
Question 11: In Exodus 17, what did Moses strike to bring forth water for the Israelites at Horeb?
a. A stone
b. A tree
c. The ground
d. A river bank
e. A rock
e. A rock
Exodus 17 describes Moses striking a rock at Horeb as instructed by God to provide water for the Israelites. When he hit the rock with his staff, water flowed out, and the people were able to drink.
Question 12: What did Moses build at the base of Mount Sinai to confirm the covenant between God and the Israelites in Exodus 24?
a. A golden calf for the worship of god
b. A bronze serpent hung on a staff
c. An altar and twelve pillars
d. A molded lamb in remembrance of the Passover
e. A tabernacle
c. An altar and twelve pillars
In Exodus 24, Moses built an altar at the foot of Mount Sinai and set up twelve pillars representing the twelve tribes of Israel. This act was part of a ceremony confirming the covenant between God and the Israelites.
Question 13: In Exodus 25, what does God instruct Moses to build to house the Testimony?
a. A temple
b. An ark of the covenant
c. A place of worship
d. A tabernacle in front mount sinai
e. A city
b. An ark of the covenant
Exodus 25 details God’s instructions to Moses to build the Ark of the Covenant. This sacred chest was to be made of acacia wood and overlaid with gold, designed to house the tablets of the Testimony.
Question 14: What was placed on the High Priest’s breastplate according to Exodus 28?
a. Twelve precious stones
b. The names of the twelve tribes of Israel
c. A golden ephod
d. The Urim and Thummim
e. Both A and B
e. Both A and B
Exodus 28 describes the High Priest’s breastplate of judgment containing twelve precious stones, each engraved with the name of one of the tribes of Israel. These stones represented the twelve tribes and were part of the ceremonial garments of the High Priest.
Question 15: What did Moses’ face do after he spoke with God in Exodus 34?
a. It shone brightly
b. It aged rapidly
c. It was covered with a veil
d. Both A and C
e. It became radiant
d. Both A and C
Exodus 34 recounts that after Moses spoke with God and received the tablets of the covenant law, his face was radiant, shining with the glory of the encounter. When he returned to the people, he covered his face with a veil until he went back to speak with God.
Question 16: What did the Israelites give as offerings for the construction of the Tabernacle in Exodus 35?
a. Gold, silver, and bronze
b. Acacia wood and spices
c. Linen and goat hair
d. Olive oil and incense
e. All of the above
e. All of the above
Exodus 35 describes the Israelites bringing a freewill offering to the Lord for the construction of the Tabernacle, which included gold, silver, bronze, acacia wood, spices, linen, goat hair, olive oil, and incense, among other items.
Question 17: In Exodus 32, what did Aaron make for the Israelites to worship when Moses was delayed on Mount Sinai?
a. A bronze serpent
b. A statue of a calf
c. A golden calf
d. An altar to Baal
e. A wooden idol
c. A golden calf
Exodus 32 recounts Aaron taking the gold given by the people and forming it into an idol in the shape of a calf. The people then said, “These are your gods, Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt,” and they worshipped the golden calf.
Question 18: Who assisted Moses in holding up his hands during the battle against the Amalekites in Exodus 17?
a. Joshua and Caleb
b. Aaron and Hur
c. Eleazar and Ithamar
d. Nadab and Abihu
e. Korah and Dathan
b. Aaron and Hur
Exodus 17 describes a battle against the Amalekites where Moses held up the staff of God in his hands. When his hands grew tired, Aaron and Hur supported him on each side, allowing the Israelites to prevail as long as Moses’s hands were held up.
Question 19: What descended upon the Tabernacle in the form of a cloud by day and fire by night in Exodus 40?
a. The Angel of the Lord
b. The spirit of Moses
c. The glory of God
d. A sign of the covenant
e. Rain and lightning
c. The glory of God
In Exodus 40, when the Tabernacle was erected and arranged as God commanded, the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle. This cloud and fire were a constant sign of God’s presence and guidance.
Question 20: In Exodus 31, whom did God fill with the Spirit of God, wisdom, understanding, and knowledge in all kinds of crafts?
a. Aaron
b. Moses
c. Bezalel
d. Oholiab
e. Both C and D
e. Both C and D
Exodus 31 introduces Bezalel and Oholiab, whom God filled with the Spirit, wisdom, understanding, and knowledge in all manner of workmanship. They were appointed to design and create the Tabernacle and its furnishings, along with various artistic works required for the worship service.
Question 21: In Exodus 18, who gives Moses advice to appoint leaders over the people to help judge and manage smaller matters?
a. Jethro
b. Miriam
c. Aaron
d. Joshua
e. Caleb
a. Jethro
Exodus 18 recounts Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, observing Moses’ exhaustive efforts in settling disputes among the Israelites. Jethro advises Moses to appoint capable men as leaders over thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens to handle minor issues, allowing Moses to focus on the more significant matters.
Question 22: In Exodus 19, where do the Israelites camp in the third month after leaving Egypt, where Moses ascends to meet God?
a. The Desert of Sinai
b. The plains of Moab
c. The land of Goshen
d. The region near Horeb
e. The edge of the Red Sea
a. The Desert of Sinai
Exodus 19 describes the Israelites’ arrival and encampment at the Desert of Sinai. It’s here, at the base of Mount Sinai, where Moses ascends the mountain to receive God’s laws and instructions.
