Bible quiz on Acts chapter 1-28

The Ultimate Bible quiz on Acts Chapter 1-28 with Answers (50 Questions)

This Bible Quiz on Acts Chapter 1-28 with answers features 50 thought-provoking questions carefully crafted to cover almost all the chapters in the book of Acts.

Each question is followed by five possible answers, giving you ample opportunity to challenge your knowledge and understanding of this book of Acts chapter 1-28.

All right, let’s dive into the deep waters of the Book of Acts chapter 1-28!

(ALSO READ: The Book of Acts summary by chapter)

Bible Quiz on Acts Chapter 1-28

50 Questions on Acts Chapter 1-28 with Answers

Question 1: What was the specific place from which Jesus ascended into heaven after His resurrection?

A. Mount of Olives
B. Garden of Gethsemane
C. Sea of Galilee
D. Bethany
E. Mount Sinai

Answer: A. Mount of Olives
Explanation: Acts 1:12 tells us that after the ascension of Jesus, the apostles returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is the Mount of Olives.

Question 2: To whom did Peter attribute the scripture that justified the selection of a new apostle to replace Judas?

A. King David
B. Prophet Isaiah
C. Moses
D. Prophet Joel
E. Prophet Jeremiah

Answer: A. King David
Explanation: In Acts 1:16, Peter speaks to the brethren about the scripture that needed to be fulfilled, which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spoke before concerning Judas.

Question 3: Fill in the blank: “And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty __, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.”

A. Wind
B. Voice
C. Waterfall
D. Choir
E. Thunder

Answer: A. Wind
Explanation: Acts 2:2 describes the coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, indicating that the sound was like that of a rushing mighty wind.

Question 4: On which specific day did the Holy Spirit descend upon the apostles?

A. Passover
B. Day of Atonement
C. Feast of Booths
D. Pentecost
E. Feast of Firstfruits

Answer: D. Pentecost
Explanation: Acts 2:1 mentions that the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles on the day of Pentecost.

Question 5: Which prophet’s words did Peter cite when explaining the miraculous signs accompanying the arrival of the Holy Spirit?

A. Hosea
B. Amos
C. Joel
D. Obadiah
E. Micah

Answer: C. Joel
Explanation: Acts 2:16-21 references the prophet Joel’s words when Peter explains what was occurring as the Holy Spirit came upon them.

Question 6: True or False: The number of souls added to the church after Peter’s sermon on the day of Pentecost was about three thousand.

A. True
B. False
C. The exact number is not mentioned
D. It was five thousand
E. It was about two thousand

Answer: A. True
Explanation: Acts 2:41 indicates that about three thousand souls were added to their number that day after hearing Peter’s message and being baptized.

Question 7: What was the immediate effect on the man who was healed at the gate called Beautiful?

A. He walked and leaped
B. He spoke in tongues
C. He started prophesying
D. He fainted
E. He began to preach

Answer: A. He walked and leaped
Explanation: According to Acts 3:8, the man who had been lame from his mother’s womb leaped up, stood, and began to walk after Peter healed him in the name of Jesus Christ.

Question 8: Whose name does Peter declare as the only one by which we must be saved?

A. Moses
B. Abraham
C. Jesus Christ of Nazareth
D. Elijah
E. John the Baptist

Answer: C. Jesus Christ of Nazareth
Explanation: Acts 4:10-12 states that Peter affirms Jesus Christ of Nazareth as the stone that was set at nought by the builders, which is become the head of the corner, and there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Question 9: What was the reaction of the council when they saw the boldness of Peter and John?

A. They were indifferent
B. They were confused
C. They marveled
D. They were angry
E. They rejoiced

Answer: C. They marveled
Explanation: Acts 4:13 notes that when the council saw the boldness of Peter and John, they marveled, recognizing that they were unlearned and ignorant men, and they took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus.

Question 10: Ananias and Sapphira sold a possession and kept back part of the price. Who specifically did Peter say Ananias had lied to?

A. The Holy Ghost
B. The apostles
C. The church
D. God
E. The brethren

Answer: A. The Holy Ghost
Explanation: In Acts 5:3, Peter confronts Ananias, asking why Satan filled his heart to lie to the Holy Ghost and keep back part of the price of the land.

