Causes of Weakness in prayer

7 Obvious Causes of Weakness in Prayer

Do you experience weakness in prayer? Are you wondering what could be the major causes of weakness in prayer?

Prayer, the lifeline that connects us to our Heavenly Father, can sometimes feel more like a struggle than a refuge. But why is this so? Why do we sometimes experience weakness in our prayers?

in this article, I will attempt to provide seven obvious causes of weakness in prayer. Let’s go!

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What does Weakness in Prayer Mean?

Weakness in prayer is that moment when you find your words lacking in conviction, when your heart is not in it, or when prayer seems more of a chore than a cherished dialogue with God. It’s that feeling of spiritual inertia, that sense of being stuck in a rut with no evident progress or breakthrough. It’s when your prayers start to sound like hollow whispers rather than passionate pleas to our loving Father. So, what leads to this spiritual lethargy?

The 7 Major Causes of Weakness in Prayer

1. Lack of Faith and not enough Word within

Faith is the bedrock of our prayers, the spiritual currency that drives our communion with God. A lack of faith can turn our prayers into mere rituals devoid of power. It’s like trying to start a car without fuel – it just won’t go.

This lack of faith often stems from not having enough of God’s Word within us. Remember, faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17). If we are not regularly feeding on God’s Word, our prayers will lack the necessary fuel for a robust spiritual life.

2. Sin, Guilt, and Disobedience

When a child knows he has done something wrong, he may feel hesitant to approach his father. Likewise, sin erects a wall of separation between us and our Heavenly Father (Isaiah 59:2). It’s like trying to make a phone call with a bad signal; the connection is poor, or sometimes there’s no connection at all. Our sin, guilt, and disobedience are like those signal blockers.

Our unconfessed sin, guilt, and persistent disobedience can hinder our prayers from reaching the ears of our Heavenly Father. It’s like a thick cloud cover that prevents the sunshine from reaching the ground. Psalm 66:18 tells us, “If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened.” Repentance is key, my friend.

[Read: Why Do I Keep Sinning The Same Sin?]

3. Poor Understanding of the Purpose of Prayer

Do we approach prayer as a heavenly vending machine, expecting to press the right buttons and get what we want? Prayer is more than that.

Imagine being gifted a powerful tool, but using it merely as a paperweight because you don’t fully understand its purpose. This is often the case when we approach prayer with a limited understanding of its true purpose. Many times, we perceive prayer as a heavenly genie’s lamp, rubbing it when we need something, hoping for our wishes to be granted. This perspective reduces prayer to a transaction, completely missing its richness and depth.

In essence, prayer is not a one-sided conversation or a celestial wish list. It’s our communion with God, a two-way dialogue that reflects our total dependence on Him. It’s our heart aligning with His will and finding peace in His presence.

When we misunderstand the purpose of prayer, we may find ourselves feeling disappointed when our demands aren’t met instantly, leading to weakness in prayer. But when we grasp that prayer is more about relationship than requests, our prayers become more vibrant, meaningful, and faith-filled.

4. Infrequent Prayer

Prayer, in many ways, is like the heartbeat of our spiritual life – it’s meant to be constant, steady, and life-sustaining. Infrequent prayer, then, is much like an irregular heartbeat, which weakens our spiritual vitality. The less we pray, the more our spiritual connection with God diminishes.

The apostle Paul understood this when he encouraged believers to “pray without ceasing” in 1 Thessalonians 5:17. This doesn’t mean we need to be on our knees 24/7, but it does mean maintaining a continual attitude of prayer – a constant communion with God in our hearts.

Regular, heartfelt prayer keeps our spiritual life vibrant and our connection with God strong. Just as we need daily meals for physical strength, we need daily prayers for our spiritual strength. Make prayer a priority, and see how it brings life and vigor to your walk with God.