Question 23: In Exodus 20, what does God give Moses that includes the Ten Commandments?
a. The Golden Rule
b. The Book of the Covenant
c. The Law on Mount Sinai
d. The Tablets of Stone
e. The Priestly Code
d. The Tablets of Stone
In Exodus 20, as part of the Sinai covenant, God gives Moses the Ten Commandments, initially spoken aloud and later inscribed on two tablets of stone. These commandments are foundational to Israelite law and ethical monotheism.
Question 24: What was the primary function of the Tabernacle constructed as per God’s command in Exodus 26?
a. A place for worship, burnt offering and sin atonement
b. A fortress for protection from the enemies
c. A meeting place between God and His people
d. A storage for tithes and offerings
e. A memorial of the Exodus out of Egypt
c. A meeting place between God and His people
Exodus 26 details the instructions for constructing the Tabernacle, which served as a portable earthly dwelling place for God’s presence. Its primary purpose was to facilitate a meeting place between God and the Israelites, where He could dwell among them and where they could worship and offer sacrifices.
Question 25: In Exodus 27, what perpetual lamp was to be kept burning outside the veil of the Testimony in the Tabernacle?
a. The Bronze Lampstand
b. The Golden Lampstand
c. The Lamp of Revelation
d. The Silver Lampstand
e. The Lamp of the Covenant
b. The Golden Lampstand
Exodus 27 instructs the maintenance of a lampstand, or menorah, made of pure gold. Aaron and his sons were to keep the lamps on the lampstand burning before the Lord from evening till morning, a perpetual ordinance for the Israelites.
Question 26: In Exodus 29, what is described as a “lasting ordinance” regarding the consecration of Aaron and his sons as priests?
a. A daily sacrifice
b. A yearly fast
c. A weekly anointing
d. A monthly feast
e. A one-time purification
a. A daily sacrifice
Exodus 29 details the ordination ceremony for Aaron and his sons to serve as priests. Part of this process was the offering of daily sacrifices as a lasting ordinance, signifying continual atonement and dedication to God.
Question 27: What did Moses do with the blood from the sacrifices during the covenant ceremony in Exodus 24?
a. Sprinkled it on the people
b. Poured it on the altar
c. Anointed the Tabernacle
d. Both A and B
e. Both B and C
d. Both A and B
In Exodus 24, during the covenant ratification ceremony, Moses took the blood from the sacrifices and sprinkled it on the altar to consecrate it and then on the people as a sign of their entry into the covenant, saying, “This is the blood of the covenant that the Lord has made with you.”
Question 28: In Exodus 30, what were the Israelites required to pay as a ransom for their lives during the census?
a. A gold coin
b. A silver half-shekel
c. A bronze shekel
d. An offering of grain
e. A lamb
b. A silver half-shekel
Exodus 30 instructs that whenever a census of the Israelites was taken, each person counted was to pay a ransom for his life to the Lord, a silver half-shekel, as an offering to the Lord. This was to avoid a plague among them when they were counted.
Question 29: What happened to the leftover manna that the Israelites tried to keep until morning in Exodus 16?
a. It turned to stone and worms
b. It melted away produced unpleasant odor
c. It bred worms and stank
d. It became bread that poisoned those that ate them
e. It vanished
c. It bred worms and stank
In Exodus 16, when some of the Israelites tried to keep part of the manna until the next morning against God’s command, it bred worms and began to stink, demonstrating the importance of trusting in God’s daily provision.
Question 30: Who crafted the Ark of the Covenant and other furnishings of the Tabernacle as God directed in Exodus 31?
a. Aaron and his sons
b. Bezalel and Oholiab
c. Moses and Oholiab
d. Hur and Bezalel
e. Joshua and Caleb
b. Bezalel and Oholiab
Exodus 31 introduces Bezalel and Oholiab, whom God filled with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability, and knowledge in all kinds of crafts. They were the chief artisans appointed to construct the Ark of the Covenant and other furnishings of the Tabernacle according to God’s detailed instructions.
Question 31: In Exodus 21, what is the punishment if someone’s ox injures another person to death?
a. The ox is stoned, and its owner is also put to death.
b. The owner must pay a set amount of silver.
c. The owner is exiled from the community.
d. The ox is stoned, but the owner pays a fine.
e. Both the ox and the owner are exiled.
d. The ox is stoned, but the owner pays a fine.
Exodus 21:28-30 stipulates that if an ox gores a man or woman to death, the ox must be stoned, and its meat must not be eaten. The owner of the ox can be put to death as well unless a ransom is determined for his life.
Question 32: What did God instruct Moses to collect from every Israelite for the construction of the Tabernacle in Exodus 30?
a. A half shekel as an offering to the Lord
b. A portion of gold or silver an offering to the Lord
c. A bolt of fine linen
d. A measure of spices for anointing oil
e. A wooden beam of acacia wood
a. A half shekel as an offering to the Lord
Exodus 30:11-16 describes God commanding Moses to collect a half shekel from each Israelite as an offering to the Lord whenever taking a census of the people. This contribution was used for the service of the Tabernacle.
Question 33: In Exodus 22, what are the Israelites instructed to do if they find their enemy’s ox or donkey going astray?
a. Report it to the elders
b. Take it and give it to the poor
c. Ignore it
d. Bring it back to its owner
e. Sacrifice it
d. Bring it back to its owner
Exodus 23:4-5 instructs that if you come across your enemy’s ox or donkey wandering off, you should take it back to them. This law highlights the importance of maintaining justice and kindness, even towards one’s enemies.