Question 11: How did the apostles respond when commanded not to speak in the name of Jesus by the council?

A. They agreed to stop teaching
B. They asked for a sign
C. They prayed for boldness
D. They ceased preaching for a time
E. They said they must obey God rather than men

Answer: E. They said they must obey God rather than men
Explanation: Acts 5:29 records the apostles’ response to the high priest, emphasizing that they ought to obey God rather than men.

Question 12: Who was chosen to replace Judas Iscariot as the twelfth apostle?

A. Matthias
B. Barnabas
C. Stephen
D. Philip
E. Silas

Answer: A. Matthias
Explanation: Acts 1:26 describes the casting of lots to choose a new apostle to replace Judas Iscariot, resulting in Matthias being numbered with the eleven apostles.

Question 13: During Stephen’s defense before the council, he accused the Israelites of not obeying the law given by which angel?

A. Gabriel
B. Michael
C. Raphael
D. The angel of the Lord
E. The angel which appeared to Moses

Answer: D. The angel of the Lord
Explanation: Acts 7:53 refers to the law received by the disposition of angels, and Stephen accuses the Israelites of not having kept it.

Question 14: Fill in the blank: “And devout men carried Stephen to his burial, and made great __ over him.”

A. Celebration
B. Mourning
C. Lamentation
D. Joy
E. Proclamation

Answer: C. Lamentation
Explanation: Acts 8:2 states that devout men buried Stephen and made great lamentation over him.

Question 15: True or False: Philip went down to the city of Samaria and preached Christ unto them.

A. True
B. False
C. It was Peter, not Philip
D. It was John, not Philip
E. It was Samaria, not the city

Answer: A. True
Explanation: Acts 8:5 records that Philip went down to the city of Samaria and preached Christ unto them.

Question 16: Which sorcerer was rebuked by Peter for thinking the gift of God could be purchased with money?

A. Simon
B. Elymas
C. Dathan
D. Bar-Jesus
E. Jannes

Answer: A. Simon
Explanation: Acts 8:18-20 details the account of Simon the sorcerer, who offered money to have the power to bestow the Holy Ghost, and Peter rebuked him for thinking the gift of God could be purchased with money.

Question 17: To whom does the Ethiopian eunuch attribute the prophecy he was reading from Isaiah, according to Philip?

A. Himself
B. Isaiah
C. The Prophet Jeremiah
D. The Lord Jesus
E. The prophet of whom he read

Answer: D. The Lord Jesus
Explanation: Acts 8:34-35 depicts the Ethiopian eunuch reading from the prophet Isaiah and asking Philip of whom the prophet speaks. Philip began at the same scripture and preached unto him Jesus.

Question 18: In Joppa, Peter raised a disciple named Tabitha from the dead. What is her name in Greek?

A. Lydia
B. Damaris
C. Dorcas
D. Priscilla
E. Phoebe

Answer: C. Dorcas
Explanation: Acts 9:36-40 tells us about a woman full of good works and almsdeeds named Tabitha, which by interpretation is called Dorcas. Peter raised her from the dead after she became sick and died.

Question 19: In what city was Saul when he regained his sight and was filled with the Holy Ghost?

A. Damascus
B. Jerusalem
C. Antioch
D. Tarsus
E. Lystra

Answer: A. Damascus
Explanation: Acts 9:17-18 describes Ananias going to Saul in Damascus, where Saul regained his sight and was filled with the Holy Ghost.

Question 20: Cornelius, the centurion, was told in a vision to send for Peter, who was staying in which city?

A. Lydda
B. Joppa
C. Caesarea
D. Antioch
E. Jerusalem

Answer: B. Joppa
Explanation: Acts 10:5-6 narrates that Cornelius, a centurion in Caesarea, was directed by an angel in a vision to send men to Joppa to fetch Peter, who was lodging with one Simon a tanner.

Question 21: Who said, “Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we?”

A. Peter
B. John
C. Philip
D. James
E. Paul

Answer: A. Peter
Explanation: Acts 10:47 records Peter asking whether anyone could object to baptizing those who had received the Holy Spirit just as the apostles had, implying that no external criteria should prevent their baptism.

Question 22: What did Peter see in his vision that descended from heaven, as described in Acts chapter 10?