[Read: Men ought always to pray: 10 reasons why we pray]

5. Lack of Perseverance

Imagine starting a marathon, but then quitting after the first mile because you didn’t reach the finish line immediately. This is akin to giving up on prayer when we don’t see instant answers. Prayer is not a sprint; it’s a marathon, requiring perseverance and endurance.

Jesus illustrated this beautifully in the parable of the persistent widow in Luke 18. Even when the answer was delayed, she did not stop knocking on the door of justice. She knew the key to receiving was persistent asking, and so must we. Sometimes, God’s silence is not a denial but a divine delay, a test of our faith and perseverance. God is shaping us in the waiting, strengthening our faith, and preparing us for His answers.

6. Distractions, Worldly Concerns and Lack of Concentration

Our lives are often like a crowded marketplace, buzzing with countless distractions and worldly concerns. These distractions often elbow their way into our prayer closet, leading to a wandering mind and lack of concentration. It’s like trying to have a deep conversation in the middle of a noisy crowd. The ambient noise drowns out the conversation.

Have you ever tried having a heartfelt conversation with someone who’s constantly checking their phone? It’s frustrating, isn’t it? Think about how God desires our full attention in prayer.

Jesus teaches us the antidote to this in the Sermon on the Mount. He says, “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen” (Matthew 6:6). This is not just about finding a physical location away from distractions, but also about finding a quiet space within our minds where we can focus solely on God, laying aside all our cares and worries.

We must be mindful to guard our prayer time against the encroachment of worldly concerns and distractions. Prayer deserves our full attention, for it is in these precious moments that we draw close to the heart of God, undistracted and undivided.

[Read: 20 Obvious Hindrances To Spiritual Growth]

7. Lack of a Prayerful Community

Can you picture a single ember removed from a glowing fire? What happens to it? It starts to lose its warmth, its glow, and soon, it dies out. This analogy holds true for our spiritual life as well. When we try to go it alone, away from a prayerful community, our fervor can gradually wane and our prayers may start to feel weak.

While personal prayer is vital, being part of a prayerful community adds another dimension to our prayer life. In a prayerful community, we find encouragement, accountability, shared faith, and collective worship. It’s like a choir, where each voice adds depth and richness to the song. The communal prayers carry a symphony of voices that ascend to God’s throne, each individual’s prayers bolstered by the faith of others.

Matthew 18:20 tells us, “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” God manifests His presence in a special way when we gather to pray together. The shared faith of a prayerful community can energize our prayers and make them more potent.

If you’re feeling a weakness in your prayer life, seek out a prayerful community – it could be a church, a small group, or even a couple of trusted friends. Being part of such a community can enrich your prayer life and keep the flame of your faith glowing brightly.


Just as a runner reaches the end of a race, not by chance, but by intentional and consistent effort, so too is our journey in prayer. It’s an exploration of faith that requires our constant attention and commitment. If you’ve identified with any of the seven causes of weakness in prayer discussed here, know that you’re not alone. Most importantly, realize that recognizing the problem is the first step towards making amends.

So I challenge you today, dear reader. Look inward, examine your prayer life. Is it vibrant and faith-filled, or are you experiencing a dry season? Are your prayers fervent and regular, or have they become infrequent and lukewarm? Are you steeped in God’s Word and His presence, or has sin erected a barrier? Are you trying to journey alone, or are you part of a prayerful community? Reflect and take stock of where you stand.

[Read: How to overcome weakness in prayer ]

Then, take deliberate steps to address these areas. Revitalize your prayer life, for it is in the secret place of prayer that we experience God in His fullness. As you invest time and effort into understanding the purpose of prayer, clearing the distractions, leaning into a prayerful community, and above all, bathing in God’s Word, your prayer life can be transformed.

Remember, the same God who heard the heartfelt prayers of David, Daniel, Hannah, and countless others, is listening to you. Your prayers matter. Will you recommit to a vibrant, effective prayer life today? Will you let your prayers become the melody that continually sings God’s praises, draws down His power, and reveals His heart? The choice is yours.

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