Question 34: How often were the Israelites supposed to rest and give the land rest according to Exodus 23?
a. Every seventh day
b. Every month
c. Every seventh year
d. Both A and C
e. Every Jubilee year
d. Both A and C
Exodus 23 outlines laws for rest and compassion, including resting on the seventh day of the week (Sabbath) and letting the land lie fallow every seventh year (the Sabbath year), giving both people and land a time of rest and rejuvenation.
Question 35: In Exodus 24, what was the reaction of the Israelites when Moses read the Book of the Covenant to them?
a. They were indifferent.
b. They rejected it.
c. They were confused and asked for further explanation.
d. They asked for modifications.
e. None of the above
e. None of the above
Exodus 24:3-7 describes Moses reading the Book of the Covenant to the people, and their response was unanimous: “We will do everything the LORD has said; we will obey.” This marked a key moment of commitment to the covenant from the Israelite community.
Question 36: What did Moses use to sprinkle the blood of the covenant on the people in Exodus 24?
a. A branch of hyssop
b. A branch of acacia
c. A priestly robe
d. A golden bowl
e. A bunch of wool
a. A branch of hyssop
Exodus 24:6-8 describes Moses taking half of the blood of the sacrifices and putting it in bowls, and the other half he sprinkled on the altar. Then, after reading the Book of the Covenant, he took the blood and sprinkled it on the people saying, “This is the blood of the covenant that the LORD has made with you.” While it doesn’t specifically mention hyssop in this instance, it was a common tool used for sprinkling blood in biblical sacrificial rituals.
Question 37: In Exodus 25, what material were the Israelites specifically instructed to use for the construction of the Ark of the Covenant?
a. Bronze
b. Silver
c. Gold
d. Iron
e. Stone
c. Gold
Exodus 25:10-11 provides specific instructions for constructing the Ark of the Covenant, including using acacia wood and overlaying it with pure gold inside and out. Gold was a critical material for its construction, signifying the holiness and beauty of the Ark.
Question 38: According to Exodus 26, what was to separate the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place in the Tabernacle?
a. A wooden partition, scarlet yarn and fine linen
b. A bronze gate only
c. A veil of blue, purple, and scarlet yarn and fine linen
d. A cloud of incense
e. A bronze gate , purple, and scarlet yarn and fine linen
c. A veil of blue, purple, and scarlet yarn and fine linen
Exodus 26:31-33 describes the making of a veil of blue, purple, and scarlet yarn, and finely twisted linen, with cherubim worked into it by a skilled craftsman. This veil was to separate the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place within the Tabernacle.
Question 39: In Exodus 27, what were the dimensions of the bronze altar to be built for the Tabernacle?
a. Five cubits long and five cubits wide
b. Ten cubits long and five cubits wide
c. Seven cubits long and three cubits wide
d. Twelve cubits long and six cubits wide
e. Three cubits long and three cubits wide
a. Five cubits long and five cubits wide
Exodus 27:1-2 specifies the altar to be made of acacia wood, five cubits long and five cubits wide—square—and three cubits high. It was to be overlaid with bronze and used for burnt offerings.
Question 40: What did God promise to do at the Tent of Meeting in Exodus 29?
a. Reveal the laws to Moses
b. Meet with Moses and speak with him
c. Show signs and wonders
d. Inaugurate the priests
e. Both B and D
e. Both B and D
Exodus 29 details the consecration of Aaron and his sons as priests and the sanctification of the Tent of Meeting. God promised to meet with Moses there, to speak to him, and consecrate Aaron and his sons to minister as priests. This place was set as a site of communication between God and His appointed leaders and for the priestly service.
Question 41: What did God provide as a guide for the Israelites’ journey by day and by night in Exodus 13?
a. A fire pillar by day and a cloud pillar by night
b. A cloud pillar by day and a fire pillar by night
c. An angel before them
d. A cloud of rainbow by day and a fire pillar by night
e. The Ark of the Covenant
b. A cloud pillar by day and a fire pillar by night
Exodus 13:21-22 describes how the Lord went ahead of the Israelites in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way during the day and in a pillar of fire to give them light at night, so they could travel by day or night.
Question 42: In Exodus 14, how did Moses extend his hand over the sea to divide the waters?
a. By touching the water
b. With the Ark of the Covenant
c. With a prayer to God
d. With a rod
e. With a gesture of command
d. With a rod
Exodus 14:16 and 21 mention Moses stretching out his hand over the sea with the rod to divide the water. This action was done under God’s instruction to enable the Israelites to cross the sea on dry ground.
Question 43: In Exodus 15, after crossing the Red Sea, what song did Moses and the Israelites sing?
a. The Song of Moses
b. The Hymn of Deliverance
c. The Anthem of Victory
d. The Ballad of Salvation
e. The Chant of Freedom
a. The Song of Moses
Exodus 15 records the Song of Moses and the Israelites, a song of triumph and thanksgiving to God for delivering them from the Egyptians and leading them through the Red Sea. It’s also known as the Song at the Sea.
Question 44: What was the name of the place where the Israelites grumbled about the bitter water in Exodus 15?
a. Kadesh
b. Elim
c. Sinai
d. Horeb
e. Marah
e. Marah
Exodus 15:23 mentions that when the Israelites came to Marah, they could not drink its water because it was bitter. This led to grumbling and Moses crying out to the Lord, who showed him a piece of wood to throw into the water, making it sweet.
Question 45: In Exodus 16, what did the Israelites collect as their daily bread from heaven?
a. Manna
b. Quail
c. Dew
d. Bread loaves
e. Honey
a. Manna
Exodus 16 describes how the Israelites received manna, a flaky substance that appeared on the ground after the morning dew had gone. It served as their daily bread, which they collected each morning, except on the Sabbath.