A. A great light
B. A burning bush
C. A sheet knitted at the four corners
D. A chariot of fire
E. A flock of doves

Answer: C. A sheet knitted at the four corners
Explanation: Acts 10:11-12 describes Peter’s vision in which he sees heaven opened and a certain vessel descending unto him, as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners and let down to the earth.

Question 23: Fill in the blank: “While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the __.”

A. Law
B. Prophecy
C. Word
D. Gospel
E. Truth

Answer: C. Word
Explanation: Acts 10:44 specifies that while Peter was speaking, the Holy Ghost fell on all those who heard the word, signifying the inclusive nature of God’s gift of the Spirit.

Question 24: Which tetrarch is mentioned in Acts as being reprimanded by John the Baptist, resulting in John’s imprisonment?

A. Philip
B. Herod Antipas
C. Archelaus
D. Herod Agrippa
E. Pontius Pilate

Answer: B. Herod Antipas
Explanation: Acts 13:1 refers to Herod the tetrarch, who was Herod Antipas. While not directly stated in Acts, it is known from the Gospels (e.g., Luke 3:19-20) that John the Baptist reproved Herod Antipas, which eventually led to John’s imprisonment and beheading.

Question 25: True or False: The proconsul Sergius Paulus was converted to Christianity after witnessing Elymas the sorcerer being struck blind.

A. True
B. False
C. It was not Sergius Paulus, but someone else
D. Elymas was not struck blind but deaf
E. Sergius Paulus was already a Christian

Answer: A. True
Explanation: Acts 13:12 details how the proconsul Sergius Paulus believed when he saw what had happened to Elymas (who was struck blind), being astonished at the doctrine of the Lord.

Question 26: In Lystra, who did the people think Paul and Barnabas were after they healed a crippled man?

A. Angels
B. Prophets
C. Gods come down in the likeness of men
D. The Messiah and Elijah
E. Kings

Answer: C. Gods come down in the likeness of men
Explanation: Acts 14:11-12 describes the reaction of the crowd in Lystra after the healing of the crippled man. They thought Barnabas was Jupiter and Paul was Mercurius because he was the chief speaker, suggesting they were deities.

Question 27: What did Paul do to the sorcerer Elymas when he attempted to turn the proconsul away from the faith?

A. He blessed him
B. He ignored him
C. He healed him
D. He struck him blind
E. He converted him

Answer: D. He struck him blind
Explanation: Acts 13:11 recounts Paul’s confrontation with Elymas, stating that Paul, filled with the Holy Ghost, called him a child of the devil and struck him blind for a season.

Question 28: What did Paul and Barnabas do in response to the Jews’ rejection of their preaching in Antioch of Pisidia?

A. They remained silent
B. They turned to the Gentiles
C. They left the city immediately
D. They performed a miracle
E. They rebuked the Jews

Answer: B. They turned to the Gentiles
Explanation: Acts 13:46-47 reveals that after the Jews rejected their message, Paul and Barnabas declared they would turn to the Gentiles, as God had commanded them to be a light to the Gentiles.

Question 29: Which council convened to discuss the issue of Gentile circumcision and adherence to the law of Moses?

A. The Jerusalem Council
B. The Council of Nicaea
C. The Sanhedrin

D. The Council of Ephesus
E. The Assembly at Antioch

Answer: A. The Jerusalem Council
Explanation: Acts 15 describes the assembly that is known as the Jerusalem Council, where the apostles and elders came together to consider the matter of whether Gentiles needed to be circumcised and follow the law of Moses.

Question 30: According to Acts 15, who were appointed to go to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas to deliver the decisions of the apostles and elders?

A. Silas and Timothy
B. Timothy and Luke
C. Judas surnamed Barsabas and Silas
D. Aquila and Priscilla
E. Titus and Epaphroditus

Answer: C. Judas surnamed Barsabas and Silas
Explanation: Acts 15:22 specifies that Judas surnamed Barsabas and Silas, chief men among the brethren, were chosen to accompany Paul and Barnabas to Antioch with the letter from the Jerusalem Council.

Question 31: What was the reaction of the Gentiles when they heard the decrees of the Jerusalem Council regarding the law of Moses?