Question 46: What did Moses build at the foot of Mount Sinai to celebrate the covenant between God and Israel in Exodus 24?
a. Twelve golden pillars
b. Twelve stone pillars
c. Twelve wooden pillars
d. An ornate tent
e. A wooden ark
b. Twelve stone pillars
Exodus 24:4 recounts that Moses built an altar at the foot of the mountain and set up twelve stone pillars representing the twelve tribes of Israel as part of the covenant ratification ceremony between God and the Israelites.
Question 47: Who was appointed alongside Bezalel as a chief artisan for the Tabernacle in Exodus 31?
a. Aholiab
b. Hur
c. Eleazar
d. Ithamar
e. Gershon
a. Aholiab
Exodus 31:6 names Aholiab son of Ahisamach of the tribe of Dan as someone God has given ability to assist Bezalel in the construction of the Tabernacle and its furnishings. Both were filled with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability, and knowledge in all kinds of crafts.
Question 48: What was Moses’ reaction when he saw the golden calf and the Israelites’ revelry in Exodus 32?
a. He prayed for their forgiveness.
b. He joined them in celebration.
c. He destroyed the tablets of the covenant.
d. He left them and returned to Mount Sinai.
e. He blessed the calf.
c. He destroyed the tablets of the covenant.
Exodus 32:19 describes Moses’ anger burning hot when he saw the calf and the dancing. He threw the tablets out of his hands, breaking them at the foot of the mountain as a sign of the Israelites’ broken covenant with God.
Question 49: In Exodus 33, what was Moses’ tent called, where he met with God outside the camp?
a. The Tent of Meeting
b. The Tabernacle of the Congregation
c. The Sanctuary of the Lord
d. Both B and C
e. Both A and B
e. Both A and B
Exodus 33:7 refers to the tent where Moses would meet with God as the “Tent of Meeting” (also known as the “Tabernacle of the Congregation”). It was set up outside the camp, and anyone seeking the Lord would go out to this tent.
Question 50: In Exodus 34, what did Moses do with the two new tablets of testimony when he came down from Mount Sinai?
a. He placed them in the Ark of the Covenant.
b. He placed them in the tabernacle that he built
c. He showed them to Aaron and the elders.
d. He broke them before the people.
e. None of the above.
a. He placed them in the Ark of the Covenant.
After receiving the second set of tablets in Exodus 34 and speaking with the Lord, Moses came down from Mount Sinai. As commanded, he eventually placed these tablets into the Ark of the Covenant, where they were kept as a testimony of the covenant between God and Israel.
Question 51: In Exodus 22, what is the law regarding stealing an ox or a sheep?
a. Paying double the value for an Ox and sevenfold for a sheep
b. Restitution of sevenfold for an ox and fivefold for a sheep
c. Restitution of fourfold for an ox and fivefold for a sheep
d. Paying sevenfold the value
e. Restitution of threefold for an ox and sevenfold for a sheep
c. Restitution of fourfold for an ox and fivefold for a sheep
Exodus 22:1 states that if someone steals an ox or a sheep and kills or sells it, they must pay back five oxen for an ox and four sheep for a sheep. This law emphasizes restitution and accountability for theft.
Question 52: What does God promise if the Israelites obey His voice and do all that He speaks?
a. Wealth and prosperity
b. A long and peaceful life
c. An angel to guard them and bring them to the place prepared by God
d. Victory over all their enemies
e. All of the above
e. All of the above
God promised to send an angel ahead of the Israelites to guard them along the way and to bring them to the place He has prepared, prosperity, Wealth A long and peaceful life and Victory over all their enemies .
Question 53: In Exodus 24, what did the Israelites see under God’s feet?
a. A pavement of sapphire
b. A cloud of glory only
c. A cloud of glory with a pillar of fire
d. A pillar of fire only
e. A golden path
a. A pavement of sapphire
Exodus 24:10 mentions that when Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and the seventy elders of Israel went up the mountain, they saw the God of Israel, and under His feet was something like a pavement made of sapphire, clear as the sky itself.
Question 54: What did God say would happen to His angel if the Israelites provoked him in Exodus 23?
a. The angel would leave them
b. The angel would become their enemy
c. The angel would not forgive their rebellion
d. The angel would turn them back to Egypt
e. The angel would bring plagues upon them
c. The angel would not forgive their rebellion
In Exodus 23:21, God warns the Israelites to be obedient to the angel He sends before them and not to provoke him, for he will not forgive their rebellion since God’s Name is in him.
Question 55: In Exodus 25, alongside gold and silver, what other material was specifically requested from the Israelites for the construction of the Tabernacle?
a. Clay
b. Iron
c. Wood
d. Stone
e. Bronze
e. Bronze
Exodus 25:3 lists the materials that the Israelites were to bring as an offering for the construction of the Tabernacle. Alongside gold, silver, and other items, bronze was specifically mentioned as one of the required materials.
Question 56: What was the purpose of the Urim and Thummim placed in the breastpiece of the High Priest in Exodus 28?
a. To signify the priest’s authority
b. For making decisions according to God’s will
c. As a symbol of the twelve tribes of Israel
d. To bring good fortune in battle
e. To represent the Law and the Prophets
b. For making decisions according to God’s will
Exodus 28:30 describes the Urim and the Thummim, which were placed in the breastpiece of the High Priest. They were used for making decisions; through them, the High Priest could determine God’s will in certain matters.
Question 57: How many loaves of bread were to be set on the table in the Tabernacle each Sabbath day, according to Exodus 25?
a. Twelve
b. Seven
c. Ten
d. Five
e. Three
a. Twelve
Exodus 25:30 specifies that on the table in the Tabernacle, Aaron and his sons were to arrange twelve loaves of bread before the Lord every Sabbath day as a lasting covenant between God and the Israelites.
Question 58: In Exodus 30, Moses was instructed to make anointing oil from several spices. Which of the following was NOT one of the ingredients?
a. Myrrh
b. Cinnamon
c. Olive oil
d. Frankincense
e. Salt
e. Salt
Exodus 30:23-25 details the recipe for the sacred anointing oil, which included fine spices like liquid myrrh, fragrant cinnamon, fragrant cane, cassia, and olive oil. Salt is not listed as one of the ingredients for this special oil.
Question 59: What happened to Nadab and Abihu, Aaron’s sons, when they offered unauthorized fire before the Lord in Exodus 24?
a. They were exiled
b. They were struck dead
c. They were turned to stone
d. They were blinded
e. They became leprous
b. They were struck dead
Exodus 24 doesn’t mention Nadab and Abihu. However, in Leviticus 10:1-2, Nadab and Abihu, sons of Aaron, offered unauthorized fire before the Lord, which He had not commanded them to do. As a result, fire came out from the presence of the Lord and consumed them, and they died before the Lord.
Question 60: In Exodus 31, who was filled with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability, and knowledge to do all kinds of bronze work for the Tabernacle?
a. Bezalel
b. Oholiab
c. Aaron
d. Hur
e. Joshua
b. Oholiab
Exodus 31:2-6 mentions Bezalel and Oholiab as the chief artisans for the Tabernacle’s construction. While Bezalel of the tribe of Judah was filled with the Spirit of God and given skill, ability, and knowledge in all kinds of crafts, Oholiab of the tribe of Dan was appointed to assist Bezalel, especially in tasks like bronze work.
Question 61: What was Moses’ reaction when he first heard the voice of God speaking to him from the burning bush in Exodus 3?
a. He approached curiously and amazement.
b. He hid his face, afraid to look at God.
c. He ran away in fear.
d. He immediately bowed down and worshiped.
e. He spoke back confidently.
b. He hid his face, afraid to look at God.
Exodus 3:6 mentions that when God revealed Himself to Moses from within the burning bush and identified Himself as the God of his father and the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Moses hid his face because he was afraid to look at God.
Question 62: In Exodus 4, what affliction does Moses’ hand experience as a sign from God?
a. It trembles uncontrollably.
b. It becomes leprous
c. It becomes paralyzed.
d. It withers.
e. It turns to stone.
b. It becomes leprous
Exodus 4:6-7 describes a sign where God instructs Moses to put his hand inside his cloak. When he takes it out, it is leprous, like snow. Upon putting his hand back into his cloak, it is restored like the rest of his flesh.
Question 63: What did the Israelites do with the dough they brought out of Egypt, as mentioned in Exodus 12?
a. They baked unleavened bread.
b. They discarded it in the desert.
c. They offered it as a sacrifice to God.
d. They used it to trade with other nations.
e. They left it for the animals.
a. They baked unleavened bread.
Exodus 12:39 explains that the Israelites baked unleavened cakes of the dough they had brought out of Egypt because it was not leavened, due to their being driven out of Egypt and not able to delay, nor had they prepared provisions for themselves.
Question 64: In Exodus 13, what does God instruct to be consecrated to Him, as a reminder of the Israelites’ deliverance from Egypt?
a. Every firstborn male
b. The first fruits of the harvest
c. The Levites
d. All the gold and silver
e. A lamb each year
a. Every firstborn male
Exodus 13:1-2 and 11-13 command the consecration of every firstborn male, both of man and of animal, to the Lord. This is to serve as a reminder of the Lord’s act of passing over the houses of the Israelites in Egypt when he struck down the firstborn of the Egyptians.
Question 65: In Exodus 14, who hardened Pharaoh’s heart to pursue the Israelites after they had left Egypt?
a. The Egyptian magicians
b. The Israelite spies
c. God
d. Pharaoh himself
e. The Egyptian gods
c. God
Exodus 14:4 and 14:8 mention that the Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart, so he pursued the Israelites as they were leaving. This was part of God’s plan to demonstrate His power and to make the Egyptians know that He is the Lord.
Question 66: After the Israelites crossed the Red Sea and the waters returned, what happened to the pursuing Egyptian army in Exodus 14?
a. They turned back.
b. They were drowned.
c. They were struck by lightning.
d. They fled in terror.
e. They became allies with Israel.
b. They were drowned.
Exodus 14:27-28 describes how Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the waters returned, covering the chariots, horsemen, and all of Pharaoh’s army that had followed the Israelites into the sea. Not one of them survived.
Question 67: In Exodus 15, what does the song of Moses and the Israelites declare God to be following their deliverance from Egypt?
a. The lord is my light, my refuge and my fortress
b. A king of the nations
c. A father to Israel
d. The Lord is my shepherd
e. My strength and my defense
e. My strength and my defense
Exodus 15:2 in the Song of Moses and the Israelites states, “The Lord is my strength and defense; he has become my salvation.” This song celebrates God’s deliverance of Israel from Egypt and His mighty power in overcoming their enemies.
Question 68: In Exodus 16, besides manna, what else did God provide for the Israelites to eat in the desert?
a. Quail
b. Fish
c. Dates
d. Milk
e. Honey
a. Quail
Exodus 16:12-13 describes how the Lord provided quail in the evening and manna in the morning for the Israelites to eat. This dual provision of meat and bread sustained them throughout their desert wanderings.