A. They were confused
B. They were offended
C. They rejoiced for the consolation
D. They disputed the decision
E. They ignored the decrees

Answer: C. They rejoiced for the consolation
Explanation: Acts 15:31 describes the reaction of the Gentiles when they were read the letter from the Jerusalem Council; they rejoiced because of its encouraging message.

Question 32: What was Timothy’s heritage, as described in Acts 16?

A. A Greek father and a Jewish mother
B. A Jewish father and a Greek mother
C. Both parents were Greek
D. Both parents were Jewish
E. A Roman father and a Jewish mother

Answer: A. A Greek father and a Jewish mother
Explanation: Acts 16:1-3 tells us that Timothy was well reported of by the brethren at Lystra and Iconium, and that his mother was a Jewess and his father was a Greek.

Question 33: During Paul’s vision in Acts 16, who appeared to Paul, pleading for help?

A. A man of Macedonia
B. A woman of Thessalonica
C. An angel of the Lord
D. A child of Jerusalem
E. A priest from Ephesus

Answer: A. A man of Macedonia
Explanation: Acts 16:9 records Paul’s vision of a man of Macedonia who stood and pleaded with him, saying, “Come over into Macedonia, and help us.”

Question 34: Fill in the blank: “And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy _.”

A. Nation
B. Family
C. House
D. Soul
E. People

Answer: C. House
Explanation: Acts 16:31 is the response given by Paul and Silas to the Philippian jailer when he asked what he must do to be saved, telling him to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and not only he but also his household would be saved.

Question 35: Which goddess was the focus of the craftsmen’s trade that led them to riot against Paul in Ephesus?

A. Artemis
B. Athena
C. Hera
D. Aphrodite
E. Demeter

Answer: A. Artemis
Explanation: Acts 19:24-28 describes the situation in Ephesus where a silversmith named Demetrius caused an uproar because Paul’s teachings were turning people away from the goddess Artemis, whose temple was a source of wealth for the city.

Question 36: Who fell asleep and tumbled out of a window during Paul’s lengthy preaching in Troas?

A. Eutychus
B. Stephanas
C. Gaius
D. Tychicus
E. Alexander

Answer: A. Eutychus
Explanation: Acts 20:9 tells the story of a young man named Eutychus who, sitting in a window, fell into a deep sleep as Paul was long preaching; he then fell down from the third loft and was taken up dead, but Paul restored his life.

Question 37: True or False: According to Acts 20, Paul declared that he was innocent of the blood of all men.

A. True
B. False
C. This was said by Peter, not Paul
D. It was regarding only the elders of Ephesus
E. This statement was made in reference to his trial before the Jews

Answer: A. True
Explanation: Acts 20:26-27 has Paul asserting to the Ephesian elders that he is free from the blood of all men because he has not shunned to declare the whole counsel of God.

Question 38: To whom does Paul quote the Holy Ghost as saying, “In every city, bonds and afflictions abide me”?

A. To the elders of the church of Ephesus
B. To the church in Jerusalem
C. To the disciples in Caesarea
D. To Timothy in his letter
E. To the believers in Rome

Answer: A. To the elders of the church of Ephesus
Explanation: Acts 20:23 shows Paul speaking to the elders from the church at Ephesus, telling them that the Holy Ghost witnesses in every city that bonds and afflictions awaited him.

Question 39: Who advised Paul not to go up to Jerusalem, fearing that he would be bound and delivered into the hands of the Gentiles?

A. Agabus
B. Philip
C. The disciples of Caesarea
D. Luke
E. The people from Paul’s company

Answer: C. The disciples of Caesarea
Explanation: Acts 21:12 indicates that when Paul’s companions and the local disciples heard what the prophet Agabus predicted about Paul’s imprisonment, they pleaded with Paul not to go up to Jerusalem.

Question 40: In Acts 21, what was the name of the prophet who predicted Paul would be bound by the Jews in Jerusalem?

A. Ananias
B. Barnabas
C. Agabus
D. Silas
E. Apollos

Answer: C. Agabus
Explanation: Acts 21:10-11 narrates the arrival of a prophet named Agabus from Judea to Caesarea, who took Paul’s belt and bound his own feet and hands, prophesying that the Jews at Jerusalem would bind the owner of the belt in the same way and deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.

Question 41: According to Acts 21, what vow did Paul purify himself to show the Jews that he walked orderly and kept the law?