Question 69: In Exodus 17, at Rephidim, what is the name of the place where Moses struck the rock to get water?
a. Meribah
b. Massah
c. Horeb
d. Both A and B
e. Both B and C
d. Both A and B
Exodus 17:7 mentions that because the Israelites quarreled and tested the Lord, saying, “Is the Lord among us or not?” Moses named the place Massah (testing) and Meribah (quarreling) after the incidents that occurred there when he struck the rock and water came out for the people to drink.
Question 70: What did the Amalekites do that prompted a battle with the Israelites in Exodus 17?
a. They insulted Moses.
b. They challenged the Israelites to a battle.
c. They stole from the Israelite camp.
d. All of the above
e. None of the above.
e. None of the above.
In Exodus 17:8, the Amalekites came and attacked the Israelites at Rephidim. Deuteronomy 25:17-18 provides more detail, describing how the Amalekites attacked the Israelites from behind, targeting the stragglers at the rear when they were tired and weary. This cowardly act led to a battle between the Israelites and the Amalekites.
Question 71: What condition did the Israelites find the water in when they arrived at Marah in Exodus 15?
a. It was dry.
b. It was bitter.
c. It was poisoned.
d. It was blood red.
e. It was frozen.
b. It was bitter.
In Exodus 15:23, when the Israelites arrived at Marah, they could not drink the water because it was bitter. This led Moses to cry out to the Lord, who showed him a piece of wood. When he threw it into the water, the waters became sweet.
Question 72: In Exodus 18, Moses’ father-in-law suggests a system of delegation for judging the people. What characteristic does he advise Moses to look for in these leaders?
a. Wealth and influence
b. Military prowess
c. Ability to speak multiple languages
d. Wisdom and fear of God
e. Loyalty to Moses
d. Wisdom and fear of God
Exodus 18:21 advises Moses to select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain—and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens. These men were to judge the people at all times.
Question 73: What festival are the Israelites instructed to keep as a remembrance of their departure from Egypt in Exodus 23?
a. Festival of Weeks
b. Festival of Booths
c. Passover
d. Day of Atonement
e. New Moon Festival
c. Passover
In Exodus 23:15, God commands the Israelites to celebrate the Festival of Unleavened Bread (Passover), saying, “No one is to appear before me empty-handed.” This festival commemorates the Israelites’ hasty departure from Egypt, during which they ate unleavened bread.
Question 74: What did God provide for Moses on Mount Sinai as a testimony and teaching for the Israelites in Exodus 31?
a. A golden calf
b. Two stone tablets of the testimony
c. A new set of dietary laws
d. A detailed map of the Promised Land
e. A rod that turns into a serpent
b. Two stone tablets of the testimony
Exodus 31:18 mentions that when God finished speaking to Moses on Mount Sinai, He gave him the two tablets of the testimony, tablets of stone, written with the finger of God. These tablets contained the Ten Commandments and other laws.
Question 75: What did the glory of the Lord look like to the Israelites from a distance in Exodus 24?
a. A consuming fire on top of the mountain
b. A bright cloud enveloping the mountain
c. A pillar of cloud by day and fire by night
d. A rainbow surrounding the mountain
e. A radiant light like the sun
a. A consuming fire on top of the mountain
Exodus 24:17 describes the glory of the Lord appearing like a consuming fire on the top of Mount Sinai to the Israelites. Moses entered this fiery presence when he went up the mountain to receive the tablets of stone.
Question 76: What is the name of the skilled craftsman filled with the Spirit of God to make artistic designs for the Tabernacle in Exodus 31?
a. Aholiab
b. Bezalel
c. Hur
d. Othniel
e. Gideon
b. Bezalel
Exodus 31:2-5 introduces Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. God filled him with the Spirit of God, giving him great wisdom, ability, and expertise in all kinds of crafts to make artistic designs for the Tabernacle.
Question 77: In Exodus 32, who says, “These are your gods, Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt,” referring to the golden calf?
a. Aaron
b. Moses
c. Miriam
d. Joshua
e. The elders of Israel
a. Aaron
Exodus 32:4 recounts that after Aaron made the golden calf, he built an altar before it and proclaimed, “These are your gods, Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt!” This was a grave act of idolatry that led to severe consequences for the Israelites.
Question 78: In Exodus 33, what is Moses allowed to see as God passes by him in the cleft of the rock?
a. God’s face
b. God’s back
c. The full glory of God
d. A vision of angels
e. A glimpse of the Promised Land
b. God’s back
Exodus 33:22-23 describes how God will cover Moses with His hand as He passes by and then remove His hand, allowing Moses to see His back but not His face, for no one may see God’s face and live.
Question 79: According to Exodus 34, how long was Moses on Mount Sinai with the Lord during his second 40-day stay, without eating bread or drinking water?
a. 50 days and 50 nights
b. 30 days and 30 nights
c. 20 days and 20 nights
d. 40 days and 40 nights
e. 70 days and 70 nights
d. 40 days and 40 nights
Exodus 34:28 states that Moses was there with the Lord for forty days and forty nights without eating bread or drinking water. During this time, he wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant—the Ten Commandments.
Question 80: Who was appointed to assist Bezalel in the construction of the Tabernacle and its furnishings in Exodus 31?
a. Aholiab
b. Aaron
c. Hur
d. Eleazar
e. Ithamar
a. Aholiab
Exodus 31:6 names Aholiab son of Ahisamach of the tribe of Dan as the assistant to Bezalel. God gave both Bezalel and Aholiab the skill, ability, and knowledge needed to make all the artifacts for the Tabernacle and perform all the tasks He had commanded.
Question 81: In Exodus 12, what did the Israelites have to do with the blood of the Passover lamb?
a. Sprinkle it on their forehead and lintels
b. Pour it at the base of the altar
c. Sprinkle it on their doorposts and lintels
d. Offer it in the temple
e. Sprinkle it on their doorposts and around their houses
c. Sprinkle it on their doorposts and lintels
Exodus 12:7 and 12:22-23 instruct the Israelites to take some of the blood of the Passover lamb and put it on the sides and tops of the doorframes of their houses. This act would be a sign for the Lord to pass over their houses and not allow the destroyer to enter and strike them down during the plague on the firstborn of Egypt.
Question 82: What did God say would happen to the person who engraves or makes a cast metal god in Exodus 34?
a. They would be blessed with riches.
b. They would be cut off from their people.
c. They would become a leader.
d. They would be exiled.
e. They would be forgiven if they repented.
b. They would be cut off from their people.
Exodus 34:17 commands the Israelites not to make cast idols for themselves. This command is part of a larger set of laws emphasizing the exclusivity and purity of worship due to God. Making or worshipping cast idols would result in being cut off from the community, indicating severe disfavor and punishment for idolatry.
Question 83: In Exodus 13, what are the Israelites commanded to do every year as a sign on their hand and a symbol on their foreheads?
a. Wear phylacteries containing scripture
b. Shave their heads
c. Celebrate the Festival of Weeks
d. Observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread
e. Mark themselves with ash
d. Observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread
Exodus 13:9 says that the Feast of Unleavened Bread shall be like a sign on your hand and a reminder on your forehead that the law of the Lord is to be on your lips, for the Lord brought you out of Egypt with His mighty hand. This annual observance acts as a constant physical and verbal reminder of God’s deliverance.
Question 84: How did the Israelites know when to move or set up camp during their journey in the wilderness in Exodus 40?
a. When Moses gave the command
b. When the pillar of cloud or fire moved
c. When the Levites sounded the trumpets
d. When they ran out of food and water
e. When the elders decided
b. When the pillar of cloud or fire moved
Exodus 40:36-37 states that whenever the cloud lifted from above the tent, the Israelites set out; wherever the cloud settled, the Israelites encamped. This cloud by day and fire by night guided their travels, indicating God’s direct leading.
Question 85: In Exodus 16, how were the Israelites instructed to gather the manna?
a. Collect as much as they want.
b. Gather a double portion every day for themselves and other nations .
c. Only gather what they needed for each day, except before the Sabbath.
d. Gather all their could for future use incase its stop coming because of their sins .
e. All of the above
c. Only gather what they needed for each day, except before the Sabbath.
Exodus 16:16-26 instructs each person to gather as much as they needed for that day, an omer per person, according to the number of people in their tent. On the sixth day, they were to gather twice as much to prepare for the Sabbath, when no manna would fall.
Question 86: What did Moses do with the stone tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments after his descent from Mount Sinai in Exodus 34?
a. Threw them into the Nile
b. Broke them in anger
c. Gave them to Aaron for safekeeping
d. Hid them in a cave
e. None of the above
e. None of the above
After Moses descended Mount Sinai with the second set of stone tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments in Exodus 34:29, he eventually placed them in the Ark of the Covenant, as directed by God. This occurred as part of the establishment of the covenant and the setting up of the Tabernacle.
Question 87: According to Exodus 15, what did the Lord indicate He would not bring upon the Israelites if they listened carefully and did what was right?
a. The curses of their enemies
b. The diseases of Egypt
c. The plagues of locusts
d. The famines of the land
e. The floods of the Nile
b. The diseases of Egypt
Exodus 15:26 records God’s promise that if the Israelites listened carefully to Him and did what was right in His eyes, He would not bring on them any of the diseases He brought on the Egyptians, for He is the Lord, who heals them.
Question 88: In Exodus 21, what compensation is to be given if a bull gores a servant to death?
a. Thirty shekels of silver to the master
b. The bull is to be sacrificed
c. The owner is to serve the master for seven years
d. Half the owner’s wealth is given to the master
e. A new servant is to be provided
a. Thirty shekels of silver to the master
Exodus 21:32 requires that if the bull gores a male or female servant, the owner must pay thirty shekels of silver to the master of the servant, and the bull must be stoned to death. This law reflects the value placed on human life and the responsibility for controlling dangerous animals.
Question 89: What did God say He would send before the Israelites to drive out their enemies in Exodus 23?
a. A consuming fire
b. An angel
c. Plagues and diseases
d. Thunder and lightning
e. Floods to destroy the land
b. An angel
Exodus 23:23 and 23:27-30 mention that God would send an angel ahead of the Israelites to guard them along the way and to bring them to the place He has prepared. He promised to drive out their enemies before them gradually until they have increased enough to take possession of the land.
Question 90: In Exodus 27, how often was the lampstand in the Tabernacle to be tended?
a. Once a week
b. Continuously without going out
c. Every evening and morning
d. Once a month
e. During each new moon
c. Every evening and morning
Exodus 27:20-21 instructs that the lampstand in the Tent of Meeting, outside the veil that shields the Ark of the Testimony, is to be tended by Aaron and his sons from evening till morning before the Lord. This was a lasting ordinance to be continued by the Israelites for generations. The lamps on the pure gold lampstand were to burn continuously, requiring regular tending each evening and morning.
Question 91: What condition did the Israelites find themselves in at the beginning of Exodus, leading to their cry for deliverance?
a. Lost in the wilderness
b. Prosperous and expanding
c. Enslaved and oppressed
d. At war with neighboring nations
e. Suffering from a famine
c. Enslaved and oppressed
Exodus 1 details the plight of the Israelites in Egypt, where they became exceedingly numerous, leading the Pharaoh to feel threatened and enslave them. Their harsh treatment and heavy labor under the Egyptians made them cry out for deliverance.
Question 92: After the golden calf incident in Exodus 32, Moses intercedes for the Israelites. What does he ask God to do?
a. Destroy the Israelites and make a great nation from Moses
b. Forgive the Israelites and remember His covenant
c. Give Moses a sign of His favor
d. Send fire to consume the idolaters
e. Increase the severity of the laws
b. Forgive the Israelites and remember His covenant
In Exodus 32:11-14, Moses pleads with God to turn from His fierce wrath and remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, His servants, to whom He swore by Himself and promised that their descendants would be as numerous as the stars. Moses asks for forgiveness for the people’s sin of creating the golden calf.
Question 93: In Exodus 33, Moses asks to see God’s glory. How does God respond to his request?
a. He immediately shows Moses His full glory
b. He tells Moses no one can see His face and live
c. He shows Moses His back, but not His face
d. He shows Moses a vision of the future
e. He ignores Moses’ request
c. He shows Moses His back, but not His face
In Exodus 33:18-23, when Moses requests to see God’s glory, God responds by saying He will cause all His goodness to pass in front of Moses, but He will not allow Moses to see His face, for no one may see Him and live. Instead, God places Moses in a cleft of the rock and covers him with His hand as He passes by, allowing Moses to see His back but not His face.
Question 94: What was the primary reason the Israelites gave for making the golden calf in Exodus 32?
a. They believed it would lead them back to Egypt
b. They desired a god they could see and not as fiery as the the Lord God
c. They were influenced by surrounding nations
d. They thought Moses was not coming back from the mountain
e. They wanted to provoke God’s anger
d. They thought Moses was not coming back from the mountain
In Exodus 32:1, the Israelites, seeing that Moses was delayed in coming down from the mountain, approached Aaron and demanded that he make gods to go before them. They expressed uncertainty about what had happened to Moses, leading them to seek a tangible representation of divine leadership.
Question 95: How many days and nights did Moses spend on Mount Sinai receiving the law from God in total in Exodus 24 and 34?
a. 20 days and 20 nights each time, totaling 40 days and nights
b. 30 days and 30 nights each time, totaling 60 days and nights
c. 40 days and 40 nights each time, totaling 80 days and nights
d. 50 days and 50 nights each time, totaling 100 days and nights
e. 40 days and 40 nights each time, totaling 40 days and nights
c. 40 days and 40 nights each time, totaling 80 days and nights
In both Exodus 24:18 and Exodus 34:28, it’s mentioned that Moses was on Mount Sinai for 40 days and 40 nights each time he went to receive the law from God. This totals 80 days and nights.
Question 96: What did the Israelites contribute from their possessions to create the Tabernacle and its furnishings in Exodus 35-36?
a. Gold, silver, bronze, and precious stones
b. Wood, animal skins, fine linen, and spices
c. Their own labor and craftsmanship
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
d. All of the above
Exodus 35-36 describes the enthusiastic contribution of the Israelites toward the construction of the Tabernacle. They brought gold, silver, bronze, blue, purple and scarlet yarn, fine linen, goat hair, ram skins dyed red, and other materials. Skilled craftsmen and women also contributed their labor and expertise to create the Tabernacle and its furnishings.
Question 97: According to Exodus 28, what was placed inside the breastpiece of judgment worn by the High Priest?
a. A golden plate engraved with “Holy to the LORD”
b. The Urim and Thummim
c. A scroll of the Ten Commandments
d. A fragment of the manna from the wilderness
e. An emblem of each of the twelve tribes
b. The Urim and Thummim
Exodus 28:30 specifies that the Urim and Thummim were to be placed in the breastpiece of judgment worn by the High Priest. These objects were used for divination to determine God’s will in certain situations.
Question 98: In Exodus 12, how long were the Israelites to eat unleavened bread during the Feast of Unleavened Bread?
a. Seven days
b. Three days
c. One day
d. Ten days
e. Fourteen days
a. Seven days
Exodus 12:15 and 12:18-20 command the Israelites to eat unleavened bread for seven days during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Leaven was to be removed from their houses, and anyone eating leavened bread would be cut off from Israel during this time.
Question 99: What happened to the leftover manna that the Israelites tried to keep until morning in Exodus 16?
a. It turned to stone
b. It melted away
c. It vanished
d. It became bread
e. None of the above
e. None of the above
Exodus 16:20 mentions that despite Moses’ instruction, some of the people kept part of the manna until morning, but it was full of maggots and began to smell. This underscored the importance of following God’s specific instructions and relying on His daily provision.
Question 100: In Exodus 40, what signified that the Tabernacle was ready and God’s presence had filled it?
a. A loud trumpet sound
b. The descending of the pillar of cloud and fire
c. The people spontaneously worshiping
d. The high priest entering the Holy of Holies
e. Lightning and thunder around the Tabernacle
b. The descending of the pillar of cloud and fire
Exodus 40:34-38 describes that once the Tabernacle was fully assembled and consecrated, the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle. Whenever the cloud lifted, the Israelites would set out, and wherever the cloud settled, they would encamp. The cloud by day and fire by night indicated God’s presence and guidance.