A. The vow of Samuel
B. The Nazarite vow
C. The vow of the Levites
D. The vow of the temple priests
E. The vow of the Pharisees

Answer: B. The Nazarite vow
Explanation: Acts 21:23-24 shows that Paul took part in the rites of purification with four men who were under a vow, which is understood to be the Nazarite vow, to demonstrate that he lived in observance of the law.

Question 42: Fill in the blank: “And when the __ heard that Paul spoke in the Hebrew tongue to them, they kept the more silence.”

A. People
B. Soldiers
C. Elders
D. Mob
E. Priests

Answer: A. People
Explanation: Acts 22:2 states that when the crowd heard Paul speak in Hebrew, they became even quieter, indicating that the language he used garnered their attention and respect.

Question 43: In Paul’s defense to the people in Jerusalem, whose student does he claim to be?

A. Gamaliel
B. Nicodemus
C. Joseph of Arimathea
D. Caiaphas
E. Ananias

Answer: A. Gamaliel
Explanation: Acts 22:3 mentions that Paul was educated at the feet of Gamaliel, a respected teacher of the law, and was zealous toward God, as were all Jews.

Question 44: True or False: According to Paul’s recount in Acts 22, Ananias who helped Paul regain his sight was a devout man according to the law.

A. True
B. False
C. It was not Ananias, but someone else
D. Ananias was devout, but not according to the law
E. Ananias was a Roman, not a Jew

Answer: A. True
Explanation: Acts 22:12 describes Ananias, who came to help Paul regain his sight, as a devout man according to the law, having a good report of all the Jews which dwelt there.

Question 45: Who does Paul identify as having commissioned him to witness to the Gentiles during his speech on the stairs of the barracks?

A. Jesus Christ
B. The Holy Ghost
C. The God of our fathers
D. The high priest
E. The council of Jerusalem

Answer: A. Jesus Christ
Explanation: Acts 22:21 recounts Paul’s experience of Jesus telling him, “Depart: for I will send thee far hence unto the Gentiles.”

Question 46: In Acts 23, to which group does Paul belong that caused a dissension between the Pharisees and Sadducees?

A. The Essenes
B. The Zealots
C. The Pharisees
D. The Sadducees
E. The Herodians

Answer: C. The Pharisees
Explanation: Acts 23:6-7 explains that Paul cried out in the council that he was a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee, and it was concerning the hope and resurrection of the dead he was called into question, causing a division between the Pharisees and Sadducees.

Question 47: What was the reaction of the high priest Ananias when Paul called him a “whited wall”?

A. He praised Paul
B. He ordered Paul to be smitten on the mouth
C. He forgave Paul
D. He left the council
E. He had Paul arrested

Answer: B. He ordered Paul to be smitten on the mouth
Explanation: Acts 23:2 states that after Paul rebuked Ananias by calling him a “whited wall,” Ananias commanded those that stood by Paul to smite him on the mouth.

Question 48: How many men conspired to kill Paul and would not eat or drink till they had killed him?

A. More than 40
B. 12
C. 3
D. 30
E. More than 7

Answer: A. More than 40
Explanation: Acts 23:12-13 mentions that more than forty Jews had made a conspiracy and had bound themselves under a curse, saying that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul.

Question 49: To whom did Paul’s sister’s son reveal the plot to kill Paul?

A. The chief captain
B. The high priest
C. Paul himself
D. The centurion
E. The Roman governor

Answer: A. The chief captain
Explanation: Acts 23:16 tells us that Paul’s nephew, his sister’s son, heard of their lying in wait and went and entered into the castle and told Paul. Then Paul called one of the centurions and had the young man taken to the chief captain to share the details of the plot.

Question 50: Which Roman governor did Paul appeal to as a Roman citizen after he was accused by the Jews?

A. Festus
B. Felix
C. Pilate
D. Gallio
E. Agrippa

Answer: B. Felix
Explanation: Acts 24:10 and onwards describe Paul’s trial where he spoke in his defense before Felix, the governor, after being accused by the Jews and the high priest Ananias.

These questions and answers draw upon specific, sometimes minute details to ensure a rigorous and enlightening quiz experience, while the explanations provide a concise reference to the Bible verses for further study and verification.